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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52363579 No.52363579 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 30
Have accomplished literally nothing in life

>> No.52363611

You've still got 10 more years that are worth a shit. Start working 7 days a week to make something happen. Speed, speed, speed.

>> No.52363625

Hey you reached 30 without achieving anything. That in itself is an achievement. You really had to try hard not to have done anything with your life for 30 years

>> No.52363629

I'm 30, I've never had a job or a girlfriend, and my hair is falling out. The west has fallen.

>> No.52363637
File: 92 KB, 632x900, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a businessman my age on television and felt FOMO to the highest level
I sit around doing fuck all every single day meanwhile some faggots are running around wearing business suits and making bank
It just isn't fair bros

>> No.52363647

Don't worry I turned 31 today with 16k in debt and i'm a wagie working a job ill probably lose in the upcoming depression. It could always be worse.

>> No.52363652

Same. When the end comes just concentrate on the good times and the enjoyable moments. That's really all that matters in life. Death is painful and embarrassing for everyone no matter of their accomplishments.

>> No.52363688

Life begins at 60 bro, don worry

>> No.52363710

Reminder that Sam Bankman Fried is also 30 and has a net worth of negative eight billion dollars.

>> No.52363754

I am 22 years old, 6’0”, making $210,000 USD/year (Florida), married my high school sweetheart (took her virginity, she’s only been with me), no debt, $350,000 USD in my investment account, and own a house.

>> No.52363796

Turning 30 in 3 months. Working a MCdonald-like wagie job and have 800$ in my CC. Feels good.

>> No.52363822

I'm not even upset or anything but since this is 4chan I'm assuming that you're full of shit
What do you do?

>> No.52363823

Welcome home

>> No.52363860

I've tried alot, tho
>Tried to start 2 companies, both failed
>Tried investing, went alright, but never got really rich
>Tried to get a gf, but I'm short

Now it feels like life is over, I wasted my chance

>> No.52363999

Most people accomplish nothing at all in life.
Many people accomplish things and have better social status later in life. What's important is being healthy and having learn lots of skills in your early life so you can create opportunities for yourself. Having a decent social circle also helps.

>> No.52364349
File: 384 KB, 194x198, ayyyyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amateur. I'm literally the biggest loser I know. Guinees book grade.
Go back.
>need to be 50 to post here

>> No.52364382

"accomplishments" are a spook, this world doesn't matter
if you believe in the tawheed of allah you will go to paradise, if not then you go to hell
it's that simple

>> No.52364406
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x4032, 141020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Just got diagnosed with ADHD at 29 and given legal meth. This is my last line of defense at accomplishing anything, or I rope.
Nice man. No salt on my end, just genuinely curious what the fuck you'd be doing on this board. I can't imagine spending a single second here after normifying myself and making it

>> No.52364499

Congratulations, you're just like the 99% of humanity

>> No.52364587

You've done more than 80% of people. Everyone just works 9-5, at least you tried escaping the matrix. Now just slip back into society you fat gay faggot.

>> No.52364780

This actually made me feel better thanks anon

>> No.52365084

don't worry, it wouldn't have mattered if you achieved anything anyway.

>> No.52365327

Kys normalfag

>> No.52366438
File: 99 KB, 320x352, Screenshot 2022-03-22 at 18.19.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I just turned 10
Have accomplished literally nothing in life compared to the 1-9 year old

> I just turned 20
Have accomplished literally nothing in life compared to the 10-19 year old

> I just turned 30
Have accomplished literally nothing in life compared to the 20-29 year old

> I just turned 40
Have accomplished literally nothing in life compared to the 30-39 year old

Go focus on yourself & destroy these clock loops of bs, end bad habits or you'll say the same loser shit at 40 !

>> No.52366455

does paying off a car count as an accomplishment

>> No.52366477

jesus man hahaha

>> No.52366506

I’m 28. I wish I could just snap my fingers and disappear. Just remove myself from history. I can’t imagine possibly being alive for another 60 years.

>> No.52366516

I did that too so not anymore.

>> No.52366524

That's pretty impressive. But I am 18 making $3,000,000 a month and married 6 virigns. I have $309,000,000 in an investment account