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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5235402 No.5235402 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people go to college to study business? Like what the hell do you learn when studying business that couldn't be covered in a YouTube video or some book on amazon? And with the price of tuition at a 4 year college couldn't you just take out a loan and start your own business?

>> No.5235452

People are retarded

>> No.5235455

you found a cheat code

>> No.5235576


I think it is because of the clarity and guidance you get.

For example, I didn't study business but I wish I had. I studied media studies. Before you laugh, it is actually working out well for me, but I also but in a lot of work and had a clear vision for what I wanted to do in my life. But a lot of stuff that is helping me find work is stuff I actually learned on YouTube.

Anyways, I'm trying to get my money right and be financially successful. Typical Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuck shit. I want to start my own business and branch off into real estate and the stock market.

Anyways, I've tried teaching myself on YouTube, but I don't know where to start. Although I have gotten lots of interesting bits of information, it would be cool to have a clear guideline. But then again, compared to a year ago I know a lot more about business than I did then, and one year from today I will know even more, so all it takes is time.

>> No.5235616

I dont know what they learn there but I think it can be usefull.
When you dont have a product like an app that moons overnight but start a buisness with lot of competetors its a good thing i guess.

However in the usa its way to expansive tho.

>> No.5235634
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I can imagine for TA they'd have to memorize the formulas and draw indicators by hand or something equally useless

>> No.5235661

You do learn things but generally the content is outdated. You could learn it all from reading textbooks but they are only half the instruction. A lot of the course is practically applying what you learned and how to conduct yourself in business (i.e. Not be an autist) and making connections with local businesses.

Yes you could use the money to start a business, and you’d probably learn more doing that even if it fails. Which it probably well unless you’re an excellent autodidact.
Also college isn’t really that expensive at state schools. Take an education over branding. Maybe your state offers free tuition for neets, like NY.

>> No.5235722

Business Major here. I regret it. Economics was basically a better, more quantitative version of business.

>> No.5235795


>> No.5235809

Also I should add that if your instructors are business owners in the area they can offer first-hand accounts of what it’s really like to compete in a particular industry. Which you may find helpful. It’s also nice because they see garbage where you don’t. I.e. writing a 50 pg business plan you think is great and not realizing how it looks to an experienced reader. Which you would learn the hard way in actual business

>> No.5235869

its easier to get a job with a degree and you earn more than it is to get one without one. Although both are possible. Fucking fag

>> No.5235897

I just graduated with a Business degree on Sunday.
A lot of the classes are pretty fucking useless.
Accounting in the class and accounting in a business are so different, they might as well not even bother teaching it. There's not enough focus on using excel, imo.
Analytics, statistics, and logistic classes are nice and useful. Not terribly difficult, though. Thank god for solver and megastat add-in.
Marketing classes were basically just memorizing vocab words and hand holding a group project presentation at the end of the semester.
Finance classes were the same, but without a project.
HR and Management were at least relevant and useful to dealing with stupid subordinates, and legal issues in the workplace.
I went in for Engineering, but got weeded out, and needed a degree. Graduating without any debt, but I've got no money and no job.
Investopedia and common sense are basically all you need to get through a BBA.

>> No.5235910

Nothing. You learn by doing when it comes to business, and focus on the learning how to handle matters as they face you. This is why you shouldn't count on your first business venture to be a resounding success.

College is, for the most part, a scam. It's primarily a leftist indoctrination mill for pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.5235990

Don't feel bad, econ is probably equally as useless

>> No.5235995

Accounting > finance > econ > business

>> No.5236003

For connections, also having a more "complete" knowledge can be advantageous. For example, the same is true about Electrical Engineering, but if you don't go to college for it and just teach yourself instead, you are very likely to wind up being stuck doing hobbyist tier projects forever, keeping you from more lucrative areas like VLSI and signal processing.

>> No.5236030

True. I was in college just for a semester for engineering before I left to start a business. While I was there I spoke to business grads about to graduate and they were surprised I knew all their wording and phrasing that they spent 4 years and $100k to learn. It honestly helped me be more at peace at never getting a degree.

I think people go just for the experience and the degree so they can get a comfy normie job. I dont think people getting business degrees actually want to start a business even if some of them talk about it or show you their plans. The guys I knew that graduated are just managers at existing businesses with normal lives, wife/kids.

>> No.5236058

I went to school for business mainly bc parent's threatened to kick me out if I didn't go to college and I didn't have any other plans. Both parents went to school for business and are well off.

I can't speak for higher levels, but undergrad was a huge joke. One year I had to take a marketing course and I literally had to listen to some marble mouth Korean woman teach a class about xbox live. Not even joking. Everything I learned in school could easily be learned online. Huge waste of time and money.

I'm sure there are good courses and valuable professors, but from my experience it was pointless.

The networking can be valuable long term. I have friends who went to the same school and same classes and they actually took the time to make business connections. But if you are just looking simply to learn, I think the internet could fill that need pretty well.

>> No.5236082

I went to escape working for 3 years and to bang thotties.

>> No.5236122

The value in college is basically just to prove you're capable of committing to something for multiple years, meeting deadlines, showing up on time. It weeds out the people who absolutely lazy or stupid. The rest is window dressing.

>> No.5236139

Getting a business degree doesn't really prepare you for owning a business. As you said, it makes good managers in the big businesses.

>> No.5236140

Lmao no class in college will teach you TA it's a meme

>> No.5236159

The only thing you can learn from a business school teacher is how to become a business school teacher

>> No.5236197

A business degree is a watered down version of economics designed to allow the frat kids and sororstitutes at your college of choice to graduate with a bachelor's degree and move to their daddy or friend's daddy's company while looking legitimate on paper.

>> No.5236229

I took a few classes before deciding to switch to a mathematics major to learn actual skills. Business is essentially a liberal arts major. I learned how to use actual BI tools and R on my own and got hired on at PwC as a data analyst immediately after graduating without ever having done an internship. Found out that several of my coworkers have been vested in BTC since pre-2011 and use the day job as a means of connecting with other quants too. They've been showing me how to plug in crypto data into SPSS and use geometric modeling to make forecasts. It's been scarily accurate so far and we're considering pooling to become a pseudo-whale in the alt scene.

>> No.5236327

i never bothered. if you do well in school you dont need uni for business and just start working.

that said you will never get a job at a big corp unless you go out on a limb.

did a chartered directorship, passed the thoery (pretty irrelevent to be honest but better then uni) but couldnt be bothered with the peer interview. i have zero respect for most of the guys there and for anyone who works for a corporation that want to tell me anything will get told to fuck off. i have met and had beers with plenty big time ceos etc and im universaly disapointed.

all expert politicians and scam artists but fairly uninspiring business men.

of all my years of running a business the only one thing i am 100% sure of is that no one else has any good ideas. disregard everything you hear and figuer it out for itself.

when you have your own business its never ending 24/7 and as a result you think over your own business so much that anyone else would never be able to come close to that intimacy.

find small businesses near by, look at their financials and work for them. small businesses are great as you get to work in every roll...and they normaly dont get hung up on bits of paper.

>> No.5236481

Still parroting the "colleges grads make a million more throughout their life" meme based on old ass studies that are no longer relevant due to the huge increase on college costs and opportunity costs but still get parroted by everyone and their mom and especially in public school?

>> No.5236534


Given that blue collar primary labor jobs have dried up it's actually more true today. Business degrees are fucking nonsense, but if I were a bank I wouldn't trust some kid who couldn't be bothered to have significant relevant experience or go to college with a small business loan.

>> No.5236665

Business is an excellent course of study, it goes into more than entrepreneurship. It’s finance, marketing, investment, international and domestic market analysis, business plan writing, Human Resources, taxation, and many more topics pertaining to business ownership. Entrepreneurs aren’t always business grads but business grads make entrepreneurs plans work.

>> No.5236704

For real, if some kid can’t bootstrap his own business nobody is going to give him a loan unless he has perfect credit, relevant experience, and a bank door solid business plan.

>> No.5236823

I mean, some stem majors make a shit ton. Especially certain engineers or computer scientists.
I know a petroleum engineer who makes going to trade school to be an electrician look like a meme