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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52441435 No.52441435 [Reply] [Original]

>Money should reflect real world wealth.
>the amount of money should be tied to existing wealth
>everyday transactions should all be in relation to the sum of the whole
>the grand sum varies depends on new wealth created / old wealth destroyed
>it should be real time, but not necessary.
>a monthly tune ups will do, for now

>> No.52441504

Chad and Stacy are a young couple. They buy a house that needs to be renovated. They do so, with style. They add discoball to the bedroom and a mirror to the roof above the bed in the master bed room.
They sell the house for profit.
>this profit IS THE NEW MYSTIC WEALTH created by Chad and Stacy, that adds up to the whole.

>> No.52441629

A burger will generate new wealth and value all the way in the logistics chain until it is eaten. The shit, that comes out, will never be a burger again. It should then be erased from the whole. Same to all consumables.
Digital products, where one copy of work can be copied infinitelly, are a trickier thing. Should be dealt with on it's own category, and the sum of the whole should be able to notice the difference.

This shouldn't be so hard.

>> No.52441665

So, everyone gets way too many couches, in hopes of retaining wealth for hard times or just for ease.
Couches plummet in value, upholstery businesses go under, till nobody even remembers how to make a couch.
130 years later, everyone sitting on beanbags, with bad backs.

>> No.52441688

scams, recessions, inflation, and manipulation to keep us poor are features not bugs, it's designed that way

>> No.52441694
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Posting in based schizoid thread

>> No.52441697

Is this a schizo bot thread?

>> No.52441740

When you make a deal, where's profit, you add to the whole. When you're unable to make a deal, nothing happens.
Correct price is what you've negotiated (in selling a used couch or renovated house).

This system would abolish inflations, stagflations, deflations etc. with one swift stroke.

>> No.52441768

Absolutely paramount for the world scale monetary system like this to work, is the absolute limits on government money collecting and spending. Correct taxrate (everything included) is
Society can work with this, absolutely wonders, and if it can't, replace the incompetent leaders.

>> No.52442029

When a society spends, it is always destroyed wealth. There are no means, whatsoever, to measure the benefits of any government spending. None, zipp, nada.
We only assume it is valuable and beneficial.
Granted, key infrastructure that can be weaponized (as we see now happening) should be covered by the taxes.

>> No.52442084
File: 71 KB, 1080x789, göyimdämmerung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most antisemetic thing ever

>> No.52442123

Lending money, should be two step process:
>lended money would remain in a state of "unverified wealth", until the job is completed and succeeded, to what the money was lended for. Then, the lended money would become "verified wealth".
If the lended money was spent on Bahamas beach parties and not what it was supposed to be spend:
>obvious prison sentence
>and second time: death penalty

>> No.52442317

Most importantly,
>money isn't the purpose of life
>money is only a tool for trade

>> No.52442360

Government's job is not to micromanage the citizens.
Government's job is to only remove friction from the society.
People are not born to make the despot's feeble visions come true.
People are born to measure themselves in spirit. Not in wealth.

>> No.52442381

Jesus owned only his robe, sandals, a spoon and a knife.

>> No.52442457

Here's the premises for anyone to take, free of charge. Very potent keypoints, all of them, and if you get the hang of it, you could write books about all it, and it would make sense from first page to the last. Best seller.
Lot of kvetching, sure, but that just makes it all so much more fun.
Take it or leave it, I gain nor lose anything in this.

>> No.52443281

How much money do I need to have to get a gf like that?

>> No.52443629

>Leather jacket
>nice haircut
>a bit crooked teeth
>wonderful smile
>small beer belly
>three fiddy

Will get every woman.