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File: 254 KB, 1080x2316, Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52409488 No.52409488 [Reply] [Original]

Will I become a millionaire with this portfolio?

>> No.52409501

Unironically, and I mean this in the best way possible

Kill yourself

>> No.52409518

yes pajeet, you will get rich quick, you will get out of your shithut by putting the money that you stole from your sisters being sold into sex slavery into dog coins. do you know what a sha256 sum looks like?

>> No.52409522

In a word, no. Get a job

>> No.52409536

market caps are too high on those, theres not enough potential upside

>> No.52409554
File: 88 KB, 973x846, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than $1000
>diversified into 8 coins

>> No.52409575

If you are being serious…put all of that into one of those coins…your favorite one…mine in that list would be matic.

>> No.52409619

This. You need to wait for the next shitcoin that has a finite supply and get in at the bottom because it's not like anyone can just press a few keys in a keyboard and create yet another shitcoin ad infinitum

>> No.52409649 [DELETED] 

Sell everything and put everything in dog with bat

its about the only one with a real 1000x potential in that list

1000x your 1000dollars = 1 million

not enough to make it but its a start

the rest might do a 10x

bitcoin wont do more than a 5x next cycle now that the proof is leaked that SBF manipulated the price

>> No.52409650
File: 170 KB, 300x391, Leemon (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing anon? You're not all in on HBAR and you expect to become anywhere close to a billionaire?

>> No.52409665

not sure if trolling or retarded

>> No.52409685
File: 308 KB, 640x784, FE9E0E10-7804-4DE5-8A7B-165425B2E3DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me?

>> No.52409696

Diversify less. Have 3 or 4 coins tops. Also look into market cap if you don't understand it, you need to buy riskier coins.

>> No.52409831

fpbp as per usual

>> No.52409899
File: 164 KB, 282x401, Leemon (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see enough HBAR in your wallet anon. ngmi

>> No.52410023

The only way to become a millionaire with 4 figures is to unironically get lucky in the shitcoin casino during a bull market.

I've done it, I've seen others do it. You just need to be unlucky. Most will lose it all however.

>> No.52410047

Not be unlucky*

>> No.52410060

i have 400k usd in crypto, thats way too low to start diversifying. Now look at yours. What are you diversifying against? Your own stupidity?

>> No.52410084

Oddly enough I had like $1,500 worth of Doge in 2017 and I became a millionaire during the doge bullrun without even having to trade so it is possible.

>> No.52410136

you can sell all of that and buy 21.8 BSV

Not saying you should do that buti am saying i did that

>> No.52410844

I just thought investing into several coins would up my chances

>> No.52410947


what chances nigga, thats literally lunch money. Even if bitcoin goes ultra super sayan and replaces all currencies in the world you'll have enough to get a used 2008 bmw or some shit holy kek

>> No.52410989

No, but I appreciate the portfolio thread I havent seen one of these posted in weeks

>> No.52411005

Based deuxbeux enjoyer. That stack alone will allow you to live like a king

>> No.52411075

Sell everything you have, and buy GNS. Go study and work part time, put 50% of all your earnings into GNS, accumulate, compound and keep buying.
And have sex.

>> No.52411122
File: 261 KB, 1080x2316, Portfolio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me none of these have a chance? This is what I own other than the ones in the OP

>> No.52411138
File: 249 KB, 1080x2316, Portfolio3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52411224

I made so much today shorting CRO with 10x leverage
all was perfectly aligned
the ftx afterglow, the twitter fud about the strange cdc transactions, that retarded cdc ceo, the listing of the bitmex cro perp lmao

>> No.52411257

you can still make it, with one simple trick. Sell them and buy kneepads from the money

>> No.52411304

You’ve got to consolidate on 3 or 4 that you believe are the best projects. Spreading yourself too thin like this guarantees your gains will be minimal. Even if something were to 100x which is the absolute best case scenario, you’re looking at a gain of like 2000-3000$ which is nothing and that’s assuming to time the top perfect and never take profit. You’ll have to take more risk on fewer projects if you want to see gains. There aren’t anymore hidden SHIB gems that turn nothing into millions, at least not now. Maybe something like Tsuka one day but that’s a real real long shot and more likely to just die in this market.

>> No.52411460

for that money you have literally like 60 coins.
i would put everything in a single coin because 900 bucks is fucking nothing, and i would not choose a top 500 MC token.
Life used to be better here before, indians would create shitcoins left and right and spam them in the board and you could get some quick money there and every once in a while you would get early into a gem, this board is really dead now as we are approaching the bottom.
Its pointless to have your money in top 500 MC tokens because they will just crab and pump 10%, crab and dump 10% and so on for at least 3 years more before those tokens before the next bull run, only thing you can do in a bear market is literally chase shitcoins and hope you get lucky or accumulate for the next run.

>> No.52411538

Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll convert all my altcoins to ETH and hope for the best