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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 97 KB, 832x585, QNTUSDT_2022-11-14_03-31-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52407575 No.52407575 [Reply] [Original]

remeber someone FOMOing at $160 two weeks ago, kek

>> No.52407877

There were people fomo ING at 200

>> No.52407886

>QNT shills are very silent
it was one person, group, or cohort
this was not some realization that a large portion of independent actors had that QNT, a vestige of 2017, that a blockchain operating system is the new thing
it was a pump and dump of a dead project and it was hilarious to watch

>> No.52407894

But why did it go down?
I though qnt did great at sibos?

>> No.52407905

guys.....GUYS get this. someone actally LE FOMOED at $210!!?!

>> No.52407939

imagine buying this dead armenian scam

>> No.52407950

same as matic curry shillers

>> No.52407952

Can't cope?

>> No.52407953

QNT is:
-founded by the guy who came up with the ISO (i.e. UN) standard about blockchain interoperability
-working with state and central bank actors on issues related to connecting CBDCs and blockchains
-sits on the bank of england's public facing working group the Digital Pound Foundation, the only digital asset company to do so besides ripple

i think it's still a good bet personally. Algo, Qnt, XRP, XLM all the coins that are demonstrably going to be used by corporations and governments in the CBDC system are dumping harder than most, i don't think that's random. maybe they are getting them off exchanges?

>> No.52408079

> le cope? le seethe le dilate? le ngmi le pajeet shill le go back
yes good one, NPC meatbot

>> No.52408093
File: 426 KB, 600x524, 1373615862407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, dude.

>> No.52408168

> le jesus christ le meme that someone else made le implication that im better and cooler than you without le saying it
hes on fire!

>> No.52408203

>linkies fomod at 9$
>now were at 6.10

>> No.52408206
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>> No.52408331

> le george costanza picture that was funny in 2006 le smug admission of 'winning' yet another fake argument that nobody started on this childrens cartoon forum . le another day of your worthless life that youll never get back

>> No.52408632

Dude how heavy are your bags and at what price?

>> No.52408644

Le bibliotec se closed l’return d’Africa ci vuple. Merci and orvui.

>> No.52408688
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>> No.52408696


>> No.52408981
File: 84 KB, 338x417, 1585756741491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw winning an "argument" I didn't even know I was having

>> No.52409164

QNT is a great learning coin for beginners, you really get to see how the shilling/pump'n'dump angle works, and how it's all timed to fit with the project's own media push, to fit with the charts, etc.

Every single fucking time, plebs honestly think it's going to $10,000 or whatever and so they buy after a 6x pump and get absolutely DUNKED on.

>> No.52409577

Matic has huge institutional adoption happening behind closed doors that you and even the matic team aren‘t aware of
>t. Insider

>> No.52410256

its the same group of scammers as, hbar, avax, ftm, algo, prq.... never buy anything advertised on /biz/. btw, there are 25 active quant wallets

>> No.52410275
File: 56 KB, 623x410, flags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QNT is a great learning coin for beginners, you really get to see how the shilling/pump'n'dump angle works
Holy shit this. Genius comment. I'm a 2021 newb who just sold the top. Finally learned the game. QNT shills tell you that it "moves in flags," Next flag is always around the corner lol

>> No.52411597

lol, lmao even