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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52390628 No.52390628 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52390633

big if true

>> No.52390642 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52390644

incel bros, we can't stop winning

>> No.52390646
File: 151 KB, 772x767, 1624384674206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving money to Nazis.

>> No.52390688

Duh...even Laundromats know what Zelensky was doing.

Biden shouted and screamed at him a month ago.

>> No.52390706

I can imagine /k/ /k/oping about how this was totally anticipated and planned by Zelensky and how it'll make Ukraine stronger or some shit like that.

>> No.52390716


Stop shilling these retarded twitter schizo accounts

>> No.52390731

fake and gay
they converted crypto to fiat for ukraine

>> No.52390740

Americans and Ukrainians btfo.

>> No.52390751

So in other words some of the money Biden sent to Ukraine went to FTX then to SBF who then made huge donations to the DNC. What a fucking clown show.

>> No.52390769

the US is the only country that matters

t. europoor

>> No.52390794

What even happened to/k/?
Ever since the war started they've been sucking zelensky's dick the entire time.
I can't even start a thread there without someone bringing up Ukraine.

>> No.52390805

Pay $8

>> No.52390806

Fuck bros I’m so fucking proud to be American, it’s the best country in the world, it’s the land of the free!

>> No.52390834

the source for this story is literally hal turner
old friends remember

>> No.52390848

Not surprising at all. One side stands for giving every citizen a gun, another is for never letting people own a gun.

>> No.52390856

lmao if true holy shit

>> No.52390865

...and it was destroyed by a Chink

>> No.52390897
File: 39 KB, 554x398, hal-turner-04bba658-bd3c-468b-ab36-154eeceb57c-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fbi informant and all round clown

>> No.52390912

It’s just a counter balance to /pol/

>> No.52390916


>> No.52390924

At this point, the real breaking news would be if it wasn't. All those gibs to Ukraine are suspicious af.

>> No.52390994

It's referencing an old ass article from March, which says that FTX was funneling in crypto donations and converting them into fiat for Ukraine.

That is some primo word twisting to make it imply like Ukraine was storing their shit in FTX, when in fact it is the opposite, and I love how it's somehow "breaking" when this shit was old news even during the summer. Fucking illiterate morons I swear.

/k/ had a ton of smug pro-Russia shills, seeing vatniks get cucked hardcore, their wunderwaffe Armatas and Su-57s proven to be shit vaporware and old NATO gear proving to be extremely devastating against post-Soviet garbage was enormous schadenfreude, plus a smaller country beating the hell out of its infinitely larger neighbor resonates a lot with /k/.

>> No.52391014

Operation Earnest Voice. Paid military shills run the Military Recruiting General there as well.

>> No.52391078

> Armatas and Su-57s proven to be shit vaporware and old NATO gear proving to be extremely devastating against post-Soviet
Way to out yourself as a know nothing psuede like most pro-ukranian tourists on /k/, nothing russia is using is post soviet. The vast majority of their guards units and equipment are still possitioned northward to deter a NATO conventional assualt as expected.

>> No.52391091

this is an fbi agent btw

>> No.52391132

Ukraine was restricting guns to civilians before the war started just like any other globohomonized country. Neither side is arming civies.
>the counterbalance to /pol/ is to act exactly like reddit
big cope
Don't be fooled by the copers, the tranny jannys are just deleting anything that isn't transparently anti-russia. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.52391160
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I'm so sorry.

>> No.52391168

Mention Operation Earnest Voice or Eglin Air Force Base psyops on /k/ and you get pruned immediately. Best part is it's in the public domain, they got caught being one of the most addicted cities to Reddit and have papers published on how to manipulate online discourse.

>> No.52391202


captcha 8000A

>> No.52391222

10% for the big guy lol

hal turner, jeff rense, jim stone, benjamin fulford, sorcha faal are literally sincerely and unironically more reliable sources of intelligence than CNN NBC or Fox

>> No.52391276


>> No.52391341

Wow that's a big way to misinterpret informations for your fans
Ukraine was involved with FTX to receive crypto donations

>> No.52391403

only a narrow window of time, like all countries
what's timeless are european genetics now evolution has ended

>> No.52391484
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>> No.52391496

NATO glownigs keep getting buttfucked by /pol/ chuds

>> No.52391499

Seems like a reliable source in the current era. Why not get a blue check, however?

>> No.52391557
File: 49 KB, 1024x696, 1662940215989050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hear ukrainians sold all the javelins they got from the US, for free, you just had to drive a tank to come pick it up.

>> No.52391582

whats "reliable" source for you? reddit front page on your phone? since you already on a mobile you should KYS

>> No.52391599

Retards will believe anything they would like to be true

>> No.52391611

retarded nigger, if your source is some random twitter account, you might as well cite a post on 4chan.

>> No.52391643

whos that guy? ive seen another funny webm of him today

>> No.52391649
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get fucked.

>> No.52391651


>> No.52391675
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now we can finally push back, zisters!

>> No.52391679

yeah weapon supplies were invested in FTX HAHAHA fucking stupid niggers

>> No.52391698

LMAO if you are so fucking retarded to believe the US military is using FTX. Or if you think Ukraine isn't instantly selling any crypto donations for cash, guns, ammo, food, etc.

>> No.52391722

Pidors are getting desperate.

>> No.52391738
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He's the enemy.

>> No.52391746

The war isn’t even fucking real, but I wish it was

>> No.52391773
File: 144 KB, 616x552, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that isn't just a second hand Twatter screenshot? In fact, I'll provide it for you in the form of a first hand link to that hunk of garbage.

Now if you dig deeper into the source used by that "breaking" news, the only sourced Ukraine connection it actually has is that crusty ass screencap of a legit Coindesk article, which I'll also link for your convenience. Turns out there's a reason why the article itself is never linked on Hal Turner's website, figuring out why is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.52391799

Russia suffered another huge defeat in kherson. It's understandable that they try to subvert and save face now.

This war (or most of it) is over soon...

>> No.52391814

meds retard mumoid

you could just go to the frontlines to check it out?

>> No.52391818

Stop reading MSM you gullible fuck

>> No.52391836

nigger you blind? take your head out of Putlers asshole HAHAH Vatnik seethe

>> No.52391858

You're an absolute idiot

>> No.52391861

Oh hey it's JIDF

>> No.52391862

dead Ruzzians rotting everywhere in Kherson. rats and dogs eating them like they should be. garbage. HAHAHAA. Keep coping Vlad. It's over for Ruzzki

>> No.52391878
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you cant make this shit up

>> No.52391879

>Ukraine was restricting guns to civilians before the war started just like any other globohomonized country. Neither side is arming civies.
True, but this will likely change now. Ukrainians historically are pretty anarchist.

>> No.52391891

Oh hey glowie just so you know everyone on biz is too old or disabled or I dian to enlist. Please go back to your containment board thanks.

>> No.52391898

CZ the chinkoid was a Putler simp all along? Who could've seen this coming?

>> No.52391926

They weren't pushed out of Kherson, they're withdrawing to the other side of the river due to difficulty supplying their position. The Ukrainian forces have reclaimed the city but no battle has been fought.

>> No.52391954

Lmao the vatnik seething is hilarious

>> No.52391963
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>> No.52391972

Sure thing, Copius Maximus.

>> No.52392001

It's objectively what happened.

>> No.52392021


>> No.52392023

>r-russia didn't lose w-we just retreated and abadoned p-positions while losing troops

A defeat is a defeat no matter how you try to twist and spin it

>> No.52392024

lol 1 Russian die for every 10 Ukrainian
Your shitty country is finished

>> No.52392032

dead Ruzzians everywhere tells a different story HAHAHA. loser drunk-tard 3rd world "army",more like a mob of idiots

>> No.52392038

>while losing troops
Ukraine lost ten times as many.

>> No.52392046
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>i-it is all part of plan))))) ;)))

>> No.52392054

keep coping Vlad perhaps Sputler will award you with a pair of socks

>> No.52392063
File: 64 KB, 680x680, contrarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everyone on the site doesn't have exactly the same slate of opinions and NPCs start freaking out about it
>implying /pol/'s opinions aren't exclusively formed by just reflexively thinking the exact opposite of reddit to begin with
>hal turner
what a throwback, I remember 4chan fucking with him for being a right wing lolcow like 15 years ago until he started trying to go after 4chan (and ebaumsworld kek) in court.

>> No.52392069

How are there >>52391862 or >>52392032
if no fighting even occurred?

>> No.52392070

it was only for private donations not "military aid"
anyway who follows this kind of agitprop bot?
are you retarded?

>> No.52392081

zero evidence fucktard Vlad cocksucking retard. Hahahah. meanwhile proof of dead 80k Ruzzians is everywhere. LOLOLLL

>> No.52392095

Prrffft! Blow it out your ass nigga, nobody believes that crap

>> No.52392100
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100 times

>> No.52392114
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FTX collapsing is the greatest thing to happen to crypto in years

>> No.52392122

>There are unironic non-paid Russian shills here in this thread

lmao, god imagine having such a poorly supplied and incompetent military. I thought you were supposed to be a world power. Do your nukes even work anymore or were those scrapped for parts and sold on that black market too?

>> No.52392127

This, they were obviously giving the billions to themselves from the start.

>> No.52392151
File: 387 KB, 1508x1068, army.mil-38704-2009-05-29-160552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.52392152

>Being this brainwashed by the zog
>Thinking supporting any side in a war is a noble act
>Thinks people opposing Jewish despots are shills
>Unironically!! Lol!
Go back

>> No.52392180

Contrarianism is a helluva drug for halfwits trying to look smart.

>> No.52392208

Hell, it's the greatest thing to happen in a while. 2022 was boring as shit

>> No.52392217


Don't worry anon another seven years of posting the 'right' things here and you'll be sure to feel like you're the oldfag and belong

>> No.52392231


Actually sorry it's probably more like six years

>> No.52392232
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Fucking based if true

>> No.52392248

when russia finally gets curb stompped the bullrun will resume and we can finally moon

>> No.52392272

Way to revert to a basic shill tactic and completely ignore any points I made you glownigger piece of shit. Go drone some innocent families.

>> No.52392286


>> No.52392294

>Brown hands defending Russia
Pick 2

>> No.52392320

>points I made

Going full schizo mode isn't something I'm going to entertain a conversation with. It's not going to change a thing (and even my response here will solidify in your mind that you're right and government shills are posting on the most trash board on 4chan)

>> No.52392345

ZOG actively controls that board as they try to mind control incels into enlisting as cannon fodder

>> No.52392350

>"We need back up!"
>"F5! REPEAT!"
Go run along and kill more white men trying to live peaceful lives at the orders of your Jewish masters you bootlicking pathetic excuse of a human.

>> No.52392351

Nah he's right and you're a fag, you election tourists stick out like a sore thumb. Gotta try so hard to fit in based on what reddit told you 4chan was like before you got banned from there that you all eventually end up at the exact same endpoint and wind up sounding like completely interchangeable bots.

>> No.52392368

The funny thing is the NAFO troons here for the first ones to bring up Russia. The thread was just loling at an obvious Ukranian/US money laundering component of the FTX hapoooning. I guess their modus operandi is to get people emotionally invested into taking a side of the conflict so they don't look at the glowniggery details of how the Biden admin is funneling fake monopoly money to Ukraine using the crypto market as the collateral. This has potential to be Gamergate levels of noticing and they're trying their hardest to throw anons off the scent.

>> No.52392386


>> No.52392402

>Accuse me of being new
>Anyone who doesn't support Ukraine is a Russian shill
You people have zero good faith because you are not good people. You are mercenaries who sold out your humanity to be tools of war for for evil men. I doubt you get good sleep.

>> No.52392414

I've been using this website since 2006 try a new angle glownigger

>> No.52392422

That would be absolutely hilarious.

>> No.52392424

Read my above post, it's obvious what tactics they're using. You gotta cut through their bullshit and get to the core of what they're trying to distract from.

>> No.52392428

>believing retarded western cope media
ukraine keeps winning nonstop so hard, ask the kiev citizens with no water how they feel about it, retard

>> No.52392448

Nobody believes you. I don't even think you believed that when you posted it. Maybe elon will buy reddit as well and unban your account so you can go back to upvoting r/4chan posts instead of acting like a faggot on here.

>> No.52392453

Maybe in 1995

>> No.52392490

Ukraine is the new Afghanistan for money laundering. That ftx has democrat ties and that half the democrats kids are on boards of Ukraine energy companies along side the endless millions being poured into a war.. that is suspicious if it is even happening (Arma 3 footage). I'd say this gives the wider world an insight into the money laundering operations at play and they probably don't want people to look far into the Jew Ukraine leaders ties to FTX and democrats and what the ultimate goal of this bs war is.
But I just want these shills to reflect on being the type of people to create more missery and struggle in this world. I want them to know in their souls who they are.

>> No.52392509

Meant for you >>52392424

>> No.52392595


>> No.52392610

If ukraine gets brought up here it's usually un-paid vaniks shills licking their wounds and drowning in tears

>> No.52392618

I hope the realization of how they tainted their souls hits them like a truck. Then they'll be left with the choice to embrace God and atone through faith and works or jump off a bridge because their hollow vessel of a soul, which is merely a channel for demons to excise their will unto the world, is an abomination.

>> No.52392627

There isn't a blue verification sign on that profile, so I'll call up your bullshit fake news.

>> No.52392631

something something hitler something something international jewry

>> No.52392683

its invaded by redditors. in their latest "nuggetfest" get together they banned anyone from saying nigger kek

>> No.52392725

>bike cucking for home invaders under the guise of "humanity"
Russia actively and continuously chooses to be in this situation they themselves instigated from the beginning and the easiest way to stop the suffering is just walking away from it all. But as it turns out, personal pride trumps humanity and I sure as hell am going to root for the residents to beat the invading niggers purple until they finally realize that it's not worth it, as opposed to letting the niggers run amok and start breaking into other homes in the neighborhood drunk with power.
Cool argument bro.

>> No.52392726

Hal turner was an unironic glowie, just like most vocal extremists from the US

>> No.52392764
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imagine being an eglin mulatto and spending your entire day crying about russia on a mongolian pedophile forum

>> No.52392841

>Yeh but the Jew on the other side!!
Not supporting your state sponsored sacrafice to baal.

>> No.52392853

Biztards really believe in this shit? What happened to this board?

>> No.52392881

/k/ was blatantly taken over by glowniggers like 2 years dude, it's basically a PSYOP duty station for the DoD at this point

>> No.52392907

/k/ has been completely homosexual for at least a decade. It's gayer than both /lgbt/ and /fit/.

>> No.52392910

/k/ was is so blatantly and unapologetically ran by feds

seriously fuck you fednigger

>> No.52392927

fake and gay

>> No.52392933
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We're just having a field day every day for almost a year now with all the delusional russaboos who shat the board (or the whole internet really) with "russia stronk" bullshit getting btfo so hard they won't have a chance of being taken seriously for decades to come.

>"they're just holding out on using the new stuff" cope
Russaboos are as predictable and stubbornly retarded as ever.

>muh dear leader zelensky
Anti-Ukraine shills obsess over him more than anyone else. They can't comprehend he doesn't matter. Zelensky did one critical thing which was to stay at the beginning of the war. Everything beyond that doesn't matter. Even if he died after that it would not have changed much. In fact, Zelensky was the softer Russia friendly politician. Everyone around him is a more hardcore Ukrainian nationalist. /pol/tards who can only think in terms of blindly following some retarded leader to the bitter end like sheep won't understand this of course.

>> No.52392935

>supporting the good guys is sucking dick
kys shill

>> No.52393050

/k/ was subjected for years to
>SA-57 would totally btfo F-35
And other kinds of drivel that would play up Russian military equipment to absurd hype levels.
Now that there's an actual war with Russian equipment being blown up, while in the hands of Russians themselves, they are parading every webm they can find.
To make sure retarded shills stay bfto'd forever.

Unfortunately the void will probably just be filled by a different brand of contrarian military equipment shills.

>> No.52393104

Ukraine has been the major US politicians' money laundering playground for over a decade. It's what's been driving everything.

>> No.52393120

So you were baited into an anti Russian position and into supporting a zogbot war?

>> No.52393145

/k/ last days were probably in like 2014. It took them a few years to recreate every caliber argument on boomer gun forums, then they had tranny namefags, then they stopped people from discussing 2nd amendment stuff at all.

The only reason for it to exist now is to trick autistic boys into posting their serial numbers so feds can entrap them

>> No.52393200
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>> No.52393208

Airman "Limpdick" Rodriguez btfo

>> No.52393275

I pretty sure it's Putin's "Special Operation" mate.

/k/ is also the most racist board on the site rn
They call every post they don't like a shill from the third world with a ferocity that's unmatched by any other board rn. (War is a beautiful thing isn't it?)
Meanwhile /pol/ just intermingles with third worlders like it's no big deal.
kinda funney.

>> No.52393305

So any one who opposes the glowies is drowned out by over top ad hominem attacks? I've seen that playbook.

>> No.52393343

>They call every post they don't like a shill from the third world with a ferocity that's unmatched by any other board rn.
After 80 years of mass replacing and demonizing white countries nato fags are now desperate to represent le white race

>> No.52393350

/k/‘s Russophilia was almost entirely based on the era of cheap surplus rifles, Red Orchestra, and WW2 trivia.

Your obsession with the lens of the current political moment means you are new, a federal employee, or just retarded

>> No.52393352

oy vey
it will be 1% of US budget soon and more than the the budget of 13 of US states.
and even if it was 1 penny, why the fuck would anybody be fine of his money funding war?

>> No.52393387

Is this satire? It's not even written in proper English.

>> No.52393454

And Gorka suits. If you don't own a Gorka you should just stay the fuck out of /k/

>> No.52393462

because your equipment is only made to kill russians or chinese. it's better that it's sent out to do its job than rot in some warehouse.

NATO's weaponry being used to kill russians while taking ZERO casualties yourself and russians not being allowed to attack NATO territory is unironically the best deal NATO has ever made.

>> No.52393508

Live by the sword, die by the sword faggot. Considering the way you type you took the vaccine more than likely. Is this really how you want to spend your last days?

>> No.52393527

Wow great, im so glad lockheed martins jewish shareholders will get more money

>> No.52393567

Damn bro tell them. The Russians aren't losing against 0.001% but 1% of the burger military budget.

>> No.52393585

>muh good guys
kys kike

>> No.52393595
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It's suffering the same fate as /pol/: getting ravaged by hordes of redditors that they invited in, but instead of MIGAtards they are being overwhelmed by unironic pro-NATO shills, mainly from subs such as r/NonCredibleDefence and others related.

>> No.52393598
File: 59 KB, 839x1200, 1662736462516454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this really how you want to spend your last days?
i actually have only 2 more weeks to live. a schizo retard who's skin color is brown told be on 4channel organization.

>> No.52393602

This image is absolutely fucking KINO. I wish it were a game I could play

>> No.52393626

I can smell your shit brown stink from here

>> No.52393637

>supporting any side of the war
when are you guys going to realize this a ritual sacrifice for a club which you arent part of?

>> No.52393638

i invested my 5 year old childs college fund (250k) into this absolute shitcoin. also my life savings. i believed in SBF also seeing him amongst the elites affirmed my decision for investing in FTT. I began to emulate him in every aspect of life. even started to grow out my jew fro. i brought a beanbag to my work office cubicle. after the crash (3days ago) my wife is divorcing me now and my job just fired me. mom died too. dad left mom when i was born. car just died as i typed this. kids called my soon to be ex wife new bf dad. all i have is my worthless FTT and my ADA(which i do believe in) holdings. SBF if your reading this. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.52393655

That's what always gets them in the end. They fuck each other over along with the goyim. The tribe destroys everything, even itself

>> No.52393659

>because your equipment is only made to kill russians or chinese. it's better that it's sent out to do its job than rot in some warehouse.
Hod did it work in middle east or in mexico?
Remember when CIA was sent in to train Mexican special forces to be as brutal as possible thinking they will stop drug trafficing, and instead the groups they trained created all modern cartels?
How about when US armed the Taliban in the 90ties only to go to war with them in the Bush era?
Fast and Furious Obama scandal? Ring a bell?

Ether way i dont want Russians or the chinks dead ether, unless its being send to nuke Israel i rather we support no wars. There is no such fucking thing as a rightful war, the kike in Ukraine hasnt been 100 miles from the front lines, those people will fight to the last goy in Ukraine if they have to, only solution is peace not some imaginary enemy obliteration through military means.

>> No.52393680

Last i heard they are still in Ukraine, and somehow they have been "loosing" since day 1 half a year ago.

>> No.52393689

>ZERO casualties
Imagine thinking anyone cares about how many plebs die. If the weapons are destroyed, that's a casualty, that they care about. If some guy is shot, the fuck does the government care?

>> No.52393733

You are dumbfuck weeder, he matters because he sent young men to die to be replaced by apes, stupid goycattle

>> No.52393761

>Last i heard they are still in Ukraine
Yeah they're still in Ukraine getting deepfucked by NATO tech from the 90s, shedding money and losing territory every day lmao

>> No.52393766

seethe harder russkie shit

>> No.52393776

>all the CIA and NED stooges in this thread
What the fuck?

>> No.52393784


>> No.52393806

it is not "funding war" you absolute fucking moron. your friend vlad is trying to change the world order and we are not cool with that.

>> No.52393817

Oh yeah, I completely left out STALKER as well.

Anyway, those days are gone.

>> No.52393835

yes retard, they lose 500 men a day on average. they've lost about 100k in dead and badly wounded. they've lost their entire fucking army

>> No.52393837

god, i know. disgraceful.
>The only reason for it to exist now is to trick autistic boys into posting their serial numbers so feds can entrap them
probably true, this is all that's left
>/k/ had a ton of smug pro-Russia shills, seeing vatniks get cucked hardcore,
god. pure, insufferable cope

>> No.52393839

>actively far-right pro-nazi basket-weaving forum
>most users blindly support nazis in a war against commies
it ain't rocket science, chief

>> No.52393844

This, we love the global elites here at /biz/.

>> No.52393850

CZ=China=Russia=Ukraine ruined.

>> No.52393855
File: 347 KB, 1284x1186, AE2277A7-DA27-4840-8652-FEAC5F720EBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 100% perfect explanation of what’s happing in this thread. Zelesky is a megajew, Biden and SamBanksteingoldbergfriedman obviously colluded to launder US tax $$ thru Ukraine via FTX and fucking thousands of other ways(as they’ve done for the past decade ‘Burshima’) and the scapegoat is SamBanksteingoldbergfriedman who flies off to Israel with the coins and his fat little kike sperg gf to await the coming CBDC rollout and senate hearings or whatever seething cope happens. The proof that I’m right about all of this are all the JIDF shills and glowniggers in this thread.
Fuck niggers spics trannys and especially filthy scheming well poisoning Jews. May they all taste the gas.

>> No.52393857

>the NAFO retards are on 4chan too
>theyre totally losing 500 men a day guise the ebin nazi brigade is owning those soviets!

>> No.52393892

>russaboos who shat the board (or the whole internet really) with "russia stronk" bullshit getting btfo so hard
>it's not me that's delusional
>The Russians aren't losing
ah well at least one person here has been paying attention

>> No.52393902
File: 68 KB, 463x629, B5D45D65-E7F1-41D6-9EDB-1FD93F3A2961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and kek’d

>> No.52393908

We bizraelis are cool with glassing globohomo desu.

>> No.52393924

See, I told you. Russian hackers.

>> No.52393935

Glow harder faggot you sound like a cnn anchor

>> No.52393946

literally nobody, outside of a cabal of kiddie-fucking faggots, cares whether ukraine becomes completely russian again or is simply destroyed or whatever

>> No.52393966

How does one invest guns and shiet? They sold them?

>> No.52393965

i see you are a bit thick, ivan.
let me repeat, it is not about ukraine, it is about russia siding with china to challenge the us and change the world order.

>> No.52394002

that's some fake ass neocon bullshit right there, and so i repeat: absolutely nobody believes that, nobody cares
literally just stop inflating the currency, that's it, nothing else fixes the problem

>> No.52394005

Hey. Nice to meet you. I ma the guy steering the wheel :)

>> No.52394106

your own left-leaning sources just three years ago
>russia has 250,000 officers
>russia has 385,000 soldiers
>russia has 2600 tanks in service
>russia has 11,000 tanks not in service
etc. etc. etc., just watch for yourself then do the math with today's casualties
ukraine has lost everything. air force gone, 30% of their men, no reserves.
they pick away here and there with drones and missiles like a weak civilian rebellion. the uniform is meaningless, the APCs take them to their death, the radios are for the illusion of being able to call for help. everyone you don't like is a "vatnik shill" but it doesn't change anything, does it?

>> No.52394192

Yeah, since jews (like Ukraine's current non-ukrainian president) historically love to give goys the means to decide for and defend themselves.

>> No.52394233

>zero evidence
>a bunch of obvious ziggers itt triggered by a keyword "ukraine"
>/biz/ totally believes this shit
Yeah, we're pretty fucking far from a bear market

>> No.52394242
File: 40 KB, 181x226, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all to plan

>> No.52394263
File: 1.52 MB, 1898x874, no-winners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 minutes no reply
don't cry too hard fags, there's hope. the afghans beat russia back eventually with NATO weapons too, and ukranians aren't that much dumber or feral
but for your own mental health stop pretending the propaganda is real

>> No.52394297

It is. Life itself, go outside.

>> No.52394464

oy vey
you kikes truly have no soul and no morals

>> No.52394468

>lowest IQ boards(pol and biz) are staunchly pro Russia
Really makes me think

>> No.52394535

Even your ID glows

>> No.52394547

>Misspelled losing not once but twice
>Expecting anyone to listen to your ramblings
You need better training agent.

>> No.52394613

Ironic, because Marx advocated for fully armed citizenry. Both sides suck, but Ukranian dick suckers should have everyone secretly hope that Russia yolos and carpet bombs the entire country or hits them with medium range ballistics.

>> No.52394624

Nothing to see here goy. Move along ghost of Kekiv sold his Doge bags last year.

>> No.52394640

The vatnik shill posts do nothing because no matter what bullshit they post it has zero effect on reality.
I fucking love it.
Their delusions are genuinely entertaining.

>> No.52394708

idi nahui, pidorashka
+15, best regards to Volodin

>> No.52394729
File: 40 KB, 736x823, 1505081943079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute state of US hegemon

>> No.52394774


>> No.52394904

you kikes must be seething

>> No.52394922

Jew who recoils as a French general was naming them on live TV


>> No.52395000

I wonder what the odds are of Zelensky sending out a hitman after SBF?

>> No.52395653

>shilling for jews
>I'm not the nigger you are"
stupid leaf

>> No.52395691

>Biden said in 90s, that NATO expansion will lead to hostile reaction of russia
>fast forward today
>NATO wants to expand right to Russia
>USA kills governments to have control over every land and resources on a regular basis
>USA pumps most of its money into "defense" (kek) aka war machinery
>Biden literally says "we gotta lead that new world order"
>USA now restructuring Europe by taking gas out of Germany, destroy its economy, poach its workforce
delusional and brainwashed nigger
The US is the epitome of an evil force and should be finally cleansed from within

>> No.52395738
File: 76 KB, 830x2730, 1662577101186147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>NATO wants to expand right to Russia
Keep crying vatnick

>> No.52395756

it went from Rhodesian loving in the woods outcasts to a honeypot

>> No.52395763
File: 2.80 MB, 480x640, 1664189323678930.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the war fully confirms that Russia's military is a paper tiger, and the supposed performance of their weapon systems is all just propaganda.
Also having a smaller nation using Western arms absolutely BTFO a bigger nation resonates well with them
Why have you not signed up for mobilization yet?

>> No.52395786

So, in case anyone believed OP, it turns out UKR_Report is a Kremlin-run Twitter account that spouts pro-Russia anti-Ukraine talking points.

Don't believe me? Just go read their feed. It becomes pretty obvious after just a few page-scrolls of reading stuff like

> Washington is not interested in peace in Europe and Ukraine, but in how to use Ukraine to overthrow Russia and consolidate its hegemony in the EU and the world.

> Russian Defense Ministry:30,000 soldiers and 5000 vehicles were successfully withdrawn from Kherson.



>> No.52395804

>I can't even start a pro-Russia thread there without someone bringing up Ukraine.
fixed, you vatnik cocksucker

>> No.52395837
File: 146 KB, 790x656, 1664220236192867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you link to any of the following (((sources)))

>> No.52395838

This truly was going to be the worldwide government arm of scamming people

>> No.52395869

/biz/ is full of the most gullible retards on the planet

>> No.52395877

>The vast majority of their guards units and equipment are still possitioned northward to deter a NATO conventional assualt as expected.

4th Guards got fucking obliterated months ago. 4th Guards was Russia's premiere tank unit.

VDV got fucking obliterated at Hostomel Airport. VDV was Russia's biggest bunch of preening peacocks.

T-14 just got cancelled after pouring the equivalent of US$333,000,000,000 into oligarchs' yacht projects. They manufactured five demonstration tanks with that money, none of which could even make it through a Moscow Victory Day Parade without breaking down.

>> No.52395911

That’s all true though
>truth can’t be against the current thing!
Kys ywnbarw

>> No.52395923

Oh wow you must be right, because anyone who doesn't suck Zelinksys asshole 24/7 and cut their dick off is le ebil Russian propagandist!
Surely your low IQ NPC brain hasn't just acquired a liberal bias through osmosis because of what MSNBC and CNN have told you what to think! AAAAAAAAH YOU MUST BE RIGHT! I'LL STOP LOOKING INTO THIS RIGHT NOW!

>> No.52395927

I took refuge here because it’s unusable. None of the threads are even about the way anymore, it’s just both sides using bots to post gore.

>> No.52395948

What about any of this is false? Why would you even suck ZOG's dick you reddit spacing faggot.

>> No.52395949

>ummm i saw it on twitter, there's no way someone would just lie on the internet
you are the perfect nigger cattle

>> No.52395978

Yeah, I know, I'm a BTC guy, and I just came here today to laugh at all the dumb fucks here who enabled FTX, 3AC, and all the other scams that are dragging down the only honest cryptocurrency out there.

Sucks to be me since I've lost a house and Lambo in the last six months, but at least I can stay retired.

>> No.52395981
File: 104 KB, 423x408, 33833F25-A7F4-4947-A528-4110CC1FC31A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck shitkraine

>> No.52395993

>ummm i saw it on twitter, there's no way someone would just lie on the internet
Each and every one of those statements is readily true on the outset. Given that FTX was funded expressly with the purpose to donate billions to the Biden administration and launder massive amounts of money, is it so strange that they would also be involved in pro Ukraine efforts? Actually, is there a possibility that they aren't? This is a water is wet is situation.

>> No.52395998

>jews stealing from jews

>> No.52396006

spotted the zigger

Go suck some HIV-infected Russian cock and rape a few of your fellow vatniks up the ass, it's what you guys do, and it's why Russia has an AIDS rate that's higher than a lot of African countries.

>> No.52396014

>Don't believe me? Just go read their feed. It becomes pretty obvious after just a few page-scrolls of reading stuff like
I did, and its literally just pro hohol narrative on how Russia is losing and running away and every second post is about how Ukraine won this or won that as far as i scrolled down.
How is it pro Russia exactly? Seems just one of millions reporters of unconfirmed crap.
Got any proof that its Kremlin run? And if it is, why does it post, you know, pro Russian stuff?
> Washington is not interested in peace in Europe and Ukraine, but in how to use Ukraine to overthrow Russia and consolidate its hegemony in the EU and the world.
> Russian Defense Ministry:30,000 soldiers and 5000 vehicles were successfully withdrawn from Kherson.
How is any of this false you kike?
oy vey, everybody is a russian bot
hohols and kikes are a plague on this site, since 2016 its been slowly going downhill, fucking 2020 election day was the worst, 90% spam bots, but now it all hohol and kike spam
i dont fucking give a shit about your shitty country, nobody does

>> No.52396023

you only believe it because you are extremely easy to manipulate. all someone has to do is tell you something you want to be true, then you will believe them like the good cattle you are.

>> No.52396069
File: 39 KB, 477x479, 1503064071507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Russian Defense Ministry:30,000 soldiers and 5000 vehicles were successfully withdrawn from Kherson.

>> No.52396090
File: 772 KB, 716x871, Kennedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock faggot, I'm a kraut and you're a disgrace for the whole world since you embrace and worship degeneracy, niggers and immigrants.
You can't fucking be trusted, since you backstab literally everybody for money and power.
Your government is infested from within and you will continue to destroy countries for resources as you do not give a shit about peace, since your biggest business is literally war and destruction.
And it'll surprise you as you're brainwashed, but you again, started a conflict.

>> No.52396102

I don't give a fuck about Russia you Ukraggots, but pretending anything that comes out of any western media outlet has even the remotest semblance of truth is on a level of absurdity i can scarcely fathom.
>you only believe it because you are extremely easy to manipulate. all someone has to do is tell you something you want to be true, then you will believe them like the good cattle you are.
PEAK irony. You take the word of the jewish controlled media and governments as gospel and call anyone with an opposing view cattle. I'd be laughing if it wasn't so fucking tragic.

>> No.52396105
File: 31 KB, 404x419, 1441852012341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and its literally just pro hohol narrative on how Russia is losing and running away
>lose Kherson
>this is what winning looks like!
Actually mental illness

>> No.52396142

Ok juntahomo kike. Stay mad.

>> No.52396164

How is the Ghost of Kiev doing? Any more extremely reliable and facts based reporting from the front lines? Disclaimer; Ukraine and Russia could vanish from the face of the Earth tomorrow and I wouldn't give a fuck. I just can't stand you subhuman retards. The common negro's intellect stands heads and shoulders above that of you oxygen thieves.

>> No.52396177

be it truth or not, its still the same narrative you kike dick sucker
there is no hiding that twitter is 100% pro Ukraine and dosnt even have a hint of being "kremlin ran" or what ever you fags claim
cant even tell if you are such good goys or such pathetic kike shills

>> No.52396201

Joke's on you, I don't believe the U.S. media either.

>> No.52396251

I may be a putinshill but at least my ass is a one way street.

>> No.52396283

>muh ghost of queef
rent free

>> No.52396348
File: 70 KB, 348x360, 1646937307968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is the Ghost of Kiev doing?
Pretty damn well actually, he's destroyed ~240 Russian fixed-wing aircraft, blown up 2800+ Russian tanks, sunk 16 Russian naval vessels including the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, ended the Russian Kyiv encirclement, forced the vatniks back from Kharkiv, driven the orc horde out of Kherson, and ruined the Kerch Strait Bridge rail link while still leaving one span of the roadway barely able to hold fleeing Russian government scums' cars (kind of a pity, that; they deserved to burn), all while dropping grenades on homosexual Russian troops to help end the scourge of gulaghomo.

What's Monke up to? Has he found more banan to steal?

Oh, looks like /biz/ blocks uploading the blowjob grenade webm, guess I'll have to settle for posting Sopa de Monke.

>> No.52396350
File: 31 KB, 546x567, 40b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vatniks still seething so hard over the ghost of Kijow meme

That post above accusing the account of being a vatnik shill must have upset you so bad you have to resort to nonensical arguments.

>> No.52396370
File: 2.14 MB, 538x307, 1664897053817183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure about that?

>> No.52396382

>I may be a putinshill but at least my ass is a one way street.
You are not a true Putin cocksucker unless you take Russian army cock up your ass until you get HIV just like all your fellow orcs. It's Russian Army tradition!

>> No.52396391

literal glownigger or delusional cocksucking tranny, not sure about that one

>> No.52396401

Hey, how'd YOU get it to post?! I mean, ok, it's a different file (mine was the webm) but still.

>> No.52396416

80,000 dead Russians so far, do you think we'll break 100K by Christmas? Why aren't you one of them?

>> No.52396464
File: 192 KB, 504x2048, FTXPoliticalPartyLaunderingV2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is when you consider how SBF was plotting to fuck over the industry with regulations.

>> No.52396500

>hohol site
>russia lost 90% of its countrys tanks
shit, dont out yourself this hard
the fact you post a site in cyrylic is telling enough you hohol shill

>> No.52396515

>Implying everybody with an opposing opinion is a Russian
kike, shill, zog or faggot

>> No.52396525
File: 55 KB, 350x263, spf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before that it was full of Israelis. You could trigger them with any analysis of Hezbollah tactics.

>> No.52396532

Damn, turns out Sam is a good guy

>> No.52396577

yeah seems about right. Even before the drama with russia in 2014; Ukraine was already regarded as a poisoned chalice for investors. So hopelessly, recklessly corrupt that you better have a superpower directly willing to break the arms of whatever Ukro-gypsy who pilfered the project.

>> No.52396646

the pro ukie posting in /k/ is obviously some ongoing psyop. it's aggressively unhinged and relentless. why they are targeted specifically is anyone's guess. totally insufferable though, i quit going there bc of it.

>> No.52396721
File: 1.45 MB, 640x360, 1gte4n99r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver lining is the more of them here, the less there are on discord grooming minors into the pink pill.

>> No.52396729

Ukraine is even more corrupted than Russia, same ex Soviet nomenclature oligarchy there only way worse that's why they're poor as fuck since they "separated " from Russia. Good times for Zelensky and his buddies right now since the retard in chief sends them hundreds of billions kek.

>> No.52396784

/k/ has always shat on recent Vatnik tech because it's objetively shit.

>> No.52396860
File: 152 KB, 960x638, 1667562513546138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Russia is a gay piece of shit country and no one likes Russia besides Russians

>> No.52396970

what's happening on /k/ isn't "shitting on tech," retard, and you know this if you've spent more than ten minutes there over the last year. it's nonstop aggressive shilling for ukraine and trolling against russia to the point of absurdity. The meming is completely inorganic, unfunny, and coordinated. It is clearly a campaign.

>> No.52397100

This. You'll get an All Boards ban if you speak out against the military there

>> No.52397107
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>> No.52397120
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 523464523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a huge fucking bitch, the shitting on tech has just translated into shitting on Russia's military as a whole as it's representative of their garbage tech and chronic corruption.

>> No.52397165
File: 94 KB, 534x1024, 1650013386104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image did not age well along witht the rest of /chug/'s shit

>> No.52397172

taliban were secretly supported by russia
they would never win if not the illegal weapons they were getting

>> No.52397178

Russian shills literally lost Kherson right now and are trying to make fake news on various boards to try to cover their loss.
You lost lmao. Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.52397199

smart people realized guns won't help anymore when the govt has access to self-replicating drones and precision biological weaponry

>> No.52397213

The convoy simulation could be more realistic with the AC unit failed in a fucking desert, SGT Garcia's DFAC farts filling the interior of the MRAP, and the desire to piss after drinking too many Rip-Its.

>> No.52397217
File: 737 KB, 1198x660, 1666718529634845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when the Russians left all those US bases full of equipment for them

>> No.52397229

>this image did not age well along witht the rest of /chug/'s shit
and how did ghost of kiev and all other retarded hohol propaganda age?
at lest /chug/ isnt just kike dick sucking and retarded leftist cringe memes, and the totally natural monkey Putin, on a board where everybody calls each other trannies and niggers here comes the new edgy insult "bannana", amazing

>> No.52397267

yep, in Moscow there is the kremlin who pretty much kerb stomped all rivals after 2000. Ukraine was a giant clusterfuck of factions with many competing oligarchs and various other factions until the war allowed the SBU/ to start cleaning up rivals.

>> No.52397281

i was being ironic, everything in this thread is fault of russia, so Afghanistan and that time Biden bombed and killed those 10 kids on retreat must have been Putins fault too
but yeah, US losing the Afghanistan war after 20 years of combined all NATO members efforts and then going around calling Russia incompetent shows how delusional those good goys are

>> No.52397298
File: 2.24 MB, 2375x3014, 1646514159173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact you post a site in cyrylic is telling enough you hohol shill
Yeah, no one else uses Cyrillic, all God's chilluns use LATIN-1 character sets! Just ask Putin!

Reminder that antisemitism is punishable by prison in Russia, and Jewtin takes that shit seriously

>> No.52397310

Someone posted a bunch of anti-russia propaganda there. Literally
>(((russians))) did this bro they were le evil jews all along

>> No.52397311

>we didn't need those toddlers anyway

>> No.52397349
File: 1003 KB, 1170x1186, 1665124079258715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost of kjow

Also monke Putin originated in Russia and what makes it so fucking funny is that it STILL makes /chug/-sisters so mad for some fucking reason and you are clearly showing it. /chug/ can't meme btw, just like leftists.

>> No.52397355

>Yeah, no one else uses Cyrillic, all God's chilluns use LATIN-1 character sets! Just ask Putin!
pure coincidence?
you just randomly happen to post hohol sites right? that nobody writing at this hour will understand...
you shills dont even try

>> No.52397368

We get it you work for the Five Eyes

>> No.52397385
File: 243 KB, 833x1024, 1648865180589m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an endless pit of zogbots. The US army has bots there 24/7

>> No.52397402
File: 1.05 MB, 720x1081, 1665930971925408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The meming is completely unfunny
I think it's fucking hilarious. Only vatniks find it unfunny.

You forgot to include the USSR (aka "Russian") flag on the left; they got thrown out by the Taliban long before any of the others, too.

>> No.52397414

>it so fucking funny
yeah, for your average tranny who dosing know how edgy /pol/ is
one of the worst and most transparent cases of shills spamming their lame kike made memes since that drak brandon shit that was so cringe i bet the feds who posted it offed themselves that day so we dont see it anymore

>> No.52397441
File: 2.19 MB, 1278x959, 1663442188904218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're just as shit as the Russians
kek I know that's why nato is terrified of actual involvement

>> No.52397460

you know what would be /pol/s nickname for Putin if it was created naturally? something like white nigger, but hey, cant cross post your retarded spam then if its actual slur right?
gotta be boomer facebook friendly?

>> No.52397465

he wasn't seething, he was describing it as forced and unfunny, which it is. funny memes convey some bit of truth and are propagated/evolve naturally. making putin look like a monkey is literally playground tier banter, and the only reason it continues to live on is bc it is ceaselessly foisted onto the masses through social media by out-of-touch shills like you and other discord tranny shills.
>haha putin looks like a monkey
extremely weak shit, and you should feel really stupid for defending it.
>no verification required

>> No.52397501

weapons fanatics are chuds in general and chuds support ukraine because they live in 1945. they think hitler would be proud of them for supporting ukrainians against russian horde, so they larp

>> No.52397530
File: 634 KB, 600x625, 1661827254526442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52397965

>You are not a true Putin cocksucker unless
I guess I'm not then, and I say /k/ommandos are long proven to be semen-guzzling, ass-gaping queers and none of their AIDS rambling is to be taken seriously.

>> No.52397993

russia monke was created on /int/ years ago. you are a newfag

>> No.52398092

/k/ is full of faggots and larping shits. At best is roided tattooed jockheads with trigger happy fingers. Most of them doesn't even appreciate the perfect 5.7mm and gas piston technology.

>> No.52398139

oldfags were always lefties/libertarians, you are all election tourists

>> No.52398156

FUCK jewsa and fuck ukraine

Putin is king of the world

>> No.52398239
File: 1.05 MB, 1206x1328, KWAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao in fact

>> No.52398349

And yet you /chug/ zisterz were simping for a tranny for weeks.


>> No.52398421

>Kiev was just a feint
>Kharkiv was just a feint
>Kherson was a drag on resources
* * * YOU ARE HERE * * *
>Mariupol was a mess, who needs it XAXAXA
>We didn't need Crimea anyway
>Belgorod was a bunch of retards
>Siberia was rightful Chinese clay
>St. Petersburg is finish
>Muskovy was historically a part of the Kievan Rus anyway

>> No.52398428


>> No.52398441
File: 1.86 MB, 279x235, 1600629836144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52398497
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>> No.52398712
File: 3.86 MB, 640x376, 1639425017899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hal Turner Radio Show

>> No.52398873
File: 58 KB, 597x615, 1465256778254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend billions on foreign war aid
>money is reinvested in the shadiest, kike-iest CEX in the world
>once all that money is safely funneled away, crash FTX
>FTX declares bankruptcy in record time
>people are still trying to process how this even happened and SBF and all his cronies are already vanishing as dozens of companies tied to Alameda and FTX shut down.
>billions of dollars just vanish into thin air
>where it went, no one is really sure
>an investigation will surely turn up nothing
>Oh yeah, FTX and SBF and his family all have close ties to the DNC
>a significant reason that the war in Ukraine even happened the way it did may have been just to launder trillions of dollars out of the Fed's coffers and into the pockets of a bunch of senile boomer politicians and wall street kikes

>> No.52399025

if someone on twitter says it then it has to be true

>> No.52399165




>> No.52399179

Nah, expand the program and give money to nazis in more countries

>> No.52399208

they gamble with userfunds, federal reserve crashes all markets
binance chink starts run, they get exposed, this was not planned

>> No.52399230
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1648801804367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really though if ukraine is being invaded by a country with a superior military wouldn't it have been better to hedge our bets and try to get friendly with russia to get cheaper oil instead of having to deal with $4/gallon shit at the pumps

>> No.52399275
File: 61 KB, 727x639, 05eda8eb8c811bc2b88468f218d069ea0d98a5d2e03198d5da8187f559e0c409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52399290

The holocaust never happened but it should have

>> No.52399296
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>Going to Fudd central at all

>> No.52399929

so superior that they're losing

>> No.52400034

When we have worldwide white supremacy, I'll be paid for posting low effort memes but they'll be about this glow-nigger and Shlomo rotting in jail forever taking nigger dicks.

>> No.52400615

Go back to Reditt, nu-male

Nazis are based

>> No.52400904

>I oppose the current thing
That's your problem? Just stop being contrarian to We the people for a while. protip: you can't.

>> No.52400935


>> No.52400954

>groveling to your enemy for gibs instead of fucking him over when you have the chance
what a fucking cuck mentality holy shit, go watch telenovelas or something you numale faggot

>> No.52400983
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and now they run with their tail behind their back from kherson, can russia faggots do ANYTHING right?.

>> No.52400995

You should've bought Bitcoin. Then at least when all of this shakes out you'd still have something valuable, instead of a bunch of 0.0000000000000001 cent shitcoins that haven't traded in eight months.

>> No.52401013

>Paid military shills run the Military Recruiting General there as well

>> No.52401022
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Reminder that Russia stands for equality of all races and racemixing.

>> No.52401049

>monke Putin originated in Russia
Always wondered, never got clear answer out of those botish shills. The insult turned on itself when banaan got secured.

>> No.52401054

>ukraine has lost everything
Yet somehow the mighty mighty russian army can't even hold the only provincial capital they've captured since their failed invasion. It's just sad to see. Not that I care that much about ukraine, but I was one of the people that thought this whole thing was going to be over in 2 weeks because russia would steamroll the ukraine. Embarrassing

>> No.52401082

You must be absolutely retarded if you actually believe that

>> No.52401137

Ukie shills can tongue my anus. ZZZZZZZZZ

>> No.52401439

Why did Germany invade Poland

>> No.52401934
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The saviours of the white race

>> No.52402161
File: 109 KB, 452x798, 1657773806685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOO, delete that, those aren't russian nor form part of the motherland. nhggggggggggggggg


>> No.52402377

Danzig basically and a corridor to Königsberg
Glowing, nobody said they save the west, but they weaken the western systems power.
Also yes Lukashenko IS a ethno nationalist and likely even Putin

>> No.52402379

glowniggerd and trannies overran that place

>> No.52402392
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>t. newfag

>> No.52402413

>tell me you support jewlensky and liked government without telling me

>> No.52402535
File: 796 KB, 1392x1396, czechbobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra based