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52359218 No.52359218 [Reply] [Original]

All jokes aside, why is she so ugly? Does she have a genetic disorder?

>> No.52359245

It's the god's curse to the ((tribe))

>> No.52359269

She’s a disgusting little Jew fucking rat. I can’t believe how fast that video of her saying she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s actually doing came to light after going unmentioned for so long.

>> No.52359281

God's chosen.

>> No.52359290

Millenias of inbreeding. The sooner we’re rid of them the better

>> No.52359291

Shut up you all, I want to protect that smile.

>> No.52359295

Millennia is already plural

>> No.52359299
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>a genetic disorder
she's jewish OP.
it appears in the face. even minor things like being a fag appear in the face. pedo appears.
imagine what she has done and what she believes in. people look evil for a reason

>> No.52359312
File: 29 KB, 416x416, 897EC88A-0CD3-429F-9EF3-3F3D6053EF2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to protect this

>> No.52359313

She’s cute but will get jail time

>> No.52359316

Maybe I mean to be more plural than plural to emphasize their degeneracy

>> No.52359317

What video? I need to see it

>> No.52359327

same vid diff thread

>> No.52359328


>> No.52359330

She's ugly as fuck but it's not her fault, she has bad genes she didn't choose. It's sad to think these are the most beautiful and fertile years of her life, though. Imagine that, she'll be 35 someday and will look even worse (more fat and old) and she'll recall her prime years in sadness, probably watching a photo of herself in her youth. But that's ok, at least she focused on her career to cope, the same way a manlet tries to compensate by hitting the gym

>> No.52359348

I want to gouge the goblin on the right’s eyes out, i feel disgust from just looking at him

>> No.52359353
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>> No.52359384

god bros she's actually repulsive

>> No.52359405

Watched the entire interview yesterday. The cringeiest is a part where she explains what EV is. The interviewers are morons

>> No.52359431
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Imagine role-playing as CZ and fucking her.
>Please CZ pump me full with your liquidity before I go insolvent please hurry

>> No.52359447

1. Cut, wash, condition, and straighten hair - $50
2. Eyebrow pluck - $20
3. Eye fold surgery - $3,000
4. Contact lenses - $10
5. Nose job - difficult to estimate for her but call it $10,000
6. Lip filler surgery - again difficult to estimate but call it $1,000
7. Teeth whitening and orthodontics - $5,000
8. New skin care regime - $250
9. Make up $100
10. New clothing - she actually has a nice figure so I'd go with some tight-fitting office clothes - $500

I could fix her shit for under $10k, plus another $15k-$20k for breast implants, butt lift and labiaplasty. Call it $30k all in to fix her. Why did she never do this if she knew she was going to lose everything at some point?

>> No.52359461

Where's "the chipmunk"

>> No.52359465

If you really think you could fix her for 30k then you must be completely delusional
There's no amount of surgery in the world to fix that ugly mug

>> No.52359481

she is an autist just like SBF

>> No.52359498

No, hear her speak
She's just ugly and a stupid normie underneath

>> No.52359503

would recommend some form of jaw surgery too

>> No.52359504
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>Due to their historical endogamy over the centuries, today's 10 million Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry to members of a population of only 350 individuals who lived about 600–800 years ago.

>Endogamy is the practice of marrying within a specific social group, religious denomination, caste, or ethnic group, rejecting those from others as unsuitable for marriage or other close personal relationships.

>> No.52359512
File: 28 KB, 600x427, best-plastic-surgery-clinics-in-seoul-korea-689405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's (((white))) it wouldn't even be that difficult to fix

>> No.52359519

this. Physiognomy is real, no matter what authorities are telling you

>> No.52359522
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>> No.52359528

>just turn her into another person bro works everytime

>> No.52359554
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>> No.52359561
File: 42 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is she so ugly

>> No.52359578

she isn’t though…

>> No.52359586


>> No.52359593

how are the other female prisoners going to take advantage of her?

>> No.52359646

I think she's cute so fuck you

>> No.52360170
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It's a genetic disorder called being a jew.

>> No.52360186
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>> No.52360196
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>> No.52360215
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>> No.52360227
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>> No.52360245
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>> No.52360255
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>> No.52360264

Sure are a lot of salty marks in here.

>> No.52360269
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>> No.52360283
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>> No.52360305
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>> No.52360312
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>> No.52360321

She'll be doing that from a prison cell

>> No.52360324
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