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52399193 No.52399193 [Reply] [Original]

crypto has no inherent value

>> No.52399214

My balls, however, do have inherent value
Invest in my balls anons, pls

>> No.52399225

RLC does, sorry faggot.

>> No.52399276

neither does gold

>> No.52399315

it's weird, something i realized by looking at the economics of crypto, the crypto itself doesn't have value but the ability to transfer value in a decentralized yet global manner gives it incredible value, the value is in the logistics of value. Think about how Wells Fargo started, moving money from east coast to west, there is huge value in that.

>> No.52399332

no shit. its a pyramid scam. put all your money in a pile with everyone else. oh look value see green light goes up. till cunts grab the pile and run. cunts are blinded by money to see they are being ripped off. oh gowed me withdrawal feeeees make moNeY so ItS Real. fuck offf..

>> No.52399383

gold can be used for manufacture and architecture

crypto is almost purely speculative, other than in the black market, Ecuador and certain parts of Switzerland.

>> No.52399405

Nothing other metals can't do for cheaper

>> No.52399440

I'd argue being able to automate and decentralize old world finance schemes into modern day blockchain powered financial schemes gives it even more power than using a material for manufacturing or architecture. It is currency that finances wars. It is currency that builds society. There is more value in that, than actual use. IF society could trust blockchain as currency the same way we use metal and paper, blockchain in theory could fuel an empire.
>Pecunia nervus belli

>> No.52399443

Gold is one of the most useless materials in nature. Even sand has more industrial uses than gold.
It's literally pure psychology.

>> No.52399483

So can dirt.

Crypto is a fiat currency for trading assets that isn't controlled by a bank. A bank that would otherwise lend out money it doesn't have, ask the government to print more when they are caught and make the people pay for it all with inflation.

The point of crypto is to allow us to be our own bank.

It's value is systemetic.

>> No.52399495

The inherent value of gold is thousands of years of different civilizations using it to create different products

>> No.52399528

When asking yourself what the value of crypto is you must ask yourself what the value of fiat is.

The value is not made up. It's value is provided by the system in which it circulates through.

So why do we need to replace fiat with crypto?

Because banks mishandle funds.

>but crypto does that too
It wasn't meant to and nobody listened to the warnings.

>> No.52399551

Currency shouldn't seek to hold inherent value necessarily. It should be rigid in its ability for manipulation and exploitation (FRL, blacklisting, printing/inflation, etc). If it can have an inherent value or use-case outside of it then sure that's good.

>> No.52399566

Exactly. It's not a commodity, it's a service. That has value and that's fine. What matters is qualities of security, reliability, access, etc

>> No.52399568

Neither does fiat what's your point.

>> No.52399589

Not inherent
Gold is almost purely speculative

>> No.52399607

Fiats value is in the American governments ability to legally enforce its use. Crypto relies on the goodwill that people will choose to accept it--it's not an enforceable currency. But if I go into any American business I can use USD and they have to accept it (with the exception of laws regarding freedom to deny service, but that doesn't pertain to USD).

>> No.52399627

Obviously value of crypto is subjective as is fiat. However the fact that this debate is held ad nauseumin regards crypto shows there might be a bit of truth to it.

>> No.52399638

why don't you get your balls invested into my mouth huh?

>> No.52399676

yeah this is where Schieff gives himself away as a bit of a clown. It's funny how so many people can talk for a long time and look like they're smart, and then you find out something so stupid about one of their core beliefs that they are just gone as a serious person forever. Just because gold and silver have some theoretical use has nothing to do with it.

If anything the ideal thing would be to outlaw everything EXCEPT fiat. There I've said it. If you have issues with the fed and the central banks - shut them fucking down, rip them apart and force them to do things different. That's what all this energy gone into crypto should be doing. In a democracy we're supposed to be in control of the government. fiat is the only thing that really makes sense.

>> No.52399690

life has no inherent value

>> No.52399705

Why not the other way around? Invest your mouth in my balls

>> No.52399818

Correct. Nobody wants crypto; if you couldn't trade it with others, you'd have no use for it. On the other hand, many people would be very happy if they received a bunch of gold or silver or other commodities, even if they could never trade them. I would be happy if I received gasoline, for example; I can just use it, no need to trade it.

There is no end user for crypto (= it has no real value, it doesn't even exist), and as such, it's a game of musical chairs. It could end badly at any moment.

>> No.52399992

>On the other hand, many people would be very happy if they received a bunch of gold or silver or other commodities, even if they could never trade them. I would be happy if I received gasoline, for example; I can just use it, no need to trade it.
nigger are you retarded
I'd be pretty fucking happy if someone gave me 10 BTC
But if someone gave me 10 lbs of gold but I couldn't trade it I'd be pretty fuckin pissed

>> No.52400236

>I'd be pretty fucking happy if someone gave me 10 BTC
Only because you can trade it. Same for every other person on the planet. NOBODY wants bitcoin as an end user, retard.
>But if someone gave me 10 lbs of gold but I couldn't trade it I'd be pretty fuckin pissed
There are people out there who could use 10lbs of gold, even if they could never trade it.

>> No.52400884
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Crypto was not built to have an inherent value because it isnt enforceable by law but by acceptance or adoption. Some qualities like security, safety and the likes determine its level of adoption which brings value to it in return

>> No.52400907

neither does paper gold

>> No.52400913

monero got inherent value

>> No.52400984

>10 lbs of gold
Seriously, never heard before using lbs for gold. Only toz, Kg, metric tones and tolas.

>> No.52401045

Gold is a key component in semiconductors. Ever seen boards for high-end PC's and supercomputers? Those things are covered in gold layers. Get fucked.

>> No.52401880

True, but Bitcoin does. Moonbois get the rope, OG maximalist will make it. Protip: there's a funny blue token which happens to go for the FUNDAMENTALS instead of le epic pumps, you might or might not want to get a bag of it in these harsh times. Things are about to change for good

>> No.52401909

>crypto has no inherent value

the only things that really have any value are food and energy.

if there is no food all money is worthless and useless.

>> No.52401914

>there's a funny blue token which happens to go for the FUNDAMENTALS instead of le epic pumps
Do you mean link? What are the fundamentals? srs question, I'm trying to uderstand crypto

>> No.52401937

>Do you mean link? What are the fundamentals? srs question, I'm trying to uderstand crypto
DYOR african american, the archives are all over the place

>> No.52401952

You're a moon nigger too, at least the doge tards are not delusional about it.

>> No.52402071

Bullshit. Have you ever seen a gold mining operation on an old PC dump?

>> No.52402200


Some of it does.

>> No.52402207

I know.

>> No.52402345

The biggest value of gold is that it's the only metal that does not decay. So if all gold was mined it would like bitcoin with finite amount and would appreciate in value with passing time and that finite amount being used in electronics

>> No.52402371

I know

>> No.52402391

sending value to people around the globe, permissionless, no third party involved, fast. this is valuable

>> No.52402866

>Intrinsic theory of value
Crypto has no intrinsic value. Crypto is not an ends in itself, but rather a means to an end. Crypto is desired as a means to financial security and a lavish lifestyle, thus its value is instrumental. Its goodness as an instrumental value is how effectively it obtains the desired ends (not well recently)
>Labor theory of value
Crypto has value because Labour was done to create it: labour was required to generate the electricity used for mining, to manufacture the mining hardware, to run a mining operation etc.
>Exchange theory of value
Crypto has an both an objective exchange-value and a subjective use-value. It's exchange-value is the value for which it can be exchanged, namely its price, but also the goods and services it can be exchanged for.
Its use-value is indirect, since its use-value derives from its ability to be exchanged for directly useful goods and services. That is to say, its use value derives entirely from its exchange value. Were crypto's exchange value to go to zero, so would its use-value.
>Monetary theory of value
Crypto has value because it can be exchanged for money. In fact, crytpo is money because it is a use-value whose use derives entirely from its exchange value. Being money, crypto is therefore pure value.
>Power theory of value
Value is in power. Wealth is just a relative share of overall buying power. Prices are intrinsically linked to power: monopolies can raise prices above demand because of their power as a monopoly. The value of crypto is its ability to be an instrument of power. Proof of stake reflects this principle within the context of a blockchain. In wider society, crypto companies have lobbied governments for favorable regulation. Criminal enterprises have been run with bitcoin.
>Subjective theory of value
Crypto has no value because I think it's worthless. Crypto has value because you think it's valuable.

>> No.52402881

monero got inherent value

>> No.52402887

>sending value
what value? cryptos are worthless, they don't even exist.

>> No.52402903


>> No.52402915

>I buttcoin could do the same things gold can it would be worth something.

>> No.52402926


>> No.52402942

>The point of crypto is this fantasy I have.

>> No.52402955


>> No.52402958

my theory is that if you want crypto to have
value that it must be backed on the chain

all offchain backing will be stolen, is it possible to put information on a blockchain with intrinsic value?

monero got value in utillity, the market has chosen it

>> No.52402965


>> No.52402972

If you meant El Salvador, you can't actually use it as money in El Salvador
>We ask if we can pay in bitcoin, but the clerk replies that they only accept cash.
>[the waiter] tells us that it is no longer possible to pay in bitcoin. They accepted it for a few months but then gave up. “Too complicated and too few transactions,” he says.
>We walk through the entrance to the mall into a large lobby and our faces light up... Unfortunately, however, no one wants our bitcoin.
>When we say we can only pay in bitcoin they look at us in amazement... they react as if the very word “bitcoin” is something that belongs to a distant memory. As if it is something they haven't heard of in a very long time.
>None of the big car rental companies accept bitcoin

>> No.52403032

then send me 10 bitcoins if they have no value... the market decided that it has value because it has the utility I mentioned.

>> No.52403033

Crypto doesn't have intrinsic value which has a precise mathematical definition.
And neither does gold.

Whether they have some other kind of value is another debate.

But for investment purposes it's not exactly wise to put a lot of money in something that by definition has no intrinsic value.

Literally the opposite is true, a good currency needs to have a fluid supply to prevent both excessive inflation and deflation.

If central banks do a bad job at that that's another matter.

This is also why crypto as they are now will never be a replacement for fiat.
CBDC will probably kill what little is left of this ponzi market.

>> No.52403051

Value and price aren't the same thing

>> No.52403074

neither do opinions

>> No.52403091

Water is more valuable than diamonds, because water is required for all life, whereas diamonds sparkly.

>> No.52403097

wrong, censorship-resistant cryptography technology is very valuable

>> No.52403107

Well, Bitcoin has price and value as I mentioned. The price is obvious, and then value is determined by the utility of moving these priced units around the world, decentralized, permissionless and fast etc etc. What's the problem?

>> No.52403259
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There's no problem. I don't deny the price nor the value of crypto. Just that saying "if it's worthless send me 10" isn't a great argument. Something can be very highly priced but have effectively no value. For instance suppose I tinned my shit and put them for sale for $1000 per can. Since only I can sell my shit (another tin of human shit would not be a tin of *my* shit) the only way you could obtain a tin of my shit would be by paying my price, so I could use the same argument: "if my tinned shit is worthless give me 10". Despite this it would clearly be something valueless but highly priced. Compare to pic-related, which is arguably just as valueless as my own tinned shit, it has a high market price despite there being no monopoly-seller. Thus it's certainly arguable that even if it's not valuable in itself, it could be valuable for speculation in the art market. The same could be said for bitcoin, a lot of its value comes from its perceived use as an instrument of speculation.

>> No.52403326

That’s not inherent value
Also not inherent value
Literally nothing of this world has inherent value. It’s completely subjective.

>> No.52403392
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Crypto is a scam where you profit off of the guy who buys after you. It is fundamentally theft, and a Christian shouldn't partake in it.

Gold and silver are God's money, and I dont care what the paper jew or the pixel jew shill.

>> No.52403422
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You're a midwit, and thus your actual reasoning is "I don't understand this, therefore its wrong "

In reality silver being the most conducive element in existence (gold is 2nd) is inherent value especially in the upcoming age of electronics. Silver is used in all hemielectric and fully electric vehicles for its metallurgical properties, that too is an inherent value, and most importantly, the fact that it was used always in all cultures and ages, shows that (via natural selection) there is some form of universal INHERENT driver that keeps it there permanently as valuable.

Silver ends the fed, but the truth of silver will keep the jews from ever taking control again

>> No.52403430

Electricity can be shut off

>> No.52403566

90% btc ic owned by 4 big corporations, fucking retard

>> No.52403582

You are retard too, they use gold in cpu and space is very important.

>> No.52403639

This, biz is filled with pol retard and pajeets, their IQ is as big room temperature, they cant make anything irl beacuse they are so stupid and losers so they try to get money "easy way" lazy fucking subhumans.

>> No.52403672


>> No.52403720

Silver is also at the forefront of medical technology with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) being antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, and an anti-cancer agent.
Boomers are right.

>> No.52403809

He says using an electronic device containing a PCB.

>> No.52403965
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>gold can be used for manufacture and architecture
Not true. This means that it has utility to some consciousnesses which tends to lead to a subset of consciousnesses ascribing subjective value to it which gets expressed more objectively through markets. If it had 'inherent value' it would have a sort of value as such that no possible situation could be contrived or conceived of in which a consciousness could be imagined to ascribe the negation of positive value with regards to how he appraises gold in terms of value. This situation actually happened such as when europeans first encountered africans who had there own currency/medium of exchange objects and they had no interest at all in gold and had to be forced to give up their native currency. Even today, one could envision an amazon tribe looking at you with indignation if you tried to hand them gold in exchange for something that they had use of, like food. And closer to home, a similar experiment was also carried out. see here
If gold had 'inherent value' then this wouldn't be the case. The closest you could come to 'inherent value' would be something like food or oxygen. But even that falls short, as some choose to hang themselves and go on huger strikes until death. and also, see picrel

>> No.52404004

So with regard to this
Value resides in consciousnesses, not in objects. Absent consciousness, no physical object has value. No physical object has 'inherent value'.

>> No.52404057

Fun seeing cryptotards using that quote. Anyhow, so other than literal retards that were forced to use gold (and now have changed their views) like everyone else 500 years ago. What other argument do you have against gold that is now accepted as valuable everywhere in the world? You know the Chinese had to threaten to kill merchants not using their backed paper money in 700s right? Now everyone accepts that paper money has value but most use the proxy of numbers on a screen + a card. Gold is valuable because everyone thinks so, and have thought so for 5000 years (except some apes), and it has some practical use and is difficult to print into infinity - unlike crypto. There's a unlimited supply of pyramid schemes on /biz/, say whatever you want about limited supply. I've never and never will touch crypto, it's fake and gay.

>> No.52404127

Your bags could really mean shit but mine ain't unapologetically and I mean Metis, Atom, Ride to mention a few.

>> No.52404155

Personally I threw my money at Bazinga, SuperSafeMoneyMaker, ThisShitIsGoingToTheMoonCoin and NewCoolInternetMoney.

>> No.52404266
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Apologize now cryptofags, i might forgive you today

>> No.52404320

>Fun seeing cryptotards using that quote
Not an argument. I am not saying anything about crypto having inherent value. I gave an example of agents who ascribe no value to gold and this would be not possible if it had 'inherent value'. An inherently valuable substance would not have to be explained to someone or forced upon them. You don't have to explain the value of food to someone. They instinctively know it. And even then, people die of hunger strikes in jail, so obviously there are times when even food has no value to particular consciousnesses. Certainly gold would also not have any value to such a person either. So it has no 'inherent value'. This is an imaginary concept put forward as existing by people who have a lack of depth of thought and intellection and have fell for propaganda. I am also not saying that gold is something which is to be avoided in terms of possessing it by the way.
>Anyhow, so other than literal retards that were forced to use gold (and now have changed their views) like everyone else 500 years ago
The time it occurred is irrelevant. Some thing with 'inherent value' would have value across space and time. And I gave an example of the same phenomenon happening in current times anyways in the vid here
>What other argument do you have against gold that is now accepted as valuable everywhere in the world?
No it is not. See the vid I posted
> Now everyone accepts that paper money has value but most use the proxy of numbers on a screen + a card
You are moving the goal post from 'inherent value' to 'value'. The value of paper money is value imposed, or actually 'purchasing power' by fiat, not 'inherent value'. And the value of that paper currency is situational as well, not inherent. Imagine the same situation of an amazonian tribe. The would look at you with contempt if you tried to hand them a piece of paper for last night kill from a hunt.

>> No.52404423

>No it is not. See the vid I posted
Lol, do the same with any currency other than USD and any internet money other than bitcoin (which Jews have been pushing in media). You'll get the same result. The only thing you're pointing out is that the general public is retarded. Which I won't argue against.

>inherent value
Does not exist, everything is in relation to the human existence. Which had valued gold for 5000+ years.

I never argued inherent value. That's not why I own gold and silver, amongst other things. It's because it has survived 1000s of FIAT and is still considered valuable. See: Google it you fucking retard.

>> No.52404453

Regarding bitcoin. If you offered people either 0.1 bitcoin or 1 snickers they would pick the snickers. Try it out yourself.

>> No.52404492

And if they try to add value then it gets regulated by the SEC and killed

>> No.52404568

>Gold is valuable because everyone thinks so
No, they don't. See this vid
And the other examples. They are limitless. Imagine you are stuck on a deserted island. Fruit and edible vegetation are out of season. You are unable to contrive ways to obtain enough food from other sources as well, such as you being unable to successfully fish. You haven't eaten for a month. Also, there is a drought and no fresh water. I arrive and present a choice between a kilo of gold, or a big mac and ice water, which do you choose? Yes, you choose the meal. What happened to the 'inherent' value of the gold? How can a few dollar big mac and water have more value then the gold? The value is subjective and situational, not inherent.
>and it has some practical use and is difficult to print into infinity
It has some utility in some situations which leads a subset of humans to subjectively place value on it. I said that here.
This says nothing of 'inherent value'. A single counter example of someone not valuing it would disprove it's 'inherent value'. Here is such an example
>There's a unlimited supply of pyramid schemes on /biz/, say whatever you want about limited supply. I've never and never will touch crypto, it's fake and gay.
Totally irrelevant to any argument I have made about the 'inherent' value of gold. As I said here
>Not an argument. I am not saying anything about crypto having inherent value.
I am not arguing about crypto or it's value in anyway. Just by the way, you should have the sodium fluoride levels of your tap water checked. You seem cognitively impaired with regard to the inability to follow argumentation and with regard to reading comprehension.

>> No.52404591

I need to see the white paper and ensure your balls are on the Blockchain

>> No.52404638

If you want to talk philosophy there's better places than here. I'm done with your nonsense.

>> No.52404670

Other metals tarnish and deteriorate.

>> No.52404676

The market can't decide what the actual value is, that's why it's all over the place. You could send bitcoin when it was 1 dollar. Did it get 16 thousand times more useful since then?

>> No.52404702

Gold doesn't rust, corrode or decay. Moron.

>> No.52404751

>Which had valued gold for 5000+ years
A certain subset of humans have valued gold, yes. I stated that here
>This means that it has utility to some consciousnesses which tends to lead to a subset of consciousnesses ascribing subjective value to it which gets expressed more objectively through markets
This is based on it's appearance and utility in some circumstances. It's value is still subjective, situational, and this value is only ascribed by a SUBSET of human consciousnesses. Not the whole set. See here
So no inherent value, and inherent value is all I have made and argument against. I have NOT made an argument against gold's subjective, situational, positive valuation among a certain subset of human consciousnesses.
But you were responding to a chain of posts leading back to op, who did make that claim. And it was apparent that you were affirming this.
So if you were NOT arguing for inherent value, then I have no contention with just saying that gold has some utility. This is obviously true.
>That's not why I own gold and silver, amongst other things. It's because it has survived 1000s of FIAT and is still considered valuable
Not relevent to anything I have argued
>See: Google it you fucking retard.
Nothing on google will be able to counter anything I have said. I also own some silver by the way. Some silver which does not have inherent value. And I would also recommend having the sodium fluoride levels checked in your tap water. I think you are getting a double dose.

>> No.52404781
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>> No.52404788

>But you were responding to a chain of posts leading back to op, who did make that claim. And it was apparent that you were affirming this.

You need to sort out your autism. "Has no inherent value (to humans)" is what he meant. Inherent value doesn't exist without humans thinking it does. End of philosophical discussion.

>> No.52404822

I apologize for falling for the crypto inmoral scam
from now on I will only use monero
we need to use crypto as it was meant to be

>> No.52404873

>You need to sort out your autism. "Has no inherent value (to humans)" is what he meant. Inherent value doesn't exist without humans thinking it does. End of philosophical discussion.
This is what I have been arguing the whole thread idiot.
see here in picrel
And here
>Value resides in consciousnesses, not in objects. Absent consciousness, no physical object has value. No physical object has 'inherent value'.
and here
>So it has no 'inherent value'. This is an imaginary concept put forward as existing by people who have a lack of depth of thought and intellection and have fell for propaganda.

>> No.52404889

Nothing has inherent value

>> No.52404918

I hate how all of this guy's discussions about crypto turn into bitcoin vs gold arguments. Why can't people discuss the merits or problems with crypto without changing the subject?

>> No.52404969
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Both of you are philosophical midwits. And I will repeat to you what I told the other anon. Your entire argument is actually just saying "I don't understand why its valuable, therefore it isn't". The fundamental issue you both have is that you're thanking of things in terms of math, as an abstract concept, and in this abstract concept you're coming out and saying "really these numbers are only valuable because we humans say they are" which is correct, technically, but pseurointellectual.

Silver and gold (as I have written) first and foremost have inherent physical properties that nothing else can have. They are atomic elements on the periodic table, and have those properties, they are one of building blocks from which our universe is made. The properties of this are obvious and intrinsic.

Now let's leave the realm of math and enter the realm of physics (the real world) and talk about the jews. Is it an intrinsic property that jews MUST go somewhere and immediately fuck over everyone while taking control of the money? If you argue "no" you're going to have to explain "why do they do it every single fucking time"? Which you'll never do.

The reason for this is you are reducing things to their most basic form and debating there. But there is this thing called an emergent property, and unlike the level of the atom, an emergent property is formed when a group of things has a function that is unique to the group and CANNOT be observed in the object itself. Once you understand this, and realize that emergent properties have an intrinsic value, you both (despite being pseudointellectual retards) should come to understand the emergent intrinsic property that silver and gold have IN HUMANITY (yes you should root your thinking to the real world).

Silver Ends the FED, nothing else can, and silver squeeze is the ONLY thing that'll ever overpower the power of the jew and wrest power from his clutches.

>> No.52404970

>crypto has no inherent value
It does though.

>> No.52404983

You're an idiot, sir.

>> No.52404987

>In a democracy we're supposed to be in control of the government.
That's a big problem with democracy. The majority of people would rather have the government print money to give them "free" stuff than have sound money or freedom.

>> No.52405001

>put all your money in a pile with everyone else. oh look value see green
No I bought the fucking bottom of every dip and held my fucking coin and tokens.
Are you retarded? Do you fucking high school drop outs not understand just the sheer mass and volume of people trading crypto.

>> No.52405056

>If anything the ideal thing would be to outlaw everything EXCEPT fiat.
Communists are retarded and don't understand economics.
No, retard. Everyone can use something to trade and barter without it being Fiat.
Hell, you can trade with poker chips if other people ACCEPT it as a form of payment.
This site is fucking dildo stupid.

>> No.52405341

Gold and silver are money and everything else is credit, or at best a money substitute if it us guaranteed to be redeemable for money. Gold and silver by their physical nature represent the best forms of money. Therefore all wealth must be represented by the existing gold and silver and crypto and fiat currencies are derivatives of that wealth.

>> No.52405832

Gold is connected to consumption so it kinda does

>> No.52405902

thread full of gold fudders writing their hilarious dunning-kruger garbage on a computer, which only works because printed circuit board traces and CPU circuitry are made from, and can only be made from, gold
truly god loves us and hates faggots because he gives us such fantastic things to laugh at, every day

>> No.52405916
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You can keep a private balance of ETH if you use the right tools. Keep your sentiments to yourself

>> No.52405922

And yet nobody uses it for that. It's only used for speculation.

>> No.52405935
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By any chance, if it comes down to regulations.

>> No.52406316
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This guy is sexist so you can ignore everything he says.

>> No.52406434

By the way, I am not saying that there are not certain physical substances which more consistently maintain a track record of having a subset of human consciousnesses which positively valuate that substance. There's certainly a hierarchy with regard physical substances in terms of duration of time spent being valued by subsets of human consciousnesses. Obviously PMs are in this category. So I am not saying everything is totally arbitrary and random in terms of what people value. I am only interested in being precise with definitions and concepts. People throw around words without semantic precision and this contributes to creation of NPCs.

>> No.52406947

>f you have issues with the fed and the central banks - shut them fucking down, rip them apart and force them to do things different. That's what all this energy gone into crypto should be doing. In a democracy we're supposed to be in control of the government.
The central banks are actually private companies with a weird government granted monopoly

>> No.52407036

Gold is equally useless, just the value placed on it by people.

>> No.52407120

a lot of things are overvalued nowadays thats just how the system works

>> No.52407124

gold has unique physical properties that have endless applications in industry you moron. bitcoin -doesn't exist-...

>> No.52407893
File: 70 KB, 1024x735, 1668001349007414m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on.

You think any blockchain has value?

Can the tech be copypastad? Yes it can. Why is BSV cheaper in USD than BTC? Its definitely not due to "muh tech" lol. Its all literally copypastable open source tech that anyone can run.

>> No.52408013

Stupid people think they are smart, and you are a shining example.

>> No.52408083

i decided to invest in Polkadot, seems like a proper coin.

>> No.52408314

Neither do the Jews.

>> No.52408741

Peter Schiff is Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.52408746


>> No.52408772
File: 1.81 MB, 400x400, 566BF271-B20B-48D0-BA7D-48EC19731EAB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would have thought that Internet funny money with zero practical uses is not a hedge against record inflation
It turns out we were the greater fools all along

>> No.52409188

wtf I love Peter now

>> No.52409279

crypto is funny money, its value is that its fun and entertaining and you can' t deny it. fun is a hedge against the absurdity of this world

>> No.52409638

>There is no end user for crypto (= it has no real value, it doesn't even exist)
You're kinda retarded, btc exists and not only that it's worth more than gold or silver.
Why are you guys so fucking dumb?

>> No.52409675

>Only because you can trade it.
You can say the same thing about literally anything you dumb fuck, do you know what "trade" means.
My God, Americans are dumb.

>> No.52409712

>So if all gold was mined it would like bitcoin with finite amount
No one is going to want to lug around ten pounds of gold, but 10 btc can be stored on my phone or on a USD.
You guys are so fucking retarded and make the most retarded, low IQ takes.
All of you stop posting.

>> No.52409781

The value is where people think it is. If it was the case the companies producing the most value for the society would be worth the most. The value of Tesla being higher than all other car manufacturers is the greatest example of that. Their market share is extremely small in great scheme of things.

And yes gold is more useless than any crypto out there. It doesn't even have a potential that crypto can offer, and it creates no value.