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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52336007 No.52336007 [Reply] [Original]

>April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden announces his presidental campaign
>13 days later, on May 8, 2019, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried (the co-founder of the political fundraising organization Mind the Gap and get-out-the-vote organizations including the Center for Voter Information), launches the FTX crypto exchange
>the exchange is an overnight success that enables Sam to become the second biggest donor to the Biden campaign
>really makes you think

>> No.52336017

That's been debunked.

>> No.52336021


>> No.52336025

>rugpull your jew financier
WTF I love PedoJoe now???

>> No.52336301
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Trump lost.

>> No.52336322

>be Mrs Fried
>launch totally grassroots Democrat PAC in July 2018
>wonder how you're going to raise enough funds to make a difference
>son coincidentally becomes a multi-billionaire a few months later
>sometimes things just have a way of working themselves out, I guess

>> No.52336348

rent free KEK

>> No.52336428
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how is it been debunked nigger?Are you fucking retarded, it's called history and public fact of the fucking timeline.
That's exactly how it happened you dumb useless faggot.
kys you fucking glowie.
Dumb cunts like you are why the entire world is shit because nigger faggots love to say hurr durr debunked on fucking public record.

>> No.52336464

Both of his parents are financial college professors, tax evasion specialists you could say

>> No.52336687

I guess ftx was used to steal and launder money then send it to biden. Shit is cray

>> No.52336749

>I guess ftx was used to steal and launder money then send it to biden. Shit is cray

you can bet Gensler got a cut too.

>> No.52336760

just a cohencidence

>> No.52336959

Don't forget:
>FTX sponsors sports leagues
>has a commercial during the Super Bowl

They really made it like it was the most normie friendly exchange
All that money they put in is now gone

The whole thing is just too strange

>> No.52337405

Conspiratard. Take that tinfoil hat off and maybe get a job instead of whining about people who are 100000x more successful than you?
Stupid antisemite. Your dad rape the common sense out of you or something?

>> No.52337609

more successful? bankman? you kikes are delusional, enjoy rotting in hell for eternity.

>> No.52337612
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>Stupid antisemite. Your dad rape the common sense out of you or something?

>> No.52337651

uh oh, did we skip our meds again?

>> No.52337652

Yes well done, you can read. A self made billionaire crypto kid Vs a loser posting on 4chan. Use your 5 braincells, who do you think is more successful?

>> No.52337684

>who do you think is more successful?
If he's so successful why is his exchange bankrupt and he on the run? Checkmate kike lover

>> No.52337685

Wow, you really proved your case with objective evidence

>> No.52337691

he's a fraud, as are all of you coping mutts. next time it will be for real bud

>> No.52337735
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>> No.52337739

self made billionaire? are we talking about sam still? in what world is he a billionaire? He is a criminal who got caught, and he has considerably less than a billion left. average anon has a nw higher than his

>> No.52337758

>A self made billionaire crypto kid
The jew isn't even a billionaire anymore. KEK KEK

>> No.52337810

>just a cohencidence
Kek redditors are saying this at mass with GME glitches.
God bless /our chairman/ Ryan Cohen!

>> No.52337818

Oh wow. Nice 1 cherry picked case. Now do Radical Muslims or Christians. How does this prove any point you're trying to make retard?
From your own stupid article
> The vast majority of Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not include metzitzah b’peh

>> No.52337864
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>> No.52337893

JIDF in full force today? Midterms are over, retard. Go back

>> No.52337940

I just rebunked it

>> No.52338008

So? Literally nothing wrong with the first article?
Yeah, ok nvm, our conversation is over. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.52338048

Here’s the violent Jew revealing himself- anyone who thinks Sam kike fraud didntjisnfornany altruism is dumb. With likes you lose, they’re the scum of the earth- they are followers of this bizarre cult that relies on ‘special blood’ and ‘god given’ geographical rights. The shit is crazy.

>> No.52338125
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very big if true

>> No.52338135
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>> No.52338154

on that chain of thought OP

>Musk responded to the text asking if Bankman-Fried — whose net worth is $9.44 billion, per the Bloomberg Billionaire's Index — had "huge amounts of money?" At the time, MacAskill said the co-founder and CEO of FTX was worth about $24 billion and would be willing to contribute as much as $8 billion to $15 billion

Sam, the man of the left. Second largest donor to the dems. Offered Elon billions to help aquire twitter.

Strikes me as an attempt to turncoat against the dems and was swiftly revoked for it by powerful people.

what meds should i take specifically?

>> No.52338232

his father (far right), was interviewing ripple CEO in 2018.

>> No.52338253
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>> No.52338260

Yeah FTT was above $20 at that point. The price collapsed after CZ announced he was leaving but CZ was repsonding to something we don't know. This practice was exposed to regulators prior to CZ getting announced, he was citing "recent reports" which were the collateral being used. So he gave the money to hopefully have them go easy on him.

>> No.52338298

Yeah well now it's rebunked.

>> No.52338369

And? Rich people like expensive ugly modern art. I fail to see what you're putting down schizo?

>> No.52338396

Blah blah blah you're not going to be able to keep dodging the oven forever, subhuman garbage. But keep talking while you can!

>> No.52338427

he offered billions to a man who is openly and strongly advocating republican voting.

thats against all of his altruism so far politically. which is kinda big, i guess he outgrew the echo chamber.

>> No.52338445
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top kek, typical glowie jew response.
You are the dumbest nigger on /biz, or did you not know that "take your meds" response was leaked from the troll farms years ago. Anybody using that response is automatically outed as a broke nigger (you) making 8 bucks an hour shitposting on the net.
great response faggot, you really countered me. Listen Rajesh I for sure have way more money than you and that is all that matters. But again how is public record Tinfoil? Or are you too stupid to use google?

>> No.52338587

Your weird power fantasy will never play out Nazi. And also you will never have sex.

>> No.52338592
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People to the right of the Instagram cap, talking about spirit man? Could you elaborate, who are the people in question, by name preferably?
Notice how he doesn't call me a liar.

>> No.52338598


>> No.52338633

that's been debunked

>> No.52338635
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>> No.52338679

Jews are really hideous creatures.

>> No.52338754

What fucking 'spirit man'? Holy shit you actually really do have schizophrenia. Now I just feel sorry for you.
And? A picture of a walk in freezer at a pizza parlour? If there was some huge hidden murder conspiracy you think the perpetrators would be posting incriminating evidence on Instagram plain for all to see??? I know youre a schizo but come on, this is just common sense

>> No.52338892
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This spirit man.
Notice how he doesn't call me a liar.
Notice the misdirection.
Notice the
>Pilpul occurs any time the speaker is committed to “prove” his point regardless of the evidence in front of him. The casuistic aspect of this hair-splitting leads to a labyrinthine form of argument where the speaker blows enough rhetorical smoke to make his interlocutor submit. Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over: what counts is the establishment of a fixed, immutable point that can never truly be disputed.

>> No.52339290
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>> No.52339446
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>pedo profile pic
>"just rinse it off when you're done"
>"just a pile of money under a sheet"
>"Where the werewolves lock themselves up during the full moon"

>huurrr just le pizza freezer goy. nothing to seeing heres lol
Fuck off

>> No.52339481

Trump won

>> No.52339550
File: 207 KB, 818x1016, Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 8.14.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>really makes you think
nice bondpilled digits, op.
Does anybody have the meme of the electoral map if only Jews voted? The one where every county in the nation would've gone to Biden?
Was giving Jews and Women a right to vote the downfall of the White Man?

>> No.52339558

Which centuries old provably false Anti-Semitic canard are you going to come up with next? So original, so funny.

>> No.52339585
File: 1.69 MB, 1098x1110, Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 8.16.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which centuries old provably false Anti-Semitic canard are you going to come up with next? So original, so funny.
They're scared, anons. You can smell it.

>> No.52339591

>enables Sam to become
Sam was already rich by that point, tourist. He made all his money with Alameda, and now he lost it with Alameda. Well Caroline did, but he'll go to prison lmao. Hope that chipmussy was worth it

>> No.52339593
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Oh noes I posted it again.

>> No.52339602

Again, why would pedo-murderers incriminate themselves like this on a public post, on one of the biggest social media sites? Still waiting on a logical response. Maybe find an actual hobby or something instead of hating on marginalised groups?

>> No.52339607

Fucking Dems
imagine if Ponzi scheming crook donates tons of money to the Trump campaign. People would be screeching out the windows for Trump to return the donated funds, and he would

>> No.52339613
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>provably false

>> No.52339672

Why was this written by an Israeli scholar that was the son of the Chief rabbi of Rome?

>> No.52339688
File: 1.46 MB, 1322x834, Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 8.15.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What fucking 'spirit man'? Holy shit you actually really do have schizophrenia. Now I just feel sorry for you.
See the Kike here, objecting to the Spirit?
Proof Positive kikesa re the synagogue of satan, whether wittingly or unwittingly.
This fucking filthy kike is trying to infect all your brains with devils, to cast your souls into Hell where all his ancestors reside.
Never Relax around Disgusting Kike Devils.
>One eternal or unforgivable sin (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit), also known as the sin unto death, is specified in several passages of the Synoptic Gospels, including Mark 3:28–29,[1] Matthew 12:31–32,[2] and Luke 12:10,[3] as well as other New Testament passages including Hebrews 6:4–6,[4] Hebrews 10:26–31,[5] and 1 John 5:16.[6][7][8]

>> No.52339693

The fact they they seemed to be intentionally vague is what arouses the most suspicion. Perhaps they thought that the post was low profile enough for them to lift the veil a bit. Perhaps they felt like they were untouchable. The fact is that normal people don't write comments like that.

Why would normal people have pedophile statues as profile pictures?

Why would a normal group of friends comment such weird/suspicious things?

>> No.52339696

Bingo. No "proud donor" sticker for us either

>> No.52339800

It's crazy little people understand. SBF has very specific motivations that aren't secret, but everyone ignores them because they're unconventional.
We live in a world of blind idiots standing on soap boxes.

>> No.52339888
File: 129 KB, 534x642, Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 15.22.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait...he actually has a pedo sign on his shirt

>> No.52339892

i just pre-bunked the debunking of the debunk

>> No.52339943
File: 122 KB, 758x748, 6536456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha ha ha holy shit!

>> No.52340004

I'm sure that will be public knowledge after the sec looks into ftx.

>> No.52340246

>Toaff wrote that these critics had misunderstood his book, which argued that the ritual use of small quantities of dried blood in magical curses had been a real practice among medieval "Ashkenazi extremists", but that this was unrelated to the accusation of ritual murder which was the central claim of blood libel.[4]

So yeah, his point misconstrued by neo Nazis. There is a small group of extremists in every religion. Why aren't you going after the Muslim or Christian extremists?

>> No.52340295

The guy is obviously into his art, so you can bet he's into sculptures as well. That is a pretty famous one. Stop trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.52340378
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>> No.52340387

What an absolute RELIC of internet humor.

>> No.52340451

oh hey i've seen this interview, i didn't know that was his dad

>> No.52340590
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>Stupid antisemite. Your dad rape the common sense out of you or something
Notice how the jew lashes out when named and always brings up sexual degeneracy as if it's normal to everyone

>> No.52340592

Answer my questions, pedo kike

>> No.52340645

That sculpture was modeled after one of Dahmer’s victims

>> No.52340716

Holy fuck Sam Deepfried sure got fat. Kike genetics are so bad lol

>> No.52340782

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence I'm afraid. Otherwise it's just conspiratard ramblings.

>> No.52340994
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You do realize that this is a blue board and you can't post photos from crime scenes here?
This link has it.

>> No.52341057
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>> No.52341115

Just for this comment I'm putting a piece of lead through the next jew I see.

>> No.52341149

Aren’t there direct links between his parents and Elizabeth Warren as well? She’s very anti-crypto and pro-regulation as well as being a giant squaw bitch. Whole thing stinks.

>> No.52342312
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This? Some anon dropped this few minutes ago.

>> No.52343085
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Just more jews doing jew things.
Nothing to see here goyim.
Move along.

>> No.52343140

Meds now schizo

>> No.52343201

Bamp. Glowies getting triggered in this bread. OP is on to something.

>> No.52343253


>> No.52343269

God you gypsy jews will never not stop being saturday morning cartoon villains with your retarded thinking. Literal walking parasites who'd kill us all in a black hole if you could and whine where'd all the slaves go? fucking parasites. What will you do when we finally have androids for slaves? whine that they're not the same as niggers?

>> No.52343507


>> No.52345128
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>I'm sure that will be public knowledge after the sec looks into ftx.

SEC won't prosecute their own; this is going to be external, most probably Justice Department. That kike deserves a life sentence for aiding and abetting a massive financial fraud by a company valued nearly 5 times what Theranos was, and nearly the equivalent value as Madoff's Ponzi scheme. He is in no way fit for his job, has zero credibility, and deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison.

>> No.52345142
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