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52394765 No.52394765 [Reply] [Original]

in the early days of ETH did it look as dead as ICP since mario64? i know there was the rollback/ETC thing, but anything else? are there similarities here?

>> No.52394821

No. ETH was hyped to the 9s.

>> No.52394884

Icp is the most bizarre quandary in human technology for the past millennium. Here we have the most superior tech light-years ahead of any competition and yet all investors continue to lose.

This is the literal equivalent of having assault rifles in the stone age, but still continue to fight with bow and arrows.

Rest assured our time will come. The best tech will win in the end.

-Posted from my internet computer

>> No.52394894

oldfag here. ICP is a scam.

>> No.52394898

>and yet all investors continue to lose.

yeah, it's almost as if VCs got in at 3c per tokens...

>> No.52394920

i know that, but so is eth. i'm just wondering if i can profit from this one.

>> No.52395031

what did the eth founders get in at

>> No.52395369

30 cents was the eth ico, and yes eth was called a vc scam

>> No.52395424

but did it look like a vc scam after a year? did they deliver anything?

>> No.52395481

yeah they delivered, they also was almost hacked. it came with alot of fud at first, also when it fell from 1400 to $80 people said it was over but thats why you ignore fud.

>> No.52395509

ok so it's nothing like icp then

>> No.52395541

whats different? ICP has delievererd just the chart looks like shit, even vitalik called icp its biggest competitor. Originally icp and eth was supposed to be together buit it became its own thing.

>> No.52395591

theyve been delaying btc int for a year
aren't working on eth int
aren't working on badlands
aren't working on node shuffling
can you tell me what they HAVE delivered? honest question.

>> No.52395656

yeah thats true, i mean its been growing in dapps, and the actual product works, you can go and use it so its not an outright scam. I do agree they need to deliever on their promises. its really up to u desu, but it seems like you made up ur mind.

>> No.52395995

oldfag here. ICP is a scam

>> No.52396106

ICP? Only gay Italians own it. You don't remember?

>> No.52396312

>in the early days of ETH did it look as dead as ICP since mario64? i know there was the rollback/ETC thing, but anything else? are there similarities here?

>> No.52396342
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based faggot

>> No.52396363

ETH went from 1.59 to 0.49 in 2015

>> No.52396818

He’s just the same fag in every icp thread. He says the same shit every time. Stop entertaining then there’s no point.
They released a lot this year and made a bunch of progress. Development doesn’t happen over night and especially with this space you have to make sure it’s full proof. They completed btc integration and then decided to not release and test out another approach that is more efficient which they successfully proved recently.
Badlands isn’t even on the roadmap, it’s an idea that Dominic suggested there has been no plan for implementation yet. Development doesn’t happen overnight retards

>> No.52396925

is this actually real ignorance or on purpose, i need to know

>> No.52396927

priced in unironically

>> No.52396959

i guess it's real because i don't know what's wrong about it.

>> No.52397010
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they like to pretend they're so clever and have such high standards against actual innovative 0.1% projects, all the meanwhile the realoty in their folios show they're holding leftover tech based on a fee deficient chain thats almost 10 years old now. Make it up dude lmao

>> No.52397258

yeah wasnt really bothered arguing with him, im gonna keep stacking icp just thought id answer his question becasue its true eth was called a vc scam multiple times here. faggots mention the 3 cent vc thing when ico for eth was 30 cents too.

>> No.52397276

Whats wrong is they already delivered THE only one hunnid percent cryptographic network protocol, already working with _all the amazing_ precursor tech it relies on to actually get to that level in the first place, functional at internet speed, doing so at cheap competetive rates when all these other chains cant even do a jpeg without con artist cope solutions.

If the world was smarter independent people would have been contributing on the chain to bring stuff eth already/faster imo but you dont see that because its a quite a difficult and herculean task that clearly not many are capable of.

>> No.52397277

10 cents

>> No.52397291

i bought the ICO at 25 cents, it started off at 15 cents. VC as in actual VCs got 10 cents

>> No.52397322

>because its a quite a difficult and herculean task that clearly not many are capable of
that's a fair point. i guess i'll have to take your word for it. how do you get people to build on something too complicated?

>> No.52397591

Sorry for being rude then, good thing you dont have to take my word for it and do research, problem is just you're not able to appreciate it yet guess. If someone told you to do programming for windows back in 1986 would you actually be able to do it? You'd certainly be a rich man beyond doubt. Thats the way it is desu.

>> No.52399181

Just look at archived biz posts from 2015.
Every time someone said to buy Ethereum someone else said it's a scam.
The whole sales pitch was Ethereum was going to be a world computer.
Sound familiar?

>> No.52399894

ETH was much more dead one year after genesis (2016) than ICP.
Lot's of shit going on with ICP.
dscvr.one dmail.ai and cubetopia to name a few.

>> No.52399927

it was hyped but it was also a premined shitcoin

>> No.52400024

It was pretty dead in the SUPER early days, like when it was worth $1.
There was hope around smart contracts in general but not ethereum specifically, I remember looking forward to Counterparty on Bitcoin (lol).
But when ETH first rose to $10 in early 2016, hype exploded and it never slowed down.

>> No.52401132

There are quite literally zero "unofficial" programming tutorials for ICP on youtube for example.

I suspect all it'd take for more people to take interest would be for developers to show exactly what is possible on ICP, and how, in a seriously dumbed down manner.
Just some proof of concept projects.

Also, since we're still in the early days and not thoroughly battle-tested (if at all), one might expect a lot of exploits and vulnerabilities surfacing.

>> No.52401239

There is one on udemy for like $15

>> No.52402331

ICP really was 3 cents though. You can read the papers, 370 people got 30 ICP for every Swiss Franc they threw in.

>> No.52402811


>> No.52402855

Yes, but it's very slow amd expensive which precludes it from being a world computer.

>> No.52402868

I buy things and sell them for more.

>> No.52402893

why deploy any of this after May 21 drop, LUNA fiasco, and now mass CEX panic?

>> No.52402920

Well they did take Mario 64 down, so there's atleast that...

>> No.52403356 [DELETED] 
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Hey #ICPeople, do you like my BTCFlower nft? Its a rare double pairing trait, I paid 250 ICP for it.

>> No.52403413

When do you think the bottom is in ? I'm not sure if I should just buy it all at once or DCA. Thanks ICP bros.

>> No.52403451

Also, there was some blog of a guy speculating around ICP price from dec. 2021. He said that 10$ was to be expected and that the price action will be rough. Does anyoneh ave that link ?

>> No.52403499

Also, I need someone knowledgable to share what they know about ICP and Alameda Research. The archives bring out only 2 posts, but I remember there used to be more.

>> No.52403510
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>> No.52403769

Shut the fuck up you retarded newfag nigger. Infographics and details about ICP had been posted since November last year when people started buying and bagholding for a -80% loss. Every "discussion" is the same shit because there's nothing going on in this ghostchain and development halted so there's nothing to talk about. If you even bothered using the archive you would find and you would know. But nope, you rather come on here to get spoonfed on infographics that people had been spamming this board for a year straight. Fuck outta here retarded faggot nigger, go buy some other animal coin or whatever Elon is shilling your bitch nigga ass next. Your $500 isn't gonna move a billion dollar marketcap centralized POS.

>> No.52403935

You spent the time write out that post you fat fucking loser. If you don’t care for the project then don’t invest in it and ignore the threads but no you read the entire thread to message to this one guy asking for infographics. You’re a pathetic loser that doesn’t have a life.

>> No.52404062

Each cycle has new people and oldones will fall. Only oldfags will remain in the shadows and wake when others are gone.
Next cycle will be the time of icp, cardano and few others but you can throw other top 100coins/tokens in the trash. They will die, they will be forgotten and linger in top 100-300 hell for eternity.


>> No.52404210
File: 13 KB, 244x253, 6A973D82-AE82-4AA3-BF7F-738516A87F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old fag here. I can guarantee the following: ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.52404308
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here comes the thunder

>> No.52404370

What throws up red flags for me is stuff like this. BTCfags don't talk about icp as a scaling solution, everyone's building their blockchain games and whatnot on polygon and solana. There's zero buzz. The only people building on icp are grifters who don't even pay lip service to crypto "ideals".

>> No.52405694

>few others
I bet privacy projects and coins will be a part of the 'few others'.

>> No.52405763
File: 8 KB, 310x162, 38474874574584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not surprising to have inconsistencies about what's believed about Ethereum or the blockchain in general. For example. the blockchain was believed to be anonymous when in actual sense, it is pseudonymous.

>> No.52405767

dude at least wait for bitcoin to bottom out before you invest in alts

>> No.52406269


Thanks, Anon. How should I know that we have hit the bottom? Isn't this more of a gamble and something that everyone is guessing?

>> No.52406333
File: 213 KB, 1012x667, not my shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is a scam nothing changed, that aside lots of retards staked ETH 2.0 since day 1 they lost the whole bullrun with their tokens locked just to receive extra 5% in the depths of a bear market

>> No.52407636

You know ICP was around the same time ETH started, right? They literally just rebranded and people think they're new now lmfao. Nobody cared about them before and nobody will care about them now. They just make up shit and people believe it.

>> No.52407890

This. Dom needs to be stopped

>> No.52408771

ETH launched in a bear market, specifically the most brutal bear market in crypto history, the 2014-2015 bear market.

that was the post-gox collapse, post-2013 alt bull run (when LTC and lots of the btc-e alt markets popped off), so crypto was basically dead during those years.

only 3 types of people bought anything during those years - (1) developers in it for the tech (biggest example is the ETH launch), (2) god like traders buying early because they are genius (even still, nobody thought the market would ever recover, ever), and (3) absolute, brain dead, mouth breathing room temp IQ retards who were willing to throw their money away and never get it back.

the fact that the market recovered after 2015 was a total miracle that no one expected, so it was much more dead than ICP ever was or ever will be. buying any crypto in that bear market was foolish and meant you would just get flamed if you told anyone, since only retards bought anything since the market was never going to recover. but, good thing it did because that's how i made my first million

>> No.52409246

thanks for the effortpost. care to shill your holds?

>> No.52409404

99% eth, and some random alts that i will just sell at a loss to offset tax gains. since I got in early, I don't need to take risks on alts to spur growth, so I just keep an eye on my eth stack and wait for retirement. I did trade hundreds of alts in 2016-2018, during the golden alt bull runs, and that's how I grew my original stack.

I honestly don't think that kind of growth is possible anymore since every new alt coin since like 2018-2019 is designed to be a rug pull and isn't even a proper blockchain anymore. the token supplies are controlled and configured in ways where only the insiders can make money. they get 1000x returns and you make 10x at the very best, and no higher since they coded it to have 10 trillion circulating supply. every alt is just a scam token now and they are getting churned out by the dozen, so I probably won't be buying any alts in the future unless something special comes along

>> No.52409499

Agree with your view of the opportunities out there.
Does the ofac/pos stuff not bother you?

>> No.52409617

no, I'm a developer working in finance (completely unrelated to crypto) but I work with financial regulators in my job and know that regulation is actually a good thing that will make me rich.

these laws have been in existence for like 50 years and banks have to follow them every day. the ethereum blockchain is robust enough to properly handle regulation if it needs to, and I think that will eventually happen because terrorist financing laws always win at the end of the day, trust me I know (my role is in risk management) so there's really no point in trying to fight it. this is also one of the reasons that ETH is leaving BTC behind, because ETH is keeping up with the world in terms of development, and the libertarian BTC devs will never change and will take bitcoin down with them if people let them

>> No.52409647

its always been like this in crypto. if we gave a shit about tech, then XLM would have beat ETH in 2015 and we'd have flipped shitcoins on stellar dexes instead of uniswap. if we gave a shit about tech, bitcoin sv would be bitcoin.
we don't care about better tech though, and iceepee carries a shit ton of vc debt

>> No.52409904

haha Kadena got ICP's Chief Architect. I guess the tech wasn't as good.

>> No.52411211

My thesis is that all the guys who "get it" already made it so hard that there's kind of a vacuum. The ones with a vision for the future are married to the thing that made them rich and it's going to be a while before there's enough of a groundswell in talent and mindset to get to the next real breakthrough. Until then it's just "x but on the blockchain, man" scamming desperate normalfags.

>> No.52412215

Based and $2 EOY pilled

>> No.52413185

Implementation engineer != chief architect

>> No.52413833

HTTPS outcalls