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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 614x1035, arielle-maxine_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52446052 No.52446052 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to bring my crypto out of the country and cash out? Do I have to declare my crypto holding and ledger at the custom?

>> No.52446062

Obvious man.

>> No.52446063

It's a man isn't it

>> No.52446064

That's a man.

>> No.52446080

That's is 100% an XY chromosome human male.

>> No.52446088

Yeah that's a man
I'd fuck him so hard

>> No.52446089

just put your key in several encrypted places
in some email, in an encrypted file
or some cloud again encrypted
on your phone in encrypted file

>> No.52446103

>email encrypted
>cloud encrypted
>phone encrypted
are zoomers this retarded?

>> No.52446112

Nothing is more encrypted than on a piece of paper, written backwards.

>> No.52446123

you encrypt the file
then you upload it
the email is not encrypted, the cloud is not either

>> No.52446131

Yer you give them your private keys so they can confirm

>> No.52446133

Cool thanks for letting me know the bottom is in

>> No.52446138

take the fish hooks out of your face.
those holes will never fully heal as it is
they will always be a hole there.
you will forget about them until they fill up with dirt, sweat, soil, bits of food, drink, saliva and skin oils, and they will be like a never ending perpetual pimple, filed with a putrid disgusting stinky festering puss

>> No.52446154

in your Exodus wallet on your phone you spaz

>> No.52446163

>That's a man.

clearly a female

>> No.52446181

if you have your wallet in a physical device only
that is not good enough
the device might fail or be taken

having it an email or cloud account is best, and also having it on your phone

>> No.52446194

>if you have your wallet in a physical device only
>that is not good enough
>the device might fail or be taken

if your phone is taken you just open an Exodus wallet on your new phone. you did write down the 10 words somewhere, didnt you?

>> No.52446203

That's a man, baby>>52446062

>> No.52446216


clearly a female, look at the shoulders

>> No.52446224

how about you have to remember only your email password and the encryption password

>> No.52446226

You're a fucking incel faggot to not be able to identify a fucking femboy.

>> No.52446258

>You're a fucking incel faggot to not be able to identify a fucking femboy.

cant hide the width of the shoulders and those are female shoulders.

you cant change your skeleton.

>> No.52446271

incel is an externality and not an active state
take one person - incen by your definition
do something to it - no longer incel by your definition
but that person after the externality is still the same person

>> No.52446274

You can try not be a demonic tranny faggot. You will NEVER be a woman. You have no womb. You have no ovaries. Your mother is horrified, your father disgusted and ashamed. You will probably hang yourself and end up as a skeleton. A male skeleton.

>> No.52446286

Is this "lady" the one who got forked tongue?

>> No.52446294

living in an age where its very likely that one day i may be compelled to fuck a cute boy that is actually younger than my own son, and im not even catholic

>> No.52446305

id fuck that thing if it had a real vagina

>> No.52446343

D-do these faggots think the person in the photo created the thread? It's time to go back, lads.

>> No.52446356

Why do trannies literally always say stuff that real girls don't say lmao

>> No.52446395

>Why do trannies literally always say stuff that real girls don't say
So naive

>> No.52446463

I took a ledger in my ass to St Lucia and had a wonderful experience. Last Spring I managed to work out a really nice deal with the IRS though so its cool now.

>> No.52446571

>Veracrypt your key
>Upload it anywhere
>Impossible to crack
What's the problem?

>> No.52446578

Actual female that looks like this without the piercings and has natural hair colour?

>> No.52448155

Does this boy live in

>> No.52448184
File: 1.00 MB, 576x1024, 1667807614316572.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a woman right there

>> No.52448377
File: 24 KB, 446x612, istockphoto-165660782-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. People really want to mark themselves like cattle don't they. When I see a person with septum piercing (nose ring), I immediately think of them as cattle. May as well make money off of them; they exist to be used for my benefit.

>> No.52448405
File: 31 KB, 383x499, man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the forearms, indisputably a young man.

>> No.52448551

>Look at the forearms, indisputably a young man.

what i see of them is thin like a female

>> No.52448590

Do you say that to all the boys?

>> No.52448612

That's a woman

>> No.52448704

It's a woman, look at the shoulders and arms

>> No.52448728

cute femboy

>> No.52448740

These are both men
You like men

>> No.52448768

>These are both men

they are both women. you're unable to understand that women have different bone structures to men.

>> No.52448838

how can I tell if that's a man or a woman? Please, help me.

>> No.52448852

Literally use a search engine and look at pictures of his penis online faggot

>> No.52448873

check for a dick

>> No.52448936

>Literally use a search engine and look at pictures of his penis online faggot

you have no such pictures because its a woman. if you had them you would post a link.

>> No.52448985


>> No.52449005

>makes claim and gets called out
>"Y-You prove I'm right."
The burden of proof is on you for making the claim. Back it up with facts or stfu.

>> No.52449025

>The burden of proof is on you for making the claim. Back it up with facts or stfu.

theres no burden on me. its clearly a woman.

Tin Eye produces no results on reverse image search.

>> No.52449036

The second one is an openly trans tiktoker

>> No.52449147
File: 106 KB, 976x850, 1632870817145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen newfag retards
When it's a woman we say it's a man
When it's a tranny/man we say it's a woman

I can't believe I had to spell this out for you, this board really is dropping the IQ points fast recently

>> No.52449172

No. When it's a women we joke that it's a man, but when they are trans it is a man. It is never a woman. I think you're the newfag

>> No.52449183

Addition: when it's unclear it's a women cause prob it's a tranny with a dick

>> No.52449184


>> No.52449202

i've confused myself now fuck

>> No.52449220

Nigga they are both men. I just don't know the name of the 2nd one

>> No.52449224

you're both fucking queers for even knowing anything about homosexuals in panties larping as girls. disgusting. none of it should be going on.

>> No.52449235

It's always a man, either ironically or unironically

>> No.52449244

>It is never a woman
shut up newfag
here's a woman right there

>> No.52449261
File: 62 KB, 378x357, IMG_0435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFO tranny boy lover

>> No.52449284

Sorry these dudes keep getting posted on biz and I recognize their manly faces and shapeless bodies

>> No.52449291
File: 2.42 MB, 550x900, MoneyPrinter86.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is a man

>you're both fucking queers
maybe you should know more instead of us less, faggot

>> No.52449304

That's a man faggot. You gay nigga

>> No.52449321

>BTFO tranny boy lover

God damn it, it really is a man. That makes me a faggot, doesnt it?

>> No.52449336
File: 25 KB, 701x229, arthas - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire board must be purged of newfags like yourself

>> No.52449394

The second one is clearly a woman, what are you blind?

>> No.52449439

Let's say I decide to go the write it down on paper route.
When I'm traveling through an airport, how do I keep the paper from being read by someone?
If I keep it in my pocket, airport security will see the paper in my pocket, and ask me to take it out, and put it in the bucket.
If I put it in my luggage, I may get (((randomly selected))) for inspection.
I've flown probably 30 times in my life, and a couple of times I've opened up my luggage, only to see a card saying that my luggage was inspected my airport security.

So how the fuck doni keep the paper from potentially being read?
And no, I'm not going to stick it up my ass.

>> No.52449463

>If I keep it in my pocket, airport security will see the paper in my pocket,
When I pass through the x-ray machine

>> No.52449469

use memory retard

>> No.52449525

A couple faggots right here that like watching men cum.

>> No.52449655

nobody in airport security is going to read your stupid keywords, remember them and steal your silly fake coins.

>> No.52449831
File: 275 KB, 920x1062, strut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a magazine and or book(s) and write em down on different pages.

JFC how do guys make money in C and not have basic common sense.

Probably have a bigger crypt bag than me cant even put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.52450047

How does one get that kind of job?

>> No.52450086

I own multiple coins and tokens,
Spread across multiple wallets.
I can memorize one, but I can't memorize them all.

>> No.52450132

They could take a picture of them, and then put the paper back in the bucket, or my luggage.

>> No.52450143

kek you're attracted to men. Faggot

>> No.52450155

>Get a magazine and or book(s) and write em down on different pages

An excellent suggestion.
Thank you anon.

>> No.52450182

be born into emirati wealth

>> No.52450381

they're all worthless anyway, just convert it all into one, move and then convert back if u rly want to

>> No.52450584
File: 253 KB, 887x957, 462D2A2C-62FD-4F85-AFCA-01D64BAD48B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based lore master keeping my memes alive while I’ve been away.

>> No.52450747

It’s a literal tranny faggot

>> No.52450760

Bud i know your trying to troll hard, but you fail to realize yhe jpg has the name right there and a quick google search tells you instantly, its a man.

>> No.52450766

Yes kill yourself
>can’t spot troons

>> No.52450861

>Yes kill yourself


>> No.52450887

It was a woman, i don't care what you incels say

>> No.52450956

If I were the owner I'd throw that whore out by the neck and fire that waiter on the spot.

>> No.52451040

now THAT is a woman!

>> No.52451046


>> No.52451073

bros... im actually sweating now... it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference

>> No.52451120 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, 1660047605138954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Ctrl print all your crypto font size 6.

2)Roll it up like a cylinder and stock it up your asshole.

3) take the flight to bangkok

4) sell your crypto to street vendors

5) drown in brown pussy

>> No.52451189

this is the ideal female phenotype

>> No.52451243
File: 2.55 MB, 272x480, 6932477742181059846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52451353

I CAN spot them, that's exactly the point

>> No.52451525
File: 367 KB, 1082x1216, 1668423133902300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My nickname in high-school was HIAQI (He-Ah-Key).
Aka, Hit It And Quit It.

That looks like some good 1 time pussy.

>> No.52451652

That's a taxable event

>> No.52451678

That is an ugly man

>> No.52453030

It's called 'waiting tables' and you basically serve people food and drinks in a restaurant and you get paid really bad for that.
Oh but she'll pay every gram of that, or the simp picking it up
Don't you worry about that

>> No.52453078

Write them on a page of a 400pg book, in the inner margin, on a number like 373
Do this with another book you store at your parents/lawyer/golder retriever

>> No.52453120

beat me to it, well done

>> No.52453146

It unironically is, onlywith ovaries and more tits

>> No.52453150

That's obviously a biological female

>> No.52453488


>> No.52453572
File: 226 KB, 1013x1280, f003e4f4-8024-48c4-97ce-6d5b969f2569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is this so funny, god damn

>> No.52453625

Back to plebbit

>> No.52453663

Just save your wallet to a flash drive
Make 2 copies if you want to be safe

>> No.52453683

I'd fuck her bussy so hard
I bet her benis is awesome too