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52355290 No.52355290 [Reply] [Original]

Are we living in the most difficult time in human history to become successful and make something out of yourself? It seems overpopulation and globalism has made it pretty much impossible for anyone in the first world to live anything but a life of pure misery. I honestly think peasants in medieval europe had it better than us. There's no opportunity, no growth, no hope, nothing. Just gambling on crypto and hoping you make it some day. How can human civilization survive like this?

>> No.52355335

There was no time line. You were born in the after party. The beer was there but it was flat. The girls were there but most were passed out. Coke was already gone.

You were the fat girl they called at 2am when the primaries passed out or left and you mistook it for the real party.

Welcome to the long night

>> No.52355367

I've made 30x in crypto and still literally can't afford a house, a wife and a dog, even while still minimum waging. Shit that men 50 years ago could just automatically afford with a factory job out of high school. At this point, I'm ready to just take the tedpill, go fuck off in the woods and the rest of society had better hope they never find me. I am 30x better off than 99% of americans and still can't afford the bare minimum that would make my life worth living. Society is a fucking sick grift and I can't wait for it to implode.

>> No.52355396

>Are we living in the most difficult time in human history to become successful and make something out of yourself?

18 year old girls are literally making millions and buying houses by selling feet pics and their farts in milk cartons on onlyfans

>> No.52355397

>I am 30x better off than 99% of americans
So how are they surviving if it's so bad? You don't hear about people mass starving in the streets.

>> No.52355431

Welfare. Depending where you live it's literally better not to work and pump out kids than work a wagie factory job.

>> No.52355461

A lot of people on biz are in the same boat, I have a good income, big net worth for my age, middle class family, and I can't afford liveable housing or healthcare.
They're getting laid and their emotional needs are being met, so they don't care how bad their situation is

>> No.52355497
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This is the best time to he alive retard.

>readily availabe clean water and medicine so your retard ass can be alive
>unstable public markets and political climate with tons of holes and niches ready for anyone to explore
>8 billion gullible, exploitable retards like OP

If you can’t make money in this era and live a nice life it’s entirely your fault you below average IQ subhuman.

>> No.52355519

I bought mushrooms edibles on the internet and made $4000 this week clicking on lines (stocks, crypto ponzi scam is retarded). I'm going to a concert to see one of my favorite bands next week with my best friend and I had some dope hibachi for dinner.

Women are trash, most people are retarded and act like garbage but these aren't new phenomenon. The only new phenomenon are cia glow nigger propaganda and Jewish pharmaceutical drugs brainwashing the population but if you avoid these things (demoralizing whores, blue pilled retards and jews/glowniggers/the government) life can be pretty cozy. The jews brainwash you into thinking you need millions of dollars, designer shit and to consoom and finance yourself into debt slavery to be happy.. these things are true. Good luck fren

>> No.52355542

Unless you live somewhere special like Finland.

If you're down on your luck the'll give you a home and oppurtunities to turn your life around and you won't have to pay it back until you are self-sustaining.

and don't give me shit about poverty. They have an amazing community that provides what is necessary and within their abilities to provide to their community. It really doesn't take a whole lot to be entertained now, a shittonne has been produced and you're all just spoilt shits.

>> No.52355543

>woooo is meee whaaaa whaaaaa!1!1!1!

Can you man the fuck up please? I literally work 6days a week and only get a few hours of rest on Sunday and you don’t hear me complaining. You think everything is going to shit because you’re sitting there in the dark crying like a child. Put your hands to fucking work boy. I literally work construction for my 6days and I’m so tired I pass out when I get home. Eat, sleep and repeat. It’s actually comforting and I don’t mind it at all. That’s just life and part of growing up. Maybe try acting like an adult for once. Work hard and good things will happened. Literally almost have enough for a 50% down payment on a home and currently 34. Doing it safe and without gambling everything in crypto.

tldr, grow the fuck up?

>> No.52355582
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and you faggots are from the remnants of the first world

you have no idea how impossibly depressing things are in countries that were already unsalvageable shitholes

>> No.52355590

Nah, there's a lot out there. The problem is that it requires hard work to get there. I'm talking software engineering. Hard work getting there, then it's smooth sailing. I'm working like 10 hours a week making 160k. Just killing it now.

>> No.52355600

Let me guess, you didn't go to uni, spend your early twenties in low income jobs/playing vydia and you now in your late twenties you're discovering you're a no degree loser that still no one wants to date because you still live with your mom and aren't going anywhere.

t. Six figure software engineer Chad

>> No.52355619

Sounds like wagie cope. Imagine not thinking our system is broken and not simply exploiting it for your advantage.

I respect the people with 7 kids on food stamps more than you desu. They have a roof over their heads, fed and are relatively happy all on your dime while you continue to work yourself to death in order to appease your own morals.

Should have just joined the army if you wanted to go full retard tier since at least you're covered for life and get a bunch of cheap shit. Instead you took the idiots way out blinded by your pride.

>> No.52355637

You are both culpable to the pain of others and a complete dumbass.

you are completely aware of your participation in your own suffering yet continue to do so.

and why? because of the threat of being poor? you're already poor.

and you'te sacrificing your time for the riches of paper rather than the riches of family and friends. Your life is a waste.

>> No.52356772
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Let's just say that if you want to make it, you can make it. It's not that hard, but you need to be able to understand the oportunity when you see it. You all have seen ZooDAO and what it has to offer right? What are you doing that you aren't investing your cock and balls on it

>> No.52356796

>Shit that men 50 years ago could just automatically afford with a factory job out of high school.

His relatives went through wars, you haven't

>> No.52356823

You are a retarded obese faggot neet, it has never been easier. People are getting filthy rich gambling magic internet money, you have endless resources to study and improve online in almost any field. You should have been born 100 years ago when even eating meat was considered high life and only for the successful. But we are living in the worst time if you want a marriage

>> No.52357024

let's just ignore how you now have every single item you want and any knowledge you want at your fingertips and you don't need to leave your house to get most things done
overall it's not better or worse than previous generations because that balances the bad things out

>> No.52357038

The fact that it's almost impossible to afford a place to live big enough to raise kids in is unprecedented. We had higher living standards in the dark ages.

>> No.52357066

>Are we living in the most difficult time in human history to become successful and make something out of yourself?
stopped reading there. dude, BTC is down like 5-6k - you can buy that shit now and it absolutely WILL moon in the next 5 years. you can invest in blue chip artwork for a 20. you can buy some idiots onlyfans and have them make you a private video that you can sell in the future. the biggest affordable stocks in human history are now affordable to even the lower class. i'm not reading the rest of your pessimist post bro, because i already know you know we're all gonna fuckin make it

>> No.52357069

Kids becoming millionaires by trading crypto in their. Mom's basement

Kids making good money trading stocks without having to leave home

Women becoming milionares by selling their bath water to incels and doing streams playing video games.

This is the easiest timeline to make money, you are just a lazy, low IQ retard

>> No.52357099
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materialism is a rat race, just take the buddhapill

>> No.52357109

Fuck no, Europeans have lived like complete niggers for hundreds of years with no chance of improving their lot in life. The fact the we have the internet, even though its kiked and pozzed beyond belief, sets us miles ahead of any other generation

>> No.52357115

fuckin based anon, I drink to this

>> No.52357118
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Life is what you make it. Go out there and live a good one fren!

>> No.52357137

what's the point if it's impossible to find a good, loving gf who wants to have kids?

>> No.52357140

They are literally on the verge of bankruptcy. Normies have so overextended themselves that anyone not willing to do so is utterly fucked.

>> No.52357176

Hearing my coworkers talk about "waiting for payday" (because they literally have $0), overdraft fees, various loans and things they are paying for while they hop in their $60,000 car after work really puts into perspective how kiked this economy is

>can't wait for my Christmas bonus I'm gonna buy _____

>> No.52357188

>Durr hurr I love wage slaving for smarter men
I hate wagies.

>> No.52357206
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Yeah, that's me. You just made me feel really bad. This comment hit me when I was feeling particularly insecure about it. Well done man

>> No.52357208

>good, loving gf
don't think those ever existed
women only love you if you provide for them, so make more money i guess

>> No.52357217

This anon is right though. You guys wanna know where to look right now? Oil. Fucking OIL. There is a huge structural deficit in the oil markets. Right now I’m riding a play MMTLP for an oil field that was being explored with 3.2B barrels estimated and it was being shorted to death before it merged with another company who wanted their NASDAQ ticker. The oil rights became a preferred share with ticker MMTLP. It is about to go private on the way to an acquisition, but it may squeeze huge if all the shorts have to cover quickly before it goes private. There were huge shorts on it when it merged and they never covered most likely. If you can buy this at a broker you have, it’s already run from like $1 to $7 but this thing is worth $75-$100+ and might actually have a GME style squeeze happening too. I had been refraining from talking about it here because I figured I’d just get shown the door for not being crypto but seriously look into it guys DYOR but hurry cause it’s probably happening soon. Seriously guys go cram your research like it’s for a final on this one and you’ll see it’s got fucking legs. The two main insiders have not sold a single bag through all the ups and downs, they really know there is a shitload of fucking oil there. This planet is ADDICTED to oil. What better way to stick it to normies (who hate oil even though they need it) than invest in oil? If you don’t want a long shot then buy oil ETFs or stocks or even futures. The US shale fields are rolling over and this shit is the lifeblood of the world with not enough going around. Don’t take my word for it. Start researching oil guys seriously.

>> No.52357249

I sat in an outback bar the other day and listened to a manager tell a bar back he was planning on buying his FIFTH car as a two seater “just for him”. He had a wife and multiple kids. Imagine being a fucking outback manager and behaving like this (this is in very expensive Las Vegas no less).

Don’t feel bad if you aren’t doing this guys, people who focus on solvency will make it out alive when all the normies go bankrupt en masse.

>> No.52357250

more like the easiest

>> No.52357312

Bro your mmtlp schizo rant is out of nowhere. Why don't you hang out in the stock market general and talk all your skizo rant in there all day. Why are you desperate for exit liquidity?

>> No.52357350

I can be your sole provider of farts. Write ur address. But you must pay for cans, beans, logistics and my tiny modest margin

>> No.52357369

That is grim.

>> No.52357383

>so your retard ass can be alive
And how I'd this a good thing, Down?

>> No.52357384

Go look at the chart, the thing has exploded upwards on dips repeatedly, it has a tiny turnover rate, I could exit my entire bags right now I don’t need your liquidity. Hell the brokers called me begging to borrow shares. Sad that so many people on this place will refuse to even consider other options. I love crypto but the world doesn’t need or want shitcoins right now, it needs OIL. Hell buy fucking futures or ETFs then but I’m telling you OIL is a huge issue. I’d tell you to buy a shitcoin backed with oil but there aren’t any. Don’t trust me, do your own research. If you hate it all then fine ignore it but when oil continues higher don’t act surprised.

>> No.52357391

Are you epicly retarded. Do you even know how people lived for majority of human history? You are basically comparing everything to the small 30 year post-war period after the 1940s. People made it big in stagnant hiearchial civilizations, yet you are here whining. Are you even useful to humanity that you warant having success. Unlikely.

>> No.52357394

Combat vets aren't doing too hot nowadays

>> No.52357400

>you don’t hear me complaining
Kek. Slave is not even allowed to complain

>> No.52357406
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>Just gambling on crypto
>peasants in medieval europe had it better than us
You're just retarded.

>> No.52357420

its hard because you usually need a lot of money to do anything. its mostly about regulation though, sure some has to do with safety and exploitation but the gilded age tycoons didnt have much regulatory concerns and they became filthy rich. imagine making $1million+ per year when the average worker made $500-1000 per year.

>> No.52357435

>go to /biz/
>catalog is full of retarded frog threads
kys diaper boy

>> No.52357490

Newfaggot go back to plebit. There is a commodities general and a stock market general with "oil chads" bragging their gains when oil pumps and all the oilfagging that you can jack off to.

But anyway, your oil drilling shit stock has fucking ripped from one buck to 7 buck already. Why am I buying your pre-ripped bags? There is no news on this shitstock. Why should I buy this shit?I love a gamble. Tell me why I should rip a few g on this shit stock. Sell me this shit. Why didn't you say this shit to me when it was 1 buck.

This company is 80m in debt and has 60m cash. But the revenue exploded 400% yoy and i have no idea why. there is no other financials data.

>> No.52357514

Retard. The government was tiny back then. Now it's so huge that we simply cannot afford it as a society, so we are all getting poorer

>> No.52357591

are these all zoomers? non whites?
this was literally the easiest timeline. a guy in my friend circle (high iq white guy) told all of us about bitcoin in 2011. literally all you had to do was buy it

>> No.52357839

Yes. Most corporations, billionaries buy up every good idea there is. Either to destroy competition or just to sell shit for more profits.

>> No.52357990

>ablooo bloo I spent my life behind a screen wanking and playing Skinner box games

>Why is everything so horrible

Answered your own question

>> No.52358008

Yea gambling in crypto is cool. What are you buying?

>> No.52358015

Working minimum wage and being a skinny fat spotty dyel doesn't get you a family

>> No.52358344


>> No.52358402

Same here, I earn a good living compared to many people, but 80% of what I earn goes to taxes and rent (in a small and shitty apartment, because a decent middle-class flat costs almost 1 million euros here, a house is several million euros) and I’m miserable anyway

>> No.52358450

All you need is a useful skill or specialist knowledge to make it. If you instead wasted your 20s on playing vidya then I hate to break it to you OP but it’s your fault that you’re broke

>> No.52358507

paras maa

>> No.52358529

> living in the most difficult time in human history to become successful
It seemed like that to every young generation ever in the history of mankind.

>> No.52358621
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There are many assets to purchase, and the good news is that the prices of the assets are low. I'm getting xpress prior to the release of the bank metaverse. I think this will acquire popularity.

>> No.52358759


Noooo le heckin special coins are worthless like everyone said the whole time nooo this is the most difficult time in history nooooo. Just get a job and invest in stocks or start a business retard

>> No.52358949

Bank metaverse is cool

>> No.52358994

It will take some time because there is a long way to go. To create such, a good budget is also required. The metaverse continues to be a challenge.

>> No.52359159

Third world hasn't been totally strip mined of normal human culture (yet).