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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 367 KB, 1082x1216, 1668408887560103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52424851 No.52424851 [Reply] [Original]

>bitcoin is already 16k and the recession has barely started
Once people start loosing their jobs en masse that's when this shit will collapse.

>> No.52424874

you sound very comfy saying this and it makes me think you're a NEET. why should I listen to you at all? This is the problem I have with all your perma-bears.

>> No.52424887

just two more weeks, right incel frogposting piece of worthless NEET shit?
Europe will be freezing to death, and there will be starvation in just two weeks, bro. Hopefully you have your guns and ammo, end of world collapse any day now

>> No.52424910

Fuck off, where do you get rifles and ammo in europoor?

>> No.52424931

dude just go to the no-go muslim zones, they all have weapons,bro

>> No.52424963
File: 41 KB, 334x438, E318E9AA-4F3E-4604-81D6-886C2D1FCA88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people keep voting for more recession and layoffs
I think im going crazy

>> No.52424977

>Europe will be freezing to death, and there will be starvation in just two weeks, bro

winter hasnt even started

>> No.52425017

that's what I'm saying. Winter is two weeks away. It's all going to fucking happen then. Buckle the fuck up, billions will die. The vaxxies too

>> No.52425030

You’re aware Europe has some of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world right?

>> No.52425056

The recession has been here since 2020

>> No.52425093
File: 633 KB, 1170x1000, 16EB8157-26A1-4FF5-925A-ACCFC42AEFD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52425111

BTC was successfully launched in the middle of a recession in 2009

>> No.52425126

Vaxcucks are already dying but of course your glowcel fagass acts ironic about it kek

>> No.52425219

Lol what kind of delusion are you living in

>> No.52425250

And was mined by nerds who already had the hardware rather than paying $16,000 for 1 magic bean

>> No.52425327

he's right. Most of the people I know have already died. Hundreds of millions world-wide (for now unreported to hide it from the normie sex-havers). But in just two weeks they won't be able to hide it anymore when most of your family members and friends have succumbed to the vaxx

>> No.52425439

Enjoy dying from “Sudden Young Adult Death” kek

>> No.52425527

Everyone but a handful of people know is vaxxed. I have never met a single person that died of this horse shit. Literally all I hear about it is from /pol/ boomertard screenshots.

>> No.52425537

Retards. Bitcoin is just front-running the traditional markets coming crash.

>> No.52425543

open your eyes, most have died from it or will within the next two weeks. /pol/ is never wrong.

>> No.52425593
File: 24 KB, 442x694, D3756626-5E84-48B4-AD8A-F4C7C76F7737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his body is too weak to handle the vax

>> No.52425678

It's summer now fag

>> No.52425759

Based Finland

>> No.52425809

>anecdotal evidence
>bringing /pol/ into this
>conveniently disregarding all the articles suddenly popping up about increasing unknown heart failures last year & this year
Next time do better

>> No.52425835

Fuck off retard.

Bitcoin had a volume of 5 thousand dollars in 2009 and you couldn’t even buy it on CEXes or DEXes

>> No.52425853

its bait you retard
still, if you actually did get vaxxed and still are defending it, you may as well be a /pol/ tard

>> No.52425855
File: 892 KB, 2556x982, 1605003050186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how it grew an utter glass jaw for the very thing it was developed to overcome. it's as shitty as fiat with the added bonus of ultra volatile entirely speculative value.

>> No.52425857

peeps, throw away yar ideas. They're trash. join Bspin.

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52425873

you're on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Maybe you assume to much and that's your problem.

>> No.52425915

Bitcoin was created to be independent, censorship resistant and trustless monetary system. Nothing more, nothing less. It's value in FIAT is of no concern with it's design.

>> No.52425946

You need to learn how to read first anon…

>> No.52425965


>> No.52425989

>>conveniently disregarding all the articles suddenly popping up about increasing unknown heart failures last year & this year
This is the very definition of anecdotal, and not scientific, evidence dipshit.

>> No.52425998

See >>52425093
Lolsperg memes aren’t reality you stupid fuck.

>> No.52426024
File: 228 KB, 1200x609, 7CA92CB4-30B3-4910-91FF-E7BBCF587333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how Europe is darker than most of the world? That’s because they have more guns per capita than most of the world.

>> No.52426093

As if crypto gamblers had meaningful jobs LMAO

>> No.52426141

Is "loosing" a job like having a loose bowel bovement?

>> No.52426585

Canada has more firearms and all Europe has is Grandpa's old rusty 12GA.

This graph doesn't mean shit, I'm sure they can't even buy ammunitions anymore. What's the point of a firearm if it can't be used.

>> No.52427316

Your fucking stats don't account for caliber and if those firearms are grand fathered or not.

What are you gonna do with your .22LR when the state comes at you with 5.56 ?

>> No.52427623

Sers this is the Bangladeshi curry guild, the Mongolian basket weaving forum is that way