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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 434 KB, 1080x1748, 1668233478989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52377691 No.52377691 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52377712

She's hot, i want to creampie her over&offver again

>> No.52377740

this is great, looking forward to the 4k docuseries.

>> No.52377751

Dumbass should have went to china
Argentina will extradite him

>> No.52377764

pop that into her DM

>> No.52377909

>flying over meta

>> No.52377935

Fuck SBF just flew over my house!

>> No.52377944

So wild we can watch a billion dollar fraud reveal live and watch the fraud et escape to South America in real time, technology is awesome.

>> No.52377972

Honestly is Argentina the most based country for telling the US to fuck right off for extradition demands? Isn't that where the nutjobs think the remaining Nazis went?
What are the financial implications of moving to Argentina?

>> No.52377992

Aren’t people gonna want to visit him even if he’s in Argentina? Like people angry about all the money they lost?

>> No.52377995

Why would Kanye do this?

>> No.52378001

He's now the richest man in argentina unless he's just a scapegoat face for some other banker friend.

>> No.52378013

we already fuck with an iranian plane

become poor in relative long term

>> No.52378107

It's not. Argentina, much like the rest of SA, has an extradition treaty with the USA.
Still, he's the richest man in the country once he lands. Even richer than the richest corrupt politician in the country (Máximo Kirchner.) He can basically drop him pennies on the dollar for CIA-level private security for his whole life in exchange.

>> No.52378157


>> No.52378184

He's flying directly to retake the falklands

>> No.52378570

Woah,i think i'm in love again biz frens

>> No.52378650

Don't be idiots.
These corrupt Argentinian politicians are in bed with the CIA and would sell some Jew the instant the CIA demanded them to.
This isn't the 1940s anymore. If America wants someone extradited from South America they will get what they demand.

>> No.52378678

Or ends up being tortured to death for his keys.

>> No.52378687

he will not be safe anywhere but israel
in the US he goes to prison, elsewhere
he gets fucked.....

>> No.52378696

Man I sure am glad we made Israel so filthy fucking kikes like Bankman can avoid all consequences for their actions

>> No.52378845
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I don't understand why he thinks he would be safe in south america?

He pissed too many people off. Seriously
third world country means that he is not safe.

>> No.52378891

He screwed over his fellow tribesmen as well. I doubt Israel is safe for him.

>> No.52378892

hes jewish, even if he goes to prison he will get pardoned by the next jewish supremacist president (all presidents are jewish supremacists)

>> No.52378899

Couldn't find that account. Where's a link?

>> No.52378912


>> No.52378917

Is this a distraction?

>> No.52378928

it would set a bad example if criminal jews find no
longer refuge in israel, it is the safe haven for russian
oligarchs right now even

>> No.52378933


>> No.52378959

Yeah as I said, it's not the early 1900s anymore.
Every SA country will extradite anyone if the US wants to.

>> No.52378965

a plane

>> No.52378966

He’s just landing there to jump on another plane you idiots. He knows his shits tracked and by plane hopping which he should do at least another 2 times in different countries he can basically disappear with all the crypto. I’d imagine Argentina then Africa then Europe you can disappear in Europe pretty easily

>> No.52378972

Could be, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near South America if I was him. Too many Narcos and spooks who don’t give a shit about your status as the little hat goblin.
If I was him I’d fly to Switzerland or Israel.

>> No.52378998

I don’t get living the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, most likely he’d just done 2-3 years in club fed and be out still with enough money to live comfortably

>> No.52379007

He could go chill with Snowden in Russia

>> No.52379018

based? their cunt is like in the top 3 for most lgbt friendly. Whit that said, their trannies got some nice big wangs.

>> No.52379050

I'm pretty sure that Venezuela won't.

>> No.52379066

nah, he stole from russians too
only remotely safe country possible might be israel

>> No.52379070

He should parachute out of the plane somewhere along the flight path and then make his way to another airport under a new identity.

>> No.52379076

What if he stole from Israelis as well

>> No.52379084

What kind of a retarded idiot would keep his crypto in a wallet which can be opened with a single key only?

>> No.52379086
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Sam at the airport

>> No.52379098

But then you live in Venezuela of all places

>> No.52379104

Russian mafia is very active in Israel

>> No.52379106

Fake news. The guy is headed to Israel

>> No.52379108
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>> No.52379120

Doubt it, they're applying for BRICS.

>> No.52379125

Lmao he fucked over a lot of russians. They’re going to greet him with pliers and jumper cables

>> No.52379126

hoping israel will not set a new precedent

>> No.52379141

Ping from #APRAnet @CIA

Whiskey Team is sitting in /biz/ for finance clues for drop zone of Sam-Bankrunner-Fried attempting to start his own babby Sovereign Nation State (Probably Brazil).

Lima Oscar Lima, Lima Mike Alpha Oscar

Heresy in the ranks, @Zelensky

>Sam's plane is getting BLACKED!

>> No.52379290

you link other boards with triple >>> like this:

>> No.52379338

It's anti-jannie mode still. You are free to use your keyboard to type a > instead of doing a Sam.

>> No.52379350


>> No.52379436
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Why do criminals always come here? IRL or even in movies and series too (Dexter, Inception, others).
The escape plan is always Argentina

>> No.52379518

Corrupt politicians in south america will just bleed him for every single dollar he has and then turn him over the the usa feds. The only has a chance of survival in is israel like other anons say.

>> No.52379554


SAM JUST DODGED HIS FIRST EAGLE SWOOP! WOW! THIS CUNT JUST DOESNT DIE hehehehe he gets the bad ending, I promise.

>> No.52379565
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>Still, he's the richest man in the country once he lands
No one in Argentina has more than $3?

>> No.52379779


>> No.52379850

What is an eagle swoop? What do you mean?

>> No.52379866

Why? I would also go to Argentina if I was rich enough. It’s literally prime American soil, weak government , with mostly white population

>> No.52379893

There have been 5 planes that have flown in Top Gun Maneuvers.

Let's say it's a Supranational showcase in Grand Theft Auto [REDACTED].

>> No.52379925

Oh damn, the white argentinia meme

>> No.52379940

Did Sam-Bankrunner-Fried jump off his vibrating toy plane near Victoria?


I bet one shiny schmeckleeeee.

>> No.52379956

Rural Argentina is like an Eli Roth film.

>> No.52379974

Heading to Buenes Aires. Any argentinian anons wanna go to the airport and scout for his landing?

>> No.52379979

This happens a lot in Mexico the Cartels which basically bankroll the Mex Govt. and are on the same team to an extent. When the Mex Govt is pressured by DOJ/DEA they will comply.

>> No.52379995
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SBF has recently acquired a third, Ukrainian citizenship based on ancestry and is a major donor to the Zelensky government

>> No.52379996

Yeah, buts let’s be honest: to the USA really wants this Jew son of elites back ? For what reason? Suicide him?

>> No.52380010

>For what reason?
To keep him safe. After bankrolling the dems election he can basically be acquitted of any wrongdoing by US courts.

>> No.52380038

At least now we know to short his shitcoin when ftx 2 comes out in the next bull run.

>> No.52380040

Then he could have just flown to Florida. Btw that’s what I would have done, on a commercial flight, just after sending my plane to Argentina to mud the waters. If I was him

>> No.52380044

You wouldn't even need to pay Pablo, Sam'll show off his natural flay...I mean flare...I mean...err...

>> No.52380050

>even in movies
It is a meme, made by Interpol, to lure all criminals into one certain country.
If you do something and you will have to run don't escape to Argentina. They will wait for you there


>> No.52380068

Even Kenny Griffin didn't want Bankrunner-Fried in Florida and that's saying a lot.

>> No.52380085
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i sure hope theres some interpol on the tarmac idk

>> No.52380136



>> No.52380144
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>> No.52380182

soldering irons
get your russia facts right

>> No.52380200

They won't do anything to him. He is chosen people and can do no wrong. All sins commited against goys fo not count. And a Jew can't go to hell.
KEK American criminals are so dumb. All mobsters and cartel members know this basic fact and built there own airstrips all over Latin America.

>> No.52380203

they are going to uruguay now

>> No.52380222

If i was running would probably go to Africa or Iran,
Places where kikes dont have allot of power.

>> No.52380238

>he thinks the "hacks" were outsiders
Oh ononononno.

>> No.52380281

SHIEEEET should've figured out. He arrived in that airport because it's close to Nordelta, which is basically the equivalent to the Argentinean's Beverly Hills.

>> No.52380301
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his logo looks like something, I can't quite place it

>> No.52380355

what the actual fuck thats the actual logo

>> No.52380368

>The flight with callsignLVKEBis currently not tracked by Flightradar24. It's either out ofcoverageor has already landed.

>Do you want to see the flight history of this aircraft? [Y / N]?

Y. Y, Bankrunner-flayed. Y.

>> No.52380369
File: 1.08 MB, 1338x779, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landed at San Fernando International.
Buenos Aires Argentina

>> No.52380398

@VitalikButerin @Excellion @jimmysong still in bsas

>> No.52380461

Jesus Christ. Nuke that shithole. It's infested with bank robbers.

>> No.52380477

Tiny chip in the pyramid base in the left paradigm and onto the conveyor belt underground. It's fucking obvious to /xsg/citadel frens.

>> No.52380523

it's the minimalist merchant, you doofus

>> No.52380552

Of course, how foolish of me. I guess I'm just fucking retarded.

>> No.52380608

somebody should shop his eyes into the logo to make it perfect

>> No.52380643

That would be top zozzle.

>> No.52380660
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>> No.52380671

>inb4 that guy ends up getting a "eh ando teni hora" killing and the money is lost forever

>> No.52380691

He'd head to Israel if he was worried about extradition.

>> No.52380698

Is this accurately subtitled?

>> No.52380709


>> No.52380756


>> No.52380768

Parachuting with cases of money like in a bond film.

>> No.52380770

>My god... this is NOT possible

>> No.52380784
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>> No.52380826


>> No.52380830

Amazing how mad they get when you just tell them the truth. No matter how vague it is.

>> No.52380873

Who do you think has the keys, retard?

>> No.52380912

>What if he stole from Israelis as well

He made more israelis rich with his Ponzi scheme than he made poor, and he absolutely rekt a load of goyim, so his karmic debt balance is fine. He'll be welcomed with open arms.

>> No.52380942
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>> No.52380954

>he didn't flee to the vast unvegetated landscape Mongolia

>> No.52380980

>this dude was on /pol/ bragging about how he was part of the financial elite and in on the plan to switch to a one world digital currency.
anyone have the thread no.'s?

>> No.52380994

The remaining Nazis DID go there. That's where the (((Israelis))) picked up Adolph Eichman. Hitler (probably) never made it, but a bunch of them did.

>> No.52380996

Oh btw, Israel disdn't want the cunt bitchtits either.

My phone is on 5G+.

>I hate phoneposters wah wah wah
>I hate Australians so goddamn much ;)

>> No.52381021


Until someone takes a photo of his testicles inside his fucking body, I won't be impressed by this nonsense brewing up as damage control.

>> No.52381291
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>> No.52381335
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>> No.52381357
File: 117 KB, 1512x997, A7E6EEBB-D5F5-4CF0-B216-71BAD963A50A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even your sweet Caroline looks like a 12 year old.
FTX was a money laundering backstopping caribean pedi trafficking. Democrat slush fund.
Plan and simple.

>> No.52381380

Stop spamming schizo shit. If you want to fight pedo elite, how about you fight Ghislaine who's getting away with it right this second? No, you choose to do nothing about that? Figures

>> No.52381434

(((Eli Roth)))

>> No.52381478

We have. It's in #AlamedaResearch files.

Get in the forever box.

>> No.52381480

Yeah it’s pretty famous you can find other subtitles if you want, or just listen to it the French used is not complex

>> No.52381500

He is headed to Israel, there’s another plane waiting on the tarmac for him he’s not even going to enter the Argentine airport he’s going straight from one plane to the other on the tarmac. Look for any planes going from Buenos Aires to Israel

>> No.52381509

You don’t need cases of money anymore nor gold bars, he just needs a piece of paper with the crypto keys on it

>> No.52381514
File: 40 KB, 885x498, tdkr_000458_c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBF is about to pull a Bane. Screencap this.

>> No.52381554

The Bankman is just another stooge set up by ((((them)))). All of this has been manufactured with the aim of irreparably harming the crypto space so that gov can pass whatever laws they want. Literally the 9/11 of crypto

>> No.52381567

oh yes,the woman who was imprisoned in a public trial for trafficking kids to... wait. who again? they must have said, right? seems like a salient detail for convicting someone

>> No.52381576

Meta means

>> No.52381839

Fine abstract merchant top kek
We are truly living in a clown timeline

>> No.52381912

how about running to Brazil?

>> No.52381965

If only there was some social pressure on people who refuse to get information out of her. If only there was a huge pizzagate crowd going after a person they actually need to go after. Alas, they're too fucking dumb and they just go after whoever glowies point to. Oh look a triangle in the logo let's focus on that ignore the convicted woman who can put Clinton family away, that's not important, look a circle

>> No.52382106

He's gonna hop on a flight to (((antarctica))) from there, isn't he?

>> No.52382119

/pol/ was right
I kneel

>> No.52382153

Sam is going to prison for life by the way. Wire fraud, loan fraud, money laundering, 10-50b lost is second only to Madoff in history. This isn't like Do Kwon, this is multiples bigger than Theranos and will be the subject of an AAA film, books and lectures for decades to come

>> No.52382197

>wolf of wall street style movie
>with some ugly jewess getting railed by an ugly fat jew in meth fueled aprty
Disgusting. Im not going to watch it.

>> No.52382284

He scammed other jews though, which crosses the line for them. Every madoff documentary I've seen always casually mentions this. Makes sense seeing how they let him die in jail even after most victims were made whole.

>> No.52382310

he was also Biden's 2nd biggest donor and hosted people like Blair and Clinton a few months ago, he has totally humiliated Jews and they will throw him under the bus.
They did the same thing to Harvey

>> No.52382315

The presentator got sentenced for systematically sexually abusing young male interns

>> No.52382337

If they make an accurate film about this it'll look like one of those WW2 nazi propaganda flicks

>> No.52382374

I will order a hit on him, some veneco will do it

>> No.52382390

It's real.

>> No.52382412

>is Argentina the most based country
no, you're confusing 'based' with one of the most corrupt countries in latin america

>> No.52382528

>most based country
>commies in government crash the economy
yeah based btw

>> No.52382592

>10-50b lost is second only to Madoff in history.
Madoff lost real money. This guy lost computer game scores. No way this goes to criminal trial.

>> No.52382614

he's going to get violently murdered by favela ghouls

>> No.52382652

>Isn't that where the nutjobs think the remaining Nazis went?
I'm half Argentinian and had a German grandfather who fled the war and went to live in Patagonia, I was told that he was part of the German military before he fled to Argentina, I wasn't told explicitly that he was a nazi but Patagonia has had several German refugees from the war, many of which were actually ex-nazis.
It's not a nutjob conspiracy, anon, they even had a café in Argentina called café ABC where ex-nazis used to meet and drink beer and eat good food, it's factual history and everyone in Argentina knows about it.

>> No.52382660

>Madoff lost real money. This guy lost computer game scores. No way this goes to criminal trial.
congrats on being the biggest retard in this thread

>> No.52382686
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>>>52377992 # >>52378001 # >>52378013 # >>52378107 # >>52378650 # >>52379018 # >>52380994 # >>52382374 # >>52382412 # >>52382528 # >>52382652 #
Milei will win.

>> No.52382692

He's being ill adviced

Sure, we hoarded nazis in 1945, but after that MOSSAD literally installed itself on this country and now we act on Israel's orders

>> No.52382731

>implying the CIA would want to actually capture an escaping Jew
Wishful thinking

>> No.52382862

Pablo Escobar's son also fled to Argentina after having had the reputation his father inherited him
Argentina also has corrupt politicians from all over SA that went into hiding there
Argentina is the go-to place for people who have fucked up in some way and want to get away from it all, don't ask me why but that's just the way it is, I don't know why they all go to Argentina specifically but that's what has been happening for a while now
Argentina is a safe-haven for fuckups

>> No.52382867
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy lost computer game scores. No way this goes to criminal trial.
This can't be a real person's actual opinion.

>> No.52383051

Who is she and how is she related to FTX scam?
>Every month you are 5-9% poorer

>> No.52383086

I came here for THIS. Thank you anon, I knew you'd come through for us.

>> No.52383149

He wouldn't be on exile if that were the case

>> No.52383213
File: 121 KB, 1122x1122, FhSzLb8WYAM8ZYG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There he goes

>> No.52383375

Argentina is not a good place to scape, beside the political inclination of the politics to the left and being a corruption hole, Argentina tries to comply with almost all international laws, SBF will be extradited if he land here.

>> No.52383795

africa is held by the balls by chinese (kaifeng kikes, look it up), iran is pretty kiked too, shah was kinda based, talked about kikes too much, so he was killed off by "totally organic, totally based" islamic revolution.

>> No.52383915

He will be king of the land with only 500k.

>> No.52383979

realistically speaking how long until the cartels that were keeping millions in ftx realize what has happened and it's open season for his head

>> No.52384230

Who cares? Seeing how many people he pissed off, he'll be dead in a few months.

>> No.52384252

You can't possibly believe this jewish retard doesn't have a few tens of millions of USD in both bitcoin and monero.

>> No.52384354

He fucked over big jewish investors retard. You think a jew will let their own to fk them and close their eyes?

>> No.52384524


>> No.52384910
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I hope he wins and purges all fags in the gov and the central bank. ((They)) will not be happy. They already began their globohomo psyops against him in european channels using the spanish versions, such as DWes, FRANCE24es, CNNes. They are using the same directive given in 1943 by the communist politbureau gave to communist in usa which reads
>when certain obstructionist become too irritating, label them after suitable buildups. As Fascist or Nazi or Antisemitic, and use the prestige of antifascist or intolerance organizations to discredit them. In the public mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will after enough repetition become fact in the public mind

>> No.52384984


>> No.52385521

That's Brazil.

>> No.52385606

The Nazis were extradited to the US in the 1990s. The Simon Wiesenthal center has headquarters here.

Also the plane belongs to Pampa Energia an Argentine company with no ties to him so I think the claim that he's on that plane is bullshit imho. It's probably some other elite wanker.

>> No.52385753


>> No.52385770

It’s call larping, people on 4chan know about this a long time

>> No.52386013
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>> No.52386050

Maybe we’ve passed the peak of Jewish power in our lifetimes, anons

>> No.52386105

It’s a play button, because you’ve got played goyim.

>> No.52386166

Looks like he's recoiling.

>> No.52386192


>> No.52386203

Hitler fled when the whites lost, ushering in an era of Jewish power
Bankman fled when the Jews lost, ushering in an era of white power

>> No.52386288

The FBI CIA and DHS are busy arresting patriots for loving the country they built and noticing the 3%.

>> No.52386302

the benefits of the holohoax are diminishing. The genie doesn't go back in the bottle

>> No.52386406
File: 224 KB, 417x342, 1350014636711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early 2022
>fluff pieces about being such a generous and kind billionaire
>look guys, he's vegan, how cool
>declared the next warren buffet, get's his face on the cover of financial magazines
>late 2022
>get caught cooking the books and moving massive sums of money out of the firm
>an estimated 2 billion of client money is completely unaccounted for
>declares bankruptcy and flees the fucking country
life comes at you fast

>> No.52386578
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>the richest corrupt politician in the country (Máximo Kirchner.)


>> No.52387108
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