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52437785 No.52437785 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. Bernie Madoff went to prison. Why are these guys free?

>> No.52438440

How does international law work. If they did all this shit in the bahamas is it even illegal?

>> No.52438954

Du Kwon is not guilty.

>> No.52438989

Why don't the europoors get off of their dainty feminine asses and do it themselves?

>> No.52438993

Do Kwon just wrote shitty code and dint really steal money.

>> No.52439016

International globohomo is above your extradition treaties.

>> No.52439058

Madoff ripped of wealthy people. SBF likely did not, and made donations to the right people. Hell, it was probably aided and abetted by the elite.

>> No.52439077
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>> No.52439094

madoff was in the usa when shit hit the fan. the others weren't. dubai doesn't have any extradition treaty with the usa, hence why caroline and su zhu fled there.

>> No.52439137

t. Bug Kwon

>> No.52439167
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it is. the bahamians and the usa are very friendly actually. so I'm sure the irs and whatever the equivalent bahamian authority are, are looking forward to picking this apart

>> No.52439180

Arthur from bitmex got jail (home sentence for 6 months and a big fine) for neglecting to KYC bitmex customers and letting americans trade with a vpn. This guy fucking frauded billions, affecting americans. Scamming americans is a big nono

>> No.52439203

ez bribe

>> No.52439204

He took the bitcoin meant to defend the peg.

>> No.52439209

Bernie Madoff stole the wealth of billionaires, primarily the You-Know-Whos. Rugging a bunch of cryptokiddies and small time hedge funds/VCs isn't going to upset TPTB

>> No.52439234

because sbf was an allphabet play which derailed. SBF knew he had enough to spill before they could make him have an accident (and his father, smart move to immediately fly out) and so he gets a pass for now. He won't live happily ever after in dubai though.

>> No.52439280

It's just because no one but incels cares about crypto

>> No.52439353

is that all that arthur guy did? damn if they made that much of a deal out of it then yea bankman might be fucked.

>> No.52439480

>meant to
Says who? Is there a contract? Not only should he get away with this, it will be good for crypto if he does
SBF on the other hand should get fucked. He tried to be legit and lied, now he should ass raped
Shkreli did nothing wrong

>> No.52440162

yup, the only charges were refusing to KYC the exhcange for anti money laundering laws. FBI raids for all 4 ceos, fines and jail time. Just because americans were involved. They havent even sent anybody for sam yet, considering he's still tweeting about, so guess the jew gonna jew