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52413169 No.52413169 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure depression?
I don’t even want to be rich anymore, just spending a weekend doing the things I like to do and not rotting away

I am entirely dissociated and self hating so much, I don’t even consider myself human or real. I’m in my early 20s and never went on a date or talked/texted a girl

>> No.52413207

god is quite proud of the evil world hes created

>> No.52413210

Subject your body to pain. Whether it be cold, pain from exercise, what-have-you. You are too soft.

>> No.52413299

Just try to keep busy as best you can, especially if you can do it in a productive way. I don't have depression but I do have anxiety, I just spent my Sunday doing instacart even though I really don't need the money

>> No.52413304

Just mainline the sweet and sour sauce directly to vein, get a good rush for a long while the first time you do it. That's how I did it. I need 4 packets a day now but it is ok I just end up using the 'nald's WiFi more and more while vaping CBD to keep the pain away

>> No.52413311
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#1 try antidepressants, you won't need them for life but you might need them now
#2 >>52413210 this, you need a grind of some sort, physical is good. Jobs are gay but apparently work. Enjoy the grind, tell yourself the grind is good and the grind will become good.

>> No.52413322

smash your phone and computer
get off the internet

>> No.52413337

Why self hating?
Unironically its the fault of society and not of you

>> No.52413353

We’re incels, 75% of our depression is because we were excluded from the human experience of affection and sex, for genetic and societal factors.

I don’t know how to fix it. I only have two options left, psych shrooms and TRT.

>> No.52413357

Another demoralization thread

Are you guys starting to see the pattern yet? Every day with this shit.
Don't know why there are bots that keep posting these threads but its very suspicious.

Report and move on.

>> No.52413391
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Ways to help depression are often found in habits that distract you from monotonous pain. Visiting family, going to the park etc.
Here's a few I recommend:
>goon sessions aka edging for hours to pornography (usually degenerate in nature)
>gambling (with shitcoins)
>sexting trannies online (they ARE DESPERATE for COCK)
>sexting bbws online
>anal stimulation
>getting women's shoes from thriftstores and sniffing them while jerking off
>collecting figurines
>all of the above while buzzed out on kratom

>> No.52413404
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Girls are overrated. Get a hobby. Hop on a fixed gear bike, get into reading, learn Spanish, volunteer at a soup kitchen for homeless people. Introduce a sense of purpose to your life. Above all, change something, no matter how insignificant, a change will do wonders. A change of perspective is important.

>> No.52413416
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Buy a parrot and teach him phrases with the N word

Take him for a walk at a very busy place

All girls will pay attention and you will see at last that all you ever needed was to hate woman so much till it became unreal

>> No.52413433

>claim to be rich
>have a $9 keyboard

>> No.52413455
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Stop staring at screens for 75% of your waking hours. Go outside. Exercise. run until you feel like you're going to throw up. Go do something spontaneous. Pick somewhere and just go for a drive and walk around to see what's there. Say hello to people, start a conversation. Do things that make you feel weird and uncomfortable. Go on youtube and find an interesting recipe for something you always wanted to try and make it yourself.

How often do you actually break your routine? How often do you actually go and live your life? You probably spend all day indoors sitting in front of your computer looking at porn and other demoralizing things while ordering door dash and engaging in inane conversations with shitty AI on shitty image boards like this one. Depression is a wake up call that you're wasting your finite existence on meaningless nonsense.

>> No.52413504
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>> No.52413560
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whoa that's a big bottle of red pills anon. but its the best medicine for OP and for me. because i know these feels

>> No.52413631

start with the gym.

>> No.52413660

You have to have the courage to live life the way you want to, which may or may not necessarily line up with how you are expected to.
You need to think long and hard about what "success" is and what it means to you. Most people are NPC's (including most people on this board) and cannot see success as anything other than what they have been told it is.
Do not be afraid to take chances. Listen to your heart and let it lead you.

>> No.52413679

>eat healthy
so no seed oils or processed food, basically eat like a caveman
>no drugs
>no booze
>no tobacco
>do something productive
this actually will just happen if you quit all substance

The thing is, all these things didnt make me happy.

>> No.52413724

>I don’t even consider myself human or real.
Sounds like this 'I' fella is a real jerk. Maybe you should have a talk with him and figure out how beef.

>> No.52413747

5,000 IU vitamin D with Vitamin K to help absorb it and magnesium because vit d depletes magnesium. Not joking around here. This changed my life.

>> No.52413754

back to r*ddit you absolute faggot

>> No.52413902

This, read Dopamine Nation. The seesaw analogy is game changing
Pain is the only thing left to do after sunlight exposure (direct, not thru glass), diet, and sleep

>> No.52413922

motherfucker I can’t even afford a single big mac right now
and you talk about being depressed