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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 452 KB, 1638x1248, FhOUYxDVUAADujS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52348030 No.52348030 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine investing your money in this dumpster fire

>> No.52348105

Sam takes employees money and donated it all to Democrat Super-Pac. Total jew shit

>> No.52348138


>> No.52348169
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>> No.52348182
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>> No.52348215
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it's over jew bros

>> No.52348222

I wonder if he ever gets jail time or worse

>> No.52348241

>pay employees
>they immediately hand it over to you again

now this is some next level nose tribe shit

>> No.52348260
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>> No.52348278

giga-blackpill (no surprise): "Claire" the girlfriend is asian (barf). Just lol at silicon valley types and their obsession with ugly asian women. Pathetic. Burn the rice, pay the price.

>> No.52348291

Wait hold up
So Claire was Nishads long term girlfriend who was living with Sam? What kind of cuckoldry is this?

>> No.52348294

Yeah, he most likely won't. Don't really care, just enjoying the currycasino shitshow

>> No.52348318

Say what you will about kikes, but I'm slightly surprised he's taking the blame
just slightly

>> No.52348326

true if big

>> No.52348351


>be billionaire
>live in a shared flat

also, guys who go for asian gf's are usually autistic manlets with superiority complexes because they can't land anything else and muh tradwife.

>> No.52348354


retards, you don't invest in your work - you only do in extreme cases where you have privileged info and can insider trade

its retarded and risky, if your company goes down you not only lose your job but also your funds! sad!

>> No.52348364
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>> No.52348374

he's lying about what happened

>> No.52348379
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>Employees that disagreed with Sam on things were very quickly removed
>The majority invested more than they should. Everyone believed in Sam
Fucking idiots

>> No.52348385
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>> No.52348414

So SBF tapped that, while they shared rooms?

>> No.52348431


makes sense the modern day pirates operate from there

>> No.52348437

I guess lol

>> No.52348451
File: 2.25 MB, 1286x1426, shortAndUglyLMFAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA fucking manlets

on the left - Ramnik Arora, head of product @ FTX

>> No.52348454

That's prolly the most he got out of being a billionaire.

>> No.52348474

>mouth open
every time

>> No.52348503

>none of us knew!!
Save it for the trial shlomo

>> No.52348549
File: 935 KB, 2073x3109, ClaireWatanabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok maybe shes actually half asian. has asian last name though.

>> No.52348592

were any of them white men?

>> No.52348597
File: 155 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a "culture fit"

>> No.52348618

Fat fucking moonface asian...

>> No.52348634

kikes don't hire whiteboys, we aren't kosher

>> No.52348658

Getting fired might have been the best that ever happened to the them, if it led to them getting their savings out of FTX before it was too late.

>> No.52348662

There's a name for businesses where you're expected to invest in your work: Multi Level Marketing

>> No.52348663

from now on I want dick picks before I invest a dime.

>> No.52348725

>SBF tapped that
there is no way sbf tapped any woman without paying. unless maybe some ugly chink

>> No.52348733

i guess thats why moonman made us all send foreskin pics to get in his secret group. i'm american so i had to get a pic of my dad's foreskin while he was asleep to send him

>> No.52348739
File: 77 KB, 1106x1012, e90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna need an incel to do a thorough body language analysis on this pic, pronto.

>> No.52348770
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>fat unkempt autist with no spine who put HR roasties in charge of his company and lets his token become worthless
He's just like Sergey

>> No.52348776

When did this board become full of edgy anti semites? Go back to /pol/ you retards this is a financial board not political.

>> No.52348801


>> No.52348909

They're protecting him

>> No.52348927
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x1800, 1635191457785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just invest in jewish ponzi schemes and get excited for next jewish ponzi scheme

>> No.52348941

Nishad looks like a fucking turd. But Sam is beyond ugly.

>> No.52348965

This. Sam deliberately co-mingled client funds. He is going to prison.

>> No.52348974

wow wow wow! Go back to twitter fucking newfag.

>> No.52348997

>my basterd

>> No.52349239

people are starting to notice some patterns

>> No.52349499


This is absolutely fake and it was probably made by caroline and that other ugly faggot who were running alameda to try distance themselves of responsibility

>> No.52349582

YOU CANT JUST... YOU CANT . JU- YOU CAN'T JUST NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.52349696


>> No.52349741


>> No.52349800

sounds like Enron

>> No.52349802
File: 232 KB, 1200x732, 1E98173D-2468-4DEF-B561-B18F0970DD50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody is noticing

>> No.52349842

Extradited to Israel

>> No.52349862

How much do you guys want to bet that the money that sam gave out "altruistically" was actually being given to his jew friends instead. Start digging anons.

>> No.52349904

>calling himself whiteboy
American cuckold spotted

>> No.52349973

$250k with 100% employer match is pretty amazing if there was no vesting period. You would get $250k for free and be able to withdraw it all right away.

>> No.52350048

"anti semites", or as they used to be called, "pattern recognizers"

>> No.52350050

>"not a culture fit"
seems like grounds for an unjust firing, how did he get away with it? Why can't I use that excuse to fire someone?

>> No.52350085
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It's what it is.

>> No.52350107

how does one get an Asian gf? I assume one just sort of attaches themselves to you if they see you doing well in school or moving up in the job and they just start bringing you coffee and picking up your laundry without you asking. I had something like that kinda happen to me a few times but I am schizoid so it freaks me out and I usually shoo them away.

>> No.52350137
File: 111 KB, 800x617, 1666983127811070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burn the rice, pay the price.
why haven't i seen this before

>> No.52350224

Her center of gravity is in line with Sam's dick, but she is comfortable around both, as women are wont to do around guys who are rich as fuck, it is truly a different lifestyle.

>> No.52350255

>their obsession with ugly asian women
they're not specially obsessed with asian women, just that the only women in tech in their social circle tend to be asian because they're the only women achieving stem degrees

>> No.52350330

I'm going deathcon 4

>> No.52350480

I have a hard time believing that. It's like those reddit screencaps where people claim they can't afford to pay for their brother's cancer treatment because LUNA rugged and he's going to die now. They just want victim/sympathy (you)s.
>Nobody needs their paycheck, they invest it all in FTX!

>> No.52350620

I used to consider kikes to at least be slightly better than chinks, but crypto has taught me that both are ALWAYS scammers who aren't capable of building anything long term

>> No.52350626

Get fucked kike. We are coming for you. The pendulum has already started it's swing back at you.

>> No.52350684

With jews you lose. No /pol/ack would have fallen for this typical jew scam.
Exactly. The jew is to blame.
That is what jews do.
All this shit is like what happened once the Ostjuden got to Vienna and Frankfurt. They did financial scams. After a while it pissed off a lot of whites. The "respectable jews" were really bothered - they had a good thing going, but the scammy greasy jews from the East were putting everything at risk.
I would never trust my money with a kike. If any of you did this, you were warned. Don't fall for jew tricks ever again.

>> No.52350881

Encrypt your keys in a cloud. It's as simple as that

>> No.52350930

At the end of the day, users should be at the center and maintain full control over their identities and rights.

>> No.52350950

When you work for a literal scam artist jew who is bankrolling the statanic libfags sometimes you get what you deserve

>> No.52350954
File: 78 KB, 1277x280, FhO60egVIAARm9r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message from FTX's legal, Ryne Miller, that was deleted before the Slack went private.

>> No.52350982


Anyone smart would take the job, get the FTT and immediately buy BTC with it and pull it into a private wallet.

>> No.52351019

>Sam lived with his jeet friend's gf, then hired her as head of HR
I'll never understand the subtle nuance of semitic morality

>> No.52351042
File: 376 KB, 1640x1448, FhPXhCyVEAAHNaJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different source commenting on OP pic

>> No.52351073

>I was a high level employee and I had no idea
Stopped reading right there, everyone at the top will now start coming up with stories to explain how the inner circle conveniently excluded them

>> No.52351090


>I was a high level employee and had no idea


>> No.52351099

how do you think she got the job?

>> No.52351185

and the jokes write themselves

>> No.52351239

You can tell this was written by Claire to try to clear her own name, lmao. Rot in jail, cunt

>> No.52351285

Fat HR roastie meme kek

>> No.52351336
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>not a culture fit

>> No.52351341

>When did this board become full of edgy anti semites?
You're several years too late, we were here first. Go back.

>> No.52351344

Tech guys are so low status in the eye of other women.

>> No.52351348

Ugliest hapa girl I've ever seen. Parents must look like trolls.

>> No.52351377

I didn't. I was trying to take money from it you faggot

>> No.52351393

the pendulum swings

>> No.52351398

Eat shit, faggot. Glad you found crypto in 2020, now fuck off

>> No.52351403

>No /pol/ack would have fallen for this typical jew scam
It was for this exact reason I never even opened an account there.

>> No.52351427

Sounds like damage control to me.

>> No.52351443

Ppl will get arrested for this and anybody with even a hint of jewish blood will flee to israel ofc they will try to cover their asses. I wouldn't be surprised if some big shots end up hiring headhunters mexican cartels are notoriously involved with crypto.

>> No.52351448
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It was an hippy camp with orgies 24/7, meth will make you horny so I've heard.

>> No.52351675

are all these autists on meth? isn't money skelly on meth too?

>> No.52351827

LOL shabbo goyim get fucked

>> No.52351885

>ethiopian food
the jokes write themselves

>> No.52351934
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's put my entire paycheck and life savings into an unregulated centralized exchange that can rug without any conseuqneces
Normies should just stick to FIAT and 401ks

>> No.52351958

A few months back we were told how great shib was because it was the most held coin among the top 1,000 eth whales. And it was, you can see it, it's still up there, search top eth whales (though they've all tethered up now). So I hodled my shib, bought some more even.

But there was one token that was jockeying with shib for months, back and forth the number one token - ftx, so much for whales having a clue!!

>> No.52352556

I don't believe this, people cannot possibly be so utterly retarded
larp as far as I'm concerned

>> No.52352673

Critical semite theory is a far left myth that has been debunked. Try again sweaty.

>> No.52352748

sounds like unironically what a lot of startups do. yes many are just ponzis or rugpulls

>> No.52352819

Sorry trannies dilate more. White women and white women(men) are simply not marriage material
Because rice doesn't burn and you'd know it if you had 3 braincells.
Not an argument. Every guy in tech not with an Asian wife is literally pussy whipped (Gates, bezos etc.) and/or divorced. Again, not marriage material.

>> No.52352857

The jews were right. Goyim are cattle to be slaughtered

>> No.52352898

What percentage of 17 billion is 80 million, anon?

>> No.52352906

Anon, have you considered that maybe it's CRYPTO that is a scam that can't build anything long term?

>> No.52352923

All guys are low status in the eyes of women. Tom Brady got dumped. Pete Davidson got dumped. 6ft 10 inch cock Super Bowl winner billionaire? Doesn’t even matter. Women and men’s desires for them have imploded this species.

>> No.52352937

Pls kike go preheat the ovens.

>> No.52352956

When Abe was killed I think it was
>steam the rice, pay the price

>> No.52353006

>"17 billion net worth means it's all liquid"
cmon man

>> No.52354055

this sounds legit to me
t. lower-level employee

>> No.52354090

Oh look, jeets were partially behind the scam too, how surprising.

>> No.52354740

Just be white and find a fob

>> No.52355566

pics of everyone here

>> No.52355604

/pol/cells ruined this board

>> No.52355625

They should’ve browsed more 4chan to be quite absolutely honest with you familia. Only reason why I haven’t been sniped is because my extreme anti semitism. Avoided Celsius and FTX both of which were manned by long nosed ugly looking deceiving witch faced rat instinct yellow star wearing Jews.

>> No.52355691

Some weird swinger shit going on in his inner circle.

>> No.52355757

Newfag alert

>> No.52355783

Newfag alert.

>> No.52356827
File: 117 KB, 584x622, 1641877780136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you people still support this shitfest? LMAO, anybody who has half a mind already switched to dextools months ago. Thank you, next

>> No.52356892

Pendulum been looking like it’s about to swing onto the oven switch kek

>> No.52356903

Blockfi and voyager weren’t Jews though afaik. But bancor was. Lost 1500 linkies there

>> No.52357008



>> No.52357167
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/biz/ questions and answers

Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a Jew?


Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a kike?


Q: But is he a lying kike that steals customers' funds?


Q: Does Sam Bank Friedman have a tranny boyfriend?

We have asked FTX PR agency and it has been verified that yes, he does have a tranny color boyfriend

Q: How does Sam Bank Friedman steal wealth from the crypto market?

By creating unbacked wrapped tokens (wBTC, wETH) out of thin air. Then they dump the wraped tokens on the market thus driving down the price. Fuck you Sam Bankman Fried you fucking fat jiggly kike.

Q: Ser ... is there more sinister secrets to this Jew?

Yes, as a former FTX employee, who has recently quit, I will expose everything about FTX and Sam Bankman Fried.

>> No.52357178


>> No.52357190

nip with ''anglo,, first name = white woman with yellow skin.

>> No.52357200


>> No.52357211

looks like a fat slam pig. the kike got his jewish cock in that roastie

>> No.52357225

t. kike hands wrote this

>> No.52357253

>investing in the company you work for
This should be illegal. Not only because of the conflict of interest but also because when the company goes tits-up you're just fucked.

>> No.52357354

Go on.

>> No.52357399

lmao she was chinese spy

the tubby jew billionaire actually thought he had a real chance with asian cuty

>> No.52357415
File: 33 KB, 800x691, glasses-nose-mustache-mask-isolated-nose-glasses-mustache-fun-white-background-object-108472818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy on the left doesn't even exist. it's just some guy wearing one of these?

>> No.52357428

>be able to withdraw it all right away
could you even sell your equity if you were fired? or would you just get jewed?

>> No.52357457

t. ramnik

>> No.52357500

I used to call myself a bizraeli proudly and denegrate the polcels
This was the final straw fuck off kike

>> No.52357505

I dont care as im buying the dip bhaha thanks to them

>> No.52357563
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People should read more history

>> No.52357575
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Stupid goys

>> No.52357584

He's going to "kill himself" while the cameras in his cell are malfunctioning and definitely won't be on a private jet to Tel Aviv

>> No.52357616

>be antisemitic
>dont buy scams
mfw being antisemitic was a good financial strategy

>> No.52357645
File: 52 KB, 630x420, gary gensler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting the totally trustworthy head of the SEC

>> No.52357656

Sounds believable but Caroline wasn't a part of the inner circle?

>> No.52357684

I blindly invest in anything new that appears on dextools, and I still don't earn more than my job
what am I doing wrong?

>> No.52357774

> fly the lice, pay the plice
how about that?

>> No.52358370
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some young people are concerned about buying the dip, while others are concerned with FTX internal problems. Lucky for me, I don't have money there. I use Binance and Kucoin. Recently, I purchased IOTX on Binance and Geeq on KuCoin. I still have plans to soon accumulate more.

>> No.52358408

in a follow up tweet they said she was

>> No.52358524

>you know what's good? Ethiopian food. do they even have that in HK?
they don't even have ethiopian food in Ethiopia

>> No.52358584

/pol/ contaminated the entire website around 2016

>> No.52358652

and it was found to be right

>> No.52358662

he looks like an ayy wearing human skin

>> No.52358717
File: 83 KB, 514x719, 1631565848800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Jews, you lose!

>> No.52358729

Big brain pilled

>> No.52358752
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Where is this from?

>> No.52358763
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Kill yourselves, jews.

(((You))) contaminated Earth thousands of years ago.

>> No.52358792
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Hello Rabbi

>> No.52359268
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>> No.52359496

kek this here mate >>52358652
It's been hilarious to see you normie faggots seethe about no longer being able to ignore the world in your "business" forum.

>> No.52359867

antisemite is to autists as the n word is to blacks

i cannot stop noticing, its simply how i was born

>> No.52360263

You forgot Bancor

>> No.52360290

But he already apologized

>> No.52360411

who would've thought

>> No.52360518

>Dude I didn’t know anything about the financial fraud HOWEVER I can confirm nothing suggestive occurred in that private penthouse in the Bahamas

The absolute state of this damage control kek

>> No.52360696

This is what happens. I had a Vietnamese girl try to attach to me back in college. She was thirty percent connected before I realized what had happened. Had to shake her off hard because why was this girl i wasn't in a relationship with suddenly spending my money?

>> No.52361161

it's really amazing how easy it is to spot woman writing
>Nishad and Claire shared a room together in that apartment
>with other rooms
>There was nothing suggestive
kek, okay sure claire

>> No.52361173

People too dumb to see this deserves it. Hopefully, they starve to death and the rest of society will be stronger for it.

>> No.52361338

>6ft 10 inch cock
That's a big cock

>> No.52361380

She took adderall not meth, nowhere near the same thing, but yes, adderall will make you horny

>> No.52362663

Well Gates' wife a tranny, so he can't be pussywhipped.

>> No.52362782

Billionaires have harems, anon. When their stupid whore wives find out, they get mad and divorcerape them for revenge because nobody told them Disney fairytales are just fairytales.

>> No.52362952

always has been

>> No.52363145

>How to spot a woman posting 101

>> No.52363286

>financial board
finance and jews has literally gone hand in hand for over 5000 years - it's very much financially relevant.

>> No.52363492

about 6 million?

>> No.52363564

>he was great at a sport played nowhere else in the world
Women don't care how many ugly rings you've won, because it has nothing to do with living with someone.

>> No.52363704

Watanabe is a Jap name

>> No.52363956

Where are most of the FTX employees posting?

>> No.52364726

1) Source?
2) Reads like Damage control

>> No.52365623

Never get involved with Jews. That ugly Kike will get what he deserves from one of his angry employees or customers. Make him pay the ultimate price for betrayal.

>> No.52365642 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1082x1280, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. It's our assumption that many former ETH miners may come to our network as we expand.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52365820

Reported to SEC

>> No.52365829

>Leave it to us goy!

>> No.52366733

If you work for the company you're investing in, you're going to have a greater level of trust and an assumed higher level of knowledge due than the average guy, thus you'll be more confident and less likely to abide to the typical golden rules.

>> No.52366749

This. I make 340k/yr and all I could get is 6/10s
I even have pics in front of my Tesla with expensive watch, clothes and all the shit.
How do you find pretty ones bros.

>> No.52366792

25 years no parole minimum

>> No.52367078
File: 45 KB, 1079x967, Broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got the worst of both races

>> No.52367161

skelly boy is probably their plug. Im talking pure meth straight from mother Russia

>> No.52367252

shut up roastie

Women dominate in initiating divorces. The modern woman can't be satisfied while in contrast a guy would cope, delude himself, and stomach putting up with a ton of bullshit just to have someone they can call their own.

>> No.52367366


>> No.52367371

He didn’t do anything illegal. Crypto is inherently volatile.

>> No.52367418

>nowhere near the same thing
literally just a methyl group. That methyl group is responsible for the euphoric feeling of meth though

>> No.52367438

>>When did this board become full of edgy anti semites?
>You're several years too late, we were here first. Go back.
I was first here in 2004, so some time before then.

>> No.52367491

kys jewish demon

>> No.52367508

>make a tinder profile
>put my job title and post pics of me and my nice stuff
>barely any matches and most older women WHO WANT A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP
>change bio to im a musician and post pics of me playing guitar
>100+ matches in 2 weeks
>mostly women 19-22
i wish i was making this stuff up

>> No.52367563

Literally going to buy a guitar tomorrow.
Thanks fren.

>> No.52367572


>> No.52367677

Anon… but I don’t even get swipes except from fat, single moms or blacks.

>> No.52367817

Why would you invest your life savings as a employee? Seems kinda dumb. I get you were lied to and stiffed but why invest everything you have in something you're using as your main source of income?

>> No.52367964

Anyone have the meme of pics of bloated sam and mashinsky and others

>> No.52367980

Mexican cartels aren't going to waste their time with Israel.

>> No.52368149

How can this be?

>> No.52368230


Work out more, do something manly and difficult like learning a combat sport. Perhaps try boxing, muay thai, or BJJ. Eat healthier. Stop being such a beta male cuck and being scared of everything then using your money to hide your insecurities. Women want someone who can provide AND protect. If all you can do is provide, you become the guy that she leeches off of for money while she goes and fucks her personal trainer.

>> No.52368290


>> No.52368683

kek underrated

>> No.52368740

Alright, man. I'm going to level with you. I'm good with women. No joke, and I've experimented with many approaches. I got the vehicle, money, high paying job, etc... None of it matters. I've struck out many times in my women studies and in doing so I discovered the one thing that matters; making them laugh and feel good.
Women are naturally paranoid, suspicious, and hysterical. They are always seeking a man to give them shelter because they have weak arms and little upper body strength. But what other kind of shelter is there? Emotional shelter. Men give physical and emotional shelter, and the emotional kind is given by alleviating their natural anxiety. Make her laugh and take her mind off of her vulnerable disposition and she will gravitate to you like moth to flame.
It doesn't matter what her age is, older or younger. There is no limit. A woman's greatest folly is interacting with a man who knows how to lift her natural burden.
Cologne is highly overlooked. I have this stuff called "Alpha Q" that my current side piece goes insane over, so much that she actually bought me more to wear.
Ask me anything.

>> No.52368816

Get off the swipe apps. They're garbage tier because they rely on women to initiate, which they can't because women can't be charming. It's why there are no successful women comedians.
Use messaging platforms such as Plenty of Fish, and Match. Only message when they're online because when they're offline you'll get pushed to page 10 of their inbox. Create a witty bio. I find overconfidence approach works best, because conviction and certainty of one's self is attractive. It gives them confidence by proxy. It gives them shelter.

>> No.52368845

> make her laugh
aka. be attractive, got it

>> No.52368976

Women don't put as much emphasis on physical attractiveness as much as men put on them. Be groomed, showered, and wear nice clothes and shoes. Most men overlook importance of scent; buy a scent. Do what most men aren't and you'll stand out more.
Take a look at most couples and you'll see a disparity between attractiveness. It's because men are desired for what they do for women emotionally.
A woman will seduce and try to steal another woman's man not because of physical attraction. It's because she wants for herself what he does for the woman he's currently with. Materialism, and shelter.

>> No.52369100

What? When I speed I don't need to eat

>> No.52369339

I dunno, you may be right but I get a lot of mires from women, even from those who are in relationships. I'm an 8/10 when it comes to looks but I'm also an autistic introvert incel and most women are extremely boring to interact with
> t. grew up with 3 sisters

>> No.52369411

If you do it everyday you do. You even get hungry

>> No.52369666

You gotta increase your aggression, anon. Women date jerks because jerks are selfish and take from others, which she persuades you to give to her in return for sex.
I was there, anon. Frustrated. Not bad looking, but no luck. I realized my aggression and ambition was zero, and that emanates from you in your posture, deepness of voice, confidence, and overall vibe of strength.
I stopped porn and stopped jerking off every day. I started working out with weights. Fuck legs, but do it if you want. I do presses of all kinds and arm exercises. I cut plastics out of my life, less carbs and more lean protein such as salmon and legumes. Eggs. All the meats except heavily processed stuff like salami and sausage. My testosterone went from 300 ng/dL to over 800 ng/dL.
Ask yourself what you need to change if current is not working. Invest in yourself and attitude will change.

>> No.52369865

he's right anon, let the devil inside out.
Hence bro culture, they be smashin all day.

Now, there is a balance, but this had video had the entire country of china so horny Xi had to personally ban him from the country.


>> No.52369960

I started doing all these things 4 months ago. I still fap due to high work load. My issue is that my humour is pretty dark and I'm very disagreeable if I'm convinced about something. A girl even told me that my intelligence is intimidating her (she is going for a phd in CS and I dropped out of uni due to my unwillingness to conform). I usually just ignore women because they're so fickle which makes them just more interested in me. The problem is that every time when I make a move they deactivate and it feels like I have to do all the work. The more I try to make it work the harder it gets. Since I'm heavy into philosophical/economical/hypothetical ideas I struggle to connect with most women because they just don't care about all that. So I have to pretend that I'm interested in small talk and that makes me feel autistic af. I also noticed that they automatically tend to submit to my opinions so I guess it wouldn't be hard to just fuck them, the thing is that I'm looking for something serious and I feel like women these days only want casual feel-good shilly-shallying. I want a longterm partner, everything else is just wasting my time which I could spend learning new stuff or making bucks in the market. I'm a very driven person when it comes to setting myself up for a good life. All the intelligent women are in uni where I am not and outside of uni I only meet room temp. IQ. Additionally I feel like uni women are often promiscuous which makes me feel disgusted

>> No.52371085

What else was it like there?

>> No.52371454

sage for bait

>> No.52371531

he made a mistake give the guy a break. have some humility.

>> No.52371767


>> No.52372087

You have to be more considerate, anon. Compassion and empathy is often something women look for to reciprocate, but only theirs. It is why they talk about themselves and their problems because they are antennas of emotion; they broadcast and receive it. Let her talk and vent, use as opportunity to give her emotional shelter. You are not providing shelter, anon. You are leaving her in cold.
Note they hardly ask about man problems, or lack of men's issues in society (but tons of women's issues topics). It is because men are expected to take initiative and be proactive. Men who expose their emotions compromise their strength and diminishes confidence in the women around them. Women who disagree and encourage sharing emotion from men and boys is a trick test to make men and boys fail their shit test; confidence at all times, no matter what, and she will secretly appreciate you for it.