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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 289 KB, 600x600, rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52422208 No.52422208 [Reply] [Original]

What a time to be alive

>Not impacted by the FTX nuke
>Now that FTX is gone there's less market manipulation of IC3 projects
>Meta and Equifax partnerships confirm the project is as legit as they get, can deliver, and has already earned the trust of major industry players
>normies aren't even aware of how valuable their data is yet and why it needs to be protected
>Oasis already lightyears ahead of everyone else in that space, partnerships prove it
>First ever confidential EVM nearing deployment

Yeah I'm thinking we're primed as fuck for next cycle, next stop $3, don't say you weren't warned

Also these are the official numbers and anyone saying otherwise is retarded as fuck and probably smells bad IRL:

Sui: 25k, make it: 100k

>> No.52422234

cope rosechud

>> No.52422288

I smell bad OP I’ll give you that but you must admit even a best case of $8 next cycle means you need more like 3-500k to get anywhere resembling make it territory

T. 167k stacklet

>> No.52422290
File: 91 KB, 855x504, dawn song sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you definitely smell bad IRL and probably don't shower as often as you should, admit it

>> No.52422328


>> No.52422361

I think it's still on the ropes but it might bounce back.

I'll wait a bit more to increase my stack.

>> No.52422373

Circulating supply is only 20%

>> No.52424225

True, I also hold rose

>> No.52424358

100k sui
1 million make it
Always told you that, now you actually can afford a make it stack.
Also please note, it is physically impossible for this coin to reach a price of more than 1 dollar, due to massive supply an constant dumping

>> No.52424448

Considering we're already near the ICO price, it's probably not going much lower is it?

>> No.52424467

1.4m and counting

>> No.52424535

>After ICO
>1.5 bil tokens in circulation
>5.1 billion tokens in circulation
Yeah, it just can’t go lower, can it?

>> No.52424571

Who cares? The fully diluted market cap and price is the same. No value actually changed or lost, just more available now

>> No.52424623

Depends on BTC, which looks like shit at the moment.

>> No.52425057

I bought 240k. What can I expect?

>> No.52425092

2 cents in 2 years. Stake your stack quick. Binance 120 days has 29% apy.

>> No.52425107

I have 5K rose but don't even know what it does.

>> No.52425937

doubt you'll read it but it's also for other anons too

>> No.52427786

>make it is $300k
I can tell you share the water well with your whole village

>> No.52428293
File: 23 KB, 360x360, oasis-logo-blue-high-res-2x (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the upcoming launch of Sapphire I have high hopes. Sapphire confidential smart contracts could be a game changer. From the developer perspective it is 1000x easier than creating a ZK circuit in order to get privacy and far more flexible in what sort of smart contracts can be built (essentially anything that can be built in the EVM can be deployed in minutes on Sapphire). The testnet hackathon projects also were pretty promising. Considering the prize pool was a couple grand and those were the caliber of projects that were built... I am feeling optimistic for the first time in a long time.

>> No.52430245

How can i profit from making nonkyc sapphire frontends for platforms that kyc?

>> No.52430307

>normies aren't even aware of how valuable their data is yet and why it needs to be protected

What "data" are you talking about exactly?
If you meant overall search engine data or facebook activity data, it's not worth much. I think an individual's "data" for a whole year is worth like $5 or $10

>> No.52430500

>Sapphire confidential smart contracts could be a game changer

Smart contracts are already confidential though. And why would you want to make interactions with a smart contract invisible or something? The whole point of blockchain is that everything is public

>> No.52430539
File: 68 KB, 210x227, 16886781243898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it will still remain a worthless matic tier shitcoin forever and ever. bravo. get into holoclear (holo) before it's too late. or buy a REAL chain token like bnb. you retards are the saddest beings in this board.

>> No.52430543

Retarded take.

>> No.52430547

That's where you are wrong buddy

>> No.52430557

>want to apply for loan
>oops haha my entire dox is on vomitted onto a public blockchain

>> No.52430562

Then what's the point? Serious question.
Interesting tidbit thanks fren

>> No.52430571

NO nigger i will never STAKE and i will never buy into the parachain meme

>> No.52430655

It's not a retarded take at all. Making smart contract interactions completely stealth would mean that any crypto team could scam the fuck out of their holders and no one would know

Besides, so wha if other people can see that 0xeiej2993jrkek88 interacted with a smart contract? I don't know this nigga

>> No.52430734

Checked. You're so far behind i don't feel like explaining to catch you up.

>> No.52430776

Please explain to me how making smart contract interactions 100% stealth would be a good thing, let's have a discussion here, you're the one shilling this coin here, convince me

>> No.52430783

as an FYI token not needed good day ser

>> No.52431258


It's a retarded take because you didn't DYOR.
>Making smart contract interactions completely stealth

They are not completely stealth
Let's say you want to airdrop some tokens, but only to US citizens. In this case the user could input their name and SSN to the smart contract, which would verify these details against a confidential database. The tokens could then be dropped to the users address.

On a block explorer we could see the users address, the tokens sent, time date etc, we can read the entirety of the contract, but the user's inputted name and SSN would be hidden. We've verified that the user is a US citizen without a single soul actually looking at their name or SSN, only a bunch of code has.

>> No.52431438

Why would anyone want to do an airdrop only to US citizens? Has anyone ever airdropped something to a specific country only?
I know there are some ICOs that require KYC because people from X countries can't participate, but that works fine

Can you give me another example perhaps?

>> No.52431683

dumb nigger >>52431438 btfo

>> No.52431758

I'm not btfo, I thought his example was pretty bad actually
>In this case the user could input their name and SSN to the smart contract, which would verify these details against a confidential database
Those databases belong to the government and there is no way they would let some crypto company access them

>> No.52432122

It's not a bad example. It's a retarded use-case, but it explains the potential behind the project. Use your imagination.

>> No.52432175

>1 million make it
>it is physically impossible for this coin to reach a price of more than 1 dollar

Less than $1mm is making it now?

>> No.52432191

So should I buy this or not?

>> No.52432201

>Use your imagination

I genuinely don't see the use case of Rose, I wish the shillers were better

>> No.52432334


>> No.52432548

Retards like you make midwits like me feel like geniuses. You type like a redditor, go back

>> No.52432589

It’s one of the only cryptos with a real world use case

>> No.52432622

>You type like a redditor, go back
There is no such thing as typing like a redditor you dumb nigger

>> No.52432663


>> No.52432669

And what is that real world use case? Please explain it to me in your own words

>> No.52432691

Tokenised data, confidential smart contracts, under collateralised lending

>> No.52432765

ROSE is one of the few tokinomics I can actually follow and apply to real-world scenarios that exist today instead of a bunch of buzzwords that usually amount to corpo buzzword nonsense. The team also doesn't seem to be full of idiots.

>> No.52432851

>Tokenised data
What data exactly are you gonna "tokenize' and for what purpose?
>confidential smart contracts
Another anon tried to explain this ITT but failed miserably. Smart contracts are already confidential
>under collateralised lending
This already exists

>> No.52432905
File: 54 KB, 1559x870, 6255c414fdfc145226d57524_assets%2F-MFEua39_CovLl9v872u%2F-MLETDNUBpAoIOmSpB1F%2F-MLEUloHloEN6myAwEk9%2F10-Year%20Token%20Circulation%20Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ROSE is one of the few tokinomics I can actually follow


>> No.52432942

>What data exactly are you gonna "tokenize' and for what purpose?
kyc, medical, any other sensitive data. oh, and hot buzzword - proof of reserve/liabilities

> Smart contracts are already confidential
google zero-knowledge proof. they are not confidential as long as you can see what shitcoins I'm buying on uni

>> No.52432965

Use case scenario

I have a rare genetic disease. I want to submit some information about myself to a study related to this disease but there are all these rules related to HIPAA so I'll need to sign dozens of permission forms to share my data.

Or my entire health profile is broken down into bits
Gender (tokenized data)
Age (tokenized data)
Rare Genetic Disease (tokenized data)
Family History (tokenized data)

I submit to them only the Rare Genetic Diseases (tokenized data) and others that are specific to the study to the researchers. Don't need to fill out a bunch of forms related to everything else about me. Nobody can tie the information I submit to me as a person = Privacy

>> No.52433059

>kyc, medical, any other sensitive data. oh, and hot buzzword - proof of reserve/liabilities
Why would anyone want to put such sensible data on a blockchain instead of a robust government server?

>they are not confidential as long as you can see what shitcoins I'm buying on uni
But this is good though and one of the core principle of blockchain. I mean there are already enough scams as it is, imagine if all smart contract interactions were invisible

>> No.52433186

I'll add another use case.

I "hypothetically" work for a crypto company that doesn't want to store any user data because there is fear of hacks and it's a good selling point on why people should use this coins ecosystem.

I want to improve the UX experience but how do I capture data of how (people USE) the website/wallet/dapps without collecting things about them we promised we wouldn't?

If their data is broken down and tokenized then I could incentivize users to share with me just their activity within the site for a reward but I don't track their location, wallet information, IP address, browsing history ect.

(Cookies grab all of that information right now and sell to the highest bidder or use it against you)

>> No.52433213

>I have a rare genetic disease. I want to submit some information about myself to a study related to this disease

Your doctor would likely be one to know about a study going on with said disease
He'd simply send them your info and that would be it
As far as you personally sharing your info to a study group, you could simple email them your age/sex and general symptoms. If they ever need more info than that, they'll meet you in person

Also, how common is this situation anyway...

>> No.52433334

> instead of a robust government server?
worked well with FTX, I bet all of their KYC data is already on sale somewhere.

zkKYC, parcel. just google instead of begging to be spoonfed.

>> No.52433435

I wish it were that easy but the medical industry is a shit show with sharing information between each other. It's why you are asked the same questions by 50 people if you go to the ER for any reason and if you go to a different hospital then the odds they don't have that information because of a different network is 100%.

This can also make issues with insurance work a lot better. If you ever needed to submit information to an insurance company and didn't cross your i's, dot your t's, and do everything in some poorly worded 6-hour window then the insurance will deny your claim.

You replace this with a smart contract system that is moving specific parts of information between the doctors offices, hospitals, and insurance companies that are documented on the blockchain. Your ability to be raped by insurance companies goes down dramatically.

The problem is that this would be a "Good Idea" that helps people. How often are government-owned businesses interested in implementing good ideas as opposed to doing the bare minimum to get paid? or bribed by insurance companies to shut it down due to limiting their ability to scam people?

These are very specific examples but the flexibility of the idea of ROSE has thousands more practical applications.

>> No.52433463

>I "hypothetically" work for a crypto company that doesn't want to store any user data because there is fear of hacks and it's a good selling point on why people should use this coins ecosystem
Your crypto company would only have sensible user data if it was an exchange, and a competent hacker would go for the cryptocurrencies, not your customer data

>I want to improve the UX experience but how do I capture data of how (people USE) the website/wallet/dapps without collecting things about them we promised we wouldn't?
If your website is straightforward and simple, then you know exactly how people use the website/apps or whatever; they use it just like you do

>If their data is broken down and tokenized then I could incentivize users to share with me just their activity within the site for a reward but I don't track their location, wallet information, IP address, browsing history ect.
(Cookies grab all of that information right now and sell to the highest bidder or use it against you)
Yes, but do you know what "data" that is? It tracks your overall history on the internet so they can tailor adds for you.
Like say you watch Formula 1 clips on youtube all day, well don't be surprised if you see an add on your facebook page the next day for a sports car
But that's all fine. I'd rather have youtube free with ads than a paying youtube without em. And I'd rather see ads for products that might interest me over ads for tampons and shit

>> No.52433501

How are you not getting this? What you've just said requires a lot of manual effort (informing doctors of a study, having someone contact you so you can tell them all about your ailments, or give consent so your doctor can waste their time telling people conducting the study about your ailments).

All of this wasted time costs a lot of money too, whereas with tokenized, protected data, a company can just find that information on a database and pull it at the cost of a few rose tokens.

>> No.52433547


>Another anon tried to explain this ITT but failed miserably
>imagine if all smart contract interactions were invisible

I tried to explain to you that confidential smart contracts are not "invisible" or "stealth", it allows you to obfuscate private information that you do not want on a public blockchain whilst still allowing the contract to execute. You still think they are are completely invisible, you are ngmi.

>> No.52433701

>I wish it were that easy but the medical industry is a shit show with sharing information between each other
That is apparently true in some cases Now imagine how worst it would be if a handful of them started to use blockchain while others didnt. Ideally just see the same doctor/hospital for everything

>This can also make issues with insurance work a lot better. If you ever needed to submit information to an insurance company and didn't cross your i's, dot your t's, and do everything in some poorly worded 6-hour window then the insurance will deny your claim
I personally have an extremely easy time with insurance as is, so that will be my only comment I guess

>You replace this with a smart contract system that is moving specific parts of information between the doctors offices, hospitals, and insurance companies that are documented on the blockchain. Your ability to be raped by insurance companies goes down dramatically.
They'll never put medical info on a 3rd party blockchain. If blockchain really eases sharing data, then the goverment would do an in-house blockchain, not Rose

>The problem is that this would be a "Good Idea" that helps people. How often are government-owned businesses interested in implementing good ideas as opposed to doing the bare minimum to get paid? or bribed by insurance companies to shut it down due to limiting their ability to scam people?
The main problem is again if a government entity (medical) benefited from blockchain, they would simply make and use their own

>These are very specific examples but the flexibility of the idea of ROSE has thousands more practical
All the examples you provided were weak

>> No.52433745

>>I want to improve the UX experience but how do I capture data of how (people USE) the website/wallet/dapps without collecting things about them we promised we wouldn't?
>If your website is straightforward and simple, then you know exactly how people use the website/apps or whatever; they use it just like you do

You would be surprised. You can test this yourself if you have Mario Maker. Make a level that is just "slightly" challenging but you are pretty sure 90% of people will beat it. You'll notice that only 10% will be able to complete the level at best. Where they struggle the most is probably something you figured was "super obvious". This is why game developers TEST TEST TEST TEST to get the balance right.

The problem with the general adoption of crypto is most of the platforms were designed by programmers who aren't very empathetic assuming their convoluted instructions/flow is intuitive for anyone who isn't a developer/power user themselves and the data would show they were very wrong in that assumption. Ideas like ROSE could be a win in improving that experience / protecting customer data / and making interacting with crypto platforms a more intuitive experience.

>> No.52433884

>How are you not getting this? What you've just said requires a lot of manual effort (informing doctors of a study, having someone contact you so you can tell them all about your ailments, or give consent so your doctor
That doesn't require "a lot of manual efforts" at all. Besides who cares, you have a rare disease and would do anything in hope to get cured
>All of this wasted time costs a lot of money too
No it doesn't. Either your doctor prints your info and you give em to the study, or he sends them himself through a few clicks on a mouse
>whereas with tokenized, protected data, a company can just find that information on a database and pull it at the cost of a few rose tokens
A government entity with sensible medical information would never use a 3rd party blockchain

>> No.52433903

>The main problem is again if a government entity (medical) benefited from blockchain, they would simply make and use their own

The majority of the government would establish a contract with a company that already does this (aka ROSE) instead of building from scratch. It's why you see those issues where the "contracts" for construction jobs are given to some governor's brother-in-law who gets a secret kickback. The government is more likely to outsource than most on the majority of their projects.

T. Worked in Finance, Medical, Government, Crypto, Gaming as a UX/Researcher/Quantitative Data Analyzer.

>> No.52433947

>I tried to explain to you that confidential smart contracts are not "invisible" or "stealth", it allows you to obfuscate private information that you do not want on a public blockchain

But current smart contract don't expose any sensible information on the blockchain
If I see that 0x3849fjrj99 interacted with uniswap, that's pretty much all I see. I have no idea who that person is

>> No.52434009

>Replying to absolutely every point made in favor of rose with some half-baked, semi-related fud comment
Bullish as fuck

>> No.52434147


>But current smart contract don't expose any sensible information on the blockchain

Yes of course, because nobody's going to make dapps and contracts requiring sensitive information without a confidential smart contract... or else it would just get posted to etherscan... do you understand yet...

>> No.52434273

I disagree. You don't need a blockchain to gauge whether or not your website/platform is user friendly
>The majority of the government would establish a contract with a company that already does this (aka ROSE) instead of building from scratch
The government isnt gonna put sensible data of its citizens on Rose and therefore pump your shitcoin bags, I really don't know what else to tell you here
>T. Worked in Finance, Medical, Government, Crypto, Gaming as a UX/Researcher/Quantitative Data Analyzer.
That's bullshit and you know it

>> No.52434383

>do you understand yet...

What you fail to understand is how important anonymity are to blockchain and defi. There are reasons or desires to put any type of sensible data within a smart contract. You should stick with fiat

>> No.52434410

There are *no* reasons or desires

>> No.52434544

My arguments are valid
The government is never gonna put sensible information on a 3rd-party blockchain and smart contracts are already anonymous

>> No.52434643

Your arguments are full of broken English, contradictions, and fundamental misunderstandings of the underlying technology
Time to sleep sir, its getting late in mumbai

>> No.52434792

>fundamental misunderstandings of the underlying technology

Says the baggie who has most likely never read the whitepaper. Why didnt you sell at 50c baggie? a 10x with big liquidity isnt so bad

>> No.52434801

Couldn't you do this privatelt with zk proofs using a chainlink DON?

>> No.52434858

Rose is giving me fantom at 1.5 cents vibes.

>> No.52435031

>concedes that he can barely read and write English and that any logic he tried to apply was flawed
are you still getting paid to fud or do you just do it for fun?

>> No.52435062

I am sick today and staying in bed, I have nothing else to do but "chat" with you guys

>> No.52435113

They already do lmao, it's also not "sensible" information it's sensitive information, and they already do, and then those databases get breached and everyone's private info gets leaked.

Probably a big reason why Equifax partnered with Oasis, as they had a notorious data leak not too long ago.

>> No.52435375

>What you fail to understand is how important anonymity are to blockchain and defi

Huh? Confidential smart contracts provide MORE anonymity, you're contradicting yourself

>> No.52435480
File: 663 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221114-163408_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They already do lmao, it's also not "sensible" information it's sensitive information, and they already do, and then those databases get breached and everyone's private info gets leaked

Smart contracts are already private as they are. The only people that have sensitive (thank you, I'm esl) information are exchanges from people that kyc'd themselves, and those are usually pretty secure because as I said, hackers going after an exchange are going for the hundreds of millions of crypto, not the info of the users

>Probably a big reason why Equifax partnered with Oasis, as they had a notorious data leak not too long ago.

Oh really, Equifax had a notorious data leak not too far ago? Dumb nigger... Equifax is a service that HELPS people that had their data leaked, you're just making stuff up here

>> No.52435587


>> No.52435597

What I'm saying is smart contract /etherscan currently display the wallet adress of the user, and the adress of the smart contract. You do not want/need more info available on the blockchain or less info available.

>> No.52435627
File: 163 KB, 749x714, cointele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what you're talking about, confirmed

>> No.52435676

Hmm my bad you're right. I'm a leaf so never really heard about it I guess

>> No.52435699

>Equifax is a service that HELPS people that had their data leaked, you're just making stuff up here

Okay you're trolling

>Equifax Inc. is an American multinational consumer credit reporting agency headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and is one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies, along with Experian and TransUnion.

>> No.52435712

>I’m esl
Really? I couldn’t tell at all

>> No.52435720

>You have no idea what you're talking about, confirmed
Only about Equifax, I forgot or didnt knoe about the hack in 2017. My 2 main points are valid;
>smart contracts are already private
>the government isnt gonna buy your bags to store sensitive citizen info on a 3rd party blockchain

>> No.52435755
File: 671 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221114-164929_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Equifax is a service that HELPS people that had their data leaked

>> No.52435760
File: 241 KB, 523x556, willownnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the whole point of crypto is for the internet to not be free anymore

>> No.52435824

>>Not impacted by the FTX nuke
We were at like 7c a week ago bro.
Don't get me wrong, ROSE will blow up during the next bull market, but you're talking out of your ass

>> No.52435947

>the government isnt gonna buy your bags to store sensitive citizen info on a 3rd party blockchain
The equifax leak proves that data is already in the hands of 3rd parties, obviously. You're trying to argue Oasis has no usecase when we're looking directly at one when talking about Equifax. And it's not hypothetical, it's real life and happening. Just like Meta, BMW, Genetics companies, etc.

You are wrong, through and through, simply because you don't understand something (like ROSE's use case) doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Kek, I meant none of the hedge funds that went down were investors in ROSE, we are Binance/a16z, so it should be fine other than getting dragged down temporarily with the rest of the market.

>> No.52435956

Thanks for acting so arrogant and retarded, the responses to your criticism made me even more bullish.

>> No.52436297
File: 96 KB, 1258x844, rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're trying to argue Oasis has no usecase when we're looking directly at one when talking about Equifax. And it's not hypothetical, it's real life and happening
Nothing is ''happening''. Oasis Labs announced a partnership with Equifax to try some stuff out and that's pretty much it

Rose is a business woman. She's the face of the company but doesn't do shit, the real oasis labs is a bunch of dudes in Slovania

>> No.52436447

Those are job openings... they're hiring in Europe... so what? How is this not bullish?

>Rose is a business woman
Also ROSE is a what? Dawn Song is the CEO, ROSE is the token. Alright that's enough for me, thanks for playing.

>> No.52436637

Anon thank you. Had a 25K stack and sold at .25 strictly due to macro outlook. Will be buying back in for the long-term.

Any other anons think trading LINK for ROSE may bring a better return?

>> No.52437157

yeah desu I'm just shitposting at this point, the equifax partnership is pretty good

>Any other anons think trading LINK for ROSE may bring a better return?
As a holder of neither, if you offered me a bag of rose or a bag of link to hold until a next bullrun, I would pick rose for sure

>> No.52437387

ROSE has less than 1/10 the market cap of LINK and is still very under the radar. It will most likely give you a way better return, but LINK is probably a safer bet. If your LINK stack is worth less than 5k I'd probably put everything in ROSE (not financial advice)

>> No.52437675

Smart Contracts state is not confidential at all on any other evm network. It is entirely public. For example
1) MEV is possible because trades are viewable as well as the DEXs orderbook and the slippage parameters that are set. This is how front running happens. Sapphire can eliminate MEV with minimal effor
2) NFT mints are a disastrous user experience because they can not use any of the more sophisticated auction mechanisms that require confidential bidding. Things like vickery-groves auction to prevent collusion, front running, and poor price discovery. Again only possible using sapphire confidential features
3) Building entirely on-chain game logic is impossible because contract state is public. secret puzzles, quests, fog of war, etc. all require game logic to be built off-chain right now. With sapphire users no longer have to make the trade off of confidentiality or having the high integrity that comes from the blockchain.

Sapphire enables Dapps which can hide aspects of state which is not possible on any other network. Additionally it is extremely customizable so that the developers can choose exactly what is made public and what is made confidential depending on what best meets the users needs.

In many ways it is similar to what the switch from HTTP to HTTPS did for the internet.

>> No.52438145

If anyone is curious to see what other dApps are doing with them (since one of the FUD is that no one is building on Oasis) they're doing a demo with DappRadar. You can use a burner email to sign up and watch, or if you're patient enough wait for the last minute youtube stream (dunno why they always do the youtube stream last minute, you can schedule it after all)


>> No.52438393

I'm thinking of picking up a bag of rose once the FTX contagion shitstorm dies down but wouldn't sell a LINK bag for it, LINK is almost a blue chip at this point, ignore the FUD and look at the chart, it is touching the absolute bottom return to mean trend if you zoom out and has a high chance to do well next bullrun.

>> No.52439311

exchanges suffer customer information breaches much more often than actual fund hacks.

>> No.52441371

cope poorfag, lmao
the sui was always 100k and make it 250k