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52451751 No.52451751 [Reply] [Original]

Here comes the bullshit

>> No.52451792

The worst part of CBDCs is I know normies and redditfags will euphorically adopt it. Fucking sucks.

>> No.52451817

30 year old boomer here. Do I scan my paper money and upload to the WEF or what?

>> No.52451856

Considering how much of a disaster cryptocurrency has been for society, this might be an improvement

>> No.52451878

So I actually did research on CBDCs. I came to the conclusion that we have roughly 5 years before a complete roll out of them. This is because the testing phase and probing of popular support is still on going. Ask me anything on specifics since it's a large topic

>> No.52451909

"Nooo normies and redditors will start failing for my cryptocuck scams and they'll adopt the REAL digital currency... SUCKS!!!"

>> No.52451912

You basically get paid for the month and you have to spend all of your pay check the month that follows, otherwise any dollar not spent that's not deposited in some .5% APY interest account "expires."
Yes. They set up expiry dates to fucking money.

>> No.52451919

And no CBDCs will not be built on XRP

>> No.52451923

based retard

>> No.52451928

Bullish for linkies

>> No.52451934

Based pajeet.

Bye, crypto and its degeneracy will be stepped on and never missed.

>> No.52451938

>a fledgling free market where anyone can become wealthy while participating in cutting edge economics research
>disaster for society
where do you retards come from

>> No.52451939

I still don't understand why this is supposed to be bearish for crypto.

>> No.52451952

Bearish for humanity not crypto

>> No.52451954

A 5 year time frame before CBSCs roll out, means 5 years until transaction within the system will be completely survailed? How do we position our assets to be able to make an escape? I have lots of questions and would like to discuss this.

>> No.52451957

Crypto has been leading to this, the entire purpose of crypto was fleece money for Dems and to get people to call for regulation and push them to wanting to conduct everything online. Now the government will have more power than ever to track people and their purchases, all thanks to cryptocucks.

>> No.52451958

Isn't it already digital? Most transactions happen via card or online transfers anyway so what's new about this "digital dollar"?

>> No.52451959

cbdc's will have their own equivalent of etherscan? how transparent (for plebs) transactions will be?

>> No.52451978

read your post again and explain to me how i’m the pajeet in this situation

>> No.52451980

>I still don't understand why this is supposed to be bearish for crypto.
its bearish for freedom. they can put limits on your spending with these

>sorry anon, you've already consumed the 8oz of steak you're allotted this week, transaction denied
>automatic carbon tax deductions

>> No.52451987

how do they plan to transition from cash and current "cash" settlement systems to cbdc? will it be a "hand over your physical at x exchange rate for a probationary 6 month period" kind of deal like when they rolled out the Euro?

>> No.52451989

How can we profit off of it?

>> No.52451998

well sort of. The isea is if the economy needs a shot in the arm, the Fed will print and distribute some free cash but on the condition they spend it before xyz or at 123 shops. It will open up a whole new world of pain for you courtesy of your jew oligarchs.

>> No.52452003

What the fuck? Where am I? Do you mouthbreathers even understand why crypto was invested and the history of the central banking, the most evil institutions in the world? Go back to fundamentals and don't come back until you are actually educated about the world.

>> No.52452006

Globohomo just gonna let parallel economy of shitcoins go on whle cbdc fully rolled out?

>> No.52452008

They're never going to follow up on this. How are rich and powerful people suppose to launder money from tax collectors and buy children for satanic ritual sacrifices with a totally traceable CBDC?

>> No.52452015

No. Bank settlements and wiring still stakes days and operates on a 9-5 schedule retard gorilla monkey nigger CBDC makes this instant and global currency interoperability

>> No.52452028


>> No.52452029

will be on Ethereum/Polygon

>> No.52452046
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Yes, because crypto is SUCH a step up. No fraud, scams, schemes and other disasters have ever occurred in the crypto space, SPECIALLY not when it comes to altcoins, defi or anything in between. No, that's not real crypto, right?

You stupid fucking delusional niggers I swear.

>> No.52452048

you can't -they will be bound to you. You won't be able to transfer a 'free' airdrop with an expiry date or limited to certain shops. You will be controlled like fucking hamsters learning new tricks in your little treadmills.

>> No.52452050

Can't wait for the FTX drainer to drain the global economy.

>> No.52452052
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>> No.52452057

>Bank settlements and wiring still stakes days and operates on a 9-5 schedule
Really? I had no idea banking was this primitive in America, how bizarre.

>> No.52452063

Only pajeets are mourning the clear imminent demise of crypto. Well, pajeets and criminals.

>> No.52452072

Fuck off glownigger.

>> No.52452079

Crypto was invented to be a ponzi scheme. Every coin is a fraud.

>> No.52452080

Kek crypto was a CIA psyop to make digital payments know to pave the way for CBDC mouth breather nigger IM IN IT FOR THE TECH DURRRR!!!!!

>> No.52452095

crypto and bullion

>> No.52452097
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>> No.52452101

They're still on mainframes. There is a consortium that tried to fix it themselves, called Zelle, but it's just kind of used for P2P.

>> No.52452114

they are 10 years late, the shabbos goycucks working for banks will never
match the speed of innovation that happens in crypto industry, their devs are like little autistic indian children compared to devs who have been on solidity since it's inception

their failure to adopt sooner is what will make their CBDCs obsolete, the public will see this and choose to use the older and more fleshed out ecosystem (ETH/matic/avax)

>> No.52452123

The paper money scans you and uploads you to the Cute Boy Department Cyberspace :)

>> No.52452125

Hey RETARD those will be regulated to HELL AND BACK KEK BOY

>> No.52452170

you need to do some reading, bro

>> No.52452173

please explain to me how you can regulate them?
are you mentally injured?

when they say regulation they are talking about things like exchanges not having PoR or DeFi projects having certain amounts of capital without a complete audit
regulation IS adoption, you fucking moronic braindead piece of booger
JP Morgan said today that regulation will greatly speed up adoption of crypto, they used MATIC for their first DeFi trade LAST WEEK, 7 days ago. you retard

in 10 years you will off yourself because you chose to be contrarian at possibly the dumbest time to ever be contrarian in history

>> No.52452178

Don't they have that in parts of China already?

>> No.52452185

Yes for the first question. Escaping is easy suicide is an option. Jokes aside bitcoin and crypto won't dissappear but the narrative will change. The store of value talk is sort of a meme but I can see people embracing it as the digitization of the world continues on. Remember this is a very young market relative to others.
This is a scary one because of course it will have its own explorer for transaction and activity history no doubt in my mind. That's a big reason why the push for development is there. But I don't think it will be able available to the public for some bullshit reason like national security or something.

>> No.52452210

All those are securities keep huffing that copium baggie

>> No.52452228

I didn't think people like you were even real

>> No.52452259

You probably have baggie brain rot it happens when you huff too much copium like this anon >>52452173

>> No.52452263

I personally think cash will be phased out largely through the continued digitization of the world to be quite honest. There's already a collective idea among zoomers that cash is not "real money" meaning they only see real money as the numbers on their bank account. I think as time passes cash will slowly seep into irrelevance which will allow the government to sweep in a get rid of it on the basis that it's antiquated and inefficient.

>> No.52452272

sir, you just tagged me twice
you have the brain rot

>> No.52452314

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler said most of the cryptocurrencies are securities and there won't be any new guidelines for the crypto industry.
my condolences, baggie

>> No.52452339

>Confirms anons assumption by posting genuine kike behavior.
Jews are so smart

>> No.52452372

Pain economy

>> No.52452438


>> No.52452518

>unironically quoting Gary Gensler as if it is law
you are such a faggot

>> No.52452539

note they started doing this aspect in Australia already: Commonwealth bank now tracks your carbon footprint with your purchases

>> No.52452578

how susceptible would a CBDC be to hacking and cyberattacks?

>> No.52452637

Ah, so you don’t know fuck all about CBDCs

>> No.52452696
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Yes they will, they've been planning to replaced the USD reserve currency for a while now. You better watch the Catherine Austin Fitts interviews on planetlockdownfilm.com if you don't want to get blindsided.
I already emptied all my bank accounts, etc. At this point I pay everything in cash, as much as possible. I don't want to be a part of their new system.

>> No.52452735

>note they started doing this aspect in Australia already: Commonwealth bank now tracks your carbon footprint with your purchases

why would anyone continue to bank with them?

>> No.52452816

Congrats on your new hire at the NSA or IRS
Everybody else is obv a criminal (unless black)

>> No.52452897
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There was an "insider" IT security guy who was working on their CBCD system that leaked some info. He said there will be 2 classes of people.
1. Sovereign individuals, who can basically buy anything they want, no rules apply to them (and probably their transactions aren't logged).
2. Everyone else are slaves to the system.
The number of people in the first category is very, very small. We're not in it! It's basically just the bankers and their pals.

>> No.52452932

Do zoomers really?

>> No.52453025
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Mainframes are actually much better than any of the recent computers, in terms of reliability.

>> No.52453071

XRP bagholder here, some will be, other won't be.

>> No.52453090

so its like yield curve control but on steroids

>> No.52453108

Reliability yes, but they're also why ACH transfers are literally one guy uploading a CSV file to the clearinghouse at the end of the day.

>> No.52453124
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A lot, because all modern hardware and software are complete shit. The even had to make speculative (out of order) processors, because it was the only way to make the nasty bloated crapware run somewhat quickly. But it still takes up huge memory footprint, needs tons of storage, etc. There are many, many places for bugs to exist, and some of those will inevitably be exploitable.

>> No.52453158

yep, enjoy you socialist authoritarian paradise

>> No.52454304

Right on cue here you are.

>> No.52454336


CBDC's are going to be so fucking dystopian it's not even funny. All your purchases traceable everywhere, monitored forever, not even your money really yours, can be killswitched at any time.

>> No.52454413

>not your keys not your bug-ACK
What will the real currency be? I hope it's bottle caps just like my favorite vidya.

>> No.52454488
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>nocoiner drooling retard blindly accept a centralized scam which is 1000x worse than any crypto

>> No.52454536

Probably will happen one more and last crypto bullrun before some glowie happening. FTX is the test run.

>> No.52454577

>1 result
kek newfags, need to buy more

>> No.52454608

Reminder that the next step after this is making crypto illegal btw.

>> No.52454785


> Tidecoin solves this problem.

Good luck anons

>> No.52454897

>12 week presale
Holy fuck, Lois! they are going super jeet 3!

>> No.52454925

so if i'm understanding this correctly bankman rugged crypto, pushed democrats over the top, and is now fleeing to israel?

>> No.52454972

goyim you must pay more taxes

>> No.52454987
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We've already infiltrated the infrastructure. The actual roll out will be sabotaged, don't worry

>> No.52455106

>we need digital currency
>but crypto is dangerous i saw it on the news someone named sam the bankman or something crashed everything and scammed everyone. anyways its not safe
>this government digital currency will be safer then bitcoin, which is used by drug dealers and keeps having scams
its so easy to manipulate the thoughts of the normies just by staging a few events and controlling the narrative around it
>we need cbdcs to save the economy and stop the inflation and such

>> No.52455393


So xrp won?

>> No.52455449

Yes, but now or cope and seethe. XRP was always destined to be the standard

>> No.52455470
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XRP not needed in fact no token needed

>> No.52455649

you are arguing with jidf and /pmg/ niggers.
they will be gone next bull run if there is one

>> No.52455689
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Yeah people only get scammed in crypto

>> No.52455750

>BNY Mellon

Where have i seen these names before... huh

>> No.52455773

Make of the beast this generation. Without the chip in your hand or forehead you won't be able to buy or sell.

>> No.52455786

USDC is on ETH

>> No.52455787

>We will reach a point in our lifetime where currency is not backed by anything

what a fucking time to be alive

>> No.52455795

Eh swift = chainlink...link token needed

>> No.52455808

2 weeks


>> No.52455821

they already tested cbdcs in some countries. japan and nigeria come to mind and it bombed miserably in both because the population did not trust it. let's see if americans still have some backbone or they will be the ultimate cucks again. even fucking nigerians rejected it kek

>> No.52455822

I do not understand this. We already have digital dollars. What is different about this? If it's not peer to peer permissionless censorship resistant money it's not a competitor to bitcoin.

>> No.52455838

Enjoy your 12 weeks,
I've got my 12 words.

>> No.52455842

Sounds like this is only being used by banks? So it's a new way to banks to send money to each other. Big whoop. Still just private permissioned money in a proprietary centralized database

>> No.52455904
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>Get stimulus money
>buy precious metals and crypto with it
Am I missing something?

>> No.52455977
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Sergey going to drink everyones milkshake

>> No.52456139


>> No.52456297

No one called you a jew but thanks for point it out to us retard.

>> No.52456360
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>why would anyone (insert any room temperature IQ activity here)

such it is until humans wake up to their true potential

>> No.52457611
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>> No.52457951

Here is some spoonfeed. https://www.bis.org › publ › othp47
Project Dunbar - International settlements using multi-CBDCs
I particularly enjoy the blurb on page 47. Also note R3 involvement.

>> No.52458543

>whats new?
>warrantless surveillance and freezing money instead of accounts
lets say you sell a graphics card on ebay. the buyer venmos you the money. later it turns out this buyer is also part of a criminal gang. his venmo/bank account get frozen.
in CBDC world its not so much his account gets frozen but his money. including the money he sent you. CBDC central computer just follows the money trail. guilty until proven innocent
>expiry dates on money
anon we need you to stimulate the economy. you saving your money means you're not giving it to walmart. so heres a 28 day timer on your paycheck, if you havent spent it by then at approved locations we'll take it.
>negative interest rates
right now you can withdraw your money from the bank if the bank would charge you interest to keep it. CBDCs go hand in hand with the end of cash

>> No.52458608

fucking JEWS

>> No.52458969
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check them and non xrp holders on sui watch :D
20k make it stack btw

>> No.52459002

Try buying crypto with it, I dare you.

>> No.52459023

paid posters can eat shit

>> No.52459092

Yes. You'll only be allowed to spend the electric goodboy tokens on sóy/bugmeal/cornsyrup/seed oil based foods, consumer electronics, media subscription services, female hormones, and consumer electronics like latest iPhone.
But you won't even qualify for EGT because of your social credit score.

>> No.52459177

is your noggin ok?

>> No.52459471

They don't need to anymore. Because they are in control of it. Oh, you mean someone else isn't? Such a shame for them.

>> No.52459626

money is mostly digital now yes, but not programmable like it will be eventually.

>> No.52459760

yep. I'm sure xrm will survive in the underground, but speculative crypto (ponzis) will stop

>> No.52459997

While you degenerates bemoan this, I, a hbar holder, welcome this. My zogcoins will moon once the US money supply runs on hashgraph