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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 719 KB, 2000x1333, lll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52404872 No.52404872 [Reply] [Original]

>typically the history of any kind of market, is that you had this enormous springing up of thousands and thousands of companies and then you have a crash, and then you get down to 3 or 4 big companies. Thats the way every revolution tends to happen, and Im sure we will see the same pattern here.


only the useful will survive. bonus points for not being based in Judaism and usury.:D Native staking already up and running, single sided staking via sauce coming next week. Hedera will lead the way if it isn't already, by showing the vast majority of crypto how shit is done. Listening to that @MarioNawfal livespace with Charles Hosk, Kim Dotcom etc and how unaware they are of hedera whilst complaining about HOW CAN WE FIX this and their reddit-tier takes, is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.52404916
File: 526 KB, 1592x1200, hbar_do_it_for_her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy HBAR for her.

>> No.52405007

Mance just tweeted, I'm of the mind that both he and Leemon saw this coming years ago.


I hope she sees this bro.

>> No.52405020
File: 49 KB, 206x247, 742768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That smile... it still scares me

>> No.52405483
File: 138 KB, 548x650, Lord_Leemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you accept Leemon into your heart, his smile is like warm sunshine on a cold day.

>> No.52405733 [DELETED] 


Im still fucking seething
I would have 480k hbars right now if i wasnt such an impulsive fuck
instead i only have 360k
its eating at me every day

>360k is still good bro
fuck that i want my half million target
any person with an st least ounce of brain matter knows hbar will be the number one crypto in 10 years. Its not just the money. I want that glory of a <0.06 avg

>> No.52405800
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down to .04 now huh

>> No.52406424

Its all crashing bruv, cro gonna go down next.

>> No.52406706

Wired some money to binance to buy like 12k more hashies. Up to 165k then

>> No.52406731

I feel sorry for crypto. They didn’t even see him coming

>> No.52406865

The Consortium just amassed 33% of the total Hbar supply. This coin will be going down very soon

>> No.52406868

The skin that smiles

>> No.52406989

Whats the Consortium's wallet? Are you part of this secret conglomerate?

>> No.52407197

The Consortium wallet is currently empty, there is no reason for me to give you the wallet id. The members of the Consortium have been gathering hbar in their own wallets and we now have collectively gathered 33% of the supply. Each member of the Consortium knows one letter and the number of the word that letter is a part of. Soon we will gather, access the wallet with our soon to be combined seed phrase and destroy the Hedera network.
You have been warned

>> No.52407220

>during times of turmoil like these- I can sleep well at night
Based Mance cheekily rubbing salt in the wounds of the failed crypto market. Literally just an anime protagonist getting revenge on everyone who wronged him.

>> No.52407540
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Leemon.H.Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this time of great turmoil, I think it is important to worship our great lord and saviour Leemon Baird. May his eternal light shine on all of us. Can I get an amen?

>> No.52407648

Wtf, I bought $2k for coinbase pump and it never came. Is it <0.03 really possible. Will swap right now if yes.

>> No.52407875
File: 11 KB, 262x394, OurLord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must invest that 2k into HBAR right now as a sacrifice to our lord and saviour.

>> No.52408391
File: 126 KB, 281x341, Leemon (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, my fellow Leemon worshipers, I lost my Leemon collection and I need to rebuild it. Please give me your rarest Leemons

>> No.52408422

HBAR is a great BUY!!!*

* at 0.0000001 USD

>> No.52408485

The world will be token. And it will run Hedera. There is no fighting this. Whatever you buy, if it’s not HBAR, you are basicly buying shitcoin on BSC.

>> No.52408509
File: 164 KB, 282x401, Leemon (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be perfectly honest with you mate, HBAR is a great buy at any price. The world with run on HBAR in a decade.

>> No.52408526

It was always obvious that HBAR was going to take with LINk whatever there was in the DLT tokenisation space. This bboard si used to spam bait, fud andshilling but there are actual unironic retards who think crap like ADA is in teh same league as HBAR even though HBAR is pure genius and has some of the biggest corporations in teh world involved with it and ADA just has a fat fraud pretending third world countries are somehow using it. I don't know what HBAR will ultimately be worth but I know that 9950 crypos that exist today won't in five years. HABR will and it actually has no real rival for its capacity to be the tokenisation platform

>> No.52408544

It is a buy anywhere under 10 dollars

>> No.52408649

Also listen to me jiggaboos. I’m never selling my whole stack. Never. Doesn’t matter how high it goes. Sweet 6.5% APY and running my own node will be enough to retire.

>> No.52408901
File: 177 KB, 345x390, Leemon (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will need a lot of sweet hashies for 6.5% APY to be enough to live on

>> No.52409031
File: 44 KB, 479x700, chal;a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based posters.

>> No.52409072
File: 119 KB, 1480x833, GettyImages-1441047095_mzhek0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get as well how people can read about Hbar and not understand that all assets will be tokenized, from our houses to our cars, our clothes and our friends. Stock market will be tokenized. Bonds will be tokenized. Gold and silver will be tokenized.

Everything OF VALUE will be running on the Hashgraph, like everything is on the internet today. To ensure you pay all your taxes, and to reduce inefficiencies. Who will need accounting when you will be able to run code on the hashgraph to query all transactions ? Who will need notaries when the hashgraph will be the source of truth ?

50 billions is NOT ENOUGH. With staking added, Hedera will be the best ultimate passive income.

>> No.52409091

I heard Elon didn’t go through because Sam promised him he will integrate crypto payment to twitter but Elon knew that there’s a latency issues with existing btc and eth…did he know about Hbar because it can solve for this

>> No.52409104

damn, that is dedication

>> No.52409109
File: 168 KB, 290x400, Leemon (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting pictures of that fag instead of our lord and saviour Leemon?

>> No.52409710

this is the new life we've needed in the hbro threads. A new queen, one to rule them all

>> No.52409751

Hbar is the ipidamy of retardation poster checking in

>> No.52409929
File: 26 KB, 622x357, 1664307151739667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hbar is the ipidamy of retardation poster checking

>> No.52410093
File: 302 KB, 462x585, Leemon (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get outta here, this is no place for your kind

>> No.52410105
File: 233 KB, 1042x701, 1661922087291196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon seemed to have surface knowledge about crypto when he came on twitter space, like the majority of the speakers. So blinded by nonsensical bs they cant see the answer is right in front of them.

Charles went on a 5 min spiel bout how its time we brought real use to our tokens etc... Mance or Leemon joining that space could in fact change the paradigm of crypto. So many are clueless about the implications of DLTs and the inevitable tokenization of most assets and how Hedera facilitates all of it better than any tech available.

>> No.52410498


>> No.52410636


>> No.52410739

I'd say 2-6 months depending how many dominos fall after FTX

>> No.52411099
File: 209 KB, 960x960, 3445F3C1-65F9-4ACB-A34E-DC40B1B0C041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire net worth is in this man’s hands.

>> No.52411249

I'm at about 50%

>> No.52411418

>Listening to that @MarioNawfal livespace with Charles Hosk, Kim Dotcom etc and how unaware they are of hedera whilst complaining about HOW CAN WE FIX this and their reddit-tier takes, is absolutely hilarious.

This is the thing that I just cannot understand. How is hbar so obviously superior but none of the largest names so much as even mention it or seem to be aware of it. You could make the case that someone like Charles is aware of it and simply decides to not draw attention to superior competition, but how has Vitalik not name dropped Hedera yet?

>> No.52411540

it's very different from other projects. for one, it's extremely centralized, there are less than 20 nodes running the whole operation. it's also permissioned, making it very unattractive to build on

>> No.52411583

Be straight wtith me /biz/...what's the best hold?

>> No.52411735
File: 57 KB, 600x438, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ididarod 5 standing by

>> No.52412115
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x1800, 티모시_샬라메_(Timothee_Chalamet)_&#039;더_킹_헨리_5세&#039;_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard Samsung ever mention Apple ?
Have you heard Ford ever mention Tesla ?

You don't mention your competitors, you mention only the ones you already beat.
Mance did the War games, he knows that actions speak louder than words. Let the (real) tps and the partnerships speak from themselevs. Let the other shills, move in the shadows. They don't want to attract to many people about Hbar, which tells you everything you need about what you are dealing with.

If you found a gold mine, do you keep the secret or do you scream it over the gravepine ?

Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (DONE), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.52412412

Well like I said, I think this argument works for a lot of people in crypto who wouldn't want to draw attention to their competitors. But there is something about the seemingly good nature of Vitalik and his autism that makes this argument not work for me with him. He seems like the type of autistic person that is genuinely "in it for the tech". Maybe I'm just being retarded, but this is one of my small confusions.

>> No.52412573

Dude is 28 and gets hardons in public for a 5/10 asian. Not a person im investing in lol.

>> No.52412842
File: 62 KB, 300x300, chaasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He seems like the type of autistic person that is genuinely "in it for the tech"
And that's your mistake. If you want someone that's just "in for the tech", go to the person that built the best tech.

Also, many disregard Hedera becase of "muh corporations", and are hoping for a cyberpunk anarchist cryptospace. No way we will store millions or billions of value on a network that is handled by JpMorgan or Consensys alone.

The adults are in the room, and many don't like it. I don't care personnally, I know the future is filled with pods and bugs. I prepare myself to atleast have a spacious one.

But your question is nevertheless a good one : why did Vitalik never mention Hedera ? He must know of it but never said anything on it, isn't that curious ?

>> No.52413158

Because if Vitalik mentions Hedera he admits defeat. There is 0 reason for anyone to be using ETH other than because "muh userbase"...

>> No.52413929
File: 1.36 MB, 1644x3110, hbar cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THe MaRkEt Is So ImMaTuRe HEdErA iS DiFfErEnT!!!

>> No.52414128

Why are you posting pictures of Timothee Chalamet

>> No.52414287

it’s not impossible. how much do you really need each year to be comfortable?

>> No.52415310

HTS is the play
HBAR is non memeable


>> No.52415484

Great, well done for seeing something anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together could see. You heard the spaces yourself. Most in crypto don’t, so consider it a compliment. Now go ahead delete this post, retard. Because while you’re correct, we don’t need biztards and normies realising this yet. Hedera, like Google/Amazon, will thrive in the downturn and couldn’t before then anyways. Why? Because it’s not rent-seeking. In fact, the correct analogy isn’t Hedera as any one big tech platform because, fundamentally, Hashgraph is INFRASTRUCTURE. It is analogous to the internet itself. The alpha is built ON TOP of it. Take this into account, the number 50 billion was chosen for a reason. Baird is METICULOUS. Hbar and the release schedule were specifically designed AGAINST the kind of returns seen with Eth and Btc because that’s what’s best for the network to scale. My conservative estimate is a $1-4 trillion network value in the next 15 years. A cool x80 at best. ~$3 per coin. I should note that I avoided crypto for 5 years. I couldn’t tell you shit about exchanges, apy, nfts etc. I’ve just been patiently waiting for this moment: The shoah of filthy rent-seeking normies and kikes. Because I knew this is the point past which the future gets built. I spent the entire weekend reading the Hedera docs and papers. Ticks all my TECHNICAL boxes. ZERO red flags. Undeniably the future

>> No.52415795

Because he's Chalamet poster. First time in an Hbar thead?

>> No.52415857

>~$3 per coin
Cleverly disguised reverse FUD

>> No.52416113

un reverse with +4 card, 3$ in 15 years...

I'd say 1-10$ in 3 years, 35-50$ in 15 years.

>> No.52416302 [DELETED] 

That’s at a $4 trillion network cap with all coins released. At $1 trillion you’re looking at $0.80c on the coin. That’s my math. If you know a reason why it’d be higher, I’d love to hear it. But I consider this optimistic.

>> No.52416458

why would I delete the post, no one comes on biz and twitter is still trying to figure which jew outjewed everyone...

>> No.52416785

Ever heard of Deng Xiaoping? He had a quote that goes “HIDE your strength, and BIDE your time”. There’s no virtue in advertising alpha.

>> No.52417520

Bruh i want to discuss hedera, after listening to those twitter spaces kvetch over crypto n Sam, I just wanted to feel a bit schizo again.

This is 4chan, theres no virtue other than (you) which means nothing.

>> No.52417540


>> No.52418141

I only see based hbar chads. Obviously youre a bleeding ass faggot