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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52446756 No.52446756 [Reply] [Original]

tfw never got rekt thanks to mommy Rowlings redpilling me at a young age

>> No.52446992

tfw never got rekt even without being a /pol/ tourist

>> No.52447101
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Jews are not your friend, anon

>> No.52447114
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Not a goblin confirmed. Probably nothing.

>> No.52447248

could you eceleb nigger all go back to /tv/

>> No.52447301

tolkien compared the jews to his dwarfs when he was asked about it
they're materialistic, opportunistic, nepotistic and hence strongly anti-european
they're an asset from a purely economic perspective since they're proactive and probably quite smart (at least the ashkenazi)

>> No.52447405

The ashkenazi aren't smart, they have a higher verbal IQ but their average IQ is lower than European whites, the study the jews like to quote to say we have a higher IQ was done on kids in a private school for jews, then in another shitty public school where they counted mexicans as whites.
And they're not an asset from an economic perspective, they're leeches that suck the value out of the economy because they're can't invent or create, they can only work in middlemen jobs, aka banking, hollywood agents, movie producers where they move money from point A to B and have other people do the rest.
The reason they're good at this is because of their higher verbal IQ and lack of shame, for example if I said the sky is green, and you explained to me how I was wrong and it was in fact blue, I'd agree with you then say the sky is blue, and even if I wanted to trick you I would be too embarassed to say it was green after having been proven wrong, the jews don't have this problem, he'll just avoid the subject then the next day say oy vey see the green sky...

>> No.52447453

Also notice how the only 2 big other crypto exit scams are Terra and Bitconnect, both Do Kwon and the pajeet from bitconnect are fugitives, while the OP pic related Caroline (Alameda), Karpeles (MtGox), Mashinsky (celsius), Bankman (FTX) didn't go to prison.
Fucking Elizabeth Holmes is being sentenced to prison because she's not jewish, and people lost a lot less money in Theranos than in FTX.
The only other jew I remember going to prison for a big scam like this is Bernie Maddoff and it's only because he scammed other more powerful jews.

>> No.52447455
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/pol/tards are invading this board to shit on a few jews

They don't care about crypto nor do they hold any, they just want to shitpost about le ebil jooz.
Let's look at some big non jewish scammer in crypto.

>Daniele Sestagalli
A well known white scammer, het scammed multiple billions with wonderland last year and with various other projects.
>Ruja Ignatova
Another white scammer, she scammed over $4 billion with OneCoin uhooo I think I am starting to see a patern here....
>Faruk Fatih oezer
We still have enough time to talk about more white scammer this time we have a turkish one. He scammed over $2 billion with Thodex, a turkish crypto exchange.
>Satish Kumbhani
I think I don't have to write much about him, he made bitconect and scammed over $2.4 billion

Wait are you telling me that non jews can also scam multiple billions without anything happening to them?!! This must be a jooz lie because /pol/ told me otherwise.

>> No.52447473

IDF detected

>> No.52447494

Cringe and didn't read, see >>52447101

>> No.52447510

tldr ywnbarw

>> No.52447538

oh wow a whole 2 "white" (italian and some eastern euro) scammers out of the 1B+ white population worldwide
one arab out of the 1B+ arabs
one indian out of the 1B+ indians
all with scams so irrelevant nobody even cares about
meanwhile op shows you 4 jewish scammers of american/israeli/french nationality, who get lavish press, supported by the establishment, rug millions of people
4 out of an alleged 15 millions
literally TWO FULL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more scammers than the other races
even black crime compared to white crime looks completely normal relative to this difference

>> No.52447542
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Keep seething and go back to >>>/pol/ nobody on /biz/ wants you here.

>> No.52447551


>> No.52447563
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The only one seething here is you, friend. Swinging at shadows and posting mega cringe. Go back to your discord

>> No.52447586
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>The only one seething here is you, friend. Swinging at shadows and posting mega cringe. Go back to your discord

>> No.52447597

New favorite. Cheers cunt.

>> No.52447630
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For you friend

>> No.52447691
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>> No.52447750

Perish Judah.