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52438738 No.52438738 [Reply] [Original]

Curious if anyones done this. Are there any easy roles that could just be automated I'm going to try applying to a bunch of US government data entry positions (its less likely the government will have automated or efficiently done these roles). I've heard of people who for years just got passive income streams doing 1 hour of work a week responding to emails then a program they develop does the rest.

>> No.52438752


>> No.52438848

seriously will no one reply? Hundreds of scam threads and the one idea that could possibly let you neet for a few years is ignored.

>> No.52439229

i've thought about, might try to do this again if i can find a remote data entry job.

>> No.52439258

Yeah it shouldn't be too hard in the USA. A lot of companies have laws against hiring outside the USA so your not competing with Indians like on fivver.

The jobs themselves are pretty bad and boring. Retail would be better but if you can automate or outsource it to India then it would be worthwhile

>> No.52439266

companies aren't stupid anon. anything that can be automated is already automated.

>> No.52439277

post script

>> No.52439299

That's why I said US government jobs should be your first pick. Trust me anon the government is 10 years behind they have no incentives to automate useless roles.

Also you would be surprised with a lot of boomer run companies too.

>> No.52439317

Not going to do that if you care enough you'll figure it out also you will need to make a new script as likely your job would be different.

If you notice your job is very simple and in a pattern that is always stays the same then you can automate it.

>> No.52439333

Do it anon!, fortune favours the brave!

>> No.52439343

okay retard go ahead and waste your time.

>> No.52439347

I want this but none hires me even with my useless econ degree

>> No.52439360

Automating data entry is trivial desu

Basic python and selenium (or similar framework). The problem is dealing with errors (you are expected to flag erroneous entries) and some company websites will block your bot for too many actions if you are not careful.

Totally doable even for midwits. All you need is willpower to sit through several tutorials on python/webscraping/automation and build several projects.

t. software dev writing scrapers

>> No.52439364

And then everyone lost their money

>> No.52439365

Apply everywhere. instead of working 9-5 just apply all day on indeed. And check indeed in other cities too if your city sucks maybe work for a few months and move elsewhere.

>> No.52439371

This would have worked maybe 10 years ago

>> No.52439401

I've mainly used C++ for a few months how hard is it to jump into python?

>> No.52439420

Its worth the try

>> No.52439464

Go into cloud. Get a couple of certs for aws/gcp and some python or js.

I have electrial engineering degree and it proved to be useless and jobs that are available pay peanuts. So i moved to webdev and cloud. It was depressing that I studied so hard for a degree that pays like shit.

Webdev jobs only care about your skills and projects. Totally doable.

>> No.52439562

Very easy. Python is a delight to work with compared to C/C++

Get a couple of good tutorials on web scraping. I would recommend something like udemy, check reviews and intro videos. YT has good tutorials has content but it's buried in piles of shit and it's impossible to tell the difference in the beginning.

A good starting project would be a program that would take data from an excel/csv file and tweet it or post it on reddit. If you feel adventurous, you can make a telegram/discord bot that would post data.

>> No.52439694

My experience is that a lot of office jobs have parts that can be scripted out. You may not need for it to be as rote as data entry

>> No.52439720

You’ve clearly never worked in corporate America holy shit you’re so wrong.

>> No.52439733

Hmmm making a twitter bot could be fun. I've been meaning to mess around with something like that C an C++ can be fun but its designed for a different reason for sure

>> No.52439754

Yeah but this will be remote. If I have to drive to an office I will be stuck there for 8 hours a day and they usually watch you too.

This set up makes it truly passive income

>> No.52439780

Data entry jobs these days involve interfacing with humans, i.e. taking calls or responding to emails with no format or standardization. In some cases they involve processing real time photos but even that is becoming automated and I highly doubt you have the ML algorithm prowess to casually develop a solution for that.

>> No.52439808

Yeah it will be trial and error. But if I play the numbers game I may be able to find a job where a solution is possible.

I'm thinking mainly roles with excel. Just got to snoop around and keep trying job after job apply to 100 places a day if I must. There must be some easy ones out there because I've heard of so many people complaining about how repetitive these roles are

>> No.52439836

A lot of data entry jobs aren’t like what they used to be. Now they ask for a shit ton of extra stuff far away from data entry that it turns data entry into an afterthought. They want analysts, diagrams, thesis shit, customer support, constant meetings, and more and call it data entry. I had the same idea op as did everyone else but these jobs aren’t what they used to be in the earlier 2000s, let alone in the past decade. If you know a stereotypical data entry job let me know where to find them

>> No.52439866

I'm trying indeed rn, You could try fivver if you automate it competing with Indians would be feasible since you can do 100X more then them with less work.

I think the biggest key is either finding an incompetent industry (so governmental) or a small task that no one bothered to automate that isn't common.

>> No.52439885
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The problem with this idea is that most data entry jobs are messy. If they could have been programmed away they would have been. You'll be working with stacks of paper and dumpster fire excel spreadsheets. Python wont really save you.

>> No.52439924

Yes I have - not necessarily for data entry but I work in a job where no one checks up on me I'm like the only computer guy in the a server room and I have done almost nothing for like 4 years. There is an entire Reddit full of people who have automated their job and sit around all day and do basically nothing.

>> No.52440158

Is it 'OE'?

>> No.52440174

I guess I'll have to see anon. Like I said its worth a try I'll just quit after a month

>> No.52440739

wasn;t the premise of this thread automating the work with e.g python? why are saying to outsource it now? i only wanted on the jobs for the reasons your op described


>> No.52440780

what sub so i can ask for employment advise?

>> No.52441418

How hard is it to get a basic data entry job?

>> No.52441502

Let me rephrase. Is that literally basic? I need to get some sort of job. Is basic data entry something which needs a skill other than knowing how to type? Is it hard to learn the skill to do BASIC data entry? If you niggers come up with well aqshually you need to know how to code then don't fucking ever call this basic ever again.

>> No.52441521

Why not just take a job, lie about your credentials and get some person in a war torn country to do it?

>> No.52441529

yeah if you can type and know excel/word doc. You could learn it in a few days

>> No.52441540

Its harder to do that. Also you can get arrested for that since technically your stealing company secrets. If you get caught doing that in a government job it can be treason.

>> No.52441563

Yeah its better to automate it way less chance you get caught and the penalties are not bad

>> No.52442254
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I was about to say this, automation in most cases has already been made possible by most companies. Nowadays if you want profit you need to think on what hasn't been done, like giving NFTs a usecase, this is where projects like ZooDAO shine, they really grabbed a dying market and made something that communities can enjoy while making money.
This is where you should put your time OP

>> No.52442258

>people think their 3 hour coding can topple a company full of pros
you love to hear it