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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52459163 No.52459163 [Reply] [Original]

My normie friend just got suckered into a very predatory loan. Needs to pay back 52k over 7 years for a 2016 Chevy.
>Needs to pay back 52k over 7 years for a 2016 Chevy.

I live across the country and he just called me freaking out because he just now realized how badly he was taken advantage of. He hasn't picked the car up yet but has documents signed. Idk how to even help the guy. He's always been pretty slow and he doesn't really have anybody in his life who is gonna look out for him and help him navigate these things.

Does anyone know if there's a way for him to weasel out of this? Guy lives in Ontario. He's probably fucked but I'm just seething that somebody had the nerve to kike this guy so hard. He's like borderline retarded with a heart of gold, you'd have to be a monster to take advantage of somebody like that this badly.

>> No.52459191

Your friend was upside down from his last vehicle there's no helping your friend.
Why do people insist on helping retards?
I wish to god more than anything I could get a loan but I never used credit for reasons above and now I'm fucked.

Help people who aren't in debt to jews don't help idiots who can't pay off a car then immediately go upside down into a truck cause
Your "fren" deserves his pain.
>T. former car salesman and finance manager.

>> No.52459241
File: 41 KB, 433x325, westernsky-1cc082c6fc732f0883b76bb1ac53586f85e436ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can buy his debt for a price

>> No.52459255

If documents are signed then it's legally binding. Kind-hearted normies get fucked over all the time, it just hit your harder because you happen to know this one. Sorry my fren.

>> No.52459270

if he hasnt picked it up he can claim someone stole his identity to do it, idk.

>> No.52459284
File: 12 KB, 350x262, 2016_chevrolet_cruze_angularfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a truck. If it was a truck I'd at least have some hope that I can't just put it on auto trader and pass it on to the next greater fool.

The have him for 52k on a 2016 Chevy Cruz, with a clause that if he doesn't take custody the can resell it and hold him fr the difference. If he doesn't pick this piece of shit up from the lot they can sell this piece of sit again for 20k and still hold him for 32k. Idk what to say to him I'm asking for copies of whatever paperwork he has :(

>> No.52459316

How is this even legal? Also, how desperate and stupid is your friend?

>> No.52459338

Have him see a lawyer, if that fails break into the lot and torch the car.

>> No.52459371

Isn't this car like 10k?

>> No.52459407


buying a GM car

top kek and doubles my friend, no one except low IQ folks buy obama bailout cars and trucks

>> No.52459448

Tell him to put 5k into chainlink NOW and he'll make enough to pay off all the loan by febuary.

>> No.52459449

give him rope

>> No.52459461

Dude this is a majority of normies not even kidding

>> No.52459479

This is 2022 luxury BMW price for 2016 Cruze. Pretty messed up.

>> No.52459552

Tell him to call the local news, no joke. The dealership will quickly back out of the deal if you get the news involved. Local news loves to pick up SOB stories like these about predatory lending

>> No.52459587

Thanks for playing

>> No.52459614

Literally just don't pay it

>> No.52459616

Just pay extra every month to eat away the principle. Pay it off asap so it doesnt equal 52k.

>> No.52459619

This could actually work. And he could tell the dealership that he's forwarded this story to a local news outlet and they've contacted him for a follow up interview soon. Even though the latter is bs it adds to the leverage. These are the dumb games you have to play, unfortunately.

>> No.52459684

simple, ghost the dealership, have him liquidate all his savings into monero, then just dont pick up their phone calls and dont pay. its that simple

>> No.52459729

common auto sales w. i literally lived for years off of selling single mothers 2010 dodge caravans for 10k over wholesale, kikeing them on the back end with f+i products, then inevitably getting a conditional approval at 24% interest.

the funniest is when you drag the term out for 96 months so the payment goes down, and they thank you as if you haven't just fucked them even further.

i kinda miss sales

>> No.52459804

if he hasnt picked up the car yet then he can likely weasel his way out of it. there's no reason the dealership will reserve it for him if he ghosts them. it sucks for them but they'll just sell it to someone else. literally just dont go pick it up. literally just ah jeez dood i hurt my leg em. the worst is he has a hard inquiry on his credit but thats nothing compared to taking on 52k in debt

>> No.52459892


for that kind of money you can get a tesla

>> No.52459913

not with a room temperature credit score, which is what you gotta have to end up paying 50 bags for a 7 year old general motors shitpile

>> No.52459925

What are the consequences for him if he just doesn't pay? And fucking drive the thing into the ground before they repossess. Fucking bush bash that cunt. In Australia I could do that with zero consequences apart from bad credit which gets wiped after 5 years anyway.
I enjoy getting calls from collectors, I'm autistic and I claim that they have racially vilified me and demand apologies, ask to speak to the manager and put them on hold, ask for an person meeting at the truck stop on the highway at 2am etc. Wish that would happen again but they don't call me anymore.

>> No.52459950

I was under the impression that most states allowed you to dissolve an auto contract within three days. Could be wrong and I don’t feel like googling

>> No.52460061

I went to ford for this reason but my buddies Chevy has a better engine

>> No.52460894

1. Do not take delivery of the vehicle. You’re fucked once you do.
2. Local news is a good idea.
3. More info on Ontario laws around canceling contracts: https://www.omvic.on.ca/portal/Consumers/Complaints/CancellinganAgreement.aspx
4. You can cancel warranties and shit on the back end he may have bought.
5. Explain the situation in more detail, maybe we can help

>> No.52460973

If all else fails, go "full retard" and start breaking shit. If you're taking me to the cleaners I'm going to make your life an absolute nightmare. I'd break a dealership window every other night lmao.

>> No.52461312

This. Take it to a lawyer. Your buddy will pay the lawyer a few thousand to shut this kike auto dealer down. It'll be an expensive but cheaper lesson. You know, there are people you can pay to go and negotiate a car purchase on their behalf so they don't get kiked. Just tell your buddy to hire a trusted person for like $500 to negotiate next time.

>> No.52461401

Why would you want a tesla

>> No.52461449

I bought a used shitwagon for 1k, I don't know what's happening in the head of goytards ending up in debt for a car
yeah and? It's 1k. There's no way I'll waste as much money on it as a guy wasting 20 to 50k into a shit mobile.
What's the logic?

>> No.52461486

Oh my god people he sold his former car that he still owed money on as a trade in on his 2016 chevy he can't
He signed a fucking agreement to stack the amount he owed left onto his new auto loan.
This is standard for people that are "upside down"
If you think a lawyer will touch this you're insane.
Best bet is hope he had GAP insurance and go get hit by a train.

>> No.52461516

Documents signed? Lol who gives a fuck. Almost all states will have a 3 to 7 day grace period.

But most deals haven't really happened yet until money is exchanged. Peices of paper are meaningless unless tied to an action, like an exchange of money.

>> No.52461551

Have him roll the loan over to his bank or credit union. I got 3% shaved off the interest rate of my last car loan doing that.

>> No.52461663

52k for a used Chevy Cruz, holy shit haha.

>> No.52461707

can't he just refinance?

>> No.52461908

>Documents signed? Lol who gives a fuck.
This. Documents and contracts are for dumb goyim to follow and for the elite to break on a whim. Tell them to pursue the "breached" contract in court and they will waste money and get buried when your buddy takes his story to the media. They will drop it.

>> No.52462040

call up dave ramsey and tell him this he will love to listen to you