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File: 24 KB, 1920x1080, Ethereum-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52341568 No.52341568 [Reply] [Original]

>valuable because people use it for gas
>becomes deflationary so instead of spending it you're incentivizing hoarding as if it were a mere storage of value
>all value disappears

eth is so fucking over lmao vitalik is 90 iq max

>> No.52341593

thats not how it works

>> No.52341633

brown ids KEK

>> No.52341723

It's the most decentralized smart contract platform in existence right now and demand for block space is still high. There is no competitor with a network of similar strength yet.

>> No.52341746

it's a scam fest (but decentralized)

>> No.52341757

btc has smart contracts too

>> No.52341760

No retard, ETH merge just made it BTC 2.0.

>> No.52341784

>hoarding a utility token
>value is down because people are hoarding
>people will continue hoarding as the value drops
OP is just went full retard

>> No.52341833

btc has niggers with laser eyes too.

>> No.52341841

yeah and they are a fucking embarrassment

>> No.52341883

and no one uses them. or LN for that matter.

>> No.52341898

eth under proof of stake needed to focus on ponzifying their token, and that's what they've done
eth is still a coin bound by the technical capabilities of the base layer ethereum blockchain,
but while it's desirable to use and competitors are failing eth's ponzinomics means it can steadily rise in a macro sense much like bnb has

>> No.52341906

then just hold bitcoin? lel
either way i am trading ETH/btc like a degen kek

>> No.52341914

not true, there's plenty of other pos with higher nakamoto coefficient
consensus and censorship are on the hands of only 3 entities and the shady eth foundation

>> No.52341927

the irony is despite lightning only being used for spending bitcoin, which most people don't want to do, it has more users and activity than the majority of the major non-btc non-eth layer 1 networks.

>> No.52341931

wow, you maxis are really in a bad place right now. you should probably take a break from crypto

>> No.52341959

ponzinomics fail

>> No.52341983
File: 67 KB, 1015x447, Fgh9nIBVQAANhWg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

institutional token, not even a crypto at this point. jannies should delete this threads since they have a contaiment zone in the stock market general, am heterosexual btw

>> No.52341987

desu im not entirely sold on eth yet, i would only consider holding it long term when/if it ever flips btc, otherwise for all i know it could hover forever at 30-85% of btc mcap, while having several risks / points of failure / censorship that bitcoin doesnt have

>> No.52342011

You don't understand how Ethereum works at all. Cherrypicking data sets leaves many without a mathematical background confused. Have fun with your alt L1.

>> No.52342039

all altcoins inevitably fail, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.52342041
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 20221102_191840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon but looking at some juicy pussy with GSD platform it got me so freaky horny as protocol allows users to obtain loans against their stablecoin, which are then used to generate the yields. Denm this so cool anon

>> No.52342046

pretty much my main reason for avoiding eth, I already got censored once when metamask / infura blocked iran during 2021 for a week, if anything, Solana going to fucking 0 is such a massive win for eth tho, Solana was being pushed for their instant stablecoin settlement solution

but anon, is 100% of all block builders pre-censor blocks to avoid geting CIA`d, then the chain IS centralized and censored. All vitalik did was remove the block building responsability from the validators.

>> No.52342049

I wondered what's the point of a deflationary smart contract PoS platform? If you use your ETH in DeFi instead of staking it, you are just burning money compared to stakers. How will this not lead to a ghost chain? A smart contract PoS coin should never want to compete with Bitcoin at being store of value. Bitcoin is is in the business of being a digital commodity while Ethereum wanted to be the future of finance, a digital, decentralized banking system, but now it has become this frankenstein monster that wants to be both and in the process it has become compromised too, it's much more prone to censorship and centralization now. It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.52342091

look up bootnodes, you're in for a painful awakening.

>> No.52342116

>100% of all block builders pre-censor blocks

>> No.52342180

not yet nigger, but game theory will move towards that. When it becomes 100 unprofitable to not precensor blocks, its fucking over, OFAC has 100% control over who can transact.

>> No.52342236

yeah, running an economy with a deflationary currency probably isn't a good idea.

Although having hard-capped money with a limited supply, and not simply printing your way out of trouble, is probably an og crypto purpose.

>> No.52342244

>you don't understand it
>don't explain anything

>> No.52342304

imagine that, an economy doesnt function when the currency punishes people who spend it

>> No.52342331

Eth cant be used as a real currency in a country because the tokenomics are controlled by a third party, thats why BTC can theorically be adapted by countries and eth cant.

On the other side, eth captured nearly all the Asset digitalization market, which is set to explode more and more as time goes on. So its a very interesting power dynamic between the 2. Not many people were aware of this, but the folks at opensea got several offers in 2021 to start with LN/WBTC payments for NFT and they plainly said no lmao, so here we are.

>> No.52342343

>It just doesn't make sense.
but makes vitalik and the early guys who took part of the +70% premine filthy rich

>> No.52342418
File: 144 KB, 1242x1280, 20220727_231605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to you anon, just wish you don't be a retard dick However, GSD protocol allow users to get loans on their stablecoin which are then put to work generating the yields available in DeFi

>> No.52342467

Web3 payments gateway has got some nice shit as its now accepted in US market go get useful faggot

>> No.52342491

>go get useful
Ok pajeet.

>> No.52342780

No hodling! How dare people incentivise hodling!

>> No.52342786

Nice one anon i got rekt anon using that, am getting my ass some sweet pussy deal, especially now, Utrust is being registered in the US. Fingers crossed, I'm watching my bag grow through passive income on stakings and cashbacks,

>> No.52342949

Lol this shit is going crazy anon, I fucking believe Crypto will surely make us rich...

Same with GSD, it has a few different staking options, each with their own benefits. It'll also yield more increase in time to come.

>> No.52343072

its the coin that you need to do transactions though
70 dollars to send a coin will kill eth

>> No.52343124

Wtf are >>52341757
Wtf are you saying anon you need to get useful and dont be a retard dick,ETH has been some sweet pussy deal but I get scared of it transaction fees, that's why I got my ass spank using Utrust, like I can now shop buy phones book my flight travels and pay with crypto using that it's fees is 1% and it so freaky fast,

>> No.52343740

eth will never be a payments network/rail, its far too inefficient for that. its entire value comes from base layer smart contracts. that's it. the value is entirely in txs being able to make money themselves through defi/mev, which make high fees viable

>> No.52343808

For one transaction time are infinitely faster on the eth network.

>> No.52343814

>Asset digitalization market
Everything eth supposedly “captures” is nonsense

>> No.52344040

how are you 2 years behind the curve and still commenting? unreal

>> No.52344837
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 8A8E910A-EA5A-4AAF-9785-C6F06AF7DEB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valuable because people use it for gas
how did you come to this conclusion? it’s valuable because it has multipurpose properties.
if the main goal was gas then Vitalik wouldnt have shown so much support for Polygon Matic