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File: 60 KB, 976x549, _96189176_ethereumgetty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52394268 No.52394268 [Reply] [Original]

You haven't realized yet that ethereum is the future

>> No.52394281

Thank you mr JP Morgan
Great pedo you chose to lead crypto

>> No.52394302

Moneyskelly is the one of the few we can actually trust these days. Just an autist with a vision and he actually knows his shit. Fuck Sam bankfaggot and his rat faced princess and every other faggot scammer.

>> No.52394327

I don't trust that coomer. Heroin addict looking ass. Not that he's untrustworthy, but he won't get the job done.

>> No.52394334
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>> No.52394341

BNB is superior

>> No.52394384

Etherum is unironically about to fall to zero.

>> No.52394387
File: 88 KB, 622x813, FhZmUQVX0AMYMcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're done, kike

>> No.52394396

I think that after the shitshow that was last week, many more people will have realized that 99% of the projects out there not called Ethereum are certainly NOT the future.

>> No.52394411

>vitalik holding a gun to the kikes head

>> No.52394438
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Its really not

>> No.52394459
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Wait a minute, I just realized
>CZ: Canadian-Chink
>Vitalik: Canadian-Russki
Maybe the Jew should fear the moose?

>> No.52394469

I would have believed OP if he said Eth 1.0
eth 2.0 is proof of scam


>> No.52394478
File: 53 KB, 403x458, 1597843923964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're correct about ethereum not being the last word in smart contracts, but who is that fat retard?

>> No.52394486


>> No.52394513

Look at him. This man masturbates seven to eight times per day. It's amazing he gets any work done at all. He can't even stand beside a moderately attractive woman without embarrassing himself infront of the entire world.

>> No.52394543
File: 258 KB, 1004x1231, Fbay56iWYAQZ0sC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.52394550


cardano vaporware like sol

stick to PoW like kda, ltc etc.

>> No.52394573

>trusting pedos
ok jew

>> No.52394575
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This guy looks like every cucks facebook profile pic whose wife I've cummed in. I don't know how.

>> No.52395153

ethereum is the future especially when you have polygon bringing the world to its network, the perfect example is how jp morgan executed its first ever on chain trade using matic

>> No.52395206

I'm not denying you can make money on eth but don't think for one second ethereum is decentralized. If vitalik changes his mind, ethereum follows.

>> No.52396570

Vitalik was created by the same marketing and PR firms that made SBF. They are the exact same type of fake and gay

>> No.52396636

Eth is just the one of the first ones to build this scam ladder. It will fall hard.

>> No.52396674

not with $20 gas fees. shit is unusable

>> No.52396676
File: 315 KB, 2048x1379, 8FBF8A8B-F098-4D3E-B5B8-F6B3F8056B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future rugpull

>> No.52396699


Yeah they picked the perfect patsy front man in Vitalik
>videos of nose picking
>awkward videos of him typical nerd
Perfect from man
>oh sooo trustable. He’s an autistic nerd like me.
>Stupid posts about Rothschild. His autistic social skill are a tell. So blatant he’s a Roth boy and covering for them
> usury POS system. Total bankers wet dream
>32 ETH
>SEC leaves him the fuck alone. Sure they bark a little, but like Ethereum’s lawyers haven’t had closed door discussions.
Glow harder Vitalik

>> No.52398300
File: 59 KB, 600x672, 1657412411713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the only people who are angry about lack of withdrawals are bitcoin maxis
every single staker knew they are coming later.

>> No.52398322

>staked ETH forever removed from supply
hypersound money? sounds bullish

>> No.52398347

Eth is our sordid past, 140, 000 ERC 20 "projects" that are little more than rugpull schemes. This guy should be hunted for sport.

>> No.52398375
File: 164 KB, 1170x794, FhBR9fGVUAMoVt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>user withdrawals
>not significant urgency

>> No.52398425

>Moneyskelly is the one of the few we can actually trust these days.
These days he doesn't even want to be associated with ETH so yeah... what a better sign to not touch that turd with a 10 foot pole

>> No.52398794
File: 203 KB, 1284x1270, bWVkaWEvRmhhby02QldBQUFvZU41LmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buh muh high IQ

>> No.52400087

I have so much invested in this, if it tanks I use the fucking rope. Recently loaded some alts for diversification and also joined the ORE/ETH LP for some passive earnings. I believe ETH will hold up strong

>> No.52400171

> HODL mode activated!

>> No.52400221


>> No.52400250

Peeps be capping that the PoS migration was a fucking waste of time ohh sorry normies cause I ain't see it that way. Besides I make damn good profits on the token and blockchain at large with staking on BlockFi and Sylo pool via liquidity mining, yeah y'all heard me right. DYOR.

>> No.52400259

It isn't. But the future is being developed on Ethereum as we speak.

>> No.52400275

>gambling is being developed on ethereum
fixed that for you.
good luck gambling on the next defi, overpriced jpegs, ponzi move-to-earn bullshit

>> No.52400296

ETH is the meta shitcoin

>> No.52400324

There is no next defi. I was talking about Link. Link = defi

>> No.52400387


ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals.

Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse.

For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale.

The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value.

>> No.52400477

How many orgies and amphetamines do you think he has and does in a daily basis?

>> No.52401145

What is the relevance of this question? Other than you wishing it was you having orgies?

>> No.52401169

It’s dead, it even lost his miners

>> No.52401417

>public database network
>costs over 100 USD to save information on the database
a public database sounds great for authenticating voting and some other things. But what real world application does a public database have?

>> No.52401453

everything built on ethereum causes problems.

>> No.52401503

Name one thing.