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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52409119 No.52409119 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who thinks this

>> No.52409341
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Tbh ICP gives me early vibes of bitcoin. It's literally the new internet made to replace old legacy tech.

>> No.52409797

Waiting patiently to buy a boatload.

Chance for more CEXs (i.e. crypto.com) to go under soon. More vanishing liquidity will bring ICP down further

>> No.52409989

How much ICP to make it ? I still have 60 icp leftover from when it was 40 $, but now I feel like it's my final chance to load up.

>> No.52410002

What do you think is a good entry point ?

>> No.52410106

No idea to be honest. But my gut says between $2-3 is a good time to buy. No reasoning behind that other than gut feeling.

>> No.52410151

1000 is the official make it stack

>> No.52410179


>> No.52410230

Anons, who bought in at 50-60 $, how are you doing now ?

>> No.52410393

Same here. Average buy around $7 with a 2k stack. I’m going to make it, and so are you

>> No.52410685

It could go below that but whatever happens anon I'll DCA and keep earning passively more with a few of my alts bags like stx and Sylo.

>> No.52410893

I bought ICOracle with some frozen piss, good buy so far..

>> No.52410943

I'll buy ICP when it dumps to three cents which is the same price VCs bought at.

>> No.52411006

Pretty comfy

>> No.52411284

500 permalocked will get you 1 pea per week liquid forever. Unless they change the tokenomics. But that would never happen.

>> No.52411371

Do you guys actually expect it to pump to 2000 ? even 1000 ? Or is this just moonman meme talk? I mean it would already take a 10x just to get to 30, and that seems like a hard time. What sort of thing would it take to pump that much ? Is that even possible ? Genuinely curious.

>> No.52411394


>> No.52411516

What's the TAM for AWS right now and what will it be in 10 years?

>> No.52411957

No idea anon. Can you tell me why exactly has ICP been slowly bleeding away for this past year? It is because of stakers selling their unlocks ? I actually have no idea.

>> No.52412025

I think without SBF the token will either become adopted and used OR it will remain irrelevant and slowly die off just like iExec/RLC. If it gets adopted I could genuinely believe it could overtake BTC.

>> No.52412193

The paid fudders have gone brothers… the technology will win in the end t2800 icy pisses

>> No.52412508

I think it's a combination of unlocks and people losing faith in the team/ecosystem (for good reason, it's an absolute shitshow)

>> No.52412546

Yeah, I guess so. Care to elaborate on what exactly did you mean by your question about AWS?

>> No.52412597

I'll only buy at 1c desu

>> No.52412752

Are you new here
We have been in a bear market you fucking retard

>> No.52412838

ICP is supposed to overtake AWS since it eliminates IT infrastructure and let's you host in a decentralized way. everything runs entirely on the blockchain.

>> No.52412938

Thanks for the answers, Anons. How is Alameda Research tied to ICP and what does this recent scandal have to do with it ?

>> No.52413142

Also I found this interesting report

>> No.52413300

Chilling, killing, still buying more every paycheck. Fundamentals ain't changed. icp is still light-years ahead of everyone else. These prices are a blessing. You'd have to be retarded not to be a cumulating icp at these prices.

>> No.52413703

this site looks retarded, clearly just an ICP bagholder coping
ICP was just blatantly overvalued, theres no conspiracy, except maybe by the VCs and exchanges that agreed to list at that retarded price

>> No.52413762

no more paycheck from blankman fraud, adn they probably got it rugged on the exchange kek

>> No.52413827

Explain how all these different things can run on the blockchain- isn’t the blockchain just a ledger that’s decentralized by everyone having a copy?
It makes no sense for a website to be hosted on the blockchain.

>> No.52413911

everything in that report checks out. sbf pumped icp extremely high just so he could short it to hell when it launched which he did for the last 12 months. now that hes out of the picture we can have a healthy uptrend whenever bitcoin bottoms. and why you may ask why sbf did this? he was heavily invested in solana so he was ready to kill all competition. icp being the biggest of all.

>> No.52414015

It's the only coin next to ETH and LINK with undeniable functionality. It has a clear purpose, it's purpose is hugely beneficial, it's already usable, and the coin also has a functional purpose. The fact that it's not top 5 is insane but just like ETH and LINK its only a matter of time before it can't be denied. Accumulate while you can.

>> No.52414042
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Imagine investing in something called "Internet Computer" (pic rel)

>> No.52414054

that's what everyone thinks now since it was never possible before. ethereum does all the hard computation on AWS and only a few tx are done on the actual blockchain. people cannot grasp the fact that a blockchain can be more than just sending tokens to each other or playing around with defi dapps or nft's. ICP unlocks the full capability of what a true blockchain can do. imagine having facebook on icp. like literally the website on the icp network. you can log in with your wallet and have some facebook tokens to cast your vote on a proposal what facebook should do next with its platform. everything will be tokenized. every website or service or protocol will be able to have its own token and dao where the community chooses whats it future will look like. no more retarded management making all the decisions. code is law. thats the true definition of decentralization.

>> No.52414118

I'm retarded but i think the point is, is that instead of websites being hosted on centralized servers, they're hosted on the blockchain ie, every staker of ICP owns a "piece" of the websites. So no one entity can ever take a site down or whatever.

>> No.52414240

>no more retarded management making all the decisions
top kek anon have you looked around the ic?

>> No.52414392

every decision is done through the NNS. yes supply is not devided equal but that will change as the blockchain matures. once SNS launches every dapp will be able to launch its own dao and tokenization. this will spark a 2017 eth ico run on icp. stack your pees.

>> No.52414797
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>> No.52414799

facebook generates 4 petabytes of data A DAY
it costs 5 dollars per GB per year to store data on the IC
you cant build facebook on the IC, fucking retard
just because its cheaper than other blockchains doesnt make it feasible to build on compared to aws

>> No.52414848


>> No.52414971

pay up kike. you thought storing data is free? fyi its $5 now you brainlet. as icp matures so will the hosting price. once the blockchain generates a shit ton they can start to look at lowering the hosting prices. aws will die thats why jeff bezos is also backing icp retard.

>> No.52415041
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i said it costs 5 per GB you fucking beef goblin
no one wants to build on a fucking blockchain when storage prices are this cheap already
dont fucking fool yourself

>> No.52415128

seethe. like i said the price will drop. everything will be tokenized. even the retarded chair youre sitting on right now.

>> No.52415186

you're retarded, can tell you're not a dev
a service with 10-100k users, sure you can build that on the IC
anything more is physically impossible. no dev wants to pay millions a month just to store data

>> No.52415299
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Indeed data IN storage are 100x cheaper on AWS than on ICP but Data OUT cost is like 10000x cheaper on IC.

ICP is actually 7x times cheaper than AWS.

And the cost will be cheaper in the future.

The internet computer (ticker : ICP) will change the entire world within 10 years. Accumulate

>> No.52415319

How much to make it

>> No.52415388
File: 325 KB, 1246x772, Capture d’écran 2022-11-04 à 12.55.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the year of 2030 one internet computer will cost between 1000 to 2000 $

1000 is enough to make it if you can wait this much.

But stack as much as possible, we are at VCs price currently

>> No.52415414

So moonman wasn’t a conman? Did you see CQT partnered with rose

>> No.52415518

how long do you the price will stay this low ? what is the next possible atl?

>> No.52415549
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Moonman was indeed a scammer but ICP was never a scam.
I saw but I honestly wouldn't invest right now on CQT since I believe more on the internet computer and the price right now is very low.

Do you as you wish anon. Stay safe, also don't let your pees on CEX.

>> No.52415699
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I honestly don't know anon, BTC integration & SNS are supposed to come EOM but well Dfinity delayed so many times that I wouldn't be surprised if they do it again. But we are near for sure.

As for the current market situation, FTX collapse wrecked it so we have a bit of time to accumulate too.

If BTC & sns can be released this month, it will probably take 4 to 6 months to see good development on ICP dapps. So for me, we still have until March 2023 to accumulate sub 8 USD.

Stay safe.

>> No.52415907

Ftx imploding is over all the best thing that could have happened to icp. Also developers are already building using btc integration, projects like finterest are ready to roll out within hours of it going live on main net.

>> No.52415922

Just dropped another grand in this shit. I’m at 910 pee’s, fellow piss marines.

>> No.52416092

hell yeah lets rock emperor soon bro

>> No.52416112

idk but bitboy said ftx short it into the ground take that how you will

>> No.52416237
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FTX implosion & the death of Solana is the best thing long term..
But short term ICP will still follow the market like all shitcoins.

With FTX implosion, regulation will be put in place more quickly. https://twitter.com/adamscochran/status/1533993929196060672

Those regulations are harsh and could destroy Defi as we see it today. One single call from Uncle Sam and your AWS L1 is shut down.

Thus making ICP the only viable option in the near future.

Thanks for also pointing to me that some dapps are developing with BTC beta integration. Hope we see some activity soon on them.

>> No.52416359

I am now living in poverty.

>> No.52417189

Made back all unrealized losses by trading IC nfts over the past year. Starting to DCA again at these levels.

>> No.52417500 [DELETED] 

Wake me up when we can use potent GPU power with 12VRAM for our applications

>> No.52417570

Wake me up when we can use potent GPU power with 12GB VRAM for our applications

>> No.52417599

I don't know anon. But there are other assets worth paying attention too, expecially in the web3 sector

>> No.52417800

It's just a stupid 4chan scheme. :)

>> No.52418559
File: 6 KB, 308x429, oldDEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anybody program in Motoko?
As it should be an easy language, why aren't there that many coins out there, as their dex only has two?

kek what is their dex actually
why does it display old tokens

>> No.52418782

Ty for your thoughts, but you didn't answer the most important question...did Olaf smash Bettina?

>> No.52419023

Seek mental help ($3.77)

>> No.52419753
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Seachan for the boating enthusiasts

>> No.52420903


>> No.52420940

Pretty sure it's only down like 10% from unlock dumping this year. The rest is just following the general trend of the market

>> No.52421001

bought some more. think i'm done. these niggers need to show me more. and we need to kick these grifters like bob bodily and rick porter to the curb.