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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52359137 No.52359137 [Reply] [Original]

now that shitcoins are cleared off the market it’s time for fundamentals

>> No.52359144

more shitcoins, really? REALLY?

>> No.52359171

Its holding up pretty well

>> No.52359203

right, but its not the time to buy just yet.

also how is Oasis covered on legal side of things? will they survive coming regulations?

>> No.52359366

it’s fully GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA compliant by design, it has roots and fundings from DARPA

>> No.52359401

Lol, lmao even

>> No.52359422

I mean oasis is partnered with Vietnam government, bmw, meta and F500 healthcare company
legality has to be a top priority for them
shut up

>> No.52359434

Time to stop talking about ROSE

>> No.52359454

why? now is excellent time to talk about blockchains that have actual real world value and are solid investment in a market that’s at turmoil

>> No.52359466
File: 5 KB, 225x224, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a fuck about gdpr?
i mean will this fine reptiloid tear rose holders a new one by denying murricans from "investing" in it

>> No.52359540
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i hold 200k of the token and i plan on doubling my stack very soon

>> No.52359585

dude, oasis network just partnered with fucking EQUIFAX BECAUSE THEY GOT SUED
loosen your folio hat

>> No.52359623

based and rosepilled. I have a 25k stacklet, 70k is my real target right now.

>> No.52359730

Dude don’t forget equifax that is a huge fucking deal there is no bigger real world use of crypto in history at this point.

>> No.52359794
File: 128 KB, 1200x825, meta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good thing?

>> No.52360356

The covalent partnership is a pretty big deal too.

>> No.52360434
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btw rose dumped because of sbf in January
FTX listed ROSE, shorted it hard and longed SCRT

>> No.52360482

Wtf niggers. So you're saying the reason I missed the bullrun wass because those fucking likes shorted every single crypto I liked into the dirt??

>> No.52360494

Yes, companies recognition of the importance of privacy is going to be vital for their future. They already have massive issues with trust from the public, and especially Meta when it comes to the younger generation. So the rebrand and the focus on privacy (even if it was in a survey, but from that you can probably assume that it was a trial run, and see what more can be done.) will help assuage the fears for one, and in regards to the earning yield on ones own data, get people to actively use it more so that they can get some money. Now granted, how much money you can get is probably not a lot, but would you rather get paid to sell your data in a completely privacy pre-serving way, or just have it be sold for free? Doubt anyone would pick the latter.

>> No.52360509

And now they're (those fuckers) are dying.

>> No.52362017

I’m bump the thread
fuck short term moves

>> No.52362172

Scrt is good to long, also most of the tokens in the cosmos ecosystem are also a good long

>> No.52362245

The motherfucker has broken the support, looking out to short, I wish this coin is on Takepile dex, I would have longed it

>> No.52362299

brown hands typed this post

>> No.52362759

Based. Privacy is inevitable and will get some big showing when regulations come through

>> No.52363007

No, it's a blue hand, aren't you aware of the perpdex?
It's the first and best on fantom

>> No.52363862

is 1 $ the most i can realistically expect?

>> No.52364047

shib is still worth 5 billion dollars. we arent anywhere near the bottom

>> No.52364069

Even that would be at peak bull mania in a few years. You can get better gains with most mainstream coins.

>> No.52364113

>$6 billion marketcap at peak bull mania
Every other L1 blockchain reached valuations in the tens of billions, many at $100 billion FDV (which is $10 ROSE). You're being ridiculous.

>> No.52364329

ah yes , shill me your matic and other gems Parvinder

>> No.52364478

I have evmos and a few others, any better option?

>> No.52364508


sir tell me your gem sir

>> No.52364533 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 794x1280, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, anon. Rose to the moon.

Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. It's our assumption that many former ETH miners may come to our network as we expand.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52364656

Getting atom, loop & juno will be a good idea
Which gem are you looking for?

>> No.52364687

fucking mumbai sewer dwellers

>> No.52364752

Yeah maybe after it drops another 50% due to the crypto market shitting itself.

>> No.52364839

Yes loop and juno very good ser, bring big pumps just like my dick inside of your pajeetess mother.

>> No.52364913
File: 47 KB, 755x617, 1666624354294144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks rosie is not in the wipeout list
Short the shit out of Rose, Vinu, Doge, whatever other coins you have. At the end only Eth and Btc will remain.

>> No.52364988

I'll buy it at 2 cents next year and become a top 100 holder.

>> No.52365805

3 cents is vc shit seed price

>> No.52366189

Only jeets like you pump coins, when you invest in a project with massive utilities, you really don't need to pump it, it'll pump by itself
Go and DYOR about it anon

>> No.52366211

You fucking benchod basterd, fuck you.

>> No.52366483

If its about privacy, sign me up.

>> No.52366513

So what happens when staking rewards end?

Nodes start paying stake rewards (requiring transaction volume to generate fees)?

What are the implications of them not paying stakers and what are the implications of a shit adoption rate for transaction volume?

>> No.52366534

Are these partnerships of any help, newcomer question.

>> No.52366665

I invested in XMR Monero in 2014 when they only had a CLI wallet. That excited and jittery feeling I had with Monero I now also feel with ROSE.

ROSE is more business oriented so amazing growth potential. Privacy is and will be key.

>> No.52366756

The network at that point should be robust enough that the fees made from transactions alone should incentivise the node operators to continue securing the network. What it entails for non node operators, well your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.52366801

It can go lower than that.

>> No.52366895

Answering such a low IQ incel is a total waste of time. Blockchain projects are unironically the foundation for crypto adoption, especially projects that are breaking the barrier to entering the tech.

>> No.52366906

I highly doubt we haven't reached the bottom yet. The only thing that can send ROSE below 2c is nothing short from a third world war, and at that point you shouldn't be buying crypto in the first place.

>> No.52366984

Why? now is the time to preach privacy 100%, security is what we need right now.

>> No.52367089

well it can go lower than 3 due to token inflation and unlocks.

>> No.52367297

Yup, chainlink and Rose are the ones to buy

>> No.52367318

Everyone is sleeping on meta materials. Have a look at them

>> No.52367379

all proof of stake chains collapsed one way or another

currently holding on to kda but i think that will go to shit as well.

in money world, most people have no soul or ethics. invest wisely. use ur brain.

if u lack research skills, then become tradesman

>> No.52367430

Delete this

>> No.52368884

It could, but it can also go up a lot more as more and more institutions are looking for privacy compliant solutions.

>> No.52368937

my iq dropped reading this

>> No.52369919

Buying LINK in 2022,NGMI.

>> No.52371643

someone give me the qrd on this coin. aren't the tokenomics really shit or something?