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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52402573 No.52402573 [Reply] [Original]

>now is unironically the best time to buy

>> No.52402583

bobo still in town

>> No.52402613

It is indeed the perfect time to DCA. Bobo might get 10-14k, but these are still buy levels

>> No.52402770

this, gonna wait for another leg down for bigger buys tho

>> No.52402797

if you're talking about btc then no it's not.
It will drop below 10k and stay there. It's over.

>> No.52402803

when is now?

>> No.52402810

How exactly do you see the patch to recovery? Explain to me how BTC is going to hit even 40k again.

>> No.52402814

I think we will rally close to 20k before another dump, were just going to slowly bleed for months the minimum

>> No.52402858

It has been as of 19k.
I buy everything from 2 weeks ago to 30k in bits.

>> No.52402927


>> No.52403385

Exactly, you can't.

>> No.52403482

He has probably just seen all of this before. At every bottom BTC ever had. Same posts, same arguments, same everything.
At the top too by the way.

>> No.52403543

tomorrow morning will be a bloodbath when the markets open. This week has been the worst for crypto ever.

>> No.52403556

Saw the same exact comments in the last bear. Everything was over when mtgox, with 80% of the market, went to shit. Imagine binance and coinbase bankrupt, we experienced that back then and we survived.
its gonna hurt tho

>> No.52403586

don't be too greedy bro

>> No.52403588
File: 21 KB, 200x181, 03C9727E-DD11-4354-9B15-0315F2015F5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recession has not started yet. The *mass* layoffs have not started yet. The real estate crash has not happened yet.

>> No.52403630

but what kind of stupid conclusion is this to believe something will recover just because it has happened before? If an old man had suffered 4 heart attacks, why the fuck would you bet all your money on him surviving the 5th one as if it was a guarantee?

>> No.52403652

I meant to convey that maybe he just didn't feel like explaining it a twentieth time.

>> No.52403705
File: 311 KB, 713x690, 4954226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real estate crash in the room with us Bobo?

>> No.52403721

>the apocalypse hasn't been priced in yet

>> No.52403723

Every single alt is down 90% or more. How are people still waiting for the bottom? Yes it might dump some more but you'll never time the pico bottom anyway. Smart money is buying right now.

>> No.52403743

Alts will go another -90% from this point, check em.

>> No.52403750

Sam is that you?

>> No.52403767


Lol. Lmao. Get wrecked bigger pockets listeners. NGMI listening to jews.

>> No.52403773

Because it can go down another 90%

>> No.52403791
File: 343 KB, 568x569, 1666188723220577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your analogy doesn't work bro because each "heart attack" causes the old man to become younger and stronger than before

>> No.52403801

Yes it can dump another 90% or very well go to zero, zoomie.

None of this crypto shit has any real world application. It could all evaporate today and the whole world would continue living as normal.

The only reason it goes up or down is due to speculation, and with the hawkish Fed, high inflation, rising cost of living, and stocks crashing, nobody with big bucks is going to speculate on your shitcoins.

>> No.52403828

sell low buy high

>> No.52403872

can you guys wait a month or so? My end of year bonus won't hit until mid-december, I've got about $10k coming

>> No.52404284

wait a second bitcoin works and it continues to work
you have to prove why it would suddenly stop working just because of a low price

>> No.52405160

>None of this crypto shit has any real world application.
That's bullshit. Key management systems have made it easier for institutional adoption to follow an upward trend. If there was no application, there wouldn't have been any interest shown in the first place

>> No.52405181


>> No.52405185

Alts should be down 99% though.

>> No.52405191
File: 5 KB, 225x224, wt3864386484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cross-chains; LINK
Time to buy

>> No.52405202

Why don't you say 100% retard

>> No.52405204

the difference is every other bullmarket top wasn't met with a bearish div on the monthly

>> No.52405470

>The *mass* layoffs have not started yet
thats good news for assets bobo
the moment the labor market shits the bed is the moment the political pressure forces powell to pivot at that point things like crypto will moon first as stocks still have an earnings compression to go through, and as btc has no earnings
i'll let you fill in the rest yourself, but even normie tier assets bottom when main street is at max pain levels always has in the past

>> No.52405512

not the best analogy, not a good equivalency

>> No.52405529

>frog poster giving financial advice
ALWAYS do the opposite of frog niggers

>> No.52406013


>> No.52406043

I am not buying your worthless bags zoomer.

>> No.52406112

How much lower will it go? Back to <$10k?

>> No.52407771
File: 333 KB, 646x700, 1664423419407226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line will always go up

>> No.52408019

hi guys i just got started with 10 bucks, 50/50 on PolkaDOT and 1Inch. never heard about them before, they good?

>> No.52408042

best time to DCA

>> No.52408479

You buy when bobo is in town

>> No.52408501

I 2nd on checking our greed.

>> No.52408510

yes pajeet, get some SHIB and DOGE whille you're at it, you will be rich and get out of your shithut in no time

>> No.52408519

The chance of you getting laid hasn't even begun to happen yet.

>> No.52408783

>drop below $10k
While you're right, your window too large.
>how does $10 sound?

>> No.52408798


>> No.52408838

New ATH by May 2023

>> No.52408870

>in another dimension

>> No.52408880

I highly doubt that. The bear market won't end until the fed stops rising interest rates, which won't happen until late 2023. We're headed for another year of depression.

>> No.52410076

Sure, maybe you’re right, but why buy BTC when you could just buy TQQQ and get the same result with less potential risk

>> No.52410103


>> No.52410168

Smartest move is to just DCA in. Put some in now, keep putting more in every so often, increase your buys if there are any more dumps, etc.
You don't want to make the mistake of not getting a position because you're waiting for lower lows. I remember during the 2020 corona dump, people were FUD'ing with BTC at 4k and ETH at 100 because "wait for 2k/50!".

At any rate, victory goes to those who have longer time horizons and patience. Everyone was tripping over themselves to buy crypto in 2021 when there were +20% movements week over week, but the way to actually make big money is to buy in during the bear markets when all hope is lost and then wait for the next run.

>> No.52410266

I'll buy when it goes to $1000.

>> No.52410374
File: 388 KB, 1412x570, 4chan-biz_20200902_1_therapist_4chan_memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when that meme first popped up and was actually funny

>> No.52410707

>This time its different!

Same as it ever was.

>> No.52410725

That's what I'm planning on doing. It dipped to ~$2k when the pandemic, so I'm sure it'll dip back down to anywhere between $1k-$3k.

>> No.52411177

I'm wondering, what happened to the big altcoins when the crash happened, did they all die?

>> No.52411230

This is what I do, I have the 1000 dollars a month I buy, half btc half eth

>> No.52411305

I remember during the rona dump when I was still a student and wished I had €3000 on hand to buy a single BTC, didn't understand all the fear for it to drop even lower. Worst that could've happened is losing two months worth of wage, but of course I didn't have a job yet. Then we know what happened after that dump and I was jealous