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File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52333513 No.52333513 [Reply] [Original]

>shitcoins are not engineered to kill central banking, they are engineered to transfer your money to a few insiders, preminers, scammers and venture capitals - they will cashout and dump on you
>FIATs like USD/EUR/GBP are all fake, printed out of thin air, unlimited supply, permanently bleeding SHIT-CURRENCIES
>BTC is engineered to attract (futile) attacks by central bankers, governments, mainstream media, keynesians and parasites cause it makes them all irrelevant
>BTC has no top cause all FIATs have no bottom
>NEVER USE DERIVATIVES like futures and options, they are just USD-only trading on fake paper-BTC, they dilute the supply canceling the scarcity effect, kill the price discovery, and help market manipulators to keep the price down with naked short selling
>when you keep your money inside an EXCHANGE you are getting SCAMMED with FRACTIONAL RESERVE and you are exposed to risk of CONFISCATION
>NO KEYS NO PARTY, use hardware wallets, move your coins into cold storage, BACKUP your keys/seed
>NEVER TRUST CENTRALIZED PARTIES (exchanges, banks, custodial services, lending platforms, centralized shitcoin wraps like WBTC)
>CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are a SCAM, central bank rugpulls, they will lose value even faster, kill your privacy, restrict your ability to freely spend your money
>don't try to time the market, 50% crashes are normal, do not leverage, 2X long leveraged traders will get wiped out
>DO NOT SHORT, LONG LEVERAGE, SWING (or you will lose it all)
>BTC is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a don't-get-poor-slowly scheme
>run a full Bitcoin Core node, don't trust, verify
>use non-custodial LN wallets for small tx
>don't think it's too late, it's never late, FIATs will always keep bleeding purchasing power

>> No.52333545

Okay. It's still bottoming out around 10k though.

>> No.52333642

Good, I like cheap corns

>> No.52334130

nah, its going down to about 5k

>> No.52334151
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even better

>> No.52334160

Nah, I heard 1k is inevitable

>> No.52334166

I like BTC maxis, even though I am not one. You guys are based.

>> No.52334401
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>> No.52334434

>engineered to kill central banking
>except no using derivatives that’s cheating
Lmao, if people wanted this shit as bad as you say they would be pricing the derivatives contracts in BTC not USD retard

>> No.52334479

so when do you sell?

>> No.52334771


>> No.52334803

>run a full Bitcoin Core node, don't trust, verify
Really necessary? Why?

>> No.52334838

it buys nothing to you if you never sell.

>> No.52334872

Serious question, what do you think of Bitcoin Cash as a side coin? Price is looking good right now.

>> No.52334879

cause you create, broadcast and validate your own transactions, and you help network redundancy
with Bitcoin Core you can create a PSBT and sign it using a hardware wallet like the Coldcard for example
it doesn't get more secure than that

>> No.52334967


>> No.52335144

>cause you create, broadcast and validate your own transactions
Miners get to say the last word in what enters the blockchain. Goodluck with your cuckbox node.

>> No.52335170

miners don't give a fuck nor they know who you are, you pay them a fee and they include your tx

>> No.52335179
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came here to post that

>> No.52335199
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how do you explain this?

>> No.52335219
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>miners don't give a fuck nor they know who you are
MIners can see the past history of your coins that you try to spend/receive.
They can censor your transactions by not selecting those to include into the blockchain.

>B-b-but I will pay moar transaction fee
Yeah, you will pay more for your transactions and you will wait for hours to get them enter.
While the govt will impose banlists on certain utxos which will make the miners on their lands mandatory to comply with.

But yeah, you ""create, broadcast, validate your own transactions""" LMOA

>> No.52335256

it's the trade off you pay to have extreme redundancy and decentralization
settlements on layer 1
fast transactions on layer 2

>> No.52335272

I spent $300 on Bitcoin at 15.6k (:

>> No.52335289

go look at stratum v2
1000 small miners join a pool, let's say braiins pool, the pool cannot censor anything, since it's the small miner who find the hash puzzle solution to create the block
it means that it could be any of those 1000 small miners participating in the braiins pool to pick which tx and they could be located in any place of the world
aka, censorship is just impossible
pay the fee, and the tx will be included, that's fucking it

>> No.52335424

>muh layer 2
not decentralized then
just a bank branch
not your coins

>> No.52335448

it's my coins, i run my lightning node, have my own channels, i verify my LN transactions
cope seethe and dilate bcashietard

>> No.52335506

token not needed

>> No.52335508

That’s not how it works

>> No.52335521

>kill central banking
>still cashes out in fiat

>> No.52335551

>cashes out in fiat
never wrote or suggested that
this is native btc, no visa, no mastercard, no fiat
the only few sats i spend are on bitrefill where i can pay with lightning and reload my anon sim and pay for groceries

>> No.52335619

still pegged to the USD albeit indirectly
hence still in fiat
putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman

>> No.52335641

it's floating depending on the market rate
it's literally the opposite of "pegged"

>> No.52335734

9.1 Million of 21 Million BTC are tinted by Silk Road sales and the US government is allowed to legally seize them.

Can this happen with XMR?

>> No.52335759

they can legally suck my dick
all btc are tainted and none are
is there any market premium for non-tainted btc?
no, nobody cares, move on

>> No.52335787

>dude just imprison and torture 100 million people.

>> No.52335788

wow, who would have thought that having multiple parties verify transactions independently and securely would be slower than just sending the transaction to a central SQL database after checking your good goy status is valid!

>> No.52335794

>is there any market premium for non-tainted btc?
Yes. Exchanges reject BTC which have been transferred through mixers. They have to do this for money laundering purposes by pressure of the government.

>> No.52335866
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Desperate plebbit tier faggot coping late adopter bought in 20 with stimmie desperate to get back to break even

>> No.52335868

Stratum is for the pool mining. You have RIOT and MARA mining corps which have 100s of thousands of ASIC machines. They are not pools. They control all those devices. They will uphold US sanctions on BTC addresses and utxos.

>> No.52335877

Only control can accomplish that goal though

>> No.52335885
File: 364 KB, 938x691, xmr_silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can this happen with XMR?
There are no tainted Moneros.

>> No.52335892


>> No.52335894

the exchanges that reject mixed btc reject xmr as well
why are you using a cex in first place?
am i recommending it somehow?
read the first post
mara fucked around and found out already

>> No.52335897

Correct. Same for phsyical silver, gold, dollar.
Does XMR generate revenue, growth and profit?

>> No.52335909

>mara fucked around and found out already
Found out what? They are still operating you idiot. You have no idea or oversight over whether they already censor coinjoined/tainted utxos in bitcoin.

>> No.52335924
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>Does XMR generate revenue, growth and profit?
Yes, but I am in it for something else.

>> No.52335934

as far as i know they stopped
anyway, irrelevant
the point is that anybody can mine, even iranians or north koreans

>> No.52335951
File: 459 KB, 1242x1234, 1651796101785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as far as i know they stopped
They are still mining you mong.
Crawl back to your narrative blanket.
>the point is that anybody can mine, even iranians or north koreans
Only if you can afford highly expensive specialized machines in large quantities. Muh decentralized.

>> No.52336033

Soon ICP is here with smart contracts for BTC. I will be able to lend you my BTC in a totally trustless way where the contract will liquidate your collateral automatically if anything goes south.

>> No.52336140

Why would layer 2 not be decentralized?

>> No.52336659

literally impossible

>> No.52337410

You 'sell' whenever youre comfortable enough and feel the time is right to directly buy property with btc, or other extremely hard assets that you have a use for other than store of value or investment. The other scenario i can think of is selling in the face of a genuine emergency, like your mom/wife/kids have cancer and you need to pay for treatment or something.

The general idea is to only ever sell for other irreplaceable things like property or the lives of yourself or loved ones etc.

>> No.52337572

Daily reminder, that Bitcoin has lost its value against inflation and interest rates.
Its architecture is flawed and is not apropiate for mass adoption.
Mining is the most stupid thing ever seen in the IT industry.
Bitcoin was used only for ilegal transactions and banned goods like narcotics or CP.
Bitcoin value only raised when speculators jumped into the band wagon raising the price ( as bitcoin has no value ) artificially creating FOMO.
Lighting Network is still experimental.
The network still requires exchanges that are centralized platforms and are regulated by central banks.
Bitcoin mining erased an uncalculated value from the real economy and raised electricity and hardware prices hurting working class people.
Mining as it is practice today fosters avarice and competition instead of cooperation, thus making the network slow, unresponsive and wasteful.

>> No.52337597

Not fungible enough