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52404945 No.52404945 [Reply] [Original]

and if you don't you're unironically a retard that's ngmi. Hex will be here until the heat death of the universe just like Vaperguy predicted. Not even God can sink Hex.

>> No.52404972

this faggot is next to go down

>> No.52404973

Good luck, I think this dude is retarded but I hope it works out for you.

>> No.52404977

Every day that passes it's getting harder to ignore how right he's been.

>> No.52404995
File: 94 KB, 1012x920, FhW18hFWYAA_bSF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who followed Richard's advice has made mad gains and avoided having their coins stolen. Everyone who listened to your favorite influencer lost everything.

>> No.52405206

All Heroes don't wear capes!

>> No.52405550
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Go down for what? You understand HEX is an immutable smart contract running flawlessly with no admin keys for 3 years now right? The coins Richard controls have never been sold... Your stupid fantasy can't come true, sorry. For Pulsechain? It's going to most likely launch early next yet and do a 100x in the first year. People who talked shit will have egg on their face once again.

It seems really easy for retards on this board to ignore his warnings and how right he was about calling the bottom and top. They called him an idiot for saying BTC was going back to 11k yet were just about there. He was literally begging people to take their money off centralized entities for at least 2 years. Not only that but the guy is really fucking smart when it comes to anything having to do with the financial sector and he understands economics quite well. Yet we constantly see people calling him a retard? Projection at its finest. Jealous biztards.

>> No.52405594

>It's going to most likely launch early next year

>> No.52405888
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all you had to do was listen

>> No.52405920

You dumb retarded cattle nigger don't understand a thing.
Richard Heart's modus operandi is exactly the same as SBF. Look up effective altruism, it's quite literally how the fat faggot has branded himself for a decade.
>For Pulsechain? It's going to most likely launch early next yet and do a 100x in the first year.
Pulse is irrelevant. Literally all talking points are gone because he mismanaged that shitshow.

>> No.52406216
File: 595 KB, 2458x2266, Fflr7OzagAAI5lity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up effective altruism
Richard has been talking about how dumb EA is for many years. He's the opposite of an altruist. He's in it for the money, as he should be, since that's what this space is about, making new, better money.


Tate basically nailed it in this clip. The reason why you can trust RH is because he actually spends his money, unlike SBF and CZ who keep hoarding it. And for what exactly? Power. Power over you and your finances with their stupid fucking CEX's.


>Pulse is irrelevant.
It's increasingly relevant with each passing day. As more things implode there will be more demand for a safe place to put your money in. HEX has solved this for years and soon Pulse will solve it on a whole new level with an entire new ecosystem to build on.

>> No.52406244


this is GOLDEN

meme tier at its finest lmao

>> No.52406806

this scam is going down, and the fact you guys can't see it with richards elaborate spending is really interesting
you guys are either paid shills or like a beaten house wife that claims responsibility for making their husband angry

>> No.52406842
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He just looks so trustworthy and not personally interested in material gain I think I will give him my money to invest.

>> No.52406849

>Go down for what?
A heart attack, kek

>> No.52406855

wake me up when someone actually gets taken to court

>> No.52406885
File: 1.95 MB, 250x186, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your money was gone the second you "scarified"
how's that pulsechain launch going?

>> No.52406967

yes that's why it's called a sacrifice

>> No.52406998

Again. Its easy to talk shit but Richard has two teams working to finish it. He didn't expect them to actually get ETH2 working before he launched Pulse as it was before being a fork of BSC. Now they are going back and modifying ETH2 to fork that instead. A delay means nothing to us considering Pulse launching in the depths of the bear or near the end of the bear means only better upside for Pulsechain holders. There were people saying the same retarded shit before HEX and it melted faces. 1.5 billion dollars was sacced for Pulsechain/PulseX and I bet you think it will do nothing for the price performance when it inevitably launches.

>> No.52407000
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my fucking sides

>> No.52407016

I dont trust fat wiggers

>> No.52407030

i gave that fatfuck 1 Eth in 2019. I want my refund, please.

>> No.52407041

checked and laughing my ass off at these onions crybabies

>100 Richard Hearts
This space would be fucking incredible if there were 100 people anywhere close to Richard's intelligence level.

>> No.52407060

Wait, you gave him 1 ETH for HEX? Where is your HEX now? Let me guess, you sold early like a retard?

>> No.52407068

Do the opposite of biz monkey brains.
Easy money, always has been, always is.

>> No.52407107

No. staked for 10 years. kek.

>> No.52407152

Good shit man. You're going to retire in 7 years. Congrats. Even if you wait 2 years you can EES and get you HEX back your principle at the top of its next bull run and still get retarded gains.

>> No.52407232
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I trust this man with my life and soul

>> No.52407304

Which Crypto Queer is this one?

>> No.52407375

The man who tried to save all the idiots who wanted to deposit into centralized scams. Meanwhile his coin did insane gains and he has 2 more launching soon.

>Proof of him warning everyone for over the last year and a half.

>> No.52407505
File: 13 KB, 450x495, 1560057191579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets even better later in the video when he gets all excited and starts thanking the SEC for them supposedly investigating HEX and he starts googling where Richard lives... Why do they hate him so much?

>> No.52408552

>Why do they hate him so much?
There is only one reason why anyone hates Richard Heart. It is because of how he looks. There is nothing to hate him about when it comes to his opinions and the people who hate him, do so because they can't get past appearances. Their mind simply shuts off before they allow themselves to listen to what he's saying. They hate him out of ignorance.

>> No.52408627

thats why he dresses like that so you'd have that argument to trick yourself with

>> No.52408669
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what has Richard said that ended up being wrong? oh that's right, he's been right about everything. But you decided not to listen because he dresses funny

>> No.52408842

>BTC was going back to 11k yet were just about there
no we aren't you absolute retard

>> No.52408930
File: 170 KB, 1284x1224, FhYG3ZtXkAUQLwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so bitcoin dropped 80% and not 85% (yet). Did anyone else think bitcoin would drop that much? I didn't. Richard was saying it since April last year. Who else was saying that?

>> No.52409204

any non zoomer
what, did you think line go up forever?

>> No.52409241

who specifically was publicly saying bitcoin to 10k since last April, after calling the top on the day? Only Richard Heart. But you're gonna keep ignoring the guy because you don't like his clothes

>> No.52409350
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THIS. It is unironically over. I have been telling you groveling faggots obessed with this obese sadist for months that the FBI and SEC were about to post up and start working on putting this piece of shit behind bars. He's on the list, guaranteed. But keep sucking his tiny cock you fucking virgins. I don't even want my pulsechain money back. I all I want is to see this motherfucker in prison and it will be money well spent. Faggot thought he could rip off the "plebs" and no one would care, but when you rip off a city's population worth of "plebs" the feds are going to fuck your shit up Dickie, you fucking corny bitch.

>> No.52409363

I summon the mythical Hegelanon - we need you now more than ever.

>> No.52409426

pathetic larp

>> No.52409442


LMAO, sure faggot. I totally took the time to make up some fake convo with the FBI in GMAIL with photoshop. Makes perfect fucking sense. Kill yourself bitch.

>> No.52409473
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>> No.52409474

twitter filename, bunch of green squiggles, ur a fag

>> No.52410095

>He's the opposite of an altruist.
the fat fuck has been supporting aubrey de grey and his projects for more than years, including pulsechain, and brands himself on giving away tons of free shit all the time
what are you smoking lmao

>> No.52410169

RH is a good man

>> No.52410224
File: 441 KB, 1887x1073, hexreminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love all the brain dead niggers who claim hex is flawless wile its literally an ERC-20 token connected to ETH which isn't decentralized by any stretch of the imagination. if ETH changes to PoF (proof of being a nigger faggot) so does HEX and it will forever change the structure of the token. HEX is a centralized shitcoin with 90% of the supply owned by a known scam artist. threadly reminder.

>> No.52410507
File: 163 KB, 1011x576, Fhdfuj3WYBUg5dz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no clue what effective altruism is. Everything Richard does is deeply egoistical. He wants money and the best way to get it is to create value for others. He wants glory and the best way to get it is to improve the lives of others. And he's trying to increase funding for longevity related projects because he wants to live forever and fuck hot girls for the rest of his life.

>> No.52410551
File: 53 KB, 804x603, Tumblr_l_187738038771976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope seethe and dilate tyranny fudder

Notice how this retard moves the goalposts to say hex isn't flawless because of ether. Has nothing to say about hex. Pulse fixes this.

Supply issue has been addressed by Richard since day one these kikes and there pilpul knowns no bounds

Move along moishe

>> No.52411310

imagine being so fucking retarded you try to compare Richard to SBF. Holy shit the level of stupidity is incredible.

>> No.52411392

>Do things for other people
>Now everyone thinks you're altruistic and great
>+Public image points so troglodyte anons can digitally fellate him
>This makes his bags go up
Did he benefit from this exchange?
Then it's not altruism.
In fact true altruism cannot exist.

>> No.52411513

Do you still have the soft part of your head from infancy and for some reason the bone hasn't grown over?
Walking around with some sort of natural trepanation is the only explanation I can think as to why you would ever assume someone in the money business is not solely driven by said goal.

>> No.52411660

So when he raised 27m for the SENS foundation to promote saving lives I guess that was his greed when he could have just as easily taken that 27m for himself.

I guess having 280m in DAI stablecoin on the PLSX sac wallet just sit there for 1.5 years now means he really needs more money. The dude has billions now due to selling the BTC/ETH tops. He doesn't "need" any more money.

I know you won't believe this because you're a bitch boy hater, but the man does have a massive ego and he wants to prove to the world he is the one who deserves the glory and deserves to be listened to. You clearly don't know shit about him unlike people like me who have watched this guy speak for over 4 years and know how he was before HEX was created. You actually think you understand his personality but you actually don't. This is why people like you will be scratching your head when Pulse does its first 100x, then goes on to do a 1000x in the coming years. Get your head out of your ass and realize he has been trying to save people from centralized dickheads like SBF but retards like you seem to give him zero credit for doing so. You're pathetic dude.