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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52442460 No.52442460 [Reply] [Original]

Not a single one. Mostly Bitcoin, random shitcoins too, but not any ethereum. Just wanted to let you know.

>> No.52442494

Same. I’ve been meaning to buy some, I had some last year, but it seems like the price can drop some more, especially comparing to it’s low ~$800. Probably whenever people can actually unstake

>> No.52442504

There were about 10 ETH threads up at once before the merge now I barely see any

>> No.52442506

but who cares?

>> No.52442512

How do you buy shitcoins without eth?

>> No.52442514
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>> No.52442529

maybe now's the time to get in?


>> No.52442553

Same here, holding bnb, btc, ada and bag of other altcoins

>> No.52442578
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Not BSC (though I admit BNB does have great volatility-adjusted returns). There's plenty of good chains out there, so long as it's not ETH.

>> No.52442697

Why hold ETH?
Muh deflationary ultrasound mo' money Lubin tokenomics...
Ok well, there's still over 120 milly coins
& mcap over $150 billion. You're late
Ok, now there's some new burn mechanism gimmick to lure in more normies...
Bitcoin has only ever had 21 milly all along. It doesn't need gimmicks. It's just the way it is, hard cap. So it's more scarce
Plus, ethereum still has major competition not only from other L1s but even the L2s and sidechains. All the smart contract platforms eat into the pie, and many are just better, cheaper faster and less OFAC censored

>> No.52442893

I only own BTC and a bit of XMR.

>> No.52442991
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>> No.52443562
File: 138 KB, 1762x246, CD5774F8-A193-4204-95E9-3331CA8A0E8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, you sold it all to BitDAO

>> No.52444367
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Reassuring, OP.

>> No.52444383

are you me? I havn't touched ETH in 1 year.

>> No.52444404
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Based. I am the same. Honestly I don't even like holding LINK because of the nigger-tier ETH gas fees to swap. Imagine the gas fees in the next golden bullrun in 2 months. They are going to kill the ecosystem. Cosmos is the answer.

>> No.52445004


>> No.52445074


>> No.52445082

This. My only top 20 blue chip is btc, followed by LINK

>> No.52445104

keyed and same
fuck ethereum