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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52415311 No.52415311 [Reply] [Original]

>inflates and deflates everyday
>price hasn't changed for decades
why aren't we using Costco hotdogs as currency?

>> No.52415346

because there inherent value is gained by eating them

>> No.52415354

I don't think so

>> No.52415364

jesus. they really put that much onion on there?

>> No.52415382

they sell them at a loss, same as their chicken

>> No.52415398

I wonder how long you can freeze them for

>> No.52415426

The theft will continue until humanity as a collective decides it’s enough, simple as.

>> No.52415437

no, they give it to you plain and have onion/condiments stations where you put it on yourself

>> No.52415443

Not enough
Because they are literally losing money at that price but they do it to keep people in

>> No.52415451
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I ate three of these in one sitting once

>> No.52415509


>> No.52415546

>Because they are literally losing money at that price but they do it to keep people in
lol wrong

>> No.52415585

just eat an onion like an apple if it tastes that good to you.

>> No.52415606
File: 119 KB, 775x1200, E4DF7552-4A80-4D9D-9EE3-C9808981CAE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pizza there is fucking good as fuck

But they ask you for your membership card now so you can’t buy it without one

>> No.52415639

i thought they didn't even let the riff raff in the door without membership cards.

>> No.52415665

they sure put a lot of onions and relish on that thing
is that the way you guys eat your hot dogs?

>> No.52415670

Yeah, 10 bucks for an 18 inch pizza ain't bad at all

>> No.52415677

The one near me doesn’t ask for a membership card to buy pizza. Only to walk in and to use the checkout line to buy products. To get in I just follow a white family closely so I look like I’m with them. Then I go and order a whole pizza for 9.99. Better than any fast food pizza joint around .

>> No.52415696
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Because the founders keep the punk ass executives in check

>> No.52415719

Nah, you just walk in the exit past the receipt checking line and they let you buy at the food kiosk without a membership.

>> No.52415722

I was curious so I went to my credit card history and looked up charges of 10.65, which is the cost of a Costco pizza. I have bought 113 Costco pizzas in the last 18 months.

>> No.52415736

They removed the onion and relish from the condiment station ever since covid

>> No.52415751
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holy based

>> No.52415784

Papa... Is that you?

>> No.52415844

Nah that averages out to about 4.78 pizzas per 30 days. The master himself claimed 40 in 30 days. I kneel.

>> No.52415854

Nah, slightly more than breaking even which is a major problem for everyone higher up except the co-founder. The suits want to be raking in the kind of profits ball park hotdogs are.

>> No.52415860
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>> No.52415872

came to post this, I think everything in the food court is sold at a loss just to keep peoples kids from being annoying, same with samples

>> No.52415882


i only put ketchup and relish. they removed onion dispenser at most costcos.

>> No.52415914

>only put ketchup and relish
i put on mayo, ketchup, mustard, onions, relish, chili and cheese

>> No.52415915

Fuck, did my math wrong. It's about 6 pizzas per month. Still way below John.

>> No.52415933
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>> No.52416024


mustard and relish taste nasty together, i dont why this is a thing and people like you should be exterminated.

>> No.52416184

The suite know this is a loss leader. They know parents will shop there with their kids so they can buy them cheap pizza and dogs while they go buy 20lbs of chicken and a lifetime supply of coffee and what not. They make their money back easily because the cheap food brings more people in that might otherwise just shop at a local grocery store.

>> No.52416213

You say this yet they've tried to raise the price multiple times.

>> No.52416371
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>know this is a loss leader
perhaps you'll know what CDCSI is on AS400 and why it'll tell you you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.52416391

Just the onions, the relish is still there

>> No.52416406

That just means they're high-margin goyslop that costs pennies to produce. The large amount of headroom means that they can keep the price the same even with hyperinflation. Same with other garbage like soda.

>> No.52416427

why the fuck do retailers still use AS400, shit makes no sense.

>> No.52416467

it's fast as fuck

>> No.52417568

In Hawaii the food courts are usually outside.

>> No.52417799

Based and hotdog-pilled

>> No.52418039


i dont eat gross things
and animal flesh is for peasants