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52374733 No.52374733 [Reply] [Original]

Are sex doctors a real profession?

>> No.52374752

Every single thing I see from this "field" is just some kind of demoralization to men and encourages women to be whores.

>> No.52374765
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>> No.52375009 [DELETED] 
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>mfw passing both criteria

>> No.52375033

I have a 7.5 inch weiner and only banged 1 female before she said ow that hurts and I was like oh my bad

>> No.52375240
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>and then everybody clapped

>> No.52376824

I have a five incher but just say it's six inches.
Bitches are stupid they can't tell the difference.

>> No.52377743
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>> No.52377828

I think I would just fucking kill myself if my dick was under 7 inches.

>> No.52378190

you have a tiny penis youre not fooling anyone faggots

>> No.52378285

>Lose all my money to crypto nonsense
>Have to get a job wage slaving for some insane maniacal CEO with ego issues
>Need a surgery on my hand which kills my hobbies
>.1 inch shy of the perfect penis...

I literally can't fucking win.

>> No.52378333

come at me, i rape your ass

>> No.52379094

wtf i just said. can you not read you dumb nigger.
i'll just use a bathmate and cialis if it actually fucking matters

>> No.52379257

They can. They know its short. My penis is 6 inch and it is not long at all, just normal. Under 6 is close to 4, which really is tiny.

>> No.52379293

vigorous retort. I like it. Not the guy you're talking to.
Guys. You're looking at this all wrong. Who gives a shit what she *wants*... it's what she'll *sleep with.* Average is average for a reason... it's because it's been accepted as "perfectly fine" by the majority of women throughout evolution. Women will have your babies if your penis is under 5 inches. Women will suck you off and let you creampie them if you're under 5 inches.

The better question you should be asking yourselves is... why the fuck isn't she doing kegels to make herself tighter when she has that option? We can't do kegels to make ourselves bigger. The responsibility is on THEM if they don't like your size.

>> No.52379360

Most people here are porn addicts and jelqed when we were younger. I wouldn't be surprised
>t. 6.5 in to 7 in depending on horniness level

>> No.52379573

Well if we learned anything from the scamdemic, it's that every facet of humanity is corrupt. So yes that includes simple doctors to professors.

>> No.52379663

>perfect penis
don't steal my band name anon

>> No.52379696

I have a 7 inch penis

>> No.52379725

cope dicklet

>> No.52379747

>tfw i'm 6.3 inches

average dick chads rise up

>> No.52379772

Imagine coping so hard that you enter the 7th dimension and you still wouldn't be coping half as hard as the dudes who think an average cock is 5 inches

>> No.52379882

Impressive very nice, Now do one where it shows how deep/tight the average vagina is and how deep/tight do the men want it.

>> No.52379899

chinese women are 4" deep or something

>> No.52379915

any woman that cares is not someone capable of raising children.

>> No.52380190
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>tfw 3.6 inches erect

>> No.52380198

My dick is as big as a monster can but im a loser virgin, at least i can flash in omegle and get teens horny

>> No.52380235

Women only find 20% of men sexually attractive and under natural conditions only those 20% men would breed. Monogamy is a man-made construct wherein beta males are given permission to breed by the alphas in return for participating in society. Most religions (another man-made construct, but a very important one) teach this is the will of God because that's the only way to make this unnatural situation seem natural. The guarantee of pussy for betas is one of the basic building blocks of civilisation and it is being eroded because we've had it good for so long we've forgotten why these traditions exist in the first place.

>> No.52380269

Deboonked, I have a chink fwb and my 8 inch monster cock goes balls deep

>> No.52380286

studies disagree

>> No.52380297

Your personal studies?

>> No.52380358

How retarded are you to believe this? By the time a woman sees your dick it's too late to back down. You think she's gonna put her clothes back on and nope out cause your dick isn't big enough?

>> No.52380387

studies from china. although ive gone balls deep in chinese women too and im 6.5"
maybe they just really love white guys and are so aroused they open up deeper idk

>> No.52380427

Sex is not really much of a reward now is it. Sex for pleasure is fruitless, sex for procreation is useful, but bears long term consequences. I don't understand how you people can worship sex or a feeling so much. How can you be a slave to something that degrades you as a person. Strange.

>> No.52380571

Im 7.68 inches but it doesn't matter because i cum after 20 seconds and i haven't had sex in years because of my premature ejaculation insecurities

>> No.52380789



>> No.52380802

Speak for yourself, 6.8'' here feeling breddy great

>> No.52380837

I dated a chick who did exactly that to a dicklet, the poor fucker. And no, it wasn't me before someone gives me a hilarious (you)

>> No.52381273

Was it you?

>> No.52381355

I'm 7.5x6 legit so close to the meme also a sex addict massive you wouldn't believe it regular girls and escorts I'm like a sex bodybuilder I even take supplements specifically for cumming a lot, hard, being ready for round two, blood flow for erections, even started experimenting with different combos and even started trying something that makes it so you don't cum and damn it's a game changer they just can't believe it i even do a lot of cardio so I can fuck longer and better

>> No.52381522
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7" length, don't know girth but girthy. My wife cums before I do. Uncircumcised

>> No.52381573

Chode here (6x6), women dont care about length, they just want to be stretched open by a fat dick

>> No.52381685

What advice should i give my 8 month old son in the future about being uncircumcised? I'm unfortunately cut so i have no practical experience about living with an intact penis. Thank you

>> No.52381686

7 inch, but manlet you faggots are good
My side girl is tiny and can't take it all and screams like retarded whenever I'm halfway , it's so u comfortable when you cannot thrust balls deep
Main girl was virgin when we met, but she's built like an absolute unit lumberjack type and I'm flying in that cave
You just can't win

>> No.52381748

Jordan petersen says you need to wash your penis

>> No.52382329

Nothing, because he will be as he should be

>> No.52382368

>What advice should i give my 8 month old son in the future about being uncircumcised?
Americans are so fucking pathetic. They treat being normal and natural as some kind of disease that needs to be exterminated.

>> No.52382379
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same my weenie just crosses the line

>> No.52382439
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And you expect the remaining 80% (aka betas) to fight and die for your polygamous empire when shit goes down?

Monogamy and the nuclear family has been the default for thousands of years now because societies where everyone has a family to work and fight for will always conquer polygamous ones.

>> No.52382449

Literally just tell him to peel it back and wash it like once per week or just before sex and he'll be fine. I am ironically blessed that my parents didn't care enough to get me snipped, I'm glad you care enough to do the same for yours

Godspeed, anon

>> No.52382565

I'm Ethiopian

>> No.52382767
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Don't worry guys. If your girl really loves you she wont care about your small dick. She'll just fuck you for your pleasure and then give herself a little buzz. Vibrators are great these days.

That being said, my man has a huge wang (7/8 inches) and i love it.

>> No.52382790


lol imagine only having a 5 inch dick. Pathetic. I mean I'm not exactly a magnum dong with my 6.5 inches but come on now.

>> No.52382839


It's all demoralization and brainwashing. Don't believe any of this shit.

>> No.52382913

Only demoralizing for dicklets lmao it's not like she said they like a 9 incher

>> No.52382925

Once a WEEK? Dude, wash your cock more.

>> No.52383001
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>> No.52383009

Under natural conditions women wouldn't be the ones who decide who breeds. It'd be beta males and incels raping and fighting for women against those with harems.

>> No.52383033

this, the "alpha" just gets eaten by the other apes

>> No.52383065
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I jelqed my way from 4.5" to 5", it took a full year of everyone thinking I was fapping in the shower to achieve it and I still think about killing myself everyday

>> No.52383084

You dont give advice, you just read up on how to take care of a baby and prevent phimosis

>> No.52383141


>> No.52383270

7 inch gang reporting in (Its not that thick tho)

>> No.52383293


>> No.52383299


>> No.52383314
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6 inch and + girth bro’s do we ally ourselves with the micro penises or the pencil dicks for the upcoming pee pee war?

If we could get rid of the pencil dicks once and for all we would rule the planet

>> No.52383320

6.2 inch dickcel here and even that looks tiny compared to porn. If it was less than 6 I would unironically rope

>> No.52383334

A lot of cope ITT, desu.

>> No.52383464

5 inches average? This can't be right

>> No.52383476

If you pull the foreskin up, you can hide m&ms or skittles in it, I used to hold 8 skittles.

>> No.52383534

just pull the foreskin back and rinse with water.
keep in mind it's normal for the foreskin to not be able to be pulled back all the way till puberty.

>> No.52383583

Yeah the key is never pull it back. It'll go back on its own, sometimes around puberty

>> No.52383609

I don't remember clearly it was a few years ago I was doing it, I remember doing a stretch + jelq routine and also tried hanging weights. Stopped when my noob gains ended because the time investment was starting to get ridiculous and family was concerned I was keeping secrets (well I was but it was retarded and far less dangerous than they'd imagine).