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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52454416 No.52454416 [Reply] [Original]

Can biz finally admit that Polygon won?

>> No.52454472
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last 24 hours.

>> No.52454482

considering "Web3" doesn't actually mean anything, no

>> No.52454512

>tech retarded boomer globohomo-ists take off a t full speed to try and technologically dominate the world
>they use ETH and L2 bandaids
Can't make this up folks.

>> No.52454526
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hey faggot

>> No.52454529

I wonder what else they would use. Because for the most part they would be the only ones

>> No.52454544

Those arent daily tx, those are dialy interactions with smart contracts like lps. By your metric polygon has lost a long time ago against binance chain

>> No.52454559
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lol /biz will always stay poor with this mentality

>> No.52454588

there are still hired shills on this board. amazing

>> No.52454589

I'm no Matic supporter but you have to admit they're the only ones doing any sort of work in the market right now

To this day, no other chain has been able to subject crypto and blockchain to the mainstream media as much as Polygon has

>> No.52454591

They wouldn't use anything other than the slowest shittiest thing being that they are literally 80.
topkek they only needed to wait 3-4 more years and maybe it would work.

>> No.52454617

i dont get it. werent we all preaching about "mainstream adoption"?
why is that when companies are joining the market, fags like you reply with this? this is so counterintuitive

>> No.52454620

Cope and seethe but you absolutely know it's true.
No one knows what Matic is at all beyond like three crypto boards.

That said, it is an effective bandaid for operations that were on the BLEEDING (too early and they fucked up) edge and need to streamline.

>> No.52454636

ETH is a forced meme.
But it's run by psychopathic globohomo faggots and is being force fed.
I get a kick out of it because it's so bad relative to other solutions that currently exist that it's doomed to total failure and that makes me laugh.
ETH is the square peg. Being relatively useful is the round hole.

>> No.52454671

Ripple? Hahahahahaahaha
There’s a huge difference between Ripple and Matic
But the most important difference is that Matic has LAY
Ripple didnt integrate LAY

>> No.52454728

>ETH is a forced meme.
whats the alternative then? ill wait
Solana? LOOOL
Cardano? no dApps
Avalanche? they steal all their tech
Polkadot? ghost chain
Polygon and Ethereum are the only valid chains right now

>> No.52454793
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i kneel

>> No.52454795

Brainlet response which I knew you'd make.
>no other chain has been able to subject crypto and blockchain to the mainstream media as much as Polygon has
No one fucking knows who they are at all dude.
Ripple is on Fox Business every week.
Just get over it instead of looking like a retard.
They didn't have an alternative because they are 80 and going to be dead. So they are force feeding inferior tech because they are heavily invested in it.
Why they desperate PoS switch? It's already not working.
Doesn't bother me. I still hold tokens running on ETH and that use Matic specifically for their operations.
You midwits and your "one or the other" thinking...

>> No.52454806

still made more money that your sorry ass

>> No.52454832
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i had a stoke reading this you fucking retard

>> No.52454859

>Ripple is on Fox Business every week.
>Just get over it instead of looking like a retard.
okay but what about LAY?? Ripple has literally not LAY integrated

>> No.52454866

another 10 years. They managed to implement apis after 20 years, that is a great leap, after implementing voip 30 years after it entered the market
if they are going to use anything, it wont be permissionless.

>> No.52454930
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>No one fucking knows who they are at all dude.
>newfag detected
Fox news ohhhhh omg omg shiver me timbers.
you fucking newfag
Polygon has partnerships with:
>JP Morgan
>Coca Cola
kill yourself immediately anon

>> No.52454958

so basically no one answered anons question
what chain should they use? lol no one will answer cause both of you know anything you say will be shit to build on
right now the go to chains are Ethereum, and Polygon if you want you want it to be cheaper and faster

>> No.52454986

The fact that this image is already outdated since 3 weeks says volumes
since this image was shared on twitter, Polygon has already partnered with 4 more major companies kek

>> No.52455012
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this is biz anon
its "cool" to hate on Ethereum and L2s

>> No.52455066

Polyjeets won for sure. Ethereum and its fanboys were too incompetent to make a chain that can scale and hit enough tps and low fees to be useful. Even BSC jeetchain was preferred at some point due to the fees. I can see Polygoon madrachod chain flip Eth soon. They just need to be a bit more ballsy and go for a split.

>> No.52455090

Nothingburger, Polyjeet just throws money at them to get """""""""""partnerships""""""""""""

>> No.52455110
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This is why biz is filled with bitter losers. You all made a bad bet by buying Luna and FTX and Cardano, so you are all bursting out at Polygon and Ethereum. Grow up.

I'll give you a free 100x ROUTE - a wormhole alternative that's also going to blow up very soon.

Screencap this. All you fags will be crying about it in a few months.

>> No.52455149

ah yes, "nothingburger"
is this why MATIC is already in the top 10 when back in December it was in the 20th position?

>> No.52455170

>AVAX cucked
>DOT cucked
>SOL cucked
only ADA left and its looking like easy work for MATIC

>> No.52455208

>Thinks marketcap in a deep bear market means dogshit
Fucking cringe

>> No.52455210

do not forget the dchan.org ;P

>> No.52455211

kek nice pic anon

>> No.52455272

this reply alone shows how little knowledge you know about markets as a whole

growing mcaps during a bear market are one of the most bullish indicators you can look for.
In a bear market, all tech and fundamentals are being tested. the fact that MATIC kept rising while everything around it was falling apart is a clear indicator that they know what theyre doing

Bull market mcaps on the other hand make zero sense because its all hype and shitcoin pump and dumps

>> No.52455300

What does t it means "partnered"?
What projects? What contracts?

>> No.52455339

Matic will do fuckall in the next bull because they already blew all load right now. Wait and see fuckface.

>> No.52455384

>having to resort to existential terminology for FUD
partner as in both parties agreed to conduct business together
projects as in a product
contract as in a legal or coded bind that forces both parties to honor their obligations and duties
better nigger?

>> No.52455404

source? your school of though is so flawed
this isnt oil reserves being extracted, this is new tech being developed

>> No.52455478

there are dozens over dozens of chains waiting for devs to popularize them. The market is so overflooded with solutions that never scale its hilarious, and all together they maybe have 3B in relevant volume among them all, with eth at 2 Billion and the next being bnb with 300 Million, all the rest far below 50 million with some at a few dollar per day in relevant interactions on chain

>> No.52455502

>waiting for devs to popularize them
key word "waiting"
until that actually happens, shut the fuck up and respect the people putting in work RIGHT NOW

>> No.52455532

I fucking hate the arguments
"when xyz happens" and "if xyz did this" when the reality is that Polygon and Etherum are already live and doing the most
no one cares about your "wait until" "when" and "if"
All we care about is whats happening right now

>> No.52455543
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Your doubling down on stupid.

But I'll bite, what chain do you think will be the king? Luna? Cardano? What bag are you holding anon?

>> No.52455584

LUNA rugged

Cardano is run by an egomaniac that does deliver on his promises (we're still waiting for those thousands of dApps)

Solana is gone, and even in its prime it was the network was facing stoppage issues

Polkadot is a ghost chain that no one uses

Avalanche had a good start but ruined it with the whole Roche scandal

Fantom is down 98% so its basically gone as well

Hedera is... well... Hedera. Its fucking retarded

I dont see anything other than Polygon and Ethereum (at least for now)

>> No.52455611

>All we care about is whats happening right now
and nothing ever happens

>> No.52455625

globohomos sucking pajeet cock. What a surprise.

>> No.52455637

You're totally not a bagholder right? Lmao

>> No.52455660

the ranking by "real" usage, which is mostly stable coin swapping by volume is, eth, bnb and then long time nothing followed by eth roll ups

>> No.52455826

no one fucking uses ripple you fat faggot and it's only mentioned on fox because it's got the sec up its asshole. nice 67k daily active users and 1b trading volume u bank cock sucker

>> No.52455871


its just funny how people will make up any excuse to shit on the world FINALLY starting to adopt web3 just because it wasnt through their shit chain of choice first

>> No.52456102

>bank cock sucker
ETH is literally run by the bankers and is being sued by the SEC. You think holding the free pass token makes you a rebel?
Ripple has a very specific usecase. I only brought them up because the other anon talked about media.
It's not really a comparable thing.
ETH is just slow regardless.

>> No.52456117

*Ripple is being sued...

>> No.52456357

you still aint answer me
what about the LAY? Why does Polygon have LAY but Ripple doesnt? Hmm?

>> No.52456780

What the fuck is LAY?

>> No.52457771

samefaggots, not funny

>> No.52458026

The term their using it means nothing since it’s still on web2. Matic literally cannot exist without web2 so yeah there’s no form of independent owner where it doesn’t rely on web2 therefore it’s means nothing in this case. There’s only 2 coins where this doesn’t apply to and matic isn’t one of them

>> No.52458057

One is correct out of what you listed everything else eth forks or shitty web2s

>> No.52458565

NFTs are definitely bringing more people into crypto anon. Mass adoption is not too far away and one platform that caught my attention is holoride, which would bring NFTs and the metaverse to users on road trips

>> No.52458665
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Don't gotta convince me bro.

I am a mini matic whale