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52424223 No.52424223 [Reply] [Original]

It cannot be understated how much I absolutely fucking despise Ukraine.

>> No.52424274

Agreed. I don't really care about this conflict but Ukranians have shown themselves to be gypsy tier scammers and the world would unequivocally be better if the conflict became a nuclear exchange.

>> No.52424285

(((Ukrainians))) yes, Ukranians aren't worse than other Eastern Europoors.

>> No.52424288

They ruined two years of my life

>> No.52424289

They most likely got scammed too

>> No.52424319


there literally isn't anyone in charge of anything over there who does not have an Israeli passport

Come to think of it, it's kind of like the US.

>> No.52424326
File: 62 KB, 1200x675, MONDO-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz and pol
>the two third worlder pajeet shitskin filled boards
>the two boards with the most hate for ukraine

i'm buying a signed drone drop on a russian with my christmas bonus fuck ya mudda

>> No.52424342

the ukraine is more corrupt than any African country

>> No.52424349

Oh yea oh yea i forgot
>bagholding all that dogshit russian weapons systems
>bagholding all those partnership/investments in russian companies making vaporware

>> No.52424355

Ukraine was cashing out crypto donations. Thats bad?

>> No.52424383

>unusual whales

OP confirmed retarded

>> No.52424397

How did they get scammed? They were literally getting free real money. your cash got laundered through Ukraine and turned into hard cash right in front of your eyes and the crypto press lapped it up as a 'world's first' like it was a good thing. That cash was sent straight to Israel and is sat in several large boxes waiting to be split between the main scammers.

>> No.52424400


drone drops on ruzzkis is the best form of entertainment. like the face off guy

>> No.52424419

Yeah it's the fault of the elderly Ukrainian couple who was murdered by Russians over their washing machine, and not the Jew who gamed the system and attempted to flee overseas. Retard.

>> No.52424430

>Yeah it's the fault of the elderly Ukrainian couple who was murdered by Russians over their washing machine

lol what? where do you get this nonsense from?

>> No.52424468



Die in a wet trench with your legs blown off, Pyotr.

Alternatively: get vaporized when Pakistan nukes you in the Chinese-Indian hyperwar.

>> No.52424482

Retarded nigger, you want to use sob stories for a European shithole but not anywhere else? Fuck you are your hypocritical “moral obligations”. You can die in a nuclear fire for all I care.

Propaganda story. War is immutable, I don’t know why there is so much outrage over one side committing war crimes while the other is basically doing the same thing

>> No.52424495
File: 70 KB, 1036x496, binance-trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Bobo here, I got good news
Apparently Ukraine has also partnership with Binance
So let's all rug Binance together

>> No.52424504

ITT russian faggot bots kys vatniks

>> No.52424508

>a story that was early an accident and a consequence of war
You may be young and retarded, but come on

>> No.52424548

natoniggers really did things to you zogbots huh

>> No.52424558

>get crypto donations
>make partnership with "trusted exchanges"
>they took them

>> No.52424578

because one is the invader?
russians are such subhuman orcs that think they can go where ever they please and just "GIBS ME DAT!" and suffer no consequences

>> No.52424587
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Na fuck Ukraine I am glad this is happening to them.

>> No.52424614

calm down trannie

>> No.52424615

>waaaaahhh the third world shithole dictator I based my ideal of masculinity on is the kwaboty

>> No.52424637

Not necessarily but given Bankman-Fried’s connection to the Democrats financially and Hunter Biden doing deals in Ukraine before the war there are a lot of very strange connections currently.

>> No.52424657

I despise Putin even more desu

>> No.52424672

Me too. Let me send money to Russia instead.

>> No.52424675

But Ukraine was getting fiat from this deal, no? The only scam here on Ukraine's side is the expectation that this will help ukrainians in any way, when the (((ukrainians))) who actually own the country will pocket all the wealth that the american goyim send them while sending their own goyim to self-sacrifice themselves. And I wonder who will get to keep the land and property that those brave patriots left.

>> No.52424716

You expected them to keep it in retard coin? How the fuck are they gonna spend retard coin?

>> No.52424751

this but unironically
blaming the common ukrainian rather than the literal jews controlling everything in ukraine is verbal goyslop
gensler (((american)))
sbf (((american)))
zelensky (((american)))
wake up. it's jews, jews, jews

>> No.52424754

Huh it’s almost like US/Israel/NATO are directed and financed by the same cabal of genocidal Zionists who benefit from the destablization of other political actors. But that’s just a fact checked and debunked racist alt right MAGA conspiracy theory of malinformation of course, only schizo incel nazi chuds would attribute nothing more than pure coincidence to some hairbrained theory about how data can be related.

>> No.52424775

>the aids riddled poverty hordes of subhumans currently known as russians should be able to nigger snatch and grab whatever they want and have zero consequences
Sorry sweetie but Ukraine is in our interests.
Looking forward to the 2023 balkanization. It's gonna be a fun time for shitposts and for the markets.

>> No.52424789

>other side doing same
Wait, are you suggesting those Ukrainian neo-nazi chaps we keep seeing aren't playing sportingly by the conventions?

>> No.52424869

>Ukraine is in our interests
Is it though?
I don't really care much for either side, but how is Ukraine important to us? It's just some eastern european shithole
Place could get glassed and it wouldnt change our lives

>> No.52424890

Is this a jew worship map?

>> No.52424897
File: 55 KB, 1007x1024, AA270215-7DA0-4115-9B1B-4C86BA711A3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> blame the whites defending their homes
> not (((them))) taking advantage of a war scenario

>> No.52424905

Nigga do you actually know what Ukraine produce and why it's so important to not let it come under the control of vatniks?

>> No.52424911

Ukraine controls the energy infrastructure between Russia and Europe. It also has natural gas reserves of its own. If Ukraine is under Russia's thumb, Russia has Europe by the balls.

>> No.52424924

Man especially germans fucking nazis
I hope we nuke the EU someday
everyone else vote Trump?

>> No.52424966

> Trump
Even as a Republican, no. He abused my trust.
I hope Republicans draw someone better out of their magic hat soon.

>> No.52424994

Anything we dont produce in greater quantities?
>Russia has Europe by the balls
Isn't that already the case? I don't see how Germany's industry can survive without cheap energy.

>> No.52425052

It was the case until Russia cut off the gas. Now Europe is reliant on other sources to bridge the gap while Putin prays he can negotiate a ceasefire with Ukraine and bring himself and Europe back to the status quo. You're right cheap energy is good for Europe's economy, but geopolitically speaking, NATO has put Russia's containment ahead of cheap energy for Europe.

>> No.52425055

Im gonna assume you mean the US burger boy. But yea, you can't produce enough grain for the world.

>> No.52425215

The ukraine war is just a giant excuse to traffic in kidnapped children.

>> No.52425288

March 14th 2022... Isn't that around the time they opened an office in australia? FTX australia pty ltd.

And then telstra ventures invested 350mil into FTX...

Either someone really likes ukraine or really hates russia.

>> No.52425430

Its a you can flush toilet paper down the toilet and you control 80% of the wealth in the world map.

>> No.52425455

It is but thats not the point.
Western wealth runs on the concept of it's our interest then it's our interest back the fuck off.
What do you think will happen when every shithole 3rd world country like russia thinks it can roll tanks over the borders of western interests and not immediately get their shit slapped back two centuries

>> No.52425466

Ukrainians are based. Americans that simp for Russia are the biggest faggots in the world. Either faggots or brown.

>> No.52425475
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>> No.52425508

We could post multiple videos of Russian conscripts having gay sex but nobody wants to saves those even for shitposting unlike all the tranny pics you have

>> No.52425519

Can't be that, Europe is in there

>> No.52425541


>> No.52425587

go back