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52352856 No.52352856 [Reply] [Original]

100k is life changing money

>> No.52352860
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it really is

>> No.52352933

No it isn’t i have 200k in my checking account and im still a wagie

>> No.52352938

it literally isnt

>> No.52352949

so what you're saying is if you had 2k in your checking account your 'life' wouldn't 'change'

>> No.52352960
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damn, that's a really sad picture...
I honestly hope anyone in such a position will somehow make it out of there

>> No.52352979

Probably wouldn't but even at 200k I'm sure he wouldn't turn it away
10k to me right now would be life changing money only because I'm a fucking moron and ruined my own life.

>> No.52352984

why dont you quit your job

why do you have 200k in your fucking CHECKING ACCOUNT

jesus christ OP has a better change of making it than you

>> No.52353046

It's enough money that you can quit your job and look for a better one without having to worry. That's about it.

>> No.52353060

I dont quit my job because 200k is literally nothing

>> No.52353093

I mean I quit my job and I'm not looking for another and I got less than 300 dollars so....
I mean I guess the "not worry"
Thing means something.

>> No.52353116
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I have 100k and nothing has changed. Like how would you change your life? 115k here honestly would be down to listen

>> No.52353117

that's my point
if you have nothing 100k is 'life changing'

>> No.52353129
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I literally just lost 100k on FTX and don't feel anything

>> No.52353179

I sincerely doubt I'll ever see 100k I was close once but made very dumb decisions I'd honestly be happy with 25k in my account since I rarely spend money so fucking done with crypto after losing a lot more than that.

>> No.52353232

I dunno how after losing my last 10k last month I've been having panic attacks nonstop and near heart attacks, actually woke up last night after having a nightmare about crypto which doesn't even apply to me and I woke up screaming "SHUT UP SHUT UP"
Literally this shit cost me my sanity.

>> No.52353256

Save your fucking asses off your whole 20s and don't fall for the middle-class lifestyle meme. If you have a chunk of change that large you can make some serious cash in the stock market. Imagine seeing something like XOM drop to $40 and then just buying up as much of that as you can and just double your money and make ungodly dividends. Pretty simple to make your life better once you get your first $100k.

>> No.52353263
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My life would literally be the same if I got $100k cash. My crypto portfolio alone is down $120k from 5 days ago. God is good.

>> No.52353274

That's enough to buy land, a 4x4 truck, tools, a used trailer etc and start homesteading as a free white man as God intended.

>> No.52353295

>bro, just gamble away 100k

>> No.52353324

you'll get used to it lil bro

>> No.52353333

10k is nothing in the bigger picture, people made 10k in a day from 100 dollars every day in the bullrun like it was nothing. You will be fine just don't miss the next cycle if and when it comes it's very easy money if you're not buying SNL elon tops

>> No.52353339

Imagine believing this
You need at leadt 5 million to do this
Get back to work

>> No.52353346

Are you retarded? You can't retire with 200k.
What's the point of being a neet for 2 years only to have to return to waging?

>> No.52353367

Checked but yeah wasn't just 10k total 67k over two years now down to nothing.
Na literally lost my mind just denying it to myself I'll probably just drive into the woods here soon.

>> No.52353378
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each and every dollar changes my life one by one I will triumph

>> No.52353381

How is it life changing? You still have to rent, you still have to work.
You can blow it on a few vacations or a car but that's about it.

>> No.52353393

I have 500k and I feel poor again. Like I don't havr a job or a house or anything but yeah this money will last me a few years. I wish I knew what to do with it.

>> No.52353450

>what is building a house?
turns out shit gets an order of magnitude more expensive when you have someone do everything for you and live in the suburbs.
you're looking at around 50k for materials on a cabin. old trucks are cheap and so are gardening tools.
it's just that most people can't or don't want to live that way.

>> No.52353514


>> No.52353554

You will be back in society from tour “homesteading” larp within a year

>> No.52353608

you're not getting overdraft fees that drag you down, the next car repair won't leave you having to take on debt, so on and so forth.
you still need to work, but if you're young, boomer-investing that amount in ETFs will cover your ass when you're old. for now it'll still give you a cushion to not get mega fucked when something unexpected comes up. i'm not poor anymore but I was when i started out, this is just common sense.

alright, it's not cash under the mattress, but an investment by definition involves risk. you lose guaranteed if you don't invest. most boomer millionaires are made due to buying shares of profitable companies consistently over time.

ignore my previous reply, i clicked the wrong anon.
how do you think you get from 200k to 5M? you don't just go straight from 0 to 5M you know. it's incremental, you have to invest and grow it over time.

>> No.52353611

I have 500k and nothing has changed for me. 500k is not enough for peace of mind these days.

Some people have no idea how poor they really are.

But who cares, I just want to be left alone

t"self-employed 24 yr old

>> No.52353634

that is understandable if you're self employed.
but if someone took away that money you'd quickly realize how much security you took for granted.

>> No.52353647

Esl larpers stepping in
any white man with more than 100k in their disposale is doing amazingly well those under 30 with that kind of money is nearly impossible but everyone likes to claim bullshit here without proof I know 99% of posters here are usually foreign poorfaggots.

>> No.52353676

I was literally never in debt so I can't relate.

>> No.52353678

it is
but you listened to all the faggots who said "a million dollars is literally nothing"
and now you have like 15k
thanks for playing

>> No.52353679

You are a faggot and I hope you kys. That is all.

>> No.52353683


if you can't flip 200k liquid into financial freedom you were never supposed to make it

>> No.52353694

what her name

>> No.52353696
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Who said I'm taking it for granted? I don't, but I had to sacrifice too much for it honestly. But better to sit on 500k with no life than 4k from waging and having no life as a result of back-breaking slavery. kek

500k is not enough to live on, if u were wagie u need to wage, if u were self-employed or whatever, you'd need wage afterwards.

The goal has been raised so much in the past 10 years its basically 5 million on get the fuck out.

>> No.52353701


you could live off 100k for a decade in thailand or mexico, quit being retards

>> No.52353702


>> No.52353731


get an education with it, stop being a bum

>> No.52353733
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>> No.52353739

I'm 31 and feel stupid going to get a Bachelor's at this age.

>> No.52353743

Why larp and why use proper english mixed with improper nigger speeh?
I mean I know why you are just some demoralizing little faggot with probably less than me which is saying something but still why speak like you're some backwoods methed out hillbilly.

>> No.52353762

i was soooooooooo close to making it before ftx liquidated me of my wci gains
there's still a fraction remaining on wci website but i'm not positive i can withdraw it.

>> No.52353788
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Unfortunately, I am not larping. I'm speaking bong mate.

Anybody else who actually has 500k or any number around the six-figure hell knows exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.52353826

>just gets aids in thailand or killed by the cartel in mexico bro

>> No.52353840

Yeah you're a larping demoralization nigger who sits here with these wojak responses larping about having tons of money and not even old enough to have a fully developed male brain.

But you can sure pretend to be white and pretend to be rich an an anonymous board at nearly 10pm at night.

Course it's probably a little earlier in mumbai.
Also 500k rupees doesn't count.

>> No.52353893

how did you get 200k as a wagie?

>> No.52353905


I did at 31, live off loans and got an math degree (modafinil helped tremendously).

Getting that first job triggered a series of events that changed my life for the better SIGNIFICANTLY.

Met my gf (doctor) in the city and now we've been together 6 years, I'm making 6 figs, had money to participate in the last two bullruns, it just keeps getting better.

A stem degree that leads to a good job is always fucking cash money. You'll just meet and hang out with better people.

>> No.52353915

well, i said that based on the evidence you gave me. I said it because you clearly stated above that it doesn't give you peace of mind and that nothing has changed for you. it has, you just have overcome those things and it now seems trivial to you.
that's fine, i'm not calling you a bad person, but i don't understand why you have to have it both ways and seethe at me over it.

>> No.52353920

That sounds awesome anon. What kind of job did you land?

>> No.52353923

buy a house with cash and never worry about payment ever again.

>> No.52353926

I've met one person on here who wasn't larping about being rich only one and I'm a fairly oldfag and he paid me to browse /biz/ because true richfags don't lurk here unless there's a bullrun I assume most fags are larping except possibly a few here who got fucked by FTX.
I hope my frens okay haven't heard from him and I know he used FTX just hoped he knew better enough to move to kraken.

>> No.52353943

I would have done that if I still had the $8MM I had at the top but I'm not sinking all my money into a house right now.

>> No.52353945

ok, and then what?

>> No.52353951 [DELETED] 

I lost 100k from chainlink because I got scammed by a phishing link, and now I work in explosives and may end up dead next week for all I know :)

>> No.52353966


Actuarial Science, but then pivoted into BI because fuck spending 6+ years studying for exams.

>> No.52353970

Please rangeban these fucking indians

>> No.52353972

Based, I wish I could go "mismanage" some explosives on the job least it will be instant just make sure you keep it near your head so the concussive force blows out your brains before you realize it.
>t. seen enough suicide bomber videos back in the early 2000s

>> No.52353978 [DELETED] 

Ok glowies that sounds really bad, I meant blasting in the mining industry, you can check it for all I care, I don't give a shit

>> No.52353987

Yeah this is you nigger >>52353788
Sorry nobody is believing your little zoomer larp.
Did I say my friend had 200k?
No he was over 7 figures and close to 8.

>> No.52354005


just saying, it's a lot of money in certain parts of the world, and would be life changing money for 80%+ of the world's population

>> No.52354019

>six-figure hell
this is a meme though so opinion literally discarded

>> No.52354020

Try about 97%
I know it's hard to imagine but most of america is poor despite whatever shit you foreigners read.

>> No.52354022

kys retard

>> No.52354031

just bought 100k

>> No.52354032

Why in the world would anyone quit their job because they have 200k in their account? Are you from inda or some 3rd world shithole where they earn only 3 cents an hour?

>> No.52354042

Fuck off zoomie tranny tourist go find another board to infect
>GUYS I'M 24 and worth 8 quadrillion dollars
Jesus fuck off kid.

>> No.52354109

If you already have 100k you are probably used to having it. So spending habits, lifestyle inflation will suck it dry.
But going from 0 to 100k could be life changing.

>> No.52354194

I have 100$ dollar can me reture yet

>> No.52354209

Depends on your lifestyle. If you make 40k/yr then yeah, you can use that to pay off debt and pay for necessities like food and rent. It can take you from desperate to secure for several years and can finance a life changing education. You can use 20k for a used car, and 40k for an education in a trade--boom, you just went from poor to succeeding. With plenty left over for food and shit.That's paying your car off. That's paying off student loans.

If you're not poor, it's 100K into your favorite stock. It's $10,000 per year returns if put into JEPI, or more if put into a growth stock in a bull cycle. It's years worth of food.

People who dismiss that kind of money are either wealthy enough that life is easy mode and nothing matters, or are so deeply and profoundly irresponsible and brain dead nigger retarded and coddled that they are incapable of using $100k to good effect because they live on the internet. I would guarantee that 90% of the people posting here are basement dwellers who are dependent on someone else for care and finance and so can't comprehend the utility of 100k. The rest are legit rich and have made it and are right, it's not much, if talking about their own lives. 100k would make my life way fucking better, even if it's not exactly hard as is.

>> No.52354225

100k is money to get life changing opportunity

>> No.52354312

if you invest the 100k right then yes, its life changing money. putting the 100k into Bit and have access to BitDao's ecosystem that's powering groundbreaking projects, and have the chance to invest as early as possible in the next big thing in web3

>> No.52354626

It literally is. It's enough to buy a place to rent and start your first stream of tottaly unearned wealth accrual.

>> No.52354842

Yeah but then you don't have money for your actual place

>> No.52354954

fucking kill yourself pajeet
that's true, but is a continuos stream of passive income while you wage or do other shit.
for example, buy an apartment in a tourist spot, rent it on airbnb, and make your money back in a few years

>> No.52354999
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>buy an apartment in a tourist spot, rent it on airbnb, and make your money back in a few years
That's what I'm hoping to do on the westside of LA but it's so expensive. Pic related is all under 500k

>> No.52355039

it's actually not a lot of money.. sucks

>> No.52355106

I mean he has beaten 2 years of crypto returns and one year of returns in US equities and bonds by just holding cash. Would love to hear your risk free 50x trade ideas though.

>> No.52355137

This, my networth has been multi 6 figure and i'm still a wagie. Nothing at all has changed. Nothing.
the day to day? yes. life, and week to week is identical to what it was when i had -10k networth 4 years ago.

>> No.52355308
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The only steal I see

>> No.52355384

Tons of anons became millionaires in 2017. How many didn't squander it and still come here is anyone's guess though

>> No.52355593

>passive income
No such thing.

>> No.52355880


>> No.52355893


>> No.52355929


Iktf I have 600k and wagecuck nonstop

>> No.52357290

Thats literally me working at Amazon,
invested 2k in crypto 2 years ago made 70k, thought I was gonna make it. Lost it all now I work at Amazon wageslaving away. Have multiple injuries from work. Thinking about just ending it all.

>> No.52358064

That's what they said to the conquistadores.

>> No.52358115
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Alright guys, I got 110k. Should I buy an almost 400k condo by the beach, live in it for a couple years, then rent it out?

>> No.52358501

Would #4. Such a cute little spinner. Bet she fucks like a goddess.

>> No.52358518
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for me it's three.

>> No.52358776


You can eat for less than $20 a week if you eat cheap, I would be set for life on $200k.

>> No.52358793

Bottom right has the cutest feet

>> No.52358811

Is how much I'll need to save up in order to start a business :*<

>> No.52358827

Wtf how did you a photo of me?

>> No.52358845
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>> No.52359853

100k is life changing for most people it's just that your living conditions will drive you to suicide. $100k this bear market is enough for 2-3 make it stacks for the next bullrun. If I got 100k rn I would prob cut my cost of living by living in my car, using a gym or rec centres shower to clean myself up, have a wageslave job, and throw a majority of my money into crypto/stocks while toughing out the shitty living conditions.

>> No.52359923

I doubt it anon.
I have 150k in crypto right now and barely earn minimum wage in my shit job in taxrapistan (germany). Last run I fell for the ETH to 10k and BTC to 100k meme.

Sure I could use the 150k I have right now to buy some shit (I don't own a car, I don't own a couch, I basically own fucking nothing because every paycheck goes into crypto) but in order for me to make it with my current stack, BTC and ETH would need to reach a much larger ATH than previous. Like double. Will that happen? I don't think so. Then sure, you could fucking risk it all by buying a lowcap shitcoin but it's delusional to think you can make it with that. It's a gamble that 95% of people lose completely and 5% (if even that) make big bank. So what?

>> No.52359925

You probably wouldn't need to be a wagie of you put the 200k somewhere other than a checking account. SPY closed up 5.5% yesterday. You could have put 200k just in SPY yesterday and made way more than you would have at any wagie job. Yes, I understand you couldn't have timed the market, yes I know that 5.5% is unusual and will probably go back down again, but my point is that a checking account doesn't do you any good with that much. Keep enough to cover short term cash needs in the checking account and invest the rest. Will you retire tomorrow? No. But you'll get closer every day that you have that money invested.

>> No.52360009

Yes it is indeed, for probably at least 90% of people in the western world. I earn considerably more than that yearly but it would still make a huge difference to me. Americans on here saying you need 1mil+ to make a difference are insane

>> No.52360020

Actual, drop it in my lap cash money, $100k is very different from, "numbers go down, now I'm missing $200k."

$100k cash money is 8 years of bear minimum subsistence. Or, 4 decent years with a few cheapy vacays.

>> No.52360055

>I mean he has beaten 2 years of crypto returns
lmao cope wagie scum 2 years ago biden was getting elected and ethereum was $400. then we had the biggest bull run of all time, $100 in any dog token would become 7 figs. sorry you missed it and have to wage but don't pretend like you are smart for sitting out the last 2 yrs nobody believes you.