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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52406532 No.52406532 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you might know me for the things i've said:

not your keys not your coins.
stop sucking middlemen D.
btc miners dump on your heads
my btc top and bottom calls.
btc has no onchain exchanges maxis are forced to suck middlemen d.
btc was invented to get rid of middlemen and financial institutions.
monkey jpegs are retarded.

Seems like everyone is repeating the stuff i've been preaching for years.

>> No.52406592

stop spamming yourself
also lose weight fattie

>> No.52406621

Just because we’re all eating bullshit at the moment doesn’t mean we’ll look at your plate of dog shit with envy

>> No.52406644

You have terrible taste in clothes.

>> No.52406666
File: 100 KB, 828x1084, FhY1n1GXwAIjmtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so your plan is to ignore the guy who was right about everything, and keep listening to the people who got it all wrong and are now permarekt?

>> No.52407711

>we’re all eating bullshit

>> No.52407769

ill admit ive been a traitor
bit the hand that fed me
bit the hand that basically set my nieces and nephews up with some money when they turn 18
and im sorry
im sorry richard
but cmon
may? no
two more weeks
it could drop any month now
you'd feel exactly the same in my position, its nothing personal

>> No.52407805

Richard what books would you recommend for someone interested in learning about neurolinguistic programming and/or ceremonial magic?

>> No.52407841

he's playing a character. HEX (great choice of a name btw) like all pyramid schemes depended on being able to bring more people into the scheme which depended on his ability to get more low IQ eyeballs on his product, he decided to use his money to make himself as garish and obnoxious as possible so dumb people would look at him and immediately know "he ballin," the clothes were a function of that

i wonder if he'll end up in jail

>> No.52407852

>crypto cultists worshipping their master like dogs
hexicans are pathetic
rich holds 90% of hex and will hold 90% of pulse. hex does nothing but reward you more hex for not pulling out while the price drops, it does literally nothing else. and one man holds 90% of the supply, and don't come at me talking about satoshi and vitalik they don't hold 90% of btc or eth nobody does, thats the point. while hex is pointless. speaking of pointless, what is the point of a useless copy of usdc not backed by usd, a copy of link that cant pay for link nodes, a copy of uni that cant be used on uniswap, what is the point of pulse. none of it makes any sense but you're caught up in the charisma of your cult leader and not thinking clearly.

>not your keys not your coins
isn't some special richard wisdom, everyone has been telling you this for years long before richard came on the scene. stop worshipping this trickster clown. he uses half-baked logic that he knows is nonsense and classic manipulation techniques to build up his cult of dunning kruger effect retards

>> No.52407857
File: 134 KB, 1640x922, what-the-hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RH is not a scammer, because there are other scammers!

>> No.52407910
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zoom out

>> No.52407915

>i wonder if he'll end up in jail
People have been wondering for 3 years, but why would he? What crime has he commited? Also has anyone in crypto been put in jail? I mean even Do Kwon is still running free.

>> No.52408004

And what? For anyone who listened to HEX shills recently it was nothing but bleeding hell.
You bought this useless shitcoin early enough to profit from it? Congrats. Not it is a dead shitcoin.

>> No.52408057

>For anyone who listened to HEX shills recently it was nothing but bleeding hell.
Compared to what? Which large marketcap coin hasn't been bleeding hell this past year?

>> No.52408090

Embezzlement of company and client funds, and securities fraud.

>> No.52408123
File: 31 KB, 460x666, photo_2021-01-08_13-47-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number of staking addresses keeps going up despite the drop in price, indicating growing adoption. We're in a bear market pretty much everything is down massively, including boomer stocks. What amazing assets do you own that are still up 10x vs two years ago?

>> No.52408154

what company? what clients? HEX is not a security

>> No.52408163

Most large mcaps didn't lose fucking 90%.

>> No.52408178

yeah, they're only down 85%

>> No.52408215

plus his piece of shit coin where he holds 90% off, is down 95%

Richard fag is a fucking jew aswell

>> No.52408599

>number of staking addresses keeps going up
Plot twist: these addresses are owned by RH.

>> No.52409549

>these addresses are owned by RH.
It's all on chain, so there's no reason to lie. These wallets that are buying HEX every day hold all sorts of shitcoins that Richard would never buy.

>> No.52409646
File: 396 KB, 700x1056, heart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what happened to all those billions you guys "sacrificed"?
still sitting in Richard's private wallet huh..
he keeps adding Rolexes to his collection with your money huh..
how did the launch of Pulsechain go?
still hasn't launched and probably never will huh?
so HEX managed to flip ETH?
oh that didn't happen either huh...

>> No.52410099

>there's no reason to lie