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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52333306 No.52333306 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52333595

Anyone else think hobo camps under bridges look legit comfy?

>> No.52333612


>> No.52333614


>> No.52333631

no they are crime filled, disease ridden, nigger laden shitholes.

>> No.52333644

My portfolio is up big time.

>> No.52333662
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>> No.52333689

My silver has gone up 20-35% in the last 6 months alone. Sorry, chud.

>> No.52333729

Definitely NOT. Where would you take a shit or shower? I can't live in a place where there's no hot showers, tubs and airconditioned toilets.

>> No.52333763
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>> No.52334086

Cope. Enjoy your shitcoins.

>> No.52334100
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I do bro. desu it still seems preferable to going to a job. Its closer to how humans were meant to live.

>> No.52334219

Found the r/antiwork moderator

>> No.52334280


>> No.52334450

>dirt not pavement
You know they got the good fent

>> No.52334497

How do those poor fuckers not freeze in these in winter?

>> No.52334566
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A fucking mystery anon

>> No.52334567

Sounds like some cope.

>> No.52334573

shouldn't you be out protesting to stop the count?

>> No.52334577

>Anyone else think hobo camps under bridges look legit comfy?
designated shitting space. needles, thrash, methheads, screaming in the dark, no electricity, no water. The smell of vomit and thrahcan. Needles and crackpipes. Extortion. Gunshots, stabbings, rape, death.

>> No.52334612

people pay 300$ for this at a place called Coachella

>> No.52334614

>How do those poor fuckers not freeze in these in winter?
They do. By the thousands every year, pneumonia usually gets them first tho'

>> No.52334628

They do.
Cities have patrols to scoop up the frozen cadavers before 'normal hours'.

>> No.52334644

Crazy. Probably not in states like California though? Are winters there ever cold?

>> No.52334761

I'm not American, I have a friend who is and was quite wealthy and used do charitable work with such people. In the southern US states surprisingly most of them are not young people, mainly people who just had bad luck or lived foolish lives, morgage debt and lost a job etc.divorce for a lot of them, no pension savings etc so they are mostly 40-60. They can't get medication for illness and they get heavily preyed on by junkies and camp gangs who extort and steal. Most end up becoming addicts (some are addicted to painkiller opiates that were legitimately prescribed for medical reasons but they can't afford so they start on fenatyl or heroin or whatever, then crash or meth when they can't get that). They die in large numbers every year, I can't be bothered finding it but it's as much as 500-600 a month in some counties (not states, counties) during the winter months. I was told of one situation where an entire 'under pass' camp was found dead...50-60 of them. Did not even make the news. No one cares. This is the hard side to American society. There are people who had kids, saved got mortgages etc but just some health incident, job loss, mortgage debt, divorce jail over child support. They don't have the life skills to deal with the hardcore violent types who rule the roost in these camps and well, they just die. Not place you want to ever be. You wills see dead bodies. Most definitely not comfy. When it gets very hot or cold they die like flies. Most are sick to start with.

>> No.52335226

well, I've been making a few, not that much, but despite the bear market I saw some gains when ALBT did its 2x.

>> No.52335519

I wasn't expecting to make much money, but I did. aside from the 2x plays, my stables still yield me returns from SpoolFi, which Is good for me.