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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 916x861, 1667130897675010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52366138 No.52366138 [Reply] [Original]

one week since a new privacy L1 testnet launched

quick rundown:
>utxo based on-chain private contracts
>63 ring size vs. monero 16
>aleph (aurem) confidential proof of stake (84k tx/s achieved on 16 nodes in 4 continents)
>supports transparent tx
>approval for listing on Bittrex
source: https://twitter.com/FrederikMarkor/status/1532998936188837888 (embed) (embed)
>rumors of top 5 exchanges (kraken, binance incubator)
>presale open for a couple of weeks more

for the uninitiated:
(presale still ongoing)




>> No.52366148
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>why is the presale on BSC if its a layer-1
the bsc stuff works as a ledger to keep track of whats owed on mainnet once its launched

>when listing on CEX
along with mainnet, Bittrex confirmed, Binance likely.

scandinavian, no stinky jeets

>why is it superior
SCRT is DRM-tier privacy.

>what consensus
confidential proof of stake (anonymized staking) with hotseat comittee

>> No.52366214
File: 2.08 MB, 500x500, 1667664435886404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory: Seraphis will be implemented before mainnet launch (as per their development update posted a few days ago). Their modus operandi is to support various tx types, so Seraphis will be used for bridges/swaps where multi-sig is required, I think they worked with Sarang on the Triptych paper to address the multi-sig issue, because it's active right now, and I looked over "Discreet Core" (their C++ cryptolib) and it's a modified one of the initial PoC that was published.

The reason I'm bullish and decided to bunch a dump of BNB into this is because it's so fucking rare to see a team actually work towards something useful. I think you have a point that 86k tx/s is not gonna mean automatic adoption, but when Discript comes out, with their grants they have talked about, then it's very obviously likely to attract ADA developers that got treated as exit liquidity by IOHK.

If AZERO (which Aurem, their confidential proof of stake protocol) is anything to go off of, fees will be really slow because hotseat comittee + inexpensive hardware to validate blocks = cheap fees while still being manageable for validator node operators.

I'm in, I don't care if it goes nowhere, I'm happy to hear they got the CEX listing, we need more privacy coins regardless, and for once I'm happy in 6 years of browsing /biz/ that there's a coin that's not poopoo. I'm in the testnet group right now, and it's filled with (non-team) developers trying to build shit, so that's a good sign. An earlier thread I read had an API setup that was public-facing and there's talks of independent web/mobile wallets.

Community is good, discussion about a project is good, especially if it can catch the eyeballs of other developers for that ecosystem. Once IOHK goes the way of Enron, that's gonna be... exciting. I will post this every thread out of spite for the anon that wrote it.

>> No.52366234 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 940x1280, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish as fuck on DISG

Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. It's our assumption that many former ETH miners may come to our network as we expand.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52366281
File: 123 KB, 1152x1536, 1668166367171126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based /disg/ maintainer. You need to add:
instant finality

and their explorer:

>> No.52366930
File: 40 KB, 891x597, ly2tsiffdti31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me 1 good reason I should sell my SCRT bag for this. I'm waiting.

>> No.52367359
File: 47 KB, 500x620, 2v65fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCRT, the only mainly relevant one relies on DRM-tier protection (Intel DRM trusted execution environments) of their contract and the way to deanonymize their contracts would be by validator nodes which are located in... *squints*... Israel. Yikes.


>> No.52367648
File: 54 KB, 838x629, 1668008364751505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whyy do you keep posting this. XMR and DIST holders unite.

>> No.52367877

based pacifist.

Stacked another 1.3k today, ahhh

>> No.52367921

The xmrlets fear the distchads

>> No.52367935

anon, I... you're ngmi.

>> No.52368348
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>> No.52368967

based schizo poster

>> No.52369291

Sorry but the distribution is fucked. 5 million tokens sold in the presale, mostly at 10 cents, of 90 million initial supply. Anyone buying now will be destroyed.

>> No.52369325

It's a janny scam mods are trying to rugpull u niggers one last time they knew ftx was going down and leaving this particular rugpull up nonstop not one thread has been banned meanwhile I've been banned 14x for a reporting it

>> No.52369362

>mostly at 10 cents
as it looks right now mcap will be 6m on launch.

everything is a janny conspiracy. take a pill.

>> No.52369487
File: 990 KB, 1077x1573, Screenshot_20221031-223521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

median buy is 0.43 lol literal fud

>> No.52369735

is it actually? I thought it was .30's

>> No.52369888
File: 150 KB, 1094x436, 1639688767141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is made by paid jeet shills, they want to scam you!
The Github repo is FAKE with stolen tech words from Monero, some aren't even implemented in Monero yet.
They are even trying to copy Monero-chan.
The ICO has been going on for years on fucking BSC.

Thank you for your attention.


>> No.52370223

Stupid fucking jeet currynigger fud. So transparently an XMR nigger manufacturing FUD. Kill your self.

>> No.52370238

Let the FUD begin.

>> No.52370536
File: 138 KB, 820x1024, 1667722504990784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such fucking retarded FUD, but ill dispell it 1 by 1. I'll post it in every fucking thread you seething monigger posts.

anyone can copy a username and delete a post, so huge brain there.

>This thread is made by paid jeet shills, they want to scam you!
not OP and I'll post my hands if you do.

Verifiably not true.

It's in a fucking different language, all commits (600+) are available to look thru, it's such a fucking retarded lie that I dont even know where to begin, but here's their Triptych implementation for one.

>some aren't even implemented in Monero yet.
you're right, because it's a company, that has their own cryptographers, so they implemented Triptych faster than Monero, with multisig, and is now working on Seraphis style address schemes independently.

>They are even trying to copy Monero-chan.
OH NOOO NOT MY PRECIOUS ANIME GIRL. Holy shit youre an obese fucking anime loser arent you, tempted to just have some of my frens draw a Dischan to piss you off.

>ICO has been going on for years on fucking BSC
ICO has been going on since June last year, and then re-opened in Phase 2 after testnet, and is about to close, so KYS and enjoy holding your heavy XMR bags when your shit eventually because vaporware.

>> No.52370575

Bingo if you buy this bullshit you deserve to lose every penny
bingus anyone?

>> No.52370670
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Did /biz/ get more retarded? We're finally seeing a L1 ICO, with a provably working testnet and this is the one where you all sperg, and not the ERC20 jeet cumcoins. That's fucking funny.

ngmi + no bitches + fed endorser.

>> No.52370727

High IQ take.

>> No.52370811

Fuck off I'd shoot you if you were in front of me but you live in Europe or India so that's not possible janny

>> No.52370875

*licks tears*


>> No.52371003
File: 53 KB, 1438x790, the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looked through the documentation
>Skimmed whitepaper
>Downloaded wallet, didn't have a "Bootstrap Node"
>Checked tokenomics.

Everything checks out. So, Discreet-maxis, what's a make-it stack?

>> No.52371238

i've seen you post this exact comment in other discreet threads before, why are you asking again when you got a sufficient answer the first time?

>> No.52371297

literally no one can seem to come to a consensus on what a make it stack is, asssuming 6m initial marketcap, 35k would make you well past a millionaire once 1b marketcap is reached (probably with Bittrex + LBank exchange listings), when Binance hits.. idfk, something as small as 2k might suffice.

>> No.52371468

so you’re telling me i have to risk $17.5k on a sketchy BSC ICO and then have that coin go to a 1 billion dollar market-cap JUST to make $1mil...

>> No.52371503
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>what is math
no based on what >>52371297 said, 1 bln mcap would be ~3 mil USD.

>> No.52371541

you really think by the time it gets to a 1 billion market cap the same amount of tokens will still be in circulation as when it launched, baka.

>> No.52371571

no I think there'll be less due to staking, ultrasound money.

>> No.52371641
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>> No.52371696
File: 24 KB, 218x255, So+should+i+say+my+hobies+include+collecting+art+_60b3e908f0f7b3a8a149c249dc656e5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every sneed there must be a chuck, for every DIST, an XMR-maxi utters "fuck"

>> No.52371727
File: 74 KB, 607x608, a512d0ajp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if fully staked, there'll still be a higher mcap, but it's still a 5x if the worst case (fully sold out)

>> No.52371763

Threadly reminder that Seraphis is still in active development amongst the Monero team and this currynigger is spewing lies.

>> No.52371953
File: 27 KB, 218x231, CryingMasked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Seraphis address schemes are fully defined and you're a coping monigger. I think there's a branch in the repo that implements something preliminarily. QQ 16 ringsings.

>> No.52372014
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>> No.52372148
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Honestly surprised this is an alpha and not an open beta, no issues so far, 200k blocks, polished experience. I was considering selling on a dex, fucking glad I didnt. bullish as shit. delivered & up only.

>> No.52372189

XCM tranny janitors making a rugpull why it's still up this is the what 16th thread you've made about this rugpull and magically it's allowed to stay up when nobody can even post about crypto here.
General trannies got out of their containment threads after losing it all and now want to steal from /biz/ with the help of Leto.

>> No.52372310
File: 387 KB, 959x1646, Bullish .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't know what's actually coming. Even new bros.

>> No.52372446
File: 80 KB, 487x560, 1666916598771882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discreet has been relatively under the radar until testnet launched. They went from like 400 followers to 1k in a span of the start of this month. ICO is really just kicking off now.

>> No.52372648
File: 36 KB, 400x386, 1422357412205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is there any fucking way to buy into the ico with ETH or do I have to cuck to CZs currency?

>> No.52372699

Anyone one here explained where the money's gone? I haven't been able to track it since it got siphoned through their privacy network. SCAM! STAY AWAY!

>> No.52372950


>> No.52372974
File: 71 KB, 648x594, 5151515152151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI XCM niggers fuck off how much do you pay for jannies to not prune your threads?
Cause I caught them pruning my posts in your threads the other day without bans or warnings which told me all I need to know about what's currently going on here.

>> No.52373008
File: 66 KB, 800x450, covergn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this stupid glowie thread. Fuck you CIA agents operating this shitty ICO. Fuck you FEDS for astroturfing this shit.

>> No.52373018

t. fed

>> No.52373022
File: 71 KB, 618x412, tumblr_9862c5e5d4a5f85eafbfd4cbf83a08e6_188a16b6_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52373031

Based truthteller.

>> No.52373039

KYS federal agent. You will never be respected by the greater society.

>> No.52373111

>fuds a Triptych peer reviewed coin
>I'm the fed
The state

ngmi. I'll screenshot this for when exchange listing happen

>> No.52373439
File: 55 KB, 1472x850, okimin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to identify feds opposing Discreet look for "siphon money", "janny conspiracy", "truthteller", being angry at Seraphis (because feds don't know how the fuck to cope with that one), and 1pbtid when it's verifiably not true if you just do 2 seconds of hovering over IDs.


How recent is this?

>> No.52373539
File: 24 KB, 484x197, bullsig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the real "bull signal", if this gets listed on Binance next month its on every global exchange.

>> No.52373643
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Presented without comment.

>> No.52373644
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It was posted in May.

>> No.52373672
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will be interesting to see if any new phds are officially announced, ill keep lurking TG.

>> No.52373909
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>> No.52373926

Have you bought yet? i'm still on fence - looks extremely promising just not the biggest fan of early buyers being on 5x on cex listing

>> No.52373972

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.52374147

Was there ever a question?

>> No.52374320
File: 8 KB, 320x284, F2xI9fkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in the same boat a few days ago, after some quick math, if just half of these exchange listings hold water (in terms of volume and recent growth spikes), it's an 8x, but for now I'm considering it a long term hold.

>> No.52374340

What's the money going towards? Eye surgery for Frederick? We can't track it ever since it got siphoned through their privacy network

>> No.52374370

>since it got siphoned through their privacy network
>Eye surgery for Frederick

are you schizophrenic

>> No.52374378

Early buyers being less than 80 people. You can look it up yourself but you'd have to go through a shit ton of transactions from different wallets.

>> No.52374399

what do you mean by this you fucking retard? you keep saying this same stupid shit in every thread? what' can you possibly syphon through a testnet you silly fuck

>> No.52374433

glasses are a hallmark of trust in a developer, I don't trust a project if the lead isn't wearing glasses.

>> No.52374556

Digits. this guy has no life, I've seen like 6 generals now, and he leaves the same ambigious comment one very single one of them, I think he gets off to it, or he's a fed, either one.

not selling, keep stacking.

>> No.52374578 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 943x1280, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discreet is cool, but check us out too anon

Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. Being GPU mineable is our strategy to get former ETH miners to support our network as we expand our reach.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52375003

how long is he gonna keep going for?

>> No.52375341

Not buying your bags, pajeet.

>> No.52375620
File: 143 KB, 1007x1024, 1667572609439127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ICO ever. Am excite.

>> No.52375886

how much did u buy ser

>> No.52375945

probably like fucking 50 DIST or something lmfao

>> No.52376179

hahaha, well ser we all gotta start somewhere, wish you all the best

>> No.52376692


>> No.52377607

This fucking ico page has no trustwallet support, are there plans?

>> No.52378474

Just fucking use Metamask.