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52407654 No.52407654 [Reply] [Original]

>FTX bankrupt
>Crypto.com probably next
are we safe bros
troons welcomed in thread

>> No.52407682

>It was years ago, I was just walking along, minding my business while on my way home from work.
>Suddenly, a dark, nondescript van with "free beer" scrawled on the side slowly creeps up from behind me.
>The window rolls down and staring at me is a young blue-haired girl with pigtails, maybe about 9 years old, eyeing me up suspiciously.
>She calls out in a slightly hushed voice:
"Hey... Hey buddy. You want some classic rock cd's? I've got a ton in the back."
>I was told never to speak to little girls I didn't know, but the offer was so enticing I foolishly replied
"R-really? D-do you have The Beatles? O-or maybe Bob Seger?"
>She chuckled darkly,
"Oh yeah, I've got everything. The Who, Floyd, Tom Petty, you name it. But you'll have to hop in the back here if you want me to give them to you."
>I knew I should have ran, but part of me was too scared of what she might do if I said no, as I walked to the back I could swear I saw her licking her lips out of the corner of my eye.
>As I reached for the handle the doors suddenly flung open and about five lolis reached out and grabbed me.
>I screamed as loud as I could, but one of them gagged me with her panties and they pulled me in with their mighty loli strength.
>They pinned me down, as I struggled I heard one of them say
"Sit on the bitch's face, Sanae. Shut him the fuck up".
>Suddenly my vision was then completely obscured and my screams muffled by pink softness, with what looked like a cartoon bear's face on the back.
>As tears rolled down my cheeks they laughed at my pointless struggle.
>It was at that point I realized there really was no rock.

>> No.52407683

because nobody uses it

>> No.52408044

I liked when Kevin banned Russia from the exchange because "he didn't like them" and when someone asking him was it because of the war in Ukrain he just looked at the camera in confusion, blinked twice and said "War in Ukraine?"

>> No.52409429
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>> No.52410920

coinmetro is a shining light in a sea of shit
if you'd rather believe a chink, an alien or a jew, over our Based Kev, then go for it. But don't come back crying about how you got fucked in the ass while we've got our Antiassrape 9000 in form of coinmetro's policy on.

Most of you retards fall for idiot-level scams.

>> No.52410963

yeah man, just buy BNB, because everybody's using it. even though it's overpriced as fuck and that chinkychong holds 40% of it

>> No.52411139
File: 354 KB, 1200x1196, Coinmetro party 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regulatory Compliance
>No Leverage
>Utility token with a usecase
I'm bullish bros
Coinmetro prepared ahead with regulatory compliance from day 1
its he only exchange i trust besides coinbase..

too bad coinbase doesnt have a utility token
I'll just keep stacking and staking XCM

>> No.52411668

We already have a thread faggot

>> No.52411697

>buy XCM on Uniswap at 20c
>stake it on Coinmetro for a juicy 5% APY
>sell staking rewards at 60c when the book becomes liquid again on Coinmetro
bros it's literally free money

>> No.52411748
File: 26 KB, 500x376, 705CDAC9-EBD4-419D-B23C-33FF64492F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another can’t hurt

>> No.52411820

if only

>> No.52411846

5% is for ICO cunts only
4% for the plebs
well the jannies ensure only their threads remain
enjoy the prune

>> No.52411897

>when the book becomes liquid again on Coinmetro
and just how, pray tell, is that going to happen anon?

>> No.52411922
File: 966 KB, 1927x982, Kevin Murcko BTC Amsterdam2022.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping they will bump the 4% for new stakers to 5% to match ICO in the long term, since incentivizing new stakers is more important going forward

>> No.52411969

>not buying xcm at ico

you will see very soon anon

>> No.52412031

One of the smallest exchanges in the world, so it would obviously go down in normal circumstances, however the faggot running it successfully blocked a bank run because you cant sell anything on his shitty exchange :)

>> No.52412058
File: 371 KB, 1378x828, Kevin Murcko Coinmetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually has nothing to do with it, and is completely unrelated to a bank run.

>> No.52412075
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The sell wall is $1.2M USD worth lmfao
they raised over $7M weeks ago at a $180M evaluation
It isn't difficult to obliterate the sell wall, as long as we are in a bear market and facing ftx tier implosions every other month we will remain in this downwards trajectory
I thought they were going to announce something previous ama which is why theY FUCKING EMAILED ME AND I STAYED UP ALL FUNBJKFDSNKLNUING NIGHT JAZ STUPID RETRD PAJEET IDIOTFACE
Kevone said that they're going to announce some sort of incentive to buy 60c xcm from them over uniswap in the near future, but there will always be something that gives significant advantage to ICO over the plebs
They also fucking increased possible staking allocation from 500k xcm to 1M xcm to reward early whale niggers as usual

>> No.52412147

Now that shitcoins and corrupt exchanges are being brought to light thanks to this whole FTX fiasco, XCM is a hard scam to sell to the average boomer or newcomer. Sorry, Pajeet.
To the newfags looking in, this "coinmetro" scam exchange is built like a ponzi scheme. Just stick to actually regulated and proof-of-reserve exchanges like Kraken instead of these funny-money made-up scams exchanges.

>> No.52412210
File: 126 KB, 1280x956, CM Kevin BTC 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesnt understand how a pyramid scheme works
Are stocks a pyramid scheme, since you buy it from someone else?
XCM has more usecase and utility than a stock.. not to mention MARS rewards which are based

>> No.52412256
File: 90 KB, 1242x672, 60038196_588505454966319_1037719301928255488_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You on the bottom, boomer.

>> No.52412320
File: 43 KB, 324x500, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XCM is fundamentally not a pyramid
It's pays a % return, which can be sold on the open market.
The exchange infrastructure is built so that all fees generated are used to market buy XCM, so you can literally endlessly sell rewards back to the exchange, especially as volumes rise.

>> No.52412438

MARs is annoying, I would rather pay them 10 cents every time I cash out to re-stake earnings and I get spammed up the ass and it clogs my entire goddamn screen and folio

>> No.52412669
File: 31 KB, 255x435, XCM Staking Oct2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not restaking your staking rewards
I'm not selling a single XCM until $10 - but that will only be new staking rewards
I'll also be using the SWAP widget and dust converter to change all MARS rewards into XCM
The math on this is amazing for the next 5 years

>> No.52412682

>XCM is fundamentally not a pyramid
>It's pays a % return, which can be sold on the open market.

The Schemer promises investors a return on investments for each month that their money is invested in the firm

>The exchange infrastructure is built so that all fees generated are used to market buy XCM, so you can literally endlessly sell rewards back to the exchange, especially as volumes rise.

Since investors receive money on the first money, news starts to spread and recruitment follows

Investment, being successful in the first few months, convinces more investors to place their money into the system.

When funding runs out, the scheme collapses.

>> No.52412734
File: 33 KB, 333x195, CoinMetro XCM Rebrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another brainlet reponse
That's... not how a pyramid works anon
Maybe you should google it, like any new investor, so that you can understand the basics of a pyramid scheme

>> No.52412772

>That's... not how a pyramid works anon
Enlighten the audience. What shape is a pyramid to you?
Explain how a ponzi scheme works if not exactly as I and you described together.

>> No.52412941
File: 53 KB, 719x1280, Kevin Murcko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a lot of transactions
but Idgaf cause i LOVE staking rewards

>> No.52413783

Have fun never selling :)

>> No.52414946
File: 2.32 MB, 4096x2730, FhZlwbYacAEXe_o.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant sell anything
liars go to hell anon

>> No.52414997
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, [AOmundson] Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de - 10 (1).1080.mp4_snapshot_10.06.000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pyramid system not a Ponzi scheme

>> No.52415044

lol no youre fucked. coinmetro has always been the shady fuck exchange since 2017

>> No.52415158
File: 137 KB, 659x576, 30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they let him in to the space room?

>> No.52415199
File: 387 KB, 920x516, MaxTac.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liars go to hell anone

>> No.52415270

They were going to but then Monty from LCX joined and he got priority speaking rights.

>> No.52415342

It's based in Estonia so I guess that's why he doesn't like Russia. Retarded reason but meh.

>> No.52415597

yeah it's kinda janky for me too because I just restake the xcm I get every few days so now I get spammed with big dialog boxes every time I cash out to restake

>> No.52415720
File: 45 KB, 1055x347, XCM Perks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually they had Russian's using Coinmetro until sanctions were placed by the EU and USA
Coinmetro communicates more openly and often then any other exchange
Least shady of all the exchanges minus a few like cb kraken
keep pretending
you'll seethe in the threads 1year from now when we are all making good money

>> No.52415727

Coinmetro bros.. my hands are shaky on top of the big red button that says "SELL."

>> No.52415755
File: 106 KB, 873x646, CM Exchange Tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea.. I sold my LCX too at .50 cents
then i bought more XCM and staked it
very happy