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52353617 No.52353617 [Reply] [Original]

29 now, what is there to look forward to? too old to make friends, too old to fuck college cuties. too old to start a career, im very depressed, started investing in myself now just to give me something to progress at, a goal.
>fixing teeth
>learning a new language
>picking up new hobbies
>exercise, lifting and running
Ive got no friends, all old friends are married or way younger than me. i feel like i fucked up and missed the bus. money is not an issue, but what is there to do. should i move out of my midwest city?

>> No.52353645

you sound like every person in their 20s who wishes they were still a kid. each decade comes with new responsibility. are you gonna live up to it or regress?

>> No.52353651

I'm 29 and left a my old friends by choice. You are just a fag.
/biz/ - business and finance

>> No.52353653

ive fucked more college cuties in my 30s than my teens and 20s combined, and i could fuck 100x more if i wanted
also have infinite more money, and in better shape, and not a faggot
men genuinely peak at 40. not all young girls like older guys, but about 25-50% prefer older guys, and like 10-20% like literal 50-60 year olds
so no excuse, just go get it son. if u want friends go post on soc or something. easy as shit to make friends if u live anywhere with a population over 200k i live in the fucking woods by choice atm

>> No.52353686

on tiktok theres an agenda calling out couples that date men 5 years older than them.

>> No.52353692

i dont give a shit though ive got my own problems

>> No.52353700
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He looks terrible

>> No.52353711

28 here. I feel the too old to fuck college cuties bit, I keep seeing these banging hot 18-20 year old girls and even though I finally feel confident and self assured enough to talk to them which I absolutely didnt when I was their age it just feels kind of wrong. But thats just how we feel. They might actually like that youre older if you have your shit together, which it sounds like you dont. Also the same toasties that will shame you for banging them probably gobble $30 plates of insomnia cookies at 2 am after getting high as fuck. I mean youre definitely not too old for 23-24 year old girls which are almost as hot.
>should I move out of my Midwestern city

>> No.52353727

none of what you listed is true. your 30s will be the best years of your adult life. youre still young but your established. women are more interested in you and you will be more confident. people take you more seriously in every way and you are still in a position to improve yourself physically and mentally, all with less financial stressif you dont enjoy your 30s youre fucked in the head.

>> No.52353732

>30 y-o
>too old to fuck college cuties

As a 40 y-o man you are completely wrong here. If you are attractive at 20, you will also be attractive at 30 y-o, 40 y-o, 50 y-o
The people that dont simply let themselves go. Yeah sure on paper a 20 y-o guy is more attractive than a 40 y-o. But the 40 y-o has more money, more experience, more knowledge which more than makes up for slightly lower looks

>> No.52353746

i've never installed tiktok, no clue what that means

>> No.52353750

oh no, too bad women aren't in the habit of fucking people that they're not supposed to fuck.

>> No.52353754


im 31 and i fuck girls in their mid-20s off tinder all the time. i seem to get 24-28 most commonly. i will say it has become NOTICEABLY more difficult to fuck 18-22 year olds. when i was 26 i was able to fuck them still. 30s you are also typically starting to enter your prime earning years in your career. make sure you're exercising as you've noted. plenty of pussy and life ahead. realize older men is an EXTREMELY COMMON kink of younger women. that won't ever disappear, but you need to take care of your health and finances during the rest of your life.

>> No.52353795

and in a couple weeks that agenda will be over and they'll move on to the next thing. Getting assblasted about what sincerely mentally ill people say on social media is basically why I wasted my late teens and early 20s being afraid to hit on women. Its just a very loud very miserable minority that cares enough about what other people say to limit their love lives. Those people are so self unaware and stupid they should be avoided anyway

>> No.52353800

I wasted my 20s
I'm wasting my 30s too

I just want to get cancer and die as soon as possible

>> No.52353812

men tend to look more masculine and intimidating as they age which to a significant % of women comes off as sexual attraction
granted it's harder to stay in shape, but with all the shit we have these days it's pretty minimal if you're not a retard

>> No.52353834

once you get over the shallowness and narcissism that started in your teens, your 30s are kind of nice. Believe it or not, 29 year old women will look really young and beautiful once you're old enough.

>> No.52353865

Damn. Imagine when they find out that I'm in my mid 30s and only date women in their early 20s. I haven't dated a woman older than 24 in like 5 years. Kek.

>> No.52353946


running, a gym, and cialis literally will keep you fucking like you're 20 until you're 75 years old if you take care of yourself. men unironically have a much better deal than women - they can stay valuable their entire lives (instead of just 0-25) but many sign it away and get married to some hag early in life. there's no surprise divorces have always been high

>> No.52353981


i meant to include trt as well. of course there's tradeoffs to all of this but you only live once and if youre interested in just fucking young girls men have virtually no issues if you have a half-stable income and take care of yourself as i said. it's a shame many men don't realize this and give up on their body by the time they're 30 and settle with some witch

>> No.52354026

for sure. testosterone is down to a science at this point anyway don't need cialis until you're really up there. we have a better deal than women if we're born with a good face and enough height. we have more rigid thresholds and it comes down to bone for the most part. i've seen miracles with jaw surgery but incels aren't entirely wrong
i'm married to a 10/10 that's 20 now, and i was tired of her on month 6 when she was 18. that saying about every hot girl is a guy thats bored is obviously true. but knocked her up and i've always wanted a kid and it's been fine. having kids is too awesome to pass up, dealing with being the asshole that can't dedicate to 1 pussy forever is obnoxious i dunno yet

>> No.52354054

good thing i dont even have that app

>> No.52354074

I'm 37 and you are a fag who will never make it for many reasons OP. You deserve a smack rather than advice.

>> No.52354075

when a college chick asks me my age, i tell them to guess. they always say 23-25. i say how did you know! im 29

>> No.52354145

That's all bullshit. Our head gets in the way all the time. I fucked the shit out of a 20 yo today and I turned 27 yesterday. Just go fucking do it. Fuck the rest.

>> No.52354167


It being a touch creepy, or people not liking it does not stop you from doing it if you want to.

>> No.52354190

>midwest city
i didnt even c this. i've lived all over for work. i couldn't even get laid on the west coast. my pics suck but dating apps were dead. east coast is fucking pussyville, i can fuck every girl in any town in pennsylvania and nyc is global pussyville

>> No.52354222

Wow. You sound like such a fucking Joe Rogan faggot. kys

>> No.52354240

Seethe harder

>> No.52354279

>instead of just 0-25
ayo this nigga fucks babbys

>> No.52354322

Bro I appreciate the pep talk but 28 is the year this shit really hits you. Even my normie braindead friends thought so. I loved being 27, 28 is scary

Verification not required

>> No.52354357

That's coming from the same group of people who unironically think a 19-year-old dating a 17-year-old is "pedophilia".

>> No.52354358

To elaborate I hooked up with a 21 yo chick when I was a week from turning 28. She asked me my age and I said 27, which I guess wasnt a big deal. When I turned 28, I wondered if that would have been the deal breaker. For instance, a friend told me he dated this 20yo girl on tinder when he was 26 and she told him older guys were hot but she wouldnt date a 28 year old or older

>> No.52354430
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>> No.52354488

I see you homie

>> No.52354499


>> No.52354641

You have to imagine your life going well. You probably think day in day out about how youre going to fuck everything up and die a loser nobody. You have to vividly imagine a life of success and happiness. Then you'll think, in order for that to happen id have to do x y and z. Then you do those things because you vividly imagine them paying off. If they dont, you go back to the drawing board and figure out why. You now have the awareness to try again more successfully. Repeat

>> No.52354683

Stop giving a shit and go fishing. Buy a motorcycle. Nuff said.

>> No.52354846

>too old to fuck college cuties
who told you this? You can sleep with college girls as long as you aren't fat and balding. Most don't care about your age as long as you look good. If you're just trying to hook up you could also lie and say you're 22-23

>> No.52354870

people on tiktok don't fuck. they also go on there to virtue signal and troll. in real life they might hook up if they are attracted to the guy. also it being taboo makes it hot and you can use that as an angle like anon said >>52353750

>> No.52354881

balding is a deal breaker? shaved head gets me a lot of female attention. not on apps though

>> No.52354885

It's over, you should definitely kill yourself.

>> No.52354906

if you're just after hooking up just lie about your age.

>> No.52355043

30's are the best bro. You're hopefully wiser, still have vitality, and it's way easier to fuck women in their mid-20's as long as you're relatively fit and look after your appearance. Hell some of them are even into the dad-bod look.

Your failings are your own.

>> No.52355089

>but knocked her up and i've always wanted a kid and it's been fine. having kids is too awesome to pass up, dealing with being the asshole that can't dedicate to 1 pussy forever is obnoxious i dunno yet
Chad take bro YGMI

>> No.52355576

>more money
>more attention from women
>people respect you more and listen to what you have to say
>back hurts a little
>bigger hangovers

>> No.52355589

Bit of an oops there but I get your drift.

>> No.52355627

The intensity of life really gets turned down. I find myself just giving less of a fuck about everything. Even the thought of dying is less scary than it was in my 20s. Life just starts to move incredibly fast and you don’t care so much. It’s like as if there was a volume knob for emotions that had been turned down. Everything sucks just as bad or worse than it did before but it affects me less.

>> No.52355661

There isn't any point man. Find something you enjoy and do it. Women are shit, money isn't the most important thing in the world and there is no magical finish line.

>> No.52355668

Der Roastie

>> No.52356315

I'm 31. Can I get a quick rundown on TRT?
Do you inject it?
If you do do you do it yourself or go to a clinic?
Will my balls shrink?
Will I still be able to reproduce?

>> No.52356336

>too old to fuck college cuties

You're just pussying out

>> No.52356348

I'm having way more fun in my 30s than I was in my 20s, my younger friends trust me, and I date women in their early 30s, if an autist like me can partially make it, I guarantee some faggots here have ultra-made it

>> No.52356356

>and I date women in their early 30s,
*early 20s

roasties seethe in 3.. 2.. 1..

don't worry ladies in their 30s, I'm sure you'll find a nice 40 year old dude to love you.

>> No.52356376

If you want something meaningful to do you could help me out.. im 25 and just got a job and I need a loan to buy a car to get to work. Shoot me an email to me tempmail lovepob520@sopulit.com if you are interested and we can go from there I will respond with my icloud email.

>> No.52356389

Women cant have kids by 45. Men can until 75. If you think Alexander gave a fuck or Ghengis Khan well you're a faggot. Just hit 30 and my wife will be 20 years younger than me.

Seethe. Cope. Dialate.

They like men who are men not retards who might drive drunkenly into a rockface.

In the natural world women die alot in childbirth. Time for a new one.

>> No.52356397

You don't deserve to be 30. We used to leave weak fuckers like you to die out in the cold.

>> No.52356419
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>money is not an issue
>what is there to do
Noble goals like greening the planet. Buy shit land, regenerate it (nature does most of the work), and either live there or resell it for an easy 2 or 3x.

>> No.52356610


A lot. You’re still alive. You still feel like you. You still should find a great wife. Have kids. Find a career that’s fulfilling and can provide freedom. Make new friends and foster relationships. You get one life. Make it count.

>> No.52356620

>too old to fuck college cuties

>> No.52356644


>> No.52356689

>too old to fuck college cuties.
Your 30s are WHEN you fuck college cuties. That's the main perk of your 30s. Don't miss out on that, anon. Then in your 40s you can still date the coeds with daddy issues, if you stay in good shape.

>> No.52356713

None of those things have value unless you subscribe to being manipulated.

Freedom is the only true reason to live and what you describe is not freedom.

Straight people are outright miserable. Just look at all the crybabies here.