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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52381864 No.52381864 [Reply] [Original]

Soccer world cup soon and Crypto is their main sponsor

>world cup in the literal desert
>worst press and reputation in the history
>bribery and about 15.000 dead workers
>half of worlds population about to boycott this

How will this affect my precious CRO?

>> No.52381875


>> No.52381883

But fortune favours the brave anondo

>> No.52381920

its easily within the top tier of exchanges without a doubt
cant predict what will happen to CRO but theyve been busy expanding and developing products so its got a good chance of having more staying power than most other tokens

>> No.52381966

> trying to cause bankruns on cdc and kucoin
> see its not just tribe owned cexs

>> No.52381997

crypto.com actually keeps 1:1 so they cant go insolvent

nice try though

>> No.52383166

theres fud on kucoin again?

>> No.52383184

>15.000 dead workers
Based eugenicists

>> No.52383232

lol 15000 dead workers? where the f do you get the data from. your media is lying to you.

>> No.52383384

the FUD is working bros, it's at all time low

>> No.52383565


> its easily within the top tier of exchanges without a doubt

It's more like bottom of the exchange list

>> No.52383669
File: 448 KB, 672x609, Screenshot 2022-11-09 9.43.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fortune Favors The Scammer
after FTX, people are still trusting this scammer?

>> No.52383811


Please no. I have 300$ of lunc

>> No.52384439

>World Cup

>> No.52384481

there's 0 hype and advertisement for this wc
it will be a massive fail imho

>> No.52384509
File: 5 KB, 290x174, 1668246386675831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with this kosher fud.

>> No.52384517

They used slaves to build the world cup arenas. It's true. They don't give a fuck who falls off scaffolding. They just throw more slaves at the job until it's done.

>> No.52384521

What you fail to realise is that while Crypto.com is probably insolvent, it's bankrolled by the stupidest money on the planet: venture capital. they will gladly keep throwing good money after bad on the hopes of it one day becoming profitable

>> No.52384609

cro already had one dump this year when they tried to quietly cut cashback rates and completely get rid of staking rewards since they are bleeding money. reddit backlash forced them to backtrack a bit to keep paying out rewards and cashbacks so they'll probably go under soon

>> No.52384616

>FTX ad was on every umpire in the MLB postseason
cucko.com bros…not feeling so good right about now

>> No.52384947

Would be hilarious if CDC goes bankrupt during the World Cup with their logo visible on all the ads.

>> No.52384977
File: 39 KB, 547x456, 16681777749612578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought the wrong coin.
Fortune favors the brave browser and BAT(held by a dog)

>> No.52385028

My biggity biggity bat stays bliggity bliggity blat

>> No.52385030
File: 99 KB, 828x828, 4E77E949-739A-4544-BB40-8665980A7252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It was very obviously a veiled message involving BAT (held by a dog) and the Brave browser

>> No.52385863

They aren't jews so no

>> No.52385922

Sounds like Malta




>> No.52387052
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