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52354364 No.52354364 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the point of accumulating wealth if you can’t find a qt to live life with?
>inb4 just do things in your own
It literally feels pointless to do outside things on your own and I’d rather stay home and play vidya
Also how much BTC does it take now to get a qt like pic related?

>> No.52354396

she's not for sale anon, she'll never want your money or affection when she can get both from hordes of men online

>> No.52354425

If this chick isn't a tranny then she's ugly as fuck and so thin that my god she must look horrendous naked bent over with her bony ass....

...if she IS a tranny then goddamn that is a hot one.

>> No.52354428

The wealth is supposed to make it far easier for you to work on yourself anon, since you can access the most time and the best resources necessary to do so

Stop being a whiner and get on with it, if you’re going to be a rich whiner you should just donate all your money

>> No.52354474

>work on yourself
What do you mean? Like working out and buying new clothes? Doing that for women feels weak

>> No.52354476

You just got to trust you will find her. That way when you do, you already in a good position to go on nice dates, and support your future family.

>Also how much BTC does it take now to get a qt like pic related?
attracting women with how much money you have probably isnt a good idea. If she just wants to be with you without knowing your worth, then the relationship is far more genuine and likely to last.

>> No.52354481

>Wash my life is pointless without a woman
I hate feminized men so much, almost as much as I hate women.

>> No.52354502

well said.

like having fun hobbies, building friendships, social skills, yes dressing well, have a gym membership or home gym etc

>> No.52354543

Yes but would a qt like that date a homeless guy based on his personality? Probably now. So the opposite is true as well. Having more money only helps attract

>> No.52354547
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Remember you idiot the amount of wealthy, sexually desirable men at the top of society's social hierarchy is soo low compared to the endless hordes of fresh new young pussy that are literally bred into existence every single year by those same limited number of men at the top of the hierarchy.

Meanwhile a 5/10 has access to 1000000x more loser men that she can filter and be picky of. All while cheating on you at the drop of a hat because of said options and all that to fuck a fat pos 5/10 ugly makeup covering, smelling vag and entitled "princess" who lays there in bed and expects you to fuck her until she cums then she goes back to scrolling through tik tok and ig while getting bombarded by the endless hordes of loser men with low status who are all desperate simps in 2022.....

Gee I wonder which route a sane, high IQ masculine straight male should take in 2022?

Chase money so you can spend all your time and energy becoming a high value male who can as a result of the limited amount of competition at the top of society will allow you to drown in 8/10 qts plus all the other fun of being rich, big house, fast cars, no more wage slavery.........

......or be a wage slave and settle for an ugly 5/10 who can't suck dick well and will cheat on you when she gets bored. Ohh and you don't just get her either. You actually have to trade that limited time you have outside of wage cucking to court her, lmao.....

.....yeah I'm getting rich or dying trying.

>> No.52354557

What is the point of an average man’s like without a woman? Millions of years of evolution says women is the only point of it all.

>> No.52354569

tbf having a woman/family is certainty at the core of mans purpose and happiness. And thus the large point of acquiring resources.

Thats not to say you cant have fun without one, but its the more trivial kind of fun.

>> No.52354589

No it means you do things to make your own life better, getting into different hobbies, passions, and yes keeping yourself in shape. That way your life actually has things going on in it

The truth is you do it for yourself, and also one day the right woman can come along and support you along the way. Being unable to accept that reality is the ultimate weakness and submission

You’re complaining about doing things for women because that’s all you’re thinking about. I’m thinking about the family I’ll one day have, so my kids don’t see me as some bore who doesn’t have any passion in his life. And to have a family you need a competent woman

>> No.52354623

>Doing that for women feels weak
Then do it for yourself. Stop being a self-pity faggot

>> No.52354694

Sure you need to dressed well, be well groomed, and drive a respectable car. Thats probably enough. Flashing millions and farraris will just make it impossible to know if she wants you, or your money.

Players flash their wealth because they are just after sluts to pump and dump, so they dont care if its genuine or not.

Money puts you in a strong position with the best chance of success.

>> No.52354695

Yea but why bother doing any of those things if you’ve never had any success with women? And when a women does come along how the fuck am I supposed to relate to her? Any normal well adjusted woman will have had a normal social life which entails running through half a dozen partners at least by age of 25, been to normie parties and clubs and enjoy the normie unjaded view of life. How the fuck can a lonely loser like myself expect to relate to her by getting a few hobbies and dress well? At the core I will always be that unwanted man. Any women to becomes intimate with me will easily see this and will be repulsed by it.

>> No.52354716

Bro they arent fucking worth it. Most chads know that a 5/10 bitch who shuts the fuck up and obeys you is better than any beautiful 10/10.

Its not a false dichotomy. A girl that grows up hot is just going to be aware that she has unlimited options and is not going to be your bitch.

>> No.52354754
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you are weak
millions of years of evolution says the point is to compete with other males for access to females, if you are unable to compete your genetic lineage gets weeded out since you are of no use to the continuation of the species

>> No.52354786

>What’s the point of accumulating wealth if you can’t find a qt
Why can't you just look for a biological woman who respects and supports you and your endeavors?

Check em.

>> No.52354805
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Retard it's unironically the opposite especially in 2022.

A 5/10 is for the first time in western history entitled bitch. 5/10's used to be the down to earth girl that will be loyal and a good mother. In 2022 shes on social media and all the dating apps and is entitled to the best men despite being garbage in every way.

Unironically a 10/10 does NOT have a larger dating pool than a 5/10 in 2022. The 5/10 has a dating pool of thousands of loser men who are lonely and will date downwards just to get their dick wet.

A 10/10 is not going to settle for loser men which make up over 80% of the male population. And of that 20% of non-loser males I'd guess 75% are old, fat men. The 10/10 only has a small pool of attractive high net worth men to choose from.

You are just wrong if you can't see this. There's ZERO point settling for a women less than a 8/10 in 2022 as a man. It's not worth the return. The hot girl will always be better sexually and ironically would make a better housewife than the bitchy 5/10 with her fake meme career and feminist world views. Bimbos and models were never and are never feminists. Remember that.

>> No.52354835

My 10/10 wont be my "bitch", she'll be my partner in crime, my bonnie, and i her clyde. We'll have each others back, lift each other up, and be fiercely loyal to each other.
If another man touched her, he'd be dead.

>> No.52354853

she looks a bit like polina

>> No.52354861

jesus christ bro get laid your virginity is showing

>> No.52354865

you have no clue

>> No.52354877
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Thats cute bro. You're going to be so fucking disappointed by women. Im sorry in advance please don't kill yourself when you come to understand the nature of women.

t. had multiple gfs for multiyear periods and fucked a double digit number of girls

>> No.52354891

>Yea but why bother doing any of those things if you’ve never had any success with women?

Simply put, I’m a man and that’s just the way it goes.

You need to structure a path to get yourself out there and break out of this self-pity hypnosis you’ve dug yourself into. It’s in every person’s nature to grow and change. Find a way. Go find answers, they won’t be on here where you consider yourself to be among good company. If you don’t have the will to do that, it isn’t your past failures that are the problem. You don’t even have an inkling of understanding yet as to why you keep fucking up and continue to fuck up. Just know that if you actually bother to do it for yourself, then things will actually change

If you’re truly not fit to do that I suggest you go find a hyper religious community to follow because that’s probably where you’re best suited if you want reproductive success. I’m not even joking

>> No.52354905

i think your corerct.
definately a lot of degen bush pigs and slags who whore it up, probably to try feel desirable, even though they just being used.
The internet has ruined women.

And yeh if the 10 wants the best, she knows shell lose him if she fucks up.

>> No.52354924

Not true for me. I can emotionally dominate a 5/10. Make her obsessed with me. Make her scared of losing me and thus act right. I can make a 5/10 my bitch. I cant do that with a 10/10. Inevitably I would become her bitch because I would become afraid of losing some 10/10 pussy. Relationships really are power struggles and a 10/10 girl has a higher power level than any man. If we were put on the same scale with women, men would be hard capped at 8/10

>> No.52354931

It is, dont let these "self improper" faggots convince you otherwise. Its just a buzzword for aquiring material wealth and superficial traits to make yourself attractive to the opposite sex. Now if you said it outright, youd rightfully look like an insecure bitch, so they wrap it in this righteous humble work ethic language. I fucking despise it and the whole self help garbage.

>> No.52354934

>.....yeah I'm getting rich or dying trying.
extremely based.
What else is there OP? Things are shit but what else are you going to do? Cry about it and give up? or at least attempt to get something in life

>> No.52354948

As you said, the high value man keeps the 10.
There is no higher value than me. I could be a player, except i hate that shit on principle. Thats not how i was raised.

>> No.52354960

Friendly reminder that you’re worshiping these women for doing nothing. Being born pretty is just a gift given to them for no reason at all.

Then in your frustration you curse woman’s lack of character, lack of reason, lack of integrity. Why would they develop any of those things when they can live in a child like state where the world admires them for nothing.

>> No.52354962

What you want fren is what a lot of men want. Men are the romantics and men are prone to loyalty more so than women. The funny thing is the only way to get a girl like that is either luck when you're young and before a girl gets corrupted by her peers and society or by unironically getting your shit together and doing things for you first! The type of woman you desire as other anons have said is soo rare that she might as well not exist however she DOES exist but the problem is that all she sees are loser men, weak men, men she does not desire to give herself over to in the way you desire. This is why working on yourself and making sure you have your shit together FIRST is the only way to increase the probability that when she does see you she can tell you aren't like the other plethora of losers she sees on a daily basis. I'm saying you will find her or she will find you but the odds will be close to 0 if you can't separate yourself from the hordes of men who all walk the same, talk the same and look the same.

>> No.52354967



Having OFFSPRING is core to a man’s happiness - actually interacting with them on a daily basis is borderline soul crushing in the modern world.

Unless you are independently wealth being a family man is a fucking nightmare. The moments you aren’t doing things to secure their existence will be spent working to feed their immediate needs.

Having a family in 1950 meant going to work and coming home and playing ball with your son for half an hour eating dinner and then fucking off to the Lodge.

Having a family now means literally raising your kids taking care of all aspects of your house while your wife who never learned a single domestic utility fucks around all day at a meme job and then orders bullshit off Amazon all night.

This is your BEST case scenario.

>> No.52354985

lmao at you chumps that are emotionally tied to your biological urges.

Make fun of LGBT all you want but they get to be happy because their lives aren't tied to some construct made by current society.

>> No.52355024
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I actually like your delusional self belief bro I think that will serve you well.

However, you are woefully unequipped for women. The world of girls is a world of nonviolent power struggle. They fight with manipulation, information, deception etc. They have been engaged in this power struggle since they were in middle school. Their "friendships" are not real friendships. These are mock relationships where they engage in the aforementioned struggles with their "friend" opponent. They are fucking warriors

You are basically like a regular joe being thrown into the octogon with a trained professional fighter. You can only learn to win if you spend years getting your ass whipped by women or have some very rare natural talent. You better start learning how relationships work and know right away that your first one will probably be a disaster.

>> No.52355037


>> No.52355057

>Faggots happy
>Checks rate of LGBTQ STDs and suicides
You will never be a woman.

>> No.52355073

my palms are sweating just thinking about all the cocaine that girl commands

>> No.52355079

Have you seen the rates of straight people suicides?

>> No.52355096

My take here:>>52355024

Is kind of complimentary to yours with an important difference. I dont think that "working on yourself" is purely the answer. If we are going to use the analogy of an MMA fight in the octogon, working on yourself would be ones strength and conditioning. But actually sparring and getting experience and training for the fight is an even bigger factor. I say if you want to be good with girls you need to start interacting with girls right away. Dont go into some self improvement cocoon which is ultimately a form of procrastination.

>> No.52355105

>extended version of that webm
and now I want to fap again

>> No.52355114

They are far less than fags. Why don't you join the trannies and kill yourself?

>> No.52355135

Are you a high valued male though? At the 10/10 level you need a high net worth regardless of how much of a chad you are. If you did end up with a high net worth you wouldn't be sweating a 10/10 because at that level there are 100x more of those 10/10 than there are of you, a high net worth and attractive male. The power dynamic flips. Also all that work you are doing to keep the 5/10 obsessed with you is not worth it for a 5/10. A 5/10 should be lucky she's not dying alone than needing that level of your attention and time. A 5/10 should be helping you so you can build wealth for the both of you. The game is totally fucked rn. The only rational thing is to just chase money as a male and keep healthy as you can't cheat health or get your time back.

>> No.52355180

Lol thats a retarded thing to do. I'd rather take from the community and never give it back.

I'll make sure to turn the tap on and watch water go down the drain in your honour.

and no. I don't pay for water.

>> No.52355202

>Dont go into some self improvement cocoon which is ultimately a form of procrastination.

Completely fucking true so much of /biz/ needs to hear this

>> No.52355251
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> either brainlet or emotional woman or a ywnbaw typed this....

It's really simple. In every arena dominated by males you have competition. Competition breeds meritocracy. Only the component win. How do you win a competition IN EVERY SINGLE AREA OF REALITY? YOU FUCKING WORK AT IT YOU FUCKING LOW T LIMP WRISTED OR FEMININE BITCH!

I know you bought and sold the fairy tale that highly exceptional males are just born that way but Michael Jordan literally never made his 9th grade basketball team. He literally had to work hard every single fucking day for YEARS......and he is considered the most successful athlete of all time! Every fucking year there are draft busts in every sport. Even at the highest fucking level you need to work harder than the slaves in the factory making your faggot iphone and guess what women and faggot men like you routinely do not understand this universal specifically male endeavor. Women are pathetic because they hate self improvers. Lazy faggots hate it too because they are beyond weak.

Only women and faggot low T men who have never accomplished anything in life do this and your post has already exposed your pussy beta self.

>> No.52355271
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>> No.52355287

Men aren't competition. They're idiots charging the front lines.

You don't have to manipulate a woman into being with you. You have to let a woman want to manipulate you.

If you're not doing that then you're being manipulated without knowing it and your life is falling apart in ways that you don't have a single clue about.

>> No.52355311


Game is more powerful than money, at the end of the day. I say this as someone from a rich family making 6 six figures with a prestigious engineering degree at age 26.

>> No.52355312
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Bros it seems that im unable to love after my first gf which i had for 6 years.
It hurts that i will never have the same feelings of connection again.

>> No.52355321

10000% agree fren! My thinking was that the self improver cocoon part takes the longest and is the most time intensive so I wanted to stress the importance. The socializing part you can get down in a matter of months but losing 50-60 pounds and getting in shape, stacking enough money to buy property or at the very least enough to get your own crib, etc takes so long and is sooo much harder than getting comfortable around women. At least for me it is I have no clue what other anons personalities are like. Appreciate your advice though as it's 1000% mandatory.

>> No.52355323

This post makes me miss my ζ/10 chad wife

>> No.52355336

Those are selfish feelings and you should hate yourself for having them.

Body will respond accordingly and no longer seek out that bitch ass biological urge. Problem solved.

>> No.52355415

It’s part of life bro. Many things will never be as fun or intense as it was the first time. You’ll never go trick or treating again or whatever. Things get taken from us as we age and that extreme, obsessive kind of love does tend to go away in my experience. It gets replaced with a more realistic kind of love and one that is ultimately more healthy and practical for you lol

The heart break and loss will never be as bad as that first one either. I still have dreams about my high school gf many years later. Despite having other gf that were hotter and who I was with for longer. Way she goes bud, way she goes.

>> No.52355469

>Slave to pussy with $150 soap
>Slave to pussy with $2 soap

>> No.52355475

>reee if i can't get a narcissistic social media whore gf i am gonna neck myself
kys faggot

>> No.52355477

Thanks for the insight anon.
I guess you are right but its hard getting over it

>> No.52355481

That's what you think but but it will happen again

>> No.52355493

>women should just accept me for the unwashed poorly dressed retard that i am

>> No.52355539

> gibberish masquerading as wisdom, totally ignoring my reality and fact based points in favor of emotional drivel.

No one is manipulating women by bettering themselves retard. Just the fact that you can't see that proves you are a lazy bitch. Women aren't meant for growth. They are meant to decay. They are also meant to be as they are made; ready to go. Men have been bred to be the opposite. A man needs to cultivate actual skills in life in order to produce for his family and/or defend for his family. If you're a male who isn't a life long learner/self-improver you are not living the true male experience. You are a bitch as far as I am concerned. Those chads that are born "perfect" are weak bitches at the end of the day and they will never be wealthy unless they were born into it or lucked into it. I really don't understand what counter point from a logical standpoint you can have to counter anything I've said ITT. Competence is the one true and only universal difference maker that exists in this reality and anyone who fights against it (the self improver haters) should be rounded up and shot. If it was up to women we would have died off millennia ago. Not because they don't know how to chop fire wood but because they would have selected the weakest men who they perceived as the strongest for the wrong reasons. The reason we are all still here is because the strongest males ended up killing and enslaving the women afterwards. The conquers won and no woman chose the conquer! She was just the prize. They are not equipped to judge men because there are intangibles like character and perseverance and fortitude that you cannot see as a woman. These are concepts the female mind still to this day has not grasped. Only men can judge other men. This is why most women are easily bamboozled by loser men, day in day out. Cope and seethe.

>> No.52355603 [DELETED] 

True but game can only take you far and at the end of the day you are still broke and a wage slave. Game can be learned albeit not always but I still reckon game is easier to learn with money than without because again you have the time and freedom to learn it in the most opportune settings. I know a ton of dudes who have game and in 2022 and moving forward you just can;'t beat technology. Men have officially become commodified via apps that women (especially under 8/10 women) routinely swap and day trade. And the next generation of women will be even worse.

>> No.52355620

True but game can only take you far and at the end of the day you are still broke and a wage slave. Game can be learned albeit not always but I still reckon game is easier to learn with money than without because again you have the time and freedom to learn it in the most opportune settings. I know a ton of dudes who have game and in 2022 and moving forward you just can't beat technology. Men have officially become commodified via apps that women (especially under 8/10 women) routinely swap and day trade. And the next generation of women will be even worse.

>> No.52355622
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Once you achieve being rich, the big house, fast cars, no more wage slavery, and the top-hierarchy of women - guess what comes next. You reset your happiness baseline, you expect more, and newer. Your high-value friends and associates around you will make everything you have accomplished seem mundane and standard. Things like fuck-ups from wagie server scum or disruptions to the illusion will be far less acceptable.
Worse still: any woman you introduce to your life will 'Grow accustomed to a particular lifestyle' and be vulnerable to the same psychological quirk. She'll expect higher quality makeovers, more frequent holidays, bags from different designers, and she'll end up fucking parts of your high networth network anyway.

If you think money fixes those problems, best to kill yourself now.

>> No.52355647

>If we were put on the same scale with women, men would be hard capped at 8/10
what is this faggot shit. dubs if you're getting pegged by the 10/10 right now

>> No.52355726

Remind me how this worked out for Tom Brady, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. Your status means shit. All women will cheat and divorce rape you.

>> No.52355748

This man understands the danger of greed and how it changes us. Lifestyle creep is absolutely real and no matter how much you educate yourself on avoiding it, it'll find a way into your lifestyle and make you lust for more. Pleasure is an addicting emotion.

>> No.52355771

Enjoy hell

>> No.52355785

Yeah no shit. Jesus what's the other option give up and LITERALLY be a slave to the system for a 5/10 entitled disloyal woman who isn't good at sex? LMAO. Why do so many people think so linearly? So I become wealthy through sheer will and competence but then you think I will fail to adapt to the cliché 'mo money, mo problems' trap? It's like I've climbed mount everest and then you think I won't be able to adapt to the "less significant" issues that only arise once at the top of that mountain.

And the woman thing is just par for the game. Look I don't know your personality but me I am a bit of a hardened psychopath. I am not a simp or a pushover with little wealth. If you think I will somehow rise to that level and once again not be able to adapt to women at that level than you are gravely mistaken. Adaptability is my true strength and its a skill that one masters as a self-improver. So no none of what you wrote will be a problem. Survival of the fittest was never about who was the strongest it was always about who was the fastest to adapt. I like my chances. Cope and seethe.

>> No.52355798


>> No.52355827

Enjoy hell

>> No.52355841

So your rebuttal to not settling for unattractive and cheating women who are entitled and can't even fuck well, is that the hot and non-feminist whores who can drain your balls on a daily basis will cheat on you as well? Do you understand how to divide by both sides? Cool, now I'm left with fucking Giselle or a 5/10 entitled feminist.....right.

On a side note, all those men you named have literally fucked 100x the amount of women that their spouses "supposedly" cheated on them with. Your argument is moot and a massive cope of a hypothetical.

>> No.52355858


Not me I’m built different. I could be worth a billion dollars and I wouldn’t buy popcorn at the movies because it’s a ripoff. I love movie theater popcorn too. My money autism is something I had even as a child. Always hoarding any money I could get my hands on

>> No.52355903

This is my problem with the women-money connection too. Women actually aren’t impressed that you have money. They are only impressed that you SPEND money. Not worth it because it means you need some massive income all the time. Very very very few of us will get that kind of rich

>> No.52356163

Youre the faggot bitch who has to "self improve" because hes so desperate for pussy. Must be sad living your life in pursuit of other's approval. Women dont care about your biceps or that you read 10 pages of marcus aurelius, grow up.

>> No.52356190

> emotional outburst. zero logic. zero reading comprehension.

If I was desperate for pussy I'd settle for the ugly hag you are likely in love with. Cope and seethe fren. Now go back to your goyslop and vidya.

>> No.52356227

By this logic why not pretend to be poor and spend an average amount of money.

>> No.52356238

It is a tranny, women don't pose unironically like that. That's how a man thinks a woman would pose.

>> No.52356305

This. It shows that she has never done any physical activity at all. The kind of woman that whines when she has to carry groceries from the car to the fridge and then be "exhausted" for the rest of the day, while she drinks wine on the sofa

>> No.52356335

sex bots

>> No.52356550

Doesn't matter how cute they are once they start redecorating your home and putting knick knacks everywhere and forcing your stuff into some kind of man-cave; when she starts arguments for no reason or tries to make you jealous for fun, and the endless other subtle and not so subtle tests of your authority until you finally cave-in and become a 'yes-dear' husband/BF just to avoid conflict- a shell of who you used to be. You see single guys enjoying a few pints on a sunny day while you're on the way to another whole day at Bed Bath & Beyond or Ikea. Her sister(s) flirt with you, sometimes just to test you other times because they do want to fuck you. They are her spies. All of 'her' friends are her spies, and the only approved people you can hang out with without her. They always report back to her, even the guys. You have become a workhorse, a doormat and subservient in your own life; a slave. You jerk off in the shower hoping she won't hear you because sex has been reduced to a reward for good behavior. Maybe a handjob on your birthday.

>> No.52356557

bro you have severe mental illness
get off the computer

>> No.52356560


>> No.52356587

who is this man?

>> No.52356589
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>I’d rather stay home and play vidya
If you still have this mindset over 25 I'd advise for you to reconsider... everything.
>Also how much BTC does it take now to get a qt
Prob. like 100.

>> No.52356619

None of that has happened to me and I’ve been married for 7 years. I’ve been fucking my wife more since we’ve had a baby 2 years ago. Maybe you just pick poorly or settle down with the first bitch that squats on your dick.

>> No.52356623

Sports are the only place where the relationship between effort and results are 1:1

Every other aspect of life is more of a toss up. Not saying hard work doesn't do anything, but you're making this sound way more simple than it actually is.

The real red pill is this: hard work will get you what you want, but never in the form you most want it. I got my first real gf a year ago and she was a vile cunt.

>> No.52356642

It's just a warning, and a very common scenario. It wasn't directed specifically at you.

>> No.52356667

You do know, this is all just a simulation… Don’t you?

>> No.52356708

This thread is sad. You all have such a warped view of women/relationships.

>> No.52356720

> pathetic emotional deflection

cope and seethe. I will never settle for a roastie.

>> No.52356727

How so? The only guys who seem off track are the ones who are saying they would basically never touch a woman.

>> No.52356768

Wrong it's a universal law of men. And sports is full of luck and other external factors (manipulation) just the same as every other discipline. I didn't say you were guaranteed success. And the real red pill is that for some of you, you will find the hard work/effort/journey is what you were after not the results. I haven't made it yet, yet I am the happiest I've ever been because as a result of my wiring I have adapted to only feel good when I am making progress. The women, money and lifestyle is the bonus. This has unironically been said a million times more elegantly than I ever could, but for some of us, it's real.

>> No.52356819

Lol as if your subjective experiences overwrite the objective well documented history and empirical evidence as it pertains to women. But yes keep believing your fairy tales....I'm sure your subjective 21st century perspective of the handful of women you've interacted with supersedes the millennia of written about material from men 100x more greater than you.

It's simps like you that have destroyed the modern world and modern women.

>> No.52356861

what are you compensating for weirdo

>> No.52356901

Just because the world is digferent doesn't make it worse (or better)

It just is. And you dont like it. Bout time you suffered though don't you think?

>> No.52356904

> zero counter points, zero logic, nothing but emotional ad hominems because they got offended by reality

Hey lurkers reading this thread. Notice how the "women" or simps attack my posts with emotional outcry because what I wrote stings their pathetic warped delusion of reality? Notice they don't argue my points with any counter facts or opposing viewpoints that would explain my supposed ignorance? The answer to why is because they do not have any! Think about what that implies....

>> No.52356909

>My money autism is something I had even as a child. Always hoarding any money I could get my hands on
did your mom cheat on your dad with the rabbi or your jewish GP

>> No.52356920

Why waste time touching women when you can go and live an actual life.

I cannot begin to imagine wasting so much time and resources obtaining the one thing that ends your life while you are still living.

The law says you're responsible for this behaviour so sucks to be you.

>> No.52356921


>> No.52356940
File: 271 KB, 554x678, niggers jews bad news wyatt mann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up nigger

>> No.52356952

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Neither party has a genuine argument.

But its fucking hilarious to watch people try.

>> No.52356971

the duality of man.

>> No.52357005

Only one side has a genuine argument the other just cries foul. It's all so tiresome. Believe me guys like me wish you retards who push back against women hate speech could for once in your failings logically decimate our arguments. Men secretly want to be white pilled. Even I do deep down somewhere. I definitely wouldn't fight against it like the screaming banshees who reeeeeee when they hear misogynistic rhetoric that more times than not rings true.

>> No.52357042

If you scream loud enough maybe you can carry the echo on forever lmao.

>> No.52357123

> pathetic...

Ya I figured zero arguments. Sad shit really....ah well I figured my finely tuned instincts are almost always right.

Now go back to your goyslop and your goymedia goy.....

>> No.52357145

Still sticking to this theory that your argument is valid simply because it doesn't have a counterargument.

You are a sad fool forever to be manipulated by those that control and distribute information.

>> No.52357165

Get real friends retard. You're probably some loner who thinks having a gf will magically fix everything.

>> No.52357288

did you take the vax?

>> No.52357414

thank you I needed to hear that.

>> No.52357437

The placebo effect is real and should be taken advantage of.

>> No.52357668
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qts haven't been invented yet.

>> No.52357675

>qt to live life with?
I want to be rich, not have a parasite sucking up all my hard earned money
soon I'll be able to sell all my dext shit and at least get a car, and I won't have any bitches bitching about it

>> No.52357731
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>Also how much BTC does it take now to get a qt like pic related?
You don't buy these with BTC anon. You have to make yourself worthy of their presence.And that happens by achieving the best version of yourself. Not what somebody "normal" does. Look into yourself for your desires and dreams, put yourself to a definite chief aim and start working on it.
Meanwhile try to fuck everything female you can spending as little money as possible. The results will surprise you.

>> No.52357750
File: 35 KB, 426x283, 16292223204381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love women,holy shit they are amazing.

For trannies seeing this , You will never be a woman!!! HAHAHAH

>> No.52357778

>Bimbos and models were never and are never feminists.
This is 100% true.
The ones who claim themselves as minorities are weak people who never get their way. i.e. the uglies who were bullied as kids
They have a lot of anger towards the world and want to take it out on anyone.

This is why this is correct
>it's unironically the opposite
Most 9/10s and above have always gotten their way. So they don't care about constructs like feminism, made for other women who want to gain power after a traumatic early life where they have been mostly powerless, 10s know they can get what they want. And they're happier and more sociable people for it, unlike the uglies who have lots of built up wrath, anger, and now have a laundry list of personality defects because of it.

If you do as >>52354716 said, you'll find it's actually more common for 5/10s to become a nagging, insecure, torturous bitch eventually.

>> No.52357788

They certainly feel like a woman to me. More pussy for me then I guess.

>> No.52357830

> bust because the world is different

>> No.52357976

This anon has the spirit.

>> No.52358036

Good post. Women can turn your life into an absolute nightmare if you let yourself go. Never stop being the captain of your life!

>> No.52358053

Use your money well and have some fun

>> No.52358261

hey anon read all your post and agree with majority, do you have any advice / direction how to start self improvement effectively

>> No.52358316

Good luck on your journey but when you experience burnout I hope you remember these words: "Told ya so". Lmao.

That being said. Happiness can be found in anything you believe as long as you don't let others tear it down so I am genuine in wishing you luck.

If you want the true unbiased secrets to life they are hidden in buddhism and they don't spell out happiness. You are genuinely best off believing the self improvement crap so go for it.

>> No.52358325


>> No.52358332


>> No.52358349

Imagine not growing up and experiencing teen love

Imagine being a wageslave and not having a qt LTR/wife you can be yourself around, was a virgin before she met you, and lives up to all your sexual desires

Just lmao at some of your COPE lives KEK

>> No.52358356

You'll never be a man.

>> No.52358369

Imagine that men are so disgusting that women are tainted by having sex with them.

No wonder so many choose to switch genders.

>> No.52358391

No, a woman taints herself by being promiscuous outside of LTR/marriage

Low value men transition in the last ditch effort for social validation

Need any more redpills just ask

>> No.52358412

That's like saying women aren't allowed to enjoy sex.

or is 4chan affiliated with the bible and I missed that memo?

Need any more redpills just ask

>> No.52358485
File: 12 KB, 264x191, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looks will fade honestly, thus it is preferable to manage the assets and enjoy in your crypto portfolio. I'm getting assets like geeq due to my confidence in Geeq's data product and I'm not selling it.

>> No.52358503

>Can't handle the truth
>Babbles about "the evils of religion"

Get rekt son

>> No.52358511

Not evil. unjustifiable. Hence your inability to reinforce your argument.

>> No.52358702

There is no argument, I just stated facts

You can't handle them, so seethe about religion boogeyman

>> No.52358772

Religion at it's heart has good intentions. They just didn't have all the information when it was first designed. Heck, we still don't have all the information. But we're getting there.

You can hold on to the past if you want but all politics are a stock market and people don't buy into that kind of stuff anymore. You're just holding an empty bag.

>> No.52358889
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>> No.52358943
File: 608 KB, 1364x568, 1602711758028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.52359367

>she's not for sale anon, she'll never want your money

Money is cope for ugly people.

Take some time off the internet and go touch grass. Go talk to real women IRL instead of trannies on Discord. You're just as mentally ill as them.

>> No.52359408

God I fucking hate women

>> No.52360249
File: 66 KB, 512x320, arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means you don't have to starve or eat ze bugs and live in ze pod. So it gives you more options, basically. If you want a woman, you can probably get a woman, even if you have to pay hookers. If you want to play video games, you can buy all the systems and games you want, even collect the old ones that they sell on ebay for 100x markup. If you want a sailboat or house on the beach, you can get it. Whatever it is you want to do, at some point you'll probably need money to some degree.

>> No.52360507

La creatura…

>> No.52360743

How does one find qts to "spar"/date though?
>mfw downloaded tinder, bumble, hinge, POF and has almost zero success. Literaly only get 1-2 matches in a month and they're all fat or ugly.

>> No.52360890

>have live savings, have the house, car, 401k, no debt
>have debt, chained to a dead-end job, rent is due, paycheck to paycheck lifestyle
Which one of these things will make it easier for you to find a (quality) wife? Which will make it easier post-marriage? Which will allow you to move across states to have grandparents close by to help with kids? Which will allow you to go on 3 years of parental leave? Which will allow you to homeschool your kids? How about a trip around the world?

>> No.52360949

Dating apps (especially those where you swipe) are a trap and a meme

The two correct ways are:

>have a good Instagram account (great pictures, a few thousand followers, post stories daily), add more girls from your city and then let them react to your stories
>do some activities irl where you can ascend quickly to a leading role (classes for dancing, yoga or various sports girls do practice, charity organizations, etc.)

You must be a step above the girls and let them come to you; never be a commodity that’s begging for their validation and gets consequently swiped away

>> No.52361038

>add more girls from your city
how does one do this

>> No.52361276

>search your city (or popular places in your city) in the search bar
>when you stumble upon good-looking girls or local chads, go see who’s following them and who follows them
>stumble upon a ton of new profiles
>add a hundred girls randomly every day and/or like their pictures randomly
>unfollow those who didn’t follow back after a few days

>> No.52362033

life isnt all about women dude.
youre incredibly fucking retarded if u think it is.
and also incredibly inexperienced with women.
in almost every case women in general are one of the worst things that can ever happen to a man.
if you didnt know this, youre too young and too stupid to know alpha has been posted.
>on a long enough timeline even that woman u are madly in love with is gonna royally fuck u over.

>> No.52362870

Who does she date ?
Only on 4chan is this girl unattractive.

>> No.52364242

you are a massive fucking loser please don't post or reproduce (seems that won't be an issue) tyvm