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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52428555 No.52428555 [Reply] [Original]

>daily link fud threads for years on end
>ftx goes under
>no more link fud threads

really makes you think on who was shorting link

>> No.52428582

>no more fud
off yourself kike shill with your tranny globohomo jewish shitcoin

>> No.52428611
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come on my sweet Caroline
You're my sweet Caroline
You know I wanna take ya
I really gotta make ya
Come on sweet Caroline
Come on sweet Caroline

>> No.52428643

I dont beleive this narrative, but i KNOW they along with the VC circlejerk were harming the price for years.

I think the explanation for fud is that the fac tFTX went under, and sam is jewish.
This place is infested with pol faggots now, and many bought the top on LINK and are deeply red, or sold and hate it. you know the story when pol incels get obsessed with something. they never stop.

so with FTX, they are going mental over their favourite jew and completely ignore link for a while. thats whats happening imo.

>> No.52428698

>"hacker" steals funds just to dump link
however there are still many samefag 1pbtid fudfaggots in every thread

>> No.52428709

>muh /pol/
have you not seen some of the oracle start ups and insider information the were running with. Celsius ( a jew) also confirmed to be doing deal with sam and it was confirmed he was shorting it into the ground as well. Who had enough money to pay for the fud campain. Who was confirmed from FTX to be tripping on /biz/. Why has the fud campaign stopped?

>> No.52428717
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I posted a Link FUD thread today and I plan to post more

>> No.52428863

Checked but I see like 3 or 4 and that's with my filters.

>> No.52428898
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The Top Ten Classic Signs You Are Underperforming

>it's because not enough marketing
>spooky outside factors
>it's because of Sergey
>bulgarians did this
>the kikes are behind it
>AAVE and Nexo are scheming to short
>Zeus Capital is to blame
>the bots are responsible
>team is sabotaging Sergeys plan
>Eric Schmidt is being sabotaged by Sergey
>donkeys are blocking the path to the Fourth Industrial Resolution
Thanks for the laughs linkies

>> No.52428928

link threads are getting 3 replies then timing out lately, no point in fudding - it's ogre

>> No.52429233
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It'd sure be swell if link went up a whole lot!

>> No.52429660
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this, it's over, Sergay is on the run as we speak, lonkies get the rope

>> No.52431812

It's over.

>> No.52434117

my buy ins are sub .20 there is no way thats possible

>> No.52434180

Here's your fud: link is a worthless attempt so securitize a proof of concept that anyone can copy. It's going to $0.

>> No.52434202

there was never fud, only facts that stinkies are still reluctant to accept