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52441412 No.52441412 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers be like
>i'm gonna go donate to my favorite twitch/youtube billionaire for my mental health!

>> No.52441428

I actually like his videos.. watch every other one desu but I'd never donate

>> No.52441475

His donations go to the charity channel, he doesn't take donations for his main channel.
And, whatever, good for him, he's a strange farty pants, so he deserves a good time!

He's been buying his crew a fat lifestyle for nearly 5 years now, kudos to him. I honestly hope he has some kids soon, he's at the age where he should be a dad. He's spending all his dad energy training other Youtubers to Yell i the intro.

>> No.52441575

hes not a billionaire but whatever.
hes probably one of the better ones to donate to (atleast through his charity drives) but yeah it would be pretty dull of you to donate to him directly when he makes millions of sponsors alone per ep

>> No.52441720

He's 24, I'd say a good age to become a dad is 28-32.

>> No.52441864

>that misaligned eyes
How can people look at his face and not be thinking his face looks a bit scary even though he is smiling? I always avoid people who have those kind of eyes.

>> No.52441928

yeah and the constant need to be seen doing acts of kindness

>> No.52442008

His videos are very demonstrative of the current culture. Everything is a monetary transaction, and the Youtube "meta" is followed to the T.

>> No.52442068
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He's not smiling. He's stretching his mouth and showing his teeth, but there is absolutely no expression showing on his face.

>> No.52442078

hate this faggot, he's so fake

>> No.52442500
File: 2.68 MB, 720x404, Zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the zoomer

>> No.52443668

>the richest zoomer is still not even a billionaire yet
hahaha fuckin cucked

>> No.52443701

i lost my shit at this for some reason

>> No.52443800

I've donated maybe around 1000$ over the years and every dollar was worth it, it makes the stream comfy, you get appreciated by your favorite streamer, you can make them laugh or troll them, sorry that you're a poorfag who thinks donating 5$ every now is to cry about lmao

>> No.52443851

t. Fucking loser

>> No.52443912

you retards realize all his "charity" bullshit is a tax write off, right? never watched a full video of his because im not a faggot, but everyone always talks about his charity junk and ITS ALWAYS BULLSHIT
every time you donate to some charity stream, or even do one of those "round up for charity" or "donate a dollar for local niggers" at a grocery store, someone richer than you is using your money as a tax write off and donating the money to a charity where dozens of useless bureaucrats are collecting 6-7 figure salaries
stupid fucking zoomers

>> No.52443913


>> No.52443978

They're an asshole and you're retarded
The literal only twitch donations "worth it" are surprising low viewer count randos with gifted subs, but as long as people set a budget for that kinda shit and don't get parasocial about it it's not the end of the world.
>sometimes they do doe and it do be

>> No.52444006
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>> No.52444042

Ooooh a thousand whole dollars?
I got 200 dollars left to my name I honestly wouldn't even give you a "gee thanks" for a 1k gift
Anything under 10k is literally a poorfaggots attempt at being altruistic.
Now some random dude gave me 15k once that was pretty cool.
1k over the years pfft wake me up when you grow ball hair kiddo.
>t. poorfaggot boomer

>> No.52444248

I made 43k last month pre tax, at my w2… I don’t even have a Netflix account. Stay Poot faggot.

>> No.52444381

can some1 qrd how this dude got so rich or is it just another glowop

>> No.52444679

He's a walking billboard and gets a lot of revenue for big exciting videos

>> No.52444786

I really don't get giving money to streamers to get the illusion of having friends. Why not just get real friends?

>> No.52445206

i know.
i wanted to chop his head off but its clear his father is running the show and that kid is just an actor at this point.
there is no happyness behind that smile...and you think there would be..with all that money.

i let him live to suffer.

>> No.52445246

Dude made a lot of videos and livestreams with zero cost like saying a certain word or name a hundred thousand times. He then did the whole sub to pewdiepie thing which really pushed him

>> No.52445256

>hes probably one of the better ones to donate to
fuck off goy

>> No.52445408

fucking idiot

>> No.52445418 [DELETED] 

All (((e-celebs))) are the same as (((hollywood))) ones

>> No.52445478
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>I actually like his videos
>hes probably one of the better ones to donate to
>I've donated maybe around 1000$ over the years and every dollar was worth it

>> No.52445553

Another day, another thread about bizchuds being jealous of MrBeast.

>> No.52445584

I'm not jealous of anyone who had rich parents. Especially if you turned out at least normal looking.

>> No.52445784

>Thinks MrBeast has rich parents
Lol. Complete opposite retard. Raised by his single mom with debt and kept moving around the states.

>> No.52445910
File: 123 KB, 1278x1598, 6dc6e93883e309606913101705197764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how happy he is

>> No.52445949

yeah and now he's a billionaire and you're not, not so funny is it? YOU are the problem, anon

>> No.52446496

How did he have money for all his stunts then?

>> No.52446511

fucking robot with plastic flesh pulled over the front

his head is like a terminator, except even wrose because when you look at that blank expression, not only is no one home, but the lights don't even fucking look on

>> No.52446558


>> No.52446575

Exactly, I can't believe anyone watches him because he 100% gives me the creeps. Actually I have a built in contrarian indicator that tells me what is or will be popular because I instinctively think it is utter shit.

>> No.52446650

So he continously reinvested his money into bigger and bigger stunts until he was a billionaire? What a wild way of investing.

>> No.52446673

Strangely I have also noticed parts of his videos where he gets serial killer eyes. He looks kinda scary when he's mad. Probably his true personality leaking thru. You don't create and manage a business like this by being nice all the time.

>> No.52446677

interesting observation
thank you for posting that anon

>> No.52446715

this. but zoomers are stuck in their bedrooms because THEY'RE FUCKING ANXIETY RIDDEN LOSERS kek. Imagine actually being scared of leaving your room.

>> No.52446739

what a genuine smile

>> No.52446770
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually watch this insufferable faggot? I refuse to watch him cause of the basedboy mouth thing he does.

>> No.52446769

This face is not human.

>> No.52446794

that's a bit of a stretch

>> No.52447095

>billionaire worship
Death to America

>> No.52447216 [DELETED] 


>> No.52447279

I remember in one of his early subsriber special where he said he bought Bitcoin before the 2017 rally

>> No.52447403

How did he have money for bitcoin as a teenager?

>> No.52447408

get checked out, you might be a faggot

>> No.52449069

it's a Duchenne smile. there is no contraction of the orbicularis oculi.

>> No.52449849

Deceitful eyes
Deceitful mouth

>> No.52450642

I love it when 4chan ridicules Jimmy.

It’s never more obvious how mentally deranged and schizophrenic this place is than when they pretend MrBeast is somehow a demonic sociopath. There could not be more evidence that Jimmy is just a Christian autist from North Carolina who made it big by becoming autistic about YouTube. There is literally nothing wrong with that. He’s doing what everyone here wishes they had the intelligence and drive to do.

Thank you for the reminder that I’m wasting my time here. Any board that on average thinks Jimmy is a demonic Jew or whatever is fucking retarded

>> No.52451276

>believes anything on the internet
How fucking old are you?

>> No.52451338

He is an empty shell of a man producing empty shells of content.

>> No.52451467

that's the face of a man who has body parts in his freezer

>> No.52451534

you donate with your precious time you dumb zoom zoom

>> No.52451567

I will never watch this faggot's videos. Watching him means he's getting money from ad revenues using my views.

>> No.52451573

apparently he's a huge douche to his employees.
a lot of former wagies of his have complained and judging by some of the other ones recount, the other ones stay quiet because they're smarter.

>> No.52451640
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>> No.52451647

I actually want him to lose everything. He got famous for handing hobos 10k and basedfacing at the camera. If you buy he charity schtick you are a retard. He wouldn't be this big if he wasn't kicking up to the Google mafia big time.

>> No.52451763

Charity is virtually worthless. If wanna end misery you should end capitalism all together, not donate a few of your money

>> No.52452279

You're retarded. He has multiple videos where you can literally see the impact of what has been done, its not just 'and then we gave money to charity'
He cleaned a shit load of beaches, planted 20 million trees, and has built tonnes of Wells for communities in Africa.
Wtf have you done other than hate him cos he looks like a 'goofball'. If he was a chad would you respect him more? Does that make you even more gay? I literally am gay btw.

>> No.52452523

I like the tree thing because it's something people should be able to actually verify unlike the beaches or anything else. Has anyone actually verified it though?

>> No.52452537

Just like paying $8/month tithe to Musk.

>> No.52453907

Only way to end misery is to kill everyone.

>> No.52454011

misery is inextricable from life.

>> No.52455924


>> No.52455999
File: 29 KB, 600x800, 379673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His donations go to the charity channel, he doesn't take donations for his main channel.
>And, whatever, good for him, he's a strange farty pants, so he deserves a good time!

>He's been buying his crew a fat lifestyle for nearly 5 years now, kudos to him. I honestly hope he has some kids soon, he's at the age where he should be a dad. He's spending all his dad energy training other Youtubers to Yell i the intro.

>> No.52456034

I bought hex because I liked Richard Hearts YouTube content and thought he deserved a little something. Worked out pretty well

>> No.52456075

the only one I liked was his scratch off video showing how rigged it is against you

>> No.52456092

people who cope by making it about having more money than others and not caring less are the same that would create mental gymnastics and say that being a cuck is the true power position because because you are lending your wife to others willingly instead of getting cucked behind your back.

>> No.52456449

This is bait retards

>> No.52456990

Good input

>> No.52458661

all games of chance have an edge against the player, otherwise it would be charity.

In this case for 1 million he got 720k back which is 72% return to player, by comparison blackjack has 99.56% so it does seem like a low RTP, but lottery games can be forgiven for low RTPs because of jackpots, eventually one guy will buy a $10 scratchoff and get $2 mil

>> No.52458692

Dude makes most of his money from advertising, not donations

>> No.52458760

list of glowies:
>Andrew Tate (closet homo)
>Dan Pena
>Elon Musk

>> No.52458770
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>> No.52458776


>> No.52458867

list of satanic/pedo/psychopathic celebrities:
>pretty much all of them except the ones that got canceled or suicided.

>> No.52458870

>Why not just get real friends?
People are sorta losing the ability to do that. If you're on the internet all the time, it's easy to fall into an "us vs. them" mindset that discourages meeting new people.

>I really don't get giving money to streamers to get the illusion of having friends.
Initially it's cheaper than getting therapy to cure your anxiety, but at the volumes these retards are giving their money away it's just a sunken cost fallacy now.

>> No.52458940

he's the boss, he has to be tough. otherwise everyone will slack off and nothing will get done. He probably goes through a lot of bad employees.

>> No.52459969

