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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52429433 No.52429433 [Reply] [Original]

Tech layoffs are ramping up...
>facebook: 11,000 employees
>amazon: 10,000 employees
>lyft: 13% of employees
>salesforce: 2,500 employees
>twitter: 75% of employees
>gofundme: 12% of employees
>zendesk: 5% of employees
>redfin: 13% of employees
>opendoor: 18% of employees

>> No.52429466

And ripple is hiring.
Makes you think doesn't it.

>> No.52429485
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>> No.52429510

And bitDAO is still crushing it. Looks like we're moving towards the blockchain.

>> No.52429532

I graduated college in 2008 so...

>> No.52429609

Apple is next.

>> No.52429611


>> No.52429631

They have a whole product suite of hardware and software to support and make. Number of people in Twitter had to support some SMS blogs is ridiculous in comparison.

>> No.52429651
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>> No.52429667

I have turned down a promotion because the new job would have me working on new products. Knowing that hard times are coming the safest spot is close to revenue processing... which is right where I currently am. When the FED does pivot I will gladly get a new job or a promotion.

>> No.52429713

How the fuck do they even have that many employees to begin with? I don't understand. Maybe they can hire more delivery people and get back to their 2 day promise because I can't get anything delivered in under 4 days anymore.

>> No.52429729

>Maybe they can hire more delivery people and get back to their 2 day promise because I can't get anything delivered in under 4 days anymore.

>> No.52429782

but even apple fired some of their recruiters, hinting at a reduced hiring rate. it's not even the recession, many tech products are just saturating and the cash cow times are over.

>> No.52429903

The popping tech bubble will cause recession. The S&P 500 might as well just be the FAGMANs.

>> No.52429905

Will they fire visa poos or americans?

>> No.52429947

Boom/bust hiring cycles are typical for tech companies that are highly tied to their stock market boom/bust cycle

>> No.52430001

gotta pump those numbers up.

>> No.52430023

>>amazon: 10,000 employees
jesus christ, now I'm worried anons. I just got laid off from my company last week downsizing (which was dumb because I was the main dev on our platform, but nobody said CEOs are smart) and now this? Will I actually have to compete for a job like when I was in college? I just wanna be head hunted and get some cushy easy job. Maybe I need to try freelancing and making my own platform (but what?)

>> No.52430034
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bros...I just lost my VPN access to the work network today. Am I done for?

>> No.52430038

for amazon, how many are warehouse workers and how many are from the dev teams?

>> No.52430048

I'm so old I remember two weeks ago when everyone was all smug on Twitter about how stupid Elon was for giving up all these bright talented minds that will get hired immediately by a better company.

>> No.52430054

Amazon employs 1.6m people. The 10k being laid off are probably warehouse workers

>> No.52430065

I can't imagine them firing warehouse workers two weeks before Black Friday but it seems like stupidity is in firm command of the situation.

>> No.52430072

are you sure? why would be a headline then if just blue collar workers?
Were they? I remember on here it was more laughing and mockery of those fags at twitter getting what was coming to them

>> No.52430103

>Amazon employs 1.6m people. The 10k being laid off are probably warehouse workers
"People with direct knowledge of the layoff plan said job cuts would be focused on Amazon's devices organization, including the voice-assistant Alexa, its retail division, and human resources."

>> No.52430105

Oh yeah, if you expand the replies on the layoff day tweets it's all pronouns and Ukraine flag in bio types saying Netflix and Facebook are about to get a big talent boost.

>> No.52430125

maybe they figured out a way to automate the warehouse work idk

>> No.52430142

That actually is coming but it can't be ready for this Christmas shopping season yet

>> No.52430180

Because Amazon layoffs are a great story. If it were tech layoffs, the news agency would absolutely LOVE to include that in the title. The fact that it's neglected should tell you something.

Although this doesn't sound like warehouse workers this doesn't imply tech workers.

>> No.52430193

You're exactly right, they are actively automating more and more of the warehouse work.

>> No.52430220

The layoffs are because tech in the west will be irrelevant now that the commodity tap is being turned off for muh climate change.
We are literally heading into dark ages step by step, if you want to be in tech the future is in the East.
You will remember this year fondly by april next year.

>> No.52430225

>read article
>initially worried
>remember I work at AWS
>laughs in Portuguese

>> No.52430246

don't forget real estate

>> No.52430283

Why does Apple need thousands of specific recruiters for different areas? Recruiters in tech probably have one of the easiest jobs, especially if they're not the ones doing initial interviews for applicants.

>> No.52430311

No, wagie #784785, your hard token expired. Please report to the tech desk to be issued a new one.

>> No.52430397

fukken saved

>> No.52430436

Sometimes I love being a trade.

>> No.52430456

I graduated in 2020..

>> No.52430459

Apple didn't have layoffs during the past 2 recessions. I doubt it

>> No.52430608

Layoffs haven't even started yet. Next year is going to be comfy.

>> No.52430857

I also have just been laid off, add me to the list

>> No.52430924

>>gofundme: 12% of employees
maybe they should open up gofundmes

>> No.52430952


>> No.52430979

>The layoffs are because tech in the west will be irrelevant now that the commodity tap is being turned off for muh climate change.

its not being turned off for climate change, we are just running out of cheap energy.

as you rightly say, tech without energy is useless.

>> No.52432793
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>> No.52433208

ghost positions.

>> No.52434913

>looking for a job right now
>get this shit
fuck me

>> No.52434999

I got a resume writer. Cost me $800 but I got a job within a month during the shit storm of covid.

>> No.52435188

>thinks the ceo individually fired people

Sorry, anon, you just weren’t chad enough to make it.

>> No.52435254

>this doesn't imply tech workers
who the fuck do you think works on Alexa or "Retail" (the site itself)

>> No.52435314

you're unironically insulated against the next depression

>> No.52435337

what I thought Alexa was a call center in the Phillipines using voice modulation.

>> No.52435341
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>He doesn't know

>> No.52435347

Yeah, makes me think that the management is stupid and don't know how to position themselves for an economic downturn

>> No.52435371

do any of these companies provide breakdowns of what type of jobs are being laid off?

is amazon laying of 10000 programmers, or is it just 10000 useless "operations" people?

>> No.52435376

same. looking for a job in PNW, moving back home from japan. I’m so fucked.

>> No.52435450

Finally, the HR roasties will go back to sucking dick and the diversity niggers to robbing

>> No.52435562

sounds worth it for people going for top tier positions.

>> No.52435614

lucky bastard
enjoy your time off

>> No.52435634
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I'm gonna finish my degree in Business Analytics and Information Systems this upcoming May.
Am I fucked?

>> No.52435679

amazon laid off almost every single tech recruiter. They literally have a team of 10 people left who only recruit to fill positions when people leave

>> No.52435688
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>the party of income inequality solves it by making everyone poor


>> No.52435710

Are you willing to take the mark of the beast?

>> No.52435717

a few of the engineering teams but amazon was in growth mode for so long this first traunch is mainly the tech recruiters that kept their engineering organization growing. its not 10k programmers but it does indicate a slow down in R&D

>> No.52435728

Do you mean the vax? My dad swiped me a vax card I faked some dates on.

>> No.52436151

>amazon laid off almost every single tech recruiter. They literally have a team of 10 people left who only recruit to fill positions when people leave
hahaha stacys btfo

>> No.52437906

I mean in a company of 200, yes it was him and probably the CTO too, both stupid bean counters who have no idea. I am, but they never met me nor me to them because we are remote. Had we, I would've probably dunked on them

>> No.52438966
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Howdo I find a fucking service to do this? I just want to pay some hr sociopaths to fluff my resume and search for jobs on my behalf.

>> No.52438992

not my problem

>> No.52440655

nobody actually reads resumes
all you need are keywords to get past the HR retard filter. that's it.

>> No.52440947

I'm about to close on a new house and my tech job just laid off 10% of the workforce
I made the cut, but I'm feeling a little nervous as THE METAVERSE tm is our main selling point

>> No.52440979

>just learn to code bro

>> No.52441007
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You are a metamate? Better start leetcoding because more cuts incoming

>> No.52441022

>I made the cut, but I'm feeling a little nervous as THE METAVERSE tm is our main selling point
wtf are you me? do we work at the same company?

>> No.52441165

Do you do virtual events? Are you working on stuff for a major car company rn?
If so, wassap playa. We survived the gauntlet, for now...

>> No.52441243

and small tech companies are slurping up clients, kek, with no fear of layoffs

>t. comfy

>> No.52441260

nah, building virtual stores in the metaverse. shit is dumb

>> No.52441292
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>tech company i work at is still aggressively hiring
sorry code monkeys, should have learned security

>> No.52441450

You're our competition then I guess, we're doing that too. Whoever wins, we lose

>> No.52441511

During COVID was the easiest to time to get hired

>> No.52441526

>Whoever wins, we lose
I am so unbelievably uninterested in the metaverse, it's unreal. Maybe I'm just not a visionary or whatever, but I cannot see people actually using this shit

>> No.52441558

The day when we have AR glasses that look like real glasses and have passthrough + hand tracking + smartphone shit is when it could possibly maybe work. So in like 10-15 years.
Right now though it doesn't make any sense, maybe for boomers who are impressed by Quake 3 arena tier streaming graphics with zoom calls jammed into them.
I'm trying to use the knowledge I've learned about Unreal Engine and pivot into that more so I can get work on one of those Volume/Mandalorian style shows. That would be cool

>> No.52441566

>Tech layoff
That's so disingenuous. They're not firing engineers. They're firing hr Stacies, mid managers, interns, and factory workers. Same thing with Facebook. The people that lost their jobs needed to be fired ages ago.

>> No.52441599

>Amazon employs 1.6m people.
That number was well under a million before the scamdemic.
Shit is just barely getting started.
Don’t believe me, go look at a chart of the yield curve, major recession looks pretty much inevitable

>> No.52441611

Retail is the customer service reps you call when shit gets lost.

>> No.52441612

>I made the cut,
lol this round.
these things happen in series.
i'd rethink about closing on that new house if i were you.
and thats just because the market is REALLY bad.
whats your interest rate? has to be at least 5%.

>> No.52441626

>The 10k being laid off are probably warehouse workers
during the holiday season?
think again.

>> No.52441653

4.75% rate, 295k house

>> No.52441693

They've been laying off people in my company too, all the middle managers are getting fired. I'm lower level so I'm next if this shitstorm continues.

>> No.52441699

how do you cope making something not even 50 people will ever use

>> No.52441718

By making decent money after working on music videos and stupid commercial shit for years barely making rent.

>> No.52441761

print more ripple, hire more developers, scam another daylonger

>> No.52441777


>> No.52441840

>Quake 3 arena tier streaming graphics with zoom calls jammed into them.
kek this describes what I'm working on perfectly
>all the middle managers are getting fired
finally some good news. I cannot wait to collect UI and take my time finding a better, higher paying job

>> No.52442006

>When indeed or your local government wagie does it for free

>> No.52442019

>local government wagie does it for free
unemployment office does it for free

>> No.52444159

you know its over when metaverses own devs think what they are doing is a waste of time.
the metaverse needs to be FUN to play otherwise its just a giant pile of cash sunk cost phallacy and all that hard work you are putting in are just railroad tracks that lead off a cliff

>> No.52444246

I'm struggling to see the relationship between the tech industry and the "commodity tap"...can you elaborate on the term more?

t.tech worker

luckily, I made about $750k in the career before turning 30 and I'm just coasting as I exit scam the tech industry before finding something else to do somewhere else in the world.

Tech is gay af, but I'm straight up worthless or at least hard to value otherwise. I think analytically/systemically which helps my analysis of the macro, but I get straight up bullied working in somewhere like a restaurant lol.

>> No.52444304

>1.6M people

>> No.52444364

100% corpobots
t. Warehousie.
It'll be us and a skeleton crew for AWS left before they do systematic warehouse layoffs.

>> No.52444763

Yeah those were the people who were supposed to hire you

>> No.52444764
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They're firing the ones with highest salaries and least productive work.

HR as a secret score attributed to each employee which is then used to select who is getting fired.

>> No.52444811

High school teacher

>> No.52445430


remember the non-stop threads about Stacy cunts making six figures, because now they're getting dropped just as they are about to hit the wall

>> No.52445661


>> No.52445822

Not at this scale

>> No.52445904

>They're firing the ones with highest salaries and least productive work.
>HR as a secret score attributed to each employee which is then used to select who is getting fired.
and again. it's how companies deal with the old employees still living off poor healthcare negotiations and the highest means of living in recorded history. they do it about every 5 years.

>> No.52445941

China called it
SNS is about marketing and advertising, not tech
They aren't innovation nor tech products, chips are

>> No.52445967
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>> No.52445969

If Amazon was laying off warehouse / delivery drivers going into peak, then I'd be scared.

>> No.52445971
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the US tech sector is grossly overpaid and these companies employ literally thousands of people whos job is to make some higher ups life .5% easier. or stroke some CEOs moral agender, if that. a lot of these companies have budgets bigger then governments, with corresponding inefficiances and stagnation. they probably realise that paying six figures for bootcamp educated pajeets is a fucking stupid idea, when they could pay a quarter the wage for a competent european to do the work, or a hundredth of the the wage for the same dumb jeet to do it in the third world. in any case, you can still work in tech, just not at a tech company. I dont understand the approach taken by anons here, where they assume that only tech companies hire tech workers. banks, stores, logistics, manufacturing, etc. in todays world, literally all sectors need 'tech guys' and are struggling to recruit. but burgers are hung up on working at explicitly 'tech' companies for grossly inflated wages. best example of what I am saying:
>entry level tech support (USA): $45,000 starting
>entry level tech support (UK): £20,000($25,000) starting

>> No.52445973
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lol what? the biggest labor shortage areas are for lower skilled jobs and service jobs. all 10k being laid off are office workers and work from home dweebs.

>> No.52446100

what scale? These layoffs are literally nothing (except twitter).

>> No.52446183

>Layoffs haven't even started yet. Next year is going to be comfy.
Q1 earnings will be an absolute bloodbath when retail realizes everyone canceled Christmas.

>> No.52446276

It looks like they’re focusing on recruiters and HR, since there’s a hiring freeze going on, these people will be doing nothing so they get fired. They’re also cutting down on R&D things that don’t turn that much of a profit yet like devices/Alexa, for retail I have no fucking idea because “retail” can mean a ton of orgs.

But so far it seems AWS is unaffected, except for the hiring freeze which is company-wide.

>> No.52446288


>> No.52446517

costa fed post

>> No.52446695

You are fucking retarded. Consumer spending has not dipped. They still need the people to put shit in boxes.

>> No.52447104

>luckily, I made about $750k in the career before turning 30 and I'm just coasting as I exit scam the tech industry before finding something else to do somewhere else in the world.
>Tech is gay af, but I'm straight up worthless or at least hard to value otherwise. I think analytically/systemically which helps my analysis of the macro, but I get straight up bullied working in somewhere like a restaurant lol.
Basically same here and just bought a house in cash which sucked up most of my money so I'm still trapped.
I sometimes daydream about being a cook. I know it would suck ass in a different way. Just seems fun to make delicious food for people and not worry about rainbow culture at all.

>> No.52447868

>Basically same here and just bought a house in cash which sucked up most of my money so I'm still trapped.
That's part of why I'm holding off on buying a house.
Having your house sorted and just needing to work something for food, utilities, and other basics is an amazing life setup, so I might just be a pussy.

I feel comfy spending ~$300k on a property right now, which doesn't get you something all that great in USA. hell, it's even in compromise territory in some developing countries. I'll add a property within 1-3 years I think.

I'm chilling in Asia right now; just tried surfing for the first time.

>High school teacher
decent suggestion. I've considered going the teaching route as my second career. Maybe I'll fuck around in asia for a bit-for the tail end of my youth-then parlay into comfy teaching. I'd need to pick a state/city/town though

>> No.52449209

this was the early part of covid in 2020 when no one was hiring.