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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 800x450, wsi-imageoptim-kraken-exchange-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52400532 No.52400532 [Reply] [Original]

We all agree that picrel is the best but what about the others?
Binance, Huobi, OKX, gate.io and CDC have been so shady over the last few days that I'll just assume that anyone defending them actually works there.

>> No.52400550

Coinbase and Binance are the only definitely legit ones, basically the us and chinese main ones

>> No.52400563

you're best bet is to use local middle-size CEX registered in your OWN country & use it ONLY to ramp up/down your coins.
Long term storage always in cold wallet in your custody

>> No.52400569

coinbase, kraken, binance, why would you use anything else? also just fucking get in and get out

>> No.52400570

Im on Kraken, but they are probably next in line. Does it make sense to move my funds to a browser extention(trust, meta mask) while i wait for my cold storage to arrive? Never trusted those apps, but now im thinking

>> No.52400572

Binance is the only exchange that's legit. Thats's why i don't worry. Yes i know i come off like a fucking bot kys

>> No.52400579

besides Kraken i mean. I don't see how Binance has been shady themselves but i guess you're some boomer or scientist or some shit if you actually use kraken.

>> No.52400603

>coinbase, kraken...
This is what I keep my shit on, and I've been stress free since '17.

>> No.52400605

Why are people shilling so hard for kraken lately?
I thought all the MTurk pajeets worked for CZ.

>> No.52400623
File: 431 KB, 1080x797, binance-sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance is not safe, do people already forget just 1 year ago they fucked traders & can't even get sued because NOBODY knows where their headquarter is?

>Now, Robinhood users are suing Robinhood for the March 2020 outages, but Binance doesn’t have a headquarters — so it seems Binance users are having some difficulty figuring out how to sue. I’m not kidding, here’s how the WSJ phrases it: “But unlike a more traditional investment platform, Binance is largely unregulated and has no headquarters, making it difficult, the traders say, to figure out whom to petition.” There are apparently two groups trying to figure out how to sue this company, one in France working with 700 people and one in Italy.

CZ is good at public stunts doesn't make himself as a good actor

>> No.52400648

I just said they are probably next in line if you read my post fucktard

>> No.52400669

>next in line

>> No.52400711
File: 277 KB, 2560x2560, ftxack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy on kraken or binance, but i withdraw all the BTC immediately
don't trust any exchange for more than 5 minutes

>> No.52400764

are you stoopid or is you dumb

>> No.52400815

brother, your $300 are fine.

>> No.52400820

>r*ddit spacing
>can't greentext
just fuck off

>> No.52400834

Gemini is the only that won't go down. They don't have every possible shitcoin listed though (won't list securities)

>> No.52400843

don't use exchanges

>> No.52400890

I read that they are pretty well regulated.
Usually that's bad because it means they're slow but right now that's actually a good thing.
How do they stack up against Kraken and CB?
I'm not dealing with asian exchanges or a CEX that decides it has no fixed address because that's not a fucking red flag at all

>> No.52400918

lmao you're a tourist are you, its shown. Nobody here uses greentext, only quote
Go back faggot

>> No.52400921

i dont own any dollar and just tranfered all my money thanks you was the last indicator i needed

>> No.52400948

This is such a big bottom signal, holy shit lmao

>> No.52400976

They are geared towards sophisticated market participants, e.g., have a FIX API or zero-fee block trades. You want to use their ActiveTrader interface because mobile app fees are high (but that's true for every exchange: gotta fleece the normies).
They also have a custody product and a yield product (through Genesis, iirc). Back in the day you could get 8% on GUSD staking (now: 5.65%) but I'd stay away from staking anywhere until this settles. That's the only "risky" product they have and they warn you explicitly and multiple times about this.

>> No.52400998

Binance, Coinbase and Kraken.
Binance if you are european.

>> No.52401083

i hope so because i bought a shitton at 16.5 and 15.5

>> No.52401098

same, and i got all my btc out of cashapp lmao. we're all gonna make it bro

>> No.52401106

Im on bitstamp - am I fucked bros?

>> No.52401125

>globohomo artwork
>best one

>> No.52401128
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>> No.52401144

Bitstamp is one of the oldest exchanges.

>> No.52401186

CEO is verifiably based
Check his political tweets

>> No.52401467

>S tier
Coinmetro, Kraken
>A tier
>B tier
>Jew tier
Literally every other exchange

You can’t refute me

>> No.52401483

Only good answer that has no shitcoins and has the best regulations.

>> No.52401493

>Binance if you are european

>> No.52401577

chainlink does their proof of reserve, no shitcoin, ceo seemed like an alright dude

>> No.52401594
File: 106 KB, 873x646, 1667582830413892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Coinmetro is the only exchange you can trust. Take the Kevinpill

>> No.52401657

I think you are a Coinmetro shill and there is no reason to use a new exchange instead of Kraken but just checked your token marketcap and it is very funny that it is less than 20% of CROs while they are in the process of exit scamming.

>> No.52401684

To be fair the first person to ever shill CoinMetro in /biz/ was AssBlaster. If you were not a complete drooling double nigger you would know that. But yeah, keep your memecoins in Crypto.com :^)

>> No.52401911

I’ve noticed the CEOs of Kraken, Gemini and Coinbase say and tweet things that make me suspect they’re secretly redpilled.

>> No.52401942

Name 1 (one) good reason to store your coins on a CEX wallet if you are not a daytrader.

>> No.52401978

>but they are probably next in line
Give literally 2 arguments for this other than being le ebin contrarian

>> No.52401979

Cookie scanning. 99% of all threads are automated bots run by 4chan

>> No.52402000

I was laughing at CROniggers brainlet.

>> No.52402036

Jesse Powell is unironically based, he learned well from the Mt. Gox fuckery. Winklevoss twins are fully aware of Jewery, but they intentionally want to become ultra regulated so fuck em. Idk much about Brian Armstrong.

>> No.52402046

I have a Russian house keeper.

>> No.52402120

Brian shut down the wokies over at coinbase telling them they couldn’t waste company time on bullshit activism anymore
When the trannies and HR tokens went to cry about this on Twitter, Brian offered them all severance packages to fuck off.
Dude was facing one of these very vocal woke revolts, like the one that got Damore fired at google, and he didn’t bend the knee.
I’m not usually down with entities deliberately asking to be regulated because it slows down innovation in a nascent field whose entire value is in doing things differently.
That said, after last week, if I were dumb enough to keep my money on a CEX, I’d prefer one with regulators breathing down its neck, than one with no mailing address or one that fucking sets up shop in the Bahamas.
Overregulated entities won’t be pioneering the future of defi but they also won’t be gambling my shekels on Jewish boondoggles

>> No.52402138

legit: kraken coinbase coinmetro
not legit but not a scam: binance

anything else is very risky

>> No.52402186

Kraken has been supporting Cardano forever and they're based on my book.
Also they have a really nice UI/UX

>> No.52402212

S tier Coinmetro
A tier Kraken
everyone else

>> No.52402237

i use kucoin too for the coins i cant get on binance. and occassional shorts and longs

>> No.52402250

How is gemini I never really bothered with it except for using them as my brave browser wallet for bat gibs

>> No.52402274

Hi Kevin!

>> No.52402425


>> No.52403122

Understandable, have a good day

>> No.52403158

Some might disagree but If CDC survives the next week I would put them on the list of trusted CEXs.

>> No.52403210

t. Dad works at CDC

>> No.52403379

Funny but no, either the fud is true and they explode within the next week or the fud is false and they survive a bankrun proving they have a sturdy CEX.

>> No.52403534

Coinbase and Gemini are both guaranteed legit because they’re Bitlicense compliant (inb4 reeee regulations). They’re required by law to prove they’re solvent every single month. I’m not worried about them going under, but I still use cold storage. Kraken is also solid but only because of the current CEO. A change in leadership could ruin it. KuCoin is my primary non-KYC platform.

>> No.52403888

Can someone explain exactly what makes Coinmetro untrustworthy? I keep a staked XCM stack on there

>> No.52403906

Kraken steals customers deposits and pays jeets like you to shill it on social media. Obviously they are in deep trouble.

>> No.52405228

How do we feel about CEX.io? Are they trustworthy?

>> No.52405267

They recently opened a german office, literally send emails about it to all their german customers

>> No.52405319

Imagine calling an exchange with 3 digit daily volume that disabled selling of its unregistered security an S tier exchange.
Not even ironically funny.

>> No.52405375

kraken is garbage
a very vocal heckin based and wedpwilled ex ceo is a red flag
id only trust coinbase desu.
but you can just use ramp.network or moonpay

>> No.52405407
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>> No.52405454

hi sam, still salty?

>> No.52405490

You are that same matic faggot aren’t you? Kek

>> No.52405506

go back following sime namefags

>> No.52405562

Binance is literally a safe haven currently
Listening to CZ atm

I don't trust Coinbase

>> No.52405713

What is the innocent, rational explanation for this?

>> No.52407067

ask yourself: how are they paying interest on BUSD?

>> No.52407166

Coinbase pro has been the comfiest. The fees are not as high as are often quoted and the banking is free and instant for depositing money on the books and the withdraws are in the bank within a day and there's no fee.

>> No.52407441

In terms of safety

SSS - self custody

S - Coinbase, Gemini - literally SOC audits from big 4 accounting firms. If these are frauds fucking goldman sachs might as well be frauds. They are also cucked with regulation

A - bitstamp, Kraken - Been around long, trustworthy. kraken is the most based

B - Binance, Huobi - chink tier, but probably safe

C - Kucoin, Bitfinix, Bittrex - still around I guess?

D - Coinmetro, crypto.com, gate.io, okx, bybit - you could do worse, only use for the most absolute shitcoins you want to gamble on

>> No.52407773

bitstamp if you're european
it's just the liquidity that's somewhat lacking

>> No.52407802

>If these are frauds fucking goldman sachs might as well be frauds.

>> No.52407803

that and the fact they want to see the inside of your asshole in KYC.

>> No.52407865

yeah because their purpose is to be the most gov cucked exchanges possible and get audits that are way more comprehensive than any investment bank gets.

>> No.52407879

How much money is Kraken paying you shills? and why?

>> No.52408269

Uphold is only cex worth using.

>> No.52408298

From the over-leveraged degenerates.
What do you think they use the "Binance Earn" money for?

>> No.52408305

> next in line

>> No.52408326

Not a fan of most US regulated exchanges but kraken amd Gemini are the most reliable against bank runs. Coinbase custody is fine. But that's not an exchange. Binance is the WhatsApp of third world. Just use it as on/off ramps

>> No.52408743

It's bittrex legit?

>> No.52408897

Yes, its an OG exchange from 2014. They claim to have SOC 2 audits by Deloitte. They were fined for OFAC violations so you know they have good money laundering revenue to support themselves.

>> No.52409012

if you are in the US, coinbase, gemini, kraken. bittrex for smaller alts

if you are not in the US, i don't know, mods will never enable flags for this board, and non-US xchanges are all shit and scam people

>> No.52409540


>> No.52409551
File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, Kevon (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Kevin banned Russia from the exchange because "he didn't like them" and when someone asked him was it because of the war in Ukrain he just looked at the chat, then slowly read "War in Ukraine?" in confusion

>> No.52409563

>binance is bad
ftx trannies

>> No.52409573

Pretty based

>> No.52409618
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1606369971614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specifically makes Kraken so trustworthy? Do they have proof-of-reserve?

>> No.52410922

Having my wallets connected with privacy protocols gives me some comfy