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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52344036 No.52344036 [Reply] [Original]


Btc goes down, eth goes down, xrp goes down, link goes down, ftt goes down, solana goes down. everything goes down. Hex holding strong support at 3 cents.

Seems it's truly the best cryptocurrency ever. Up since 3 years never went offline, never had a bug, never had a hack and is a finished product.

>> No.52344076

>hyping an ethereum memecoin
you’re so fucking fat and gay richard

>> No.52344109
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I know your vaper trans but even you can't pretend that hex literally dumped for weeks because of the SEC weeks before SBF made everything else dump. oh ya here's your threadly reminder.

>> No.52344751

The OA hasn't sold a single coin ever. Satoshi owns 1m btc and it turned out great. And no, i'm not pretending hex always goes up but we still own our coins, hexicans do not trade leverage. Hex can't go bankrupt or offline. The SEC can't take it offline, you would have to stop eth. Now think about malevolent centralization (the opposite of hex) with middlemen, adminkeys and without immutable code. Answer me this: How much fun do people have to get their tokens out of celsius or ftx? My point is I accept volatility if i still have full acess to my money trough immutable code that doesn't require a frontend. You also can't pretend hex isn't holding strong. Just look at doge it inflates a lot and also performs very well. Hex is a safe hodl and btc alternative if you're not biased.

>> No.52344870

It's funny people still say OHH BUT HEX WENT DOWN, it's also one of the few coins that went up a 10,000x and biz is wondering MHHMM DID PEOPLE ACTUALLY TOOK PROFIT AFTER A 10,000X??? IMPOSSIBLE! SCAM! It's a free market, don't complain about volatility if you dislike the fact that people are able to click buy/sell.

>> No.52344913

literally week 1 FUD which has been debunked. hex has flawless operation for over a thousands days

>> No.52344934


Richard's $11k call coming real close. He was off by 1 year but people would still be in profit from his call instead of taking loans to buy Bitcoin at $69k just cause it's going to $420k omegalul.

If RH is right about his $11k call I'll start respecting him for real. Look past his outrage marketing nonsense. Intelligence is what matters anyways, not personality.

>> No.52344945

No one cares faggot lmao

>> No.52344973

>hex has flawless operation for over a thousands days

operation for what? you cant buy or sell anything with hex. its just another fake currency.

>> No.52345044
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this is literally the hex community
dont get me wrong im in hex
but this is literally the hex "community"

>> No.52345055

I agree! He was trying to save the biggest crypto community for free and all he received was hate. When it comes to crypto he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.52345118
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Can't trick the Dick

>> No.52346291
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hi richard, nice that you could affort a trip code with my sac money

>> No.52346463

pulsechain devs have to take super important things into account that no other crypto currency ever has
what things you ask?
cant tell you
time scale? you were mean to me
your hard earned funds?
PFFT richard called the top on the day

>> No.52346940

I care

>> No.52347135
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>super important

>> No.52347285

im just being sarcastic out of frustration and irritation at the length of time its taken for him to release pulsechain
its fucking infuriating that he did a sacrifice then delayed
then delyed
then delayed
then gave a date
then delayed
then said no more updates ever because people were mean to him on twitter
then he stopped making videos
then all his posts on twitter became about him calling the day
what hes bought
his life
how he feels

.... this is not the richard heart show
and people are human beings not followers

>> No.52347334

SEC can tell ETH validators to censor HEX transactions just like Tornado cash, and they will.

>> No.52348183

I dont want to pretend not everything can be ponzified, but hex. The sad part is, Richard isnt even dishonest, he basically tells everyone in the face what he does, steal your money, it is on eth

>> No.52348243

Why? Like literally why would the SEC do some dumb shit like that?

>> No.52348380

>coin went up
>coin good
That's your whole argument. Richard is nothing but a tasteless faggot scammer sucking his own cock.

>> No.52348766

Nope, you don't get the immutable part. Tell us about the coins you're invested in.