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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52367296 No.52367296 [Reply] [Original]

can we get an actual dump, holy shit

>> No.52367495
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Yes. But not right now. Patience, Bobro.

>> No.52367519


>> No.52367520

too early. wait for chink new year.

>> No.52367529

dude we went from 21k to 15k wtf do u want

>> No.52367536
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>at historically low levels
>literally any indicator possible says we bottomed
>UH HUH grug need cheaper rock
late shorters are plain sad

>> No.52367547

So much this. My shorts stopped printing money

>> No.52367699
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$21k to $3k desu

>> No.52367721

Crypto.com, Kucoin, kracken, bittrix, Coinbase are all insolvent and tether is will implode. Btc 3 figures is programmed

>> No.52367725
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Not enough.

>> No.52367741

If you're looking for a 2020 type cascade you're not going to get it. That's a once a generation opportunity
We had a 2018 tier event in terms of capitulation and now all sentiment is telling you that maximum fear is past.
My question is why you haven't flipped long yet

>> No.52367753

bleeding till new year and recession gigadump

>> No.52367788

15.6k, and only for like 2 minutes

>> No.52367800
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>literally any indicator possible says we bottomed

>> No.52368292

Tiny dump, BTC has done much more dramatic dumps than that in the past. And it wasn't really 21k to 15k, it was 18k to 15k, since 18k was the "support" and it had been crabbing in the 18k-21k range for a long time. Or really it was 17.6k (the low of the previous dump) to 15.5k if you want to be more accurate.

>> No.52368342

This thread is proof that we are at peak bear euphoria and delusion. I’m calling the bottom right here.

>> No.52368392

>the biggest exchange black swan couldnt break 15k
>retarded analysis paralysis sub 50 IQ scores calling for 3k

Biggest buy signal in human history

>> No.52368408
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>> No.52368526
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Nobody is seriously calling for 3k in the current year. That was in 2018.

/biz/ has said for about a year now that the bottom will be near 10k (over or under, but near). And /biz/ knows this stuff, as you'll soon see. Now calling tops however, that we're not so good with.

>> No.52368542

>try to close short at 15.8k
>closes at 17.5k because no liquidity

>> No.52368544

Copium is strong in this post

>> No.52368563

I knew the bottom was in when all the retarded youtubers were calling for 10k or sub 10k btc while DXY broke down its 2 year parabolic curve, did a retest and got REJECTED. Imagine being so retarded you dont understand basic market concepts.

>> No.52368593

They got it from us. /biz/ was ahead of them by a year.
>he watches "crypto" content on YT

>> No.52368595

yea pretty much. i bought two macro bottoms, once with size.. and many other good dips. i got the top right exactly once.
tops have price discovery and enter unchartered territory whereas dips have previous established supports/resistances so arguably is easier

>> No.52368602

So as bitcoin gets cheaper, what makes it more appealing? Its sole use is as a speculative investment. You are buying into bigger fools. If the price is falling, where do these bigger fools come from?

>> No.52368611

>ignore the DXY part
kys retard

>> No.52368626

Market doesn't care about your feelings.

>> No.52368647

You know its happening sunday you impatient bitch. Cap this

>> No.52368649

you never traded even once in your life. you are a retarded holder wagie hoping for the btc to come to 3k so you can buy one because thats all you got. lmao!

>> No.52368674

You're seething and trembling with fear. I wonder what your bags are.

>> No.52368709

i bought doge at 0.059 im still in profit while millions killed themself over the FTX "crash". you are the same cattle. you never learn.

>> No.52368738

Do you think current prices will hold up until Tuesday? I need more time.

>> No.52368828

tether fud usually means a bottom or close to, it's to get the stragglers to sell. and there's a lot of fud

lot of old btc moving onto exchanges, they're not buying alts but doesn't mean much until sell button is hit.
finally, miner stress - that's real and objective, that and contagion are the final legs down.
patient buyers of last resort can buy more to dump in the future. could be 2 years could be 10 years. the cobies and angelos. that's it. there's still a lot of stablecoins issued in the space. if even 50% of all the stablecoins were used to buy btc the rock bottom price would be $3700/btc. 100% there's a price floor.

>> No.52369271
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>literally any indicator possible says we bottomed
Check the Stoch RSI on the Weekly. Picrel is the Monthly.

>we just had Capitulation
So you're saying Despair is next. Got it. Agreed.

>> No.52369343

I think the casuals will flood out of bitcoin now as it falls and slowly the long bitcoin crowd will start to think
>ill get out now and buy back in when its cheap
Which will continue its fall.

>> No.52369861

are we forgetting that we came from a fucking 70k top?

>> No.52369955

You're spoiled because BTC used to be worth much much more so it could fall much faster in absolute terms without losing much relative value.

>> No.52370049

What the fuck do you think happened all throughout this year? Btc hit a 75% drop from ATH and most alts are down 90%.

You poor faggots are forever priced and out your lunch money will NEVER be able to buy a big enough stack to make it.

Better luck next life.

>> No.52370740
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>disney mouse

>> No.52370963
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>crypto youtubers!
>le heckin doge! le based!

>> No.52371074
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$68900. But yeah, good point, it has only dumped 77% so far. 84% takes it to $11k and 94% to $4k. Of course the final percentage this time could be somewhere between those two percentages, or less than 84% but that seems very unlikely.

>> No.52371363

>or less than 84% but that seems very unlikely.
we are going into a global recession anon. I'll be <84%

>> No.52371457

I bought another 0.13 btc since 8 Nov, got plenty left to buy around 15-14 and 13-12k. Anything after that will probably get me in trouble also because it might actually go to 3K when that breaks.

>> No.52371475

More like global hyperinflation. And what most people do in such situations is sell their assets while they still have value. Gold and BTC will both dump over the coming months due in large part to this. You got to remember lots of people including many whales bought BTC when it was much lower than 1k and they have no problem with selling at 15k, 10k, even lower, should they feel the need to - which some of them will, as prices of everything go up exponentially.

>> No.52371504

But long term of course, both Gold and BTC will go up due to the inflation. I'm talking about what happens in the near term.

>> No.52371510

>nobody is SERIOUSLY calling for 3k
People are still seriously calling for btc to go to zero forever anon.

>> No.52371581

More likely to be the -72% / -76% years since the % return to new high is similar. We didn't get a blow off top because Musk and Jews nuked the bullrun.
That would put -77% as an appropriate bottom.

>> No.52372165
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>muh hyperinflation talking point
Right now, the Fed is destroying dollars, not creating them.
That's recession and lower inflation, not hyperinflation. I live in an actual hyperinflation country, you Americans have no fucking idea of what that looks like.

Be glad you have Powell at the helm. Yeah he's a despicable little rat, but at least he's doing his job.

The US would have to print this much dollars (pic) to get hyperinflation.

>> No.52373422

>le late shorter
Same people that longed 69k

>> No.52373732
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Tom and jerry is not affiliated with disney.

>> No.52373877

The issue won’t be hyperinflation
The issue will be deflation
The fed will need to print in order to artificially create inflation
Most of US wealth is concentrated in boomers
Fed will print to extract $ from boomers with inflation
How else do you expect US to pay off debts
It’s through the extraction of wealth from boomers by printing/inflation

>> No.52373900

The cause of deflation is technology
We all know this
Deflation is what you should be concerned about
But everyone is hyper focused on inflation and positioned for it with the fear that inflation will persist and rates will keep rising

>> No.52373968

Quick sell your gold for paper dollars while we hyperinflate!!! lol at the level a retard that comes here

>> No.52373993

you dont need to worry about deflation because governments always choose inflation to get out of deflationary debt spirals...

>> No.52374152

So they will need keep printing
While everyone right now is positioned for inflation and more tightening

CPI will come down faster than market expects

>> No.52374159

He's suggesting that hyperinflation will deplete people's on hand cash supplies so quickly they'll be forced to sell assets to buy ordinary shit like groceries.

>> No.52374321

whatever he was saying it was retarded..