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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 390 KB, 599x638, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52366573 No.52366573 [Reply] [Original]

The worlds second largest crypto currency exchange was destroyed because that the people running it had to fuck each other?

>Many are former co-workers from quantitative trading firm Jane Street, others he met at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his alma mater. All 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other. That includes Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, whose firm played a central role in the company's collapse – and who, at times, has dated Bankman-Fried, according to people familiar with the matter.


>> No.52366619

All you autistic retards in here didn't think of the normie factor

>> No.52366648

I would lick the back of her greasy ear

>> No.52366674
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Imagine the smell

>> No.52366724

incel woman
incel man
attractive people wouldn't do this disgusting shit

also, his parents are Law School Profs. speaks a lot about law

>> No.52366736

> incel woman
Not a thing

>> No.52366739
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how in the fuck could you be actual fucking billionares and not get some hot people in your wild sex dodecagon? Dan Blizeran was only a measly millionaire and he was always surrounded by hot whores.

>> No.52366748

I thought intelligent people are above average in looks?

>> No.52366751

He will get away with this because in 1-2 years people will only remember the orgies.

>> No.52366780

>I thought intelligent people are above average in looks?

never trust ugly people

>> No.52367262
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>> No.52367329

No jury will believe a billionaire would have sex with Caroline. He's going to win in court.

>> No.52367362

why do they never mention they are all jews

>> No.52367386
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>> No.52367413

Oi vei

>> No.52367426



>> No.52367461


Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.52367464
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>> No.52367467

her ass must be off the charts

>> No.52367481

after some considerations, I came to the conclusion that I'd probably fuck her ass anyway

>> No.52367503

those ai art sites are becoming very aware, shut it down

>> No.52367522

Imagine her getting fucked in all her holes, then bukkaked as she swallows several cumshots at once. It most likely actually happened.

>> No.52367537

When people are too intelligent or too ugly it becomes counter-productive. 130 IQ is probably the sweet spot for success. People above that are commonly not well-adjusted enough to actually function properly in society.

>> No.52367565

>The worlds second largest crypto currency exchange
Never heard of FTX until a few days ago, how can they be the worlds second largest exchange?

>> No.52367583


>> No.52367892
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>> No.52367913


So what if they have Jewish backgrounds? How is that in any way relevant?

>> No.52367990

>the very existence of jews causes goyim to lose money

>> No.52368001
File: 8 KB, 232x217, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what if they have Jewish backgrounds? How is that in any way relevant?

>> No.52368008

>those hands

>> No.52368048

Let me guess, your IQ is above 130 and you've used that fact as pretext to why you're unsuccessful.

>> No.52368082

FTX was made by the jews so crypto gets regulated. Jews fear crypto

>> No.52368114

Jesus these people are ugly. I should really be doing more with my life, if these ugly losers can make it I should be killing it

>> No.52368122

*jewish woman
*jewish man

>> No.52368124



>> No.52368185
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Lmao the normies on yahoo news are savage

>> No.52368217
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>> No.52368224

Dude I thought this was a joke. That's yhwh or whatever right? You telling me I've been getting scammed on an anonymous racist board this whole time??? I'm fucking PISSED

>> No.52368249
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>> No.52368281 [DELETED] 

I think there's a Simpson's paradox thing going on where looks are positively correlated with intelligence in any one ethnic group, but Jews are messing up the total population correlation by being being having high IQs and looking like the OP image

>> No.52368310


>> No.52368367

she kinda cute, guys. wouldnt mind seeing her pussy

>> No.52368396
File: 90 KB, 1920x1280, Simpson's_paradox_continuous.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a Simpson's paradox thing going on where looks are positively correlated with intelligence in any one ethnic group, but Jews are messing up the total population correlation by having high IQs and looking like the OP image

>> No.52368432

Nah, mine is 136 and I'm pretty successful bro.
I'm talking about the 160 IQ type people.

You know like that guy who made the headlines a few years ago, he was the "smartest tested person in the world" and was a neckbeard loser living with his parents.

>> No.52368457
File: 254 KB, 1168x1729, 883141DA-B283-44F0-B9E5-6C5756DB59F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this poor girl is getting torn up both figuratively and literally

>> No.52368462
File: 24 KB, 533x483, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also Trabucco who's a fat gay

>> No.52368494

>smartest tested person in the world" and was a neckbeard loser living with his parents.
I guess when you’re smart enough to understand the entire world you realize it’s not even worth participating in

>> No.52368519
File: 76 KB, 887x1097, 1654044215584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do ugly bitches like her turn me on so fucking much bros

>> No.52368606

W-wait, isn't that literally that one tripfag girl who used to post here a lot? The anti-pagan Judeo-Christian one?

>> No.52368623

My accountant is a Jew and he does a better job then every single spic, nigger, chink and wop that i've ever used.

>> No.52368645

jews are disgustingly ugly

>> No.52368672

because your standards are low, because you know you have 0 chance with anyone hotter. lmao@urlife

>> No.52368704

there are good jews, but when jews go bad you get this shitshow in op

>> No.52368717
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2480, Screenshot_20221111-213652_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52368741

Nice projection DXzLSkAs, but I'm married to a 7/10 cutie. However when I see a mole looking girl like >>52368457 and know she was taking 10 cocks at a time in the orgies... I don't know. It gets me FERAL.

>> No.52368758
File: 698 KB, 2048x2048, 095593C1-32A8-4511-9905-AA81FE5066D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being forced at gunpoint to fuck these three meth hounds

>> No.52368778

I'm a Nazi but my Jewish doctor hooks me up with the best meth

>> No.52368807

>Is "racist" but jumps to defend Jews anytime anything vaguely antisemitic is posted

Fuck off

>> No.52368988

The guy is handsome, a jewish Brad but he's fat

>> No.52369015

160 IQ people are exclusively autistic mathematicians. You’re literally hitting the ceiling of IQ tests with that score

>> No.52369058

Yeah it is. We've been scammed bro, every other post on this board is a bot or rajeesh

>> No.52369165
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>> No.52369254

Dan is moderately attractive. Even hookers have standards and wont fuck creatures like sbf.

>> No.52369274

Sex outside of wedlock is once again proved to be evil

>> No.52369277

Imagine being a billionaire and fucking this frumpy normal looking 5/10 chick.

>> No.52369308

>jooz ID

>> No.52369331

Tell that to my aunt who lived the last 30 years with her cats. Stereotypes exist for a reason

>> No.52369352

Bro, it’s 2022. Being a billionaire is no longer good enough to get anything over 4 or 5. You need to also have a 12 inch cock and be sculptured by the gods themselves if you even want a chance at a 6 or 7. Don’t even get me started at 9’s and 10’s.

>> No.52369567

get me off this fuckin ride

>> No.52369628

>le hand rubbing id

with joOZ, you LOSE

>> No.52369689
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>> No.52369699

true ghouls lmfao

>> No.52369721

how desperate must one be to fuck that

>> No.52369895

130-145 is true hell in IQ. You'll be too redpilled in life but powerless because you're too schizo and too lonely to do networking to climb your way up, which you probably won't even care to do since you want to do things your own way and u you wouldn't want to compromise your values... You'll rage internally seeing how 90-110 retards outperform you your whole life in college, in work, in romantic relationships, etc. Above 145 you see humans are too retarded, even the 130 IQlets, you accept it and move on, adapt, hide your genius and play the game of life

>> No.52370812
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>> No.52370874
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>> No.52370990
File: 129 KB, 800x609, 1640175353577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call it true, call it truuuuuueeeeee loooooovvvveeeeee

>> No.52371056

>joOZ id
based 4chins AI saves the day again

>> No.52371092

I would love to beat that ugly gremlin to death

>> No.52371162


>> No.52371164
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>> No.52371203

This, dont fall too hard for this sex cult angle, it's a distraction from the real shit that matters and how it was Jewish mafia

>> No.52371253


Anon, I....

>> No.52371271

I don't even know why but the thought of her getting fucked in all holes in a massive orgy turns me on so badly. My brain is really broken.

>> No.52371306

he got fat fast
surprisingly makes him look a lot better like a real ugly person, not an uncanny valley caricature of a person
i get why he is smiling ear to ear tho

>> No.52371312

Why do non Khazar Jews have fridge bodies?

>> No.52371317

how is that girl on the left a CEO of anything and gambling away people's money?

>> No.52371350

Femcels are completely real

>> No.52371432

absolute head in the sand tier brainlet

>> No.52371437

I sometimes feel bad for kikes. Maybe I would be spiteful too if I was stuck in one of those disgusting bodies. They’re a mockery of what a human being should look like. Poor creatures.

>> No.52371474

He's a jewish 10 (aka a 2 with money)

>> No.52371543

Polycule is a massive top signal honestly, people only have themselves to blame.

>> No.52371657

Why do Jews hate being exposed as joOZ?